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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Lars, have you ever played Clash of Steel? If so, than your statement about WW1 would be somewhat ridiculous. Either way, this "problem" could be solved by allowing "attack and later movement" instead of "attack and stand" or "move and attack". The problem about Stalingrad could be solved as well. Just tell me one military commander with any sense left in history who wouldn't have considered an imidiate retreat if had the chance after the overall situation was completly lost. It is not a "small map"-problem or a "i was never able to kill a unit"-problem or a "WW1"-problem. Right now noone does retreat. This may be allright if someone sits in the capital city with a moral about 100%, but not retreating still can end in complete slaughter of the specific unit while one step back might have saved it. Even a Dunkirk-scenario would be able with a retreat at the coastline. This is nothing what wouldn't have been there in gaming history. Or short: it worked PERFECTLY in Clash of Steel. So please, don't tell me this nonsense about World War One (wich would be a real nice scenario, by the way), a to small map (come on!) or every retreting unit would be lost (every not retreating unit will get probably die as well in SC2 WAW).
  2. This would probably work, but it would still be a workaround, not a proper solution. Withdrawal as a combat result is what this game really need. No room to withdraw: you die / surrender. These fighting till death battles are simply stupid. Sorry for that.
  3. Answer: The game handles it not at all, because until now there is no way to invade an occupied hex. As good as SC2 / SC2WAW is, this lacking standard feature is (and was already in SC1) a major flaw. Solution would be a "retreat" battle result, which does not exist in SC2 / WAW.
  4. I think the whole naval battles need a different approach. Maybe it would be best to give the player the ability to build his own taskforces out of a ship pool. Everything else just ends up flawed the one way or the other as long as you want to fight the battles on the map (instead of an abstract naval way). Example: Even a single sub would be enough to sink 5 capital ships as long as they are in the harbor and the sub meets them there. You don't need an antire wolfpack to do it. A single carrier can sink as much ships in a harbor or at sea if he can surprise the enemy fleet (out of the sun or the mist). A single battleship can sink dozens of ships it the weather doesn't allow planes in the air or if the enemy gets spotted in the night. The concept that works for the land war doesn't have to work at sea (and for honest: it doesn't, even though it is nice to move your ships).
  5. I feel already sorry for my snippy lines, Grandmaster SeaMonkey, so no hard feelings, please.
  6. Maybe a level below 0 could be introduced? (-1 or -2 ?)
  7. Why only when a capital city fell? Think about the shock when Tobruk or Stalingrad fell. Maybe it would be wise to add a free diplo chit for every conquered major city of fortress? Clash of steel used "political points", which were very nice to press on a neutral country.
  8. What really would be helpful would be a "retreat" battle result like in many wargames (board or computer). In SC and SC2 all units fight till death, Hitler would be proud about so much <s>com</s>passion. I want a retreat! [ November 24, 2007, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  9. All those waiting in Europe should always keep customs duty in mind, where your package can easily "rest" for several days or weeks while beeing processed by an (un)motivated customs officer...
  10. If you really look for something as good as Panzer General 2 you should try to find SSIs People's General, which was an improved Panzer General 2. SC2 would be a good choice as well, at least in the newest version with the WAW upgrade, even though it is different from Panzer General. But with a creative power like our good old Hubert Cater, who knows, maybe we will get from him some kind of Panzer General Ultra in the near future. The Game-Engine of SC2-WAW does remind here and there at Panzer General, so this is realy something i am praying for...
  11. Yes, i know, understand and in the end welcome this, of course. But i still hope for a new screen before a game, where the most essential options wait for me without starting, using and saving with the editor. Old fashioned as i my be.
  12. Thank you for the info. Sigh. Have i ever mentioned who much i dislike to use editors and how much i embrace option menus? Double-sigh.
  13. As far as i understand the manual ports don't create any mmps. Is there a chance to change this? Example: with this change it could become at least a bit attractive to defend or conquer Crete, Corsica or Sardinia.
  14. Turkey might have been convinced through diplo chits?
  15. AT should than be limited for CVs, because you can't compare CVs with airfleets when it comes to tankbusting & Co. Not in equipment and not in numbers.
  16. No, i thought that you wanted to tell that you had 3 main Euro Russian cities by the end of summer '42 and that you were so proud about it that you added the info that you had all this accomplished at a date where the historical Operation Barbarossa just had started. So i misunderstood your lines, sorry for that. Saying this, i could add that you made it very easy to misunderstand them. Well, no hard feelings, please, ok?
  17. uhm, Barbarossa started June 22nd, 1941 :cool: [ November 09, 2007, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
  18. I played this game only two times against the AI until now (both sides), and both times i thought exact the opposite: When Axis, the Allied seemd too strong and my side too weak. Wenn Allied, i moaned about these endless german air masses. And so i thought to myself after the second game: Wow, Hubert has made this baby a very good thing, well done.
  19. I love the new intelligence feature where "your" secret service tells you which units they discovered on the map. And as always, one fullfilled wish is only followed by two new unfulfilled ones: I would love it, if my spooks would tell me about unprotected cities / ressources (no defending unit or no fighter cover) as well. Or about on what my opponent did spent some money (bought this unit, invested in this tech, used diplo on this country). And some some wrong infos would be nice as well (if behind in intelligence more, if leading less): no germans near Arnhem, England without fighter cover, Rockets smashed 6 mmps (while it smashed nothing). Ahhh, i love this new WAW-Update. So much new, so much good ways to dream away [ October 29, 2007, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]
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