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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Originally posted by SlowMotion:

    A gamey trick these wall problems make possible (this is from v1.02):

    Often when your infantry jumps out of vehicles near the enemy you get many casualties before they manage to run into the nearest building.

    When a Stryker was moving between buildings I noticed sometimes parts of it were inside the building. So I decided to try if there's a way to dismount without casualties. Reversed the Stryker inside the building and then told the infantry to jump out smile.gif


    Just follow this tactic
  2. Originally posted by Garm:

    What camo pattern are they actually using? Is it multicam?

    No, its standard ACU pattern. US Army decided to go with ACU instead of Multicam.

    There are still units using DCUs and woodland green LBEs. Thats what Id like to mod. I want to have both ACU and DCU patterns

    BF, can I get an anwser please? Do all soldiers share one set of uniform textures?

  3. Originally posted by jomni:

    Welcome to the realities of war.

    I think arty smoke was deliberately taken out by the designers. They say in real life, it's not used that much in this scale. We didn't have mine clearing assets in CMx1 as well. Mine fields are treated as deadly obstacles. I can't imagine an engineer defusing a minefield in the middle of combat.

    I know about realities of war, dude. I just came back from deployment in May this year

    Besides, engineers use MICLICs to clear a path through mine/wire obstacle, followed by 2 lanes of mine-roller/plow tanks (usually tank 2 and 4 in each tank platoon) while over-watched by tank 1 and 3, usually also using cover from smoke M113.

    I have done breaching ops like this in real life.

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