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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. How about a remake for CMAK - I loved the original!
  2. I'm reading the Vassily Grossmann book at the moment...powerful stuff indeed.
  3. The AI has decided that firing 50mm mortar at a tank is a waste of ammo as it has a negligible probability of harming the target.
  4. Richie - non of your screenshots show any trees!
  5. Abbott - Just finished this one PBEM. I played Soviet and got a minor victory - no spoilers here - but highly recommended. Both me and my opponent had a great time with this one.
  6. Area fire along the whole trench can work just fine aginst the AI. As soon as I spotted the trench I spread every units fire along it - and continued short advances. By the time I spotted the MG he was crawling out the back of the trench No losses - the MG never fired a shot. Obviously if he had been under human control he would have opened fire a lot sooner.
  7. Are you telling me that TV is a Richie scenario!? Haha! Shoulda guessed! ANOTHER feather in Richie's outstanding-scenario-design cap (If true)!!! </font>
  8. Kingfish - JohnO disappeared on me quite a while ago - I suspect none of his 3 games will be finished as even when in contact the rate was glacial.
  9. Thanks for compiling this David. Just installed and it looks great.
  10. Sent - along with others I have. Just downloaded your latest and it looks like another cracker.
  11. It was one of the first PBEM games I played and it was a belter - I spent so long thinking about the turns in that one that I bet I could draw a pretty good map of it now!
  12. Thank you. A Cold Winters Morning 5th. SS Panzer Grenadier Wiking Breakout at Borisov Destination Lodz ..and a couple more I can not remember at the moment. </font>
  13. Well I would but it blinds me - I have stuck used plasters on my screen to hide it.
  14. The official announcement said "There will be a formal website set up in about a week" - have I missed it or is it not up yet?
  15. Ah THunderhawk - that takes me back - I loved that game!
  16. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=53;t=000011 This thread says both maps are hand made
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