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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. If you want the whole story, google for "ubuntu dash bash".
  2. and then started DropTeam, I got this: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />DropTeam must now perform a second update from the web. This is a one-time process that will install critical updates for DropTeam. Press the 'Update' button below to perform this special one-time update, or Press 'Cancel' to quit DropTeam if you don't want to do this Update right now.
  3. thx Bane and Poesel, will try that this afternoon!
  4. oh sheesh installing 1.0.0 works fine but after running the update script, both the update script and the runClient script dont work anymore... help jb@jb-desktop:~/DropTeam$ ./runClient.sh ./runClient.sh: 2: pushd: not found ./runClient.sh: 3: ./SpaceVikings: not found and jb@jb-desktop:~/DropTeam$ ./runUpdate.sh ./runUpdate.sh: 2: ./Update: Permission denied [ April 12, 2007, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  5. update: 32bit install of xubuntu went flawlessly. DT demo no problem DT full version , still no luck, but I think I know why now. I downloaded the zip in XP and unzipped it there. I burned the unzipped folder onto a CD as backup. windows has done something that makes the shell scripts die. (bad interpreter error) anywho, have to get a new zpped version from battlefront to see if i am right. edit: I was right. fortunately I still had the zip file. unzipping it in Linux was the trick. CU on the battlefield! [ April 12, 2007, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  6. Enjoy Despite trying all sorts of stuff on ubuntu edgy (64bit) I haven´t managed to install DT on Linux. DT gives ma a permission denied error and DTdemo gives me a foldersomefink not found error. I was really frustrated, so i installed xubuntu 32 bit on my anemic PC at work, and had DT(demo) running in 1min, doh. Since I´ve run into this problem several times (i.e skype) (I know it is possible to get the right 32bit libs installed etc., but I´m not bright enough ), I have decided to install 32bit xubuntu on my athlon64.
  7. It would be sort of cool if you could only see the enemy by the muzzle flashes and tracers and maybe the Infantry Jetpacks. What sayest the Mod Gurus?
  8. hehe, no matter how hard you try, in "house to house" the involuntary bot-cutter charge is the bane of the unwary team.
  9. cool pix, IG very nice hiding place, have to remember that.
  10. Me niether! Was wondering if i needed to update or not! [/QB]</font>
  11. I like it the way it is, to me its a bit like the late war shermans with additional armor for flushing out strong points. something with which you can poke your nose into a sensor jammed base and don´t get killed by the first shot. if possible I would like a hovercraft version of the hermes, maybe even without an "active" gun, just an autocannon, something with which to race into a mine protected base that has been cleared of enemy units, to give some temporary air cover. We had mine removal by HE at the beginning of DT and that made the mines useless. But in the same vein, the dragon teeth should be moveble, i.e by a cutter. edit: for CZ specifically, since we have both , I think the number of mines should be reduced, so that we don´t get those "impregnable fortresses" completely sorrounded by mines and dragon teeth. Oh, and please add a CTF map to CZ, so we can see how the dragon teeth can be used to protect the flag [ April 02, 2007, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  12. Clay mentioned somefink about a new server on the west coast in a data center a month or two back...
  13. If the question is "is single player good?", then the answer is no. at least as of now, the bot AI is going to get a massive update for the WWII expansion. is multiplayer good (now)? yes, absolutely !!! and the regulars are nice to newbies! really!
  14. On the game mechanics. I wonder if the Ariel 90mm isn´t a wee bit too powerful. I think the double barrellexd 76mm is just right. Thoughts? I really like the troop carrier thor. Ideal for storming bases infested with pesky 76mm turrets. Nobody uses the styx. Maybe a 20mm would make it more interesting? The dragon teeth are very useful. IMHO we could get rid of the mines completely and replace them by dragon teeth. They do the same thing but aren´t lethal to your own bots. [ April 02, 2007, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  15. Good games this weekend on CZ. Saturday house to house with BBoyle vs. 3 opponnents. BB went into a killing spree while I cuttered around and placed turrets. I tried the same on Sunday with Bane vs. Jung, Nexus and Poesel (joined midgame). While Bane didn´t have quite the killing efficiency of BB he managed to keep three seasoned DT veterans on edge while I managed to take some important facilities in the last 5 game minutes on my nexttolast cutter. so much for the victories, but I had some most interesting defeats too Recon in Force as attacker. The defenders had placed mines around and were patrolling the perimeter with ariels. I first tried arty, followed by nebelwerfer salvos, but didn´t manage to kill the ion tower. Things were getting rather desperate so i tried smoke followed by a hail of turrets onto the base with AA turrets in a circle around the base. to my surprise it worked! most of my turrets got through and I raced into the base in my Ariel 90mm. There i had 5min of glory as the defenders frantically tried to drop into their base and were slaughtered by the AA emplacements. Sadly the bots were too stupid to reinforce my position (mines everywhere) and the defenders retook the base in the last minutes (800 to 400 points IIRC). I won´t mention the following attack in Raid (where I was joined by IG), just too humiliating. [ April 02, 2007, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  16. I´ll only buy the game if the assyrian christians get their own war whoop.
  17. Dead Gulch was very good. We should have won that. If we hadn´t been so careless with our dropships you wouldn´t have stood a chance. The initial taking of the tower was DT teamwork bliss. Still have to think of a better bot strategy for desert mesa (attack). You don´t say This is ridiculous. People with ping 40 (i.e. BBoyle) have lag on DP, while people with ping >100 can play on the zoo without lag (at least that´s my impression). I was in lag nirvana for minutes at at a time yesterday on DP and there were only 6 people playing. If it´s just a problem of buying more bandwidth for sunday I would certainly contribute.
  18. Hope you had some good battles yesterday. Couldn´t make it. I had Post St. Patrick´s Day Fatigue Syndrome and a very grumpy two year old to attend to.
  19. no & no. That is I think I moved one with a mortar, but only after trying 20 times. BTW the dt are treated like mines, so you can´t extract them like turrets. good thing that, I was already imagining people (like me ) building a dt wall around their flag and using the dt as a door. Whether they can be removed by a Viper, dunno, I´ll leave that to Chili & Phonan to test.
  20. speed perception: Heisenberg (driving a car) is stopped by the police. Officer: Do you know how fast you were driving? Heisenberg: No, but I know exactly where I am. [ March 18, 2007, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]
  21. dragon´s teeth update: I was initially worried that the dragons teeth would provide too much cover. What I mean is that the AI might not be able to fire through the gaps. In computer games WYSIWYG isn´t always the case (think of PzIV turrets in CM. small visually, but large to the enemy due to game engine limits) So I built a wall of dt and placed several turrets behind. The attacking bots had no problems killing the turrets. "realism test" passed. Then I built a rough and sloppy dragons teeth perimiter around an objective leaving several thor-sized gaps. Unfortunately the bots were not able to maneuver through the gaps. (I was)
  22. replacing the quad paladin with a quad apollo is an excellent idea. it balances the killer qualities with lower survivability (ist that a word? ). I´m not sure yet if I like the increased speed. didn´t test the dragon teeth yet. the LTOW inf does not work at all. I noticed that some of the sniper inf have camoed backpacks now, very nice. The improved armor of the troop transport MBT was definitely noticeable. Really hard to kill.
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