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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    I haven't really looked but does anyone know if the M1 TCs in the game can use the half closed position on their hatch? It should give them better scanning than fully buttoned but better protection than opened. Actually is this even an option with the M1 anymore?

    One small request, fire. Vehicles catch on fire, why not buildings or grass? The banner add shows all kinds of things on fire.

    Steiner, your hit rate for M16 is too high.

    Reall life M1A1 TC hatch can close half-way, not sure about M1A2. I dont see why it wouldnt, I think they are both the same construction. I never seen it in game though
  2. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    Hey M1,

    Can the TC hatch on the M1 still do that half closed thing so the commander can scan better but has some armor over his head? I don't think it is in the game.

    yes, it can. No, I dont think it's in the game

    On M1A1 you can stick out a little out of the hatch while firing 50cal to observe rounds on target better. Plus you would have to reload it sometimes smile.gif

  3. Do a search for my thread "Update on CMSF Modding tools "

    Anwser is there smile.gif

    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Yeah, I am hoping that we can include the mod tool in with the v1.05 patch. Now that a good chunk of the technical issues have been addressed we can start adding more "cool" stuff in future patches. ;)


    Its called "modding" on this forum, not skinning.
  4. Prince you just havent read anything I wrote, or Chainsaw wrote, did you? The 2 shots in 6-8sec(Optimistic)is from the time gun tube clear the berm, and then goes down again. This is called "exposure time", or atleast thats what I call it. Thats what we are talking about.

    First round is already in the breach. Driver pulls up just enough for gunner get a sight picture. He gets target, fires, goes for second targer while loader reloads (3-4 seconds optimistic), kills second target. Driver starts backing down, time stops. Exposure time 6-8 sec(optimistic) Time for engagement anywhere from 15 - 30 or 45 seconds.

    All this really depends if crew is trained together well, nothing breaks (I got the end-cap stuck a few times, and few misfires)

  5. .... In real life a tank in defensive position, turret down, will pull up, fire 1-2 shots, back back down. So its exposed only for about 6-8 seconds.


    This is my direct quote. See what I said? The exposure time is 6-8 seconds. In that time the tank can engage 2 targets.

    Of course it take few seconds to pull up and back down again. So the whole thing might take 15-30 seconds.

    It seems like you have misread what I said, misunderstood, or English is not your first language (mine is Russian)

    Why dont you believe what I am telling you?

    Check FM 17-12 - Tank Gunnery (M1)if you need more info. I am not about to spend my time looking up some link for you. I know that I am giving you factual data. If you dont like it - bugger off

  6. Do you mean you need proof that I am a real life M1A1 tanker with 9 years in US Army? I can provide that smile.gif

    I was a tanker for about 4 years, a ADA for about 3, MP for the rest.

    Yeah, I am not a tanker at the moment, but once a tanker-always a tanker:)

    You can also look in Abrams gunnery manual for any info if you dont trust my 4 year experience.

    FM 17-12 - Tank Gunnery (M1)

    FM 17-12-1-1 - Tank Gunnery (ABRAMS) Volume I

    FM 17-12-1-2 - Tank Gunnery (ABRAMS) Volume II - Trainer's Guide

    [ October 15, 2007, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

  7. Hello

    The Abrams in game is missing a loader. He would be manning the 240B MG and covering left flank, while spotting for infantry and helicopters.

    Once buttoned, the loader is too busy loading main gun rounds. But why isnt he at his post when tank is unbottoned? This takes away 3rd machine gun and more spotting ability from in-game Abrams.

    Maybe someone else had their loader stick out of the hatch? I have seen the hatch open/close 5-6 times, not sure why.

  8. Originally posted by Neepster:

    For those who have been in actual tanks, how easy IS it to see an ATGM launched at you?

    Unless you are unbuttoned or they miss the first shot or two (or you get hit and survive), I can't imagine it is very easy to see someone launch one at you.

    I mean, you are in a big metal can with a couple of small vision blocks to try to look through. I'd be lucky if I could figure out which direction I was driving...

    Well, since most of the time (hopefully) the enemy is going to be to your front. So even a driver could spot it ( I had before in a training simulator) but in Rl its not bloody likely
  9. When I was being shot at by saggers in a US Army virtual reality training site, I, as a driver, through my perscope, saw a puff of fire and a small black ball flying toward me. I definatly had time to react and do some zig-zags.

    I dont know how fast the new AT missiles fly, so I cant comment on that.

    You are not going to "hear" it going off. Have you been inside a tank with the engine running?

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