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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Take a look at the tiles, they cover pretty much distance each. Enough room for flak and aircombat. Than we have the tile where the enemy air units started and landed. Another possibility for fight. And what if the enemy airunit didn't start just right next to their target? Well, than we have even more room and possibilites for intercepting and hunting. Multiple interceptions could be useful if the target is a key target. Loosing some mps can hurt, but loosing the only HQ with only one or two strengthpoints left could be disastrous. Or take it another way: better to kill one specific enemy bomber unit than to damage 3 enemy fighters. If it is possible to attack one unit a couple of times, why shouldn't it be possible to intercept one unit a couple of times?
  2. Imagine you have an anti-air unit and a fighter standing next to a unit which got attacked from the air. Shouldn't anti-air units AND fighters fire against the attacking unit? I see no reason why the protecting fighter shouldn't intercept onyl because there is friendly falk nearby, too. The more the merrier. And thinking this one step further: wouldn't it be best if the player gets the choice (imagine you have 3 fighters near the attacked unit) to let ALL his fighters intercept this one single air attack?
  3. Regular Fall Weiss scenario. I've sent you an email with the savegame.
  4. 1939 Game against the Axis-AI, second turn ends while i'm not in front of the monitor, fetching my can of tea. I return and find a russian tile in nazi germany, poland just collapsed seconds before. Either a little bug or a new discovered uprising of the east prussian communistic party, proclaiming the soviet tile of germany in autumn, 1939. Fall Weiss turning into Fall Red, i presume?
  5. Same here. Copied the info from the webpage, wrote myself an email, inserted the data, so NOW i have an email with the license key... Neither the download-info ("WaW_Setup.exe:" in the same line as the donwload code) in the mail nor the license key (no email, only to find on the webside) were easy to recognize or to find. Thank you for nothing, battlefront.
  6. Ok, i wrote a ticket at the ATI Support-page. Even though i can't use the graphic resolution i am used to: this games looks fantastic when it comes to new ideas & features. Good Job!
  7. Hallo Maestro Cater. Yes, changing to 16 bit did help, thank you so far. Even though WAW still seems to run a tiny bit slower thant SC2 in 32bit mode. I am though not sure what i should write to the ATI support. "Game runs slow, please explain?" They probably don't even know what exactly the game does with the graphic card and what not, or let me take it the other way: if they would ask,i wouldn't know what to tell them except that a game new on the market in version 1.0 doesn't run probably while every other game runs fine. Sigh. [ October 31, 2007, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  8. I even installed the latest ATI drivers, but the gamespeed still didn't improve at least a tiny bit. Nothing. btw.: SC2 1.07 still runs perfect & smoothly, so it does something very right what WAW does very wrong... [ October 31, 2007, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  9. After installing WAW i had little fun. The game is suddenly unplayable SLOW. It needs seconds to react (scrolling left or right). It needs even more seconds to react on a mouseclick. Clicking on a unit works this way: after clicking i HEAR the click, but nothing happens for about 5 or more seconds. Sounds always appear much faster than any map reaction Settings: 1600x1200x32 (just like in SC2 1.07, which worked perfect without WAW). My PC is surely not the newest one, but certainly not THAT slow to be responsible for this unplayable gamespeed: Intel 3 ghz, 2 GB RAM, 256 MB Radeon X800XT Platinum Edition, lots of HD-Space, windows XP, latest directx installed etc. etc. Some help would be very nice. Thanks in advance. Claus edit : i just switched to a lower graphic resolution (1280x1024x32), game got not a bit faster through this [ October 31, 2007, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  10. Rockets don't fire back, or have i missed something? Just give fortifications a very small anti-naval ability, and we are golden. Next best thing would be to realize Colins suggestion about attacking amphibs. Mr. Carter should simply add to our beloved SC2 all the remaining nice features of Clash of Steel (retreats, political pressure points, switching sides abilitiy when playing the AI, mulberrys, after-the-war movie (see what happend on the map in YOUR war in a fast and compact movie). And please more statistics: how many units of every kind bought, on the map, destroyed, how much resource or convoy points destroyed or shipped in the game, and so on, and so on.
  11. @ Colin I The grandfather of SC / SC 2, "Clash of Steel", worked exactly like this (because this game had a "retreat" battle result, SC / SC2 unfortunatly not). You could invade any occupied land hex. Naval Units could be placed on bombard duty which helped all combat in the specific beachzone, or better: sea zone. Bombardement helped all your units who attacked in the beach hexes of this sea zones. @SeaMonkey: I think that entire armies should always be able to return fire against sea units. At least one time. Tac Air, Artillery and Flak can be unsed to fire back, as long as they are not surpressed or have lost the stomach to use their weapons. The tiles in SC / SC2 are large landscape, not small beachheads. This gets even more important when we talk about air units. On the regular map air units are way to big to shut them down or kill them through naval bombardement (which would be ok against Henderson Airfield but not against entire air fleets with several airbases in the specific tile (Bombers on the other hand should really be able to bomb & disable air units for a turn, even without destroying the entire airfleet). At least fortified coastal tiles (engineers!) should create the possibility of return fire. We all know that some defenders DID have big enough guns in the REAR or in fortified bunkers which were able to damage attacking naval task forces. Combat patrols? Yes, of course. But letting you damaged task force at sea to continue the patrol? No way. It was hit an RUN for (at least) the german navy, not hit and stay. But in SC / SC2 there is nothing like run, flee or disengage while your opponent brings his entire fleet. This is why i always would prefer the way of abstract sea warfare in Clash of Steel. Not because i don't like to move my ships on the map, but because it does much better fit into a game on the level of SC / SC2. Maybe a combination of both would be the best solution (abstract sea warfare and a pop-up window whenever battle is at hand. In the pop-up you could than move your fleet the way you want until one side has successfully fled or went down to the ground). Well, anyway, no hard feelings, please. My english is still way to flawed to always find the right expressions or words. Hans&Franz by nature, if you understand what i mean.
  12. This argument does not count. You have to create a game system where ships get a function. Let naval bombing destroy tech levels (IW / AT ...) or / and reduce readiness and morale, let them kill movement points or let them make the unit retreat from the beaches, that would be much better in my sorry eyes. After all it is some kind of game flaw. In SC / SC2 you do fight the naval battles on the real map. Think about it: a turn last how long? One week, two weeks? A naval battle lasting TWO WEEKS? Yeah, sure... This is the reason why "Clash of Steel" or even "Storm Across Europe" had the better naval solution: abstract. As much as i like to sink ships on the real game map, as much does it not fit into the rest of the game. A land battle CAN actualy last weeks, but not a fight bewteen battlefleets. At least not in the way it happens in SC / SC2. And another thing: in WW2 there was a decent possibillity that enemy taskforces didn't find each other, because radar kind of sucked in the first years of war. In SC / SC2 you alway find the enemy fleet as long as ONE unit has spotted it. No chance to loose contact after the sighting. In a game turn, which represents WEEKS.
  13. I could very good live with moral, readiness or even experience losses through naval bombardement. Killing entire armies is, well, the worst idea for a result of naval bombardement. Maybe losses should be limited. 1 or 2 points maximum?
  14. (I) Allow switching of sides A) start playing as Axis against the allied AI and switch sides if you like at any given time. Much fun if you already "won" the game: try to stop your former alliance. Whoever played Clash of Steel will know what kind of fun this is. Italy, Rumania & Co. switched over to the allies when everything went down for them. Not so in SC or SC2 (II) Allow Poland to be freed, same goes for France (Vichy never rejoins free France, and Poland was Poland, not a German Gau). Same for the Baltic States (at least if they get liberated by UK or USA). (III) Give us MUCH more statistics: -how much lend lease went to the ocean ground etc. yes, more numbers in every aspect BECAUSE AS TO NOW IT KIND OF SUCKS TO PLAY A GAME AND HAVE NO DECENT WAY TO LOOK BACK AFTER THE WAR HAS ENDED (IV) -show how the frontlines shifted back and forth ( for heavens sake, that was such a nice feature in Clash of Steel) (V) Invent more politics -from actions on the battlefield -press nations (Swiss / Sweden helped the 3rd Reich even though they weren't allied, Austria crumbled away without a shot etc.) Give the player a way to get small parts of a country without a script (Finland / Rumania 1940)
  15. Right. But after Versailles 1918 Germany did blame France for her problems, and if we look back to the role that a certain Mr. Clemenceau played there, well... But anyway, you are of course right, especially when it comes to the satanic Holocaust crimes.
  16. Production, not Mobilization! May i Quote Wikipedia: In contrast, Germany started the war under the concept of blitzkrieg. It did not accept that it was in a total war until Joseph Goebbels' Sportpalast speech of 18 February 1943. For example, women were not conscripted into the armed forces or allowed to work in factories. The Nazi party adhered to the policy that a woman's place was in the home, and did not change this even as its opponents began moving women into important roles in production. I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today? (National Socialist propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels 18 February 1943 in his Sportpalast speech) The commitment to the doctrine of the short war was a continuing handicap for the Germans; neither plans nor state of mind were adjusted to the idea of a long war until it was too late to help win the war. Germany's armament minister Albert Speer, who assumed office in early 1942, nationalized German war production and eliminated the worst inefficiencies. Under his direction a threefold increase in armament production occurred and did not reach its peak until late 1944. To do this during the damage caused by the growing strategic Allied bomber offensive, is an indication of the degree of industrial under-mobilization in the earlier years. It was because the German economy through most of the war was substantially under-mobilized that it was resilient under air attack. Civilian consumption was high during the early years of the war and inventories both in industry and in consumers' possession were high. These helped cushion the economy from the effects of bombing. Plant and machinery were plentiful and incompletely used, thus it was comparatively easy to substitute unused or partly used machinery for that which was destroyed. Foreign labour, both slave labour and labour from neighbouring countries who joined the Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany, was used to augment German industrial labour which was under pressure by conscription into the Wehrmacht (Armed Forces). :cool:
  17. Same for Germany, add to this the versailles treaty / the lost first world war and you get the picture. There was a reason why people thought "gee, the Kaiser and democracy sucked completly up, well, why not try this new Hitler guy who has such a fresh approach to everything" Quote: "Give me four years, and you won't recognize Germany any more" [ August 25, 2007, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  18. all i've learned is a) jesus did live if you question a), than you REALLY have to question even more the excistence of thousand of other ancient personalities (alexander, platon & co.) c) archeologist's and historical scholars on a HUGE majority agree with a) and man, waste some time for some honest research. Look, even at sloppy wikipedia there is enough news for you to learn, and what you find there ist not even the top of the iceberg.
  19. But what about Jesus making wine out of water? They celebrated until there was NO MORE wine, and then Maria asked Jesus to do something.
  20. Well I guess the best beer come from the czech republic and the netherlands. In Berlin Becks(brewed in Bremen) was very common, felt a bit disappointed as they should promote their own Berlin beer more instead. Becks ... easy to drink crap. I want a beer that got something going on, not just some crap that screams "hey buy me, Im easy to get drunk on and taste like water". </font>
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