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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. hehe Can .ogg files be attached to a specific scenario? Attacking to "Also sprach Zarathustra" would be cool.
  2. That's a surprisingly tricky one to do (for various under-the-hood reasons). But I want it, too. </font>
  3. just an idea for this scenario: make the the center of the map (the objective) more , hmm, obviously important. the vision in my head sees a round courtyard with several entrances and a huge black monolith in the center
  4. Sounds interesting, would this mean that 2 people could drive a tank (gunner/driver). At the beginning of wwiionline I had some great fun driving around in a tank with a friend. Made for some hilarious in game dialogue (stop!!!, no! gogogo! agrgh! reverse! reverse!)
  5. I don´t think so. OTOH I was surprised yesterday when I saw a bot in an Apollo 20mm systematically killing sensor jammers.
  6. Speaking of mindless drivel , Nexus and Poesel, around 50% of your messages are garbled. There is a certain overlap with laggy levels (volcanic), but i.e. Jung and Stonewall are always crystal clear. And BTW are my messages intelligent, err, intelligible? (usually few, but i´m the strong silent type)
  7. My next wish: Get rid of the ban on taking over bots while dropping. It drives me crazy to see bots trundling to their doom while I´m in the "cage" of my dropship. I know you can give orders, but with the current state of affairs of bot panic (see other thread)that isn´t really an option.
  8. DT crashed to XP once yesterday. I mean the crash made XP want to send an error mesage to Bill Gates, not the usual (though since 121 infrequent) sending of my credit card details to Clay.
  9. I had a dropship crash right in front of me and bounce over my flag carrying Paladin today. Made me duck :cool:
  10. When do bots ignore move/advance/attack orders? I gave a thor battlegroup a move order towards an objective and depite the little white circles showing their destinations they just wouldn´t budge. :confused:
  11. Club 35 sounds like a good team name. I´m also a member BTW
  12. still, it would be nice if you could join the demo server, vape a few newbies while waiting for some serious players
  13. Oh, OK not a full blown AAR, but I´d like to comment on that last black canyon game. Jung is on the other team so I said to myself: I bet he´s going to try and arty us out of existence, so I position 3, yes, three hermes in our base. As predicted the first rounds come in, and BANG, 2 hermes destroyed and one severely damaged. Mustr have been 8 perfectly timed rounds! At this point it would have been smarter to join Nexus in the attack but I wasted several dropships trying to save our doomed base by flying in reinforcements. I blame shell shock. Blood, my team totally ruled the ice map, volcanic deposits and hmm, is it called roadblock? We had total awareness of the enemy´s whereabouts. I just sat there in my mercury lazilly pointing to water´s positions, while blood termination squads ambushed the enemy, it was cruel.
  14. No installation/running problems here. The lag situation has improved, but it still isn´t like 1.1.8. Happy birthday Iceman & Smeltz!
  15. Iceman: [Colonel Tigh´s voice after drinking]All I can say is that I fought through the battle of Iwo Joma last sunday on just two thors. Had I been able to repair them I would have only needed one.[/Colonel Tigh´s voice after drinking] Tarq: Hey I learned a new word: lagniappe Poesel: by product of checking lagniappe: katzenjammer is an english word nowadays Aittam: You could use the viper to remove damaged vehicles.
  16. I think depleting the thors of the other team will become impossible if they can be repaired. I like this idea. The galaxy is overused (especially by me ) A drop pod resupply would be cool. New units should only be allowed if we can get rid of the useless ones ie. the Paladin mortar, the Paladin IC, the Apollo 20mmm, the tempest, ...
  17. Currently the galaxy is mainly being used as a rapidly available shield against artillery, not so much as a resupply vehicle. This is admittedly not a "normal" use of a resupply vehicle. OTOH it´s simple and elegant. Dragging along a Hermes all the time is sort of clunky, especially when only a few people are playing.
  18. and a pic from friday: poesel and me vs. jung and tw the smoke is from tw´s paladin charge
  19. rgr that. In German speaking countries a little Schnapps is referred to as "Zielwasser" = "aiming water" 9pm (my time) is fine. Then I can still devote a little bit of time to my west roman campaign in barbarian invasion. Those pesky Vandals will submit to my imperial authority!
  20. Tomorrow (friday 26th) the Hive Queen is away partying and the Brood is with the Ancient Ones. In other words I´m available for DT starting 7pm-12pm GMT+1 (1pm-6pm EST)
  21. Ummmm, you´ve just described the typical DT player And I had/have a Philips G7000 (1978) videopac
  22. the umbical cord is only for the authentification. so all you would need is a 56k telephone modem hooked up to a router. (admittedly i haven´t tried this, but then I can´t think of anybody who plays LAN games but doesn´t have an internet connection. sort of retro don´t you think? )
  23. sorry, couldn´t make it yesterday (C2H5OH was involved) ) hope you guys had some AAR worthy battles!
  24. Give the man a prize! Wasn´t there a 13% percentage that 120mm AP would penetrate in any case or somefink? Interesting that the Apollo and the Paladin have the same values. From my gaming experience the Apollo appears to be more easily killed than the Paladin. I think the Apollo deserves a bit more front armor or shouldn´t be called a light tank.
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