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Ivan Drago

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Everything posted by Ivan Drago

  1. WOOOT! Finally a break from WW2! Just as I hoped (and expected). :cool: Yes, Im liking this...can't wait to see the city terrain...hehehe, I am SO modeling my neighborhood and blowing it to smithereens
  2. ROFL. I like this guy. Like the meat head at the gym with the American flag work-out pants, talking about how much he can bench press and how America should just KICK ASS all the time. You're a feckin hippy if you don't agree America's divine, Jebus-given destiny is to KICK ASS!! RIGHT ON! I'm gonna go chug a 12 pack of Bud Light and masturbate to reruns of the superbowl, YEAH!!
  3. Dig in, soldier! Here come to Forumtruppen to tear you a new @$$hole. LOL at "humane wall"
  4. Would be nice to know for sure a month ahead of the CGW magazine article expose, due to be released at the end of this fine month of October. Meaning, sometime this weekend
  5. That's not a very clear statement. Martin is quoted as saying that yes, they will revisit WW2 but doesn't specifically state that it'll be the first and 2nd game with the new engine. 'After we finish working on the new engine' could be interpreted as the first game, or as the 3rd or 4th game with the new engine. Really can't tell for sure from that one quote.
  6. You must be a dweeb if you can go out that cheaply. Everybody knows you can't go any place cool and trendy in NYC for under $200. Heck, $40 is probably just what you have to slip the doorman to let you in So for $40 it sounds like a movie and some popcorn. $80 probably gets you the movie with a couple of hotdogs and a milkshake after. </font>
  7. Yeah, well, you'll buy it anyway too. </font>
  8. Hmm, maybe I should re-read the post in question.
  9. Im pretty sure I read not too long ago Steve saying that out of the first 5 upcoming releases, 3 won't be set in WW2. And out of the first 2, 1 won't be WW2. So that rules out your theory.
  10. I had 2 grandfathers who served on the Eastern Front, one of whom survived and one who did not. I think the one that died was in the conscripted infantry, while the survivor was a bomber plane mechanic. Despite all that however, I would LOVE to see CMx2 NOT being set in WW2 Just because CMBO, CMBB AND CMAK have pretty much satisfied all my nostalgic interest in the subject for quite some time to come. I still play CMBO and CMBB. Also, I hope that the BTS team doesn't get discouraged by all these WW2 grogs constantly moaning about how the first game better be WW2. You know they'll all buy it anyway no matter what it is, BTS, so fire away!
  11. Hey can you tell me which thread Steve stated this in? I haven't seen him officially say this so I'm really interested to see what else he said. It's a shame, really, but the Israeli wars could be a lot of fun as well. Not so sure about small time guerrilla-esque conflicts though...
  12. Your dog logs onto the internet and complains about stuff on a messege board when you don't give it a treat? Jeez, get that on tape! $$$!
  13. I suppose that's true of many game publishers. But I really, really doubt it's true of Battlefront. Of all the CM games, none have ever dissapointed me and now they are publishing a lot of indy titles to bolster their collective coffers and keep them out of bankruptcy. Maybe I'm just a fan boy...
  14. I think we need to consider two points: 1) Fairness. Say we play a game on a 2000 point map with me defending. I place all my flags in a cluster all the way at the back of the map, as far away from you as possible. Then I expend all my men on keeping you far far away during the 30+ turns, and given how slow units move before getting tired, the game is likely to end before you reach said flags. 2) I believe that objectives were assigned by higher ups, prior to the tactical deployment of the sort CM portrays. You're just carrying out someone's orders, and the objectives make sense to the planners but not always the tactical commanders of lower rank. I like the current system myself, keeps things balanced IMO.
  15. Meh, who cares? Find another game to occupy your time for now, or *gasp* dust off that thing you used to call a social life. Battlefront has always been about the 'when it's done' release date and I think that's the best way to go. Think of it this way - the longer they work on it (and it's already been a while) the more awesome the end result is likely to be.
  16. I think if he were to reveal the subject of his latest cover art, Madmatt would take to his kneecaps with a rusty tire iron.
  17. www.pricewatch.com Most of you probably know this website already, but for those who do not, it is one of the best sources for computer parts and other electronics. You have to know a bit about brand-names and basic hardware requierments, but other then that it's my #1 spot for 'puter upgrades. Anyone have similar links for those of us who will be upgrading soon? I know I'm getting an all new system just to enjoy CMx2 and the HistWar: Les Grognards game
  18. No, I wouldn't. That's why I'm member #12828 and my CM references aren't up do date
  19. Better that then having the sore, tired hand of the compulsive masturbator, eh Mikey? Watch out, or I'll pack another bowl of chronic and taunt you with my Microsoft paint skillz...
  20. Ouch, sounds like someone hasn't had to test out either the strategy or the tactics in his sig profile in a very long time. Sorry Mikey.
  21. FECK!! FECKITY FECK FECK! FECK! IM NOT SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE IMAGE HUGE!! Grarwrwrwara...i blame massive alcaholic consumption. [ September 16, 2005, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Ivan Drago ]
  22. Lesse... 1.Steve is tired of quibbling WW2 uber-grogs constantly freaking out about the wrong pair of underpants on some obscure Finnish unit. 2.Steve says Modern warfare is perfect setting for CMx2 3. Steve says NATO large scale warfare, presumably including fantasy NATO vs. Warsaw Pact scenarios, involve high tech turkey shoot slaughter fests that wouldn't be very fun to play, and may be out of scope even. This makes sense, althought I would still love a fantasy scenario of that sort. Personal Conclusion: Leaning strongly on the modern small-scale engagements, maybe even fantasy scenarios between modern Euro nations. Hehehe, the surprise is sure to be that much sweeter after all that waiting...
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