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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. The thing in the house: it's just kinda funny. I agree with the FOW explanation. The thing with the tank: it's _ludicrous_. It looks like a bug to me. This same tank that can hit an enemy tank on the move first shot at 500m hits the ground halfway to the target?? It gets worse, actually. Next turn the same tank is firing at the invincible MHG guy in the house, and instead of hitting the house, he hits the low wall in front of the house. He *cant hit the side of a house in front of him*. As I said, this looks a bug to me - one that needs to be fixed.. It looks to my uninformed eyes like the aiming is happening from a different elevation to the shooting. GaJ
  2. Yeah, actually I gotta get off my butt, install fraps and take some vidoes...
  3. At CMMODS it certainly is, at the top of the list... GaJ
  4. The problem with the level of realism of CMBN is that it takes a heck of a lot to make it "right", and when things are wrong, they are painful. In one turn just now I had these: - I asked a tank to area fire on dudes in foxholes at the other end of a street. The street has a slight rise, ever so slight, between tank and foxholes. I think that the tank commander can see the foxholes, but the gunner can't. As a result the tank opens fire and each shot hits the ground halfway to the target. No real gunner would have done that. - A couple of infantry assault into a house occupied by a couple of HMGers. They kill the first. Then one guy stands around doing nothing and the other rushes over to the opposite side an opens fire at more enemy across the street. The remainin HMG enemy dude calmly stands up, taps my guy who is firing on the shoulder then blows him away as he turns around. I think this was likely a "facing" issue. My guys ran into the house and then were looking "out the other side", ignoring what was right there with them. Sigh... GaJ
  5. ... and, I am fairly sure that Steve clarified that if an individual dude looks like he is exposed then he _is_ exposed. GaJ
  6. I got my Steelboox in Adelaide, Australia today. Perfectly happy with it. If there hadn't been any "hey this is plastic" in the forum, I wouldn't have even thought about it: I got what I expected: a box that looks and feels steel. If yours was damaged in transit, I can understand unhappiness, but if you got the undamaged thing, I can't see that anyone has anything to complain about... GaJ
  7. Sequoia posted a new CMSF mod at the CMSF Mods Warehouse. It's Sequoia's "Alternate Street Lamp Sign" Description: "Since the premise of CMSF includes a take over of the Syrian Goverment in 2008 by Radical forces I thought it would be ap..." GaJ
  8. Oh, that would be so priceless! The Sgt Schultz German Voices Mod!! GaJ
  9. Mord posted a new mod at CMMODS: Mord's Immersive American Voices Mod, by Mordante Description: A huge voice mod for the American troops in CMBN. More emotive, more intense, more action! 449 new voice files to make your CMBN battles exciting and real. GaJ
  10. Wack it at The CM Mods Warehouse. Then we can get it straight away GaJ
  11. Boite Fin de Chou (random trivia: there is no french preposition beginning with "F".)
  12. The camera controls don't help. It's one thing to be getting waxed and wondering how to do better. It's another thing to be suffering from vertigo and dropsy trying to _see_ whether you're getting waxed or not... I guess I'm one of the minority still playing CMx1 while playing CMBN. It _looks_ amazingly cartoon after CMBN, appearance wise, but man is it easier to just get around. The simple fact that you can ctrl-click on a place and actually be looking _at_ that place, no matter what camera angle you have, and the fact that you can wizz up and down camera angles and still keep looking at the same place is so liberating. Who really _needs_ infinite camera angle freedom? This is one of those liberties that's a burden. Because I _can_ adjust the camera through all degrees of freedom, now I _have_ to... that's a load. GaJ
  13. This is an interesting one to explore further. What is it, when it comes down to it and you have a gun and a target each stationary, that makes each shot not hit exactly where the previous one did? GaJ
  14. In reckon this is the one point that we might never ever know for sure. It's interesting that other people than me share the same recollection that they read a sentence like the one I mentioned above. We will never know for sure whether we just read what we expected to read, since none of us have heard of "SteelBook" before. Now all the old links are gone and BFC sure isn't going to tell us if they mistakenly wrote Steel Box GaJ
  15. If you read something that says "in this special offer you get the CDs in a beautiful Steel Box" what do you think you are supposed to expect? I distinctly remember thinking "gee, that would be special, I wonder how they're managing that ... I'm in". GaJ
  16. Is it really the case that so many of us read "SteelBox" when what was said all along was really "SteelBook"??? I find this on one hand hard to believe, and on the other hand intriguingly possible. Of course, all the original pages and links to the original announcement seem to have disappeared, and it's now all clearly "SteelBook[TM]" I would have sworn I read "Steel Box" somewhere. I hazily recall "this comes in an attractive and unique Steel Box". Did my mind (and many other peoples') invent that??? GaJ
  17. Mate, send me an email/PM I'll fix you up. It's manual at the moment, but I'm '' this close to having "password reset" function in place, maybe this weekend. GaJ
  18. I wasn't joking, and I was trying to be fair ... I said I hadn't decided whether I feel resentful until I receive it. (I edited my original post even prior to reading your response, to clarify) I also reported that when I read "this box is not a steel box" I did think "WTF, I thought I purchased a steel box". I am trying to find where I read something that made me think this, I haven't tracked it down. What I do think is deceptive is marketting that makes you think you are buying something that you are not buying. It's already a fact that 1) The marketting made me think I was buying a steel box 2) It's reported that it is _not _ a steel box. So this is a slippery slope. That's what I meant to say. How far down the slope we are is a matter of opinion, and I can't have any more of an opinion till I get the thing GaJ
  19. FWIW, when I ordered I thought I was ordering a steel box. I do think that the promotion of this thing was misleading, and I did have a feeling of "WTF?" when I first read that it was not the case. I'm yet to receive it, so I don't know how ripped off I feel. You might say "you dummy, how could you think they would really ship a steel box?", but lets face it that was the whole attraction of the deal: something really unusual. This kind of marketting deception is a slippery slimey slope... GaJ
  20. Hmm - one question: was there a specific email saying "your box has shipped"? I can't find one of those. The email I got was the one with all the text on one line that said "pre-order download is ready, and your hard copy will ship later, please don't tell everyone". If there was another email, what was the subject of it? My account info at BFC website says "shipped", but I have no email... Thx! GaJ
  21. I don't understand how you can be desparate and disillusioned, especially with BFC, unless you have exhausted all avenues for support by them. As far as I can see, they are dilligently following up with all reported issues. Isn't that the case? In which case what are you disillusioned about exactly? That sometimes the postal system fails? That customs holds things up? Only the most naive person has illusions about these things being failsafe. I haven't got my box yet either... I assume its out there somewhere, I'll start following up if I don't see it soon, but I'm not "desparate and disilllusioned". I _will_ be if BFC can't account for their end of it, but I'm not fearing that at the moment... GaJ
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