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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. @thewood

    All those are very good, valid issues with CMSF. I agree completely. I hope they are just bugs and being worked on as we speak. For the love of god I hope BFC reads this thread, and lets us know if these are fixed in 1.05 or will be fixed in the future.

    I want to add few more

    1. Add artillery smoke

    2. tanks should not fire 50cal at other tanks or afv - even for ranging purposes - that's what laser rangefinder is for.

    3. When infantry are in a trench cowering, they should have very good cover

    4. Fix:Infantry platoons are splitting up without command to do so, and become unmovable

  2. Ok, here is something I saw

    My Bradley fired a TOW at a BMP in a hull down position


    The TOW goes through the berm unharmed by blowing up a big crater infront of BMP


    Another view of that


    TOW then explodes, and BMP is still alive


    Another thing

    This time the BMP is destroyed (including an explosion)seconds before a TOW actually hits it


  3. Originally posted by Oddball_E8:

    ah, well the background noises i will not touch...

    since the only place i can get that from is pilfering them from other games... wich is a big no-no here...

    although you could do it yourself if you own the games... personally i might use the ones from the old combatmission games or even medal of honor games

    Cant you use real sounds from Iraq or Afghanistan fighting? There a tons on the web
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