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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Originally posted by thewood:

    I am amazed at how few people are complaining about the MP issues. Either a sign no one is playing, or no one is playing MP. Maybe Steve is right, most users are SP people.

    I own all CM games, been playing since the beginning, never played a multiplayer game. Biggest reason is not being able to find my friends that would play against me. I did talk one into buying CMAK, and we started a one turn, but work and real life got it the way.

    Thats why I am so upset about lack of real good AI, I dont play Real Time or Multiplayer.

  2. Originally posted by Pandur:

    a behaviour wich is introduced with 1.04 is that units try to shoot on other units but cant out of some reason and are stuck in a spotting/aiming loop where they constantly rais and lower their gun. with vehicles the output shows spotting/elevating.

    often these enemy units are prefectly visible but the friedly unit does nothing but rais and lower the weapons.

    that wasnt pre 1.04 and i guess somehow its a unnice "shooting through terrain" reduce methode.

    it looks like we can still "see" through terrain but sometimes not "shoot" through it. it leaves units with a bad taste of poor performance even if its not their fault so to say.

    has anyone else observed that!?

    I have seen this a lot, both with infantry and vehicles.
  3. I think the tanks in the game have very short spotting range, hence the problem

    Try to use infantry/humvee to recon where enemy's AT assets are, drop arty on them while moving your tanks to get a good shot. Keep enemy's AT assets pinned by infantry fire or arty, so they dont destroy your armor

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