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Everything posted by Night

  1. Ha, I spent some hours playin peoples tactics, and I esp. like the WWII pacific scen. The gameplay is solid although the A.I. isn't much to speak of. Art. is somewhat quirky but better then the way SC represents it. All in all, I think if Vic takes PT and fixes most of the problems, then PT2 should be one amazing game. Good luck
  2. Battlefront is being very childish about this release date thing. "When it's ready!" Sound's like something a grouchy old lunch lady would say. They act like they are paying us to play the game. sheesh.
  3. Battlefront is being very childish about this release date thing. "When it's ready!" Sound's like something a grouchy old lunch lady would say. They act like they are paying us to play the game. sheesh.
  4. Consider me in, hopefully someone will take me under their wing.
  5. Blah, taking even longer?! HC needs to get himself a larger staff to handle the work load, we all want it to be the best game it can, and none of us want to see HC go crazy working all night, but at the same time the large amount of time it is taking to devolp is turning some off.
  6. When SC was first released I never got into playing online, and I regreted it! This time I want to get in right away so i'm not left behind in the learning process! How do I sign up?
  7. Production queue disabled? I don't understand this. With the new feature of inactive majors being able to buy and move troops, is the war in Russia MORE difficult or less? The reason I ask is I was thinking at first that Russia being able to position and build forces would give it a bigger edge since the real USSR was almost totally caught by surprise, and obviously a player would not be. But after considering that the player has a limit of what he can do while still inactive, I was wondering if the Axis player could basicly sit and do very little except build new forces and technology since he can build at full potential, and the U.S.S.R and U.S. are limited, this way when he finally decs. war on Russia he could completley overwhelm them.
  8. If how long it is taking to produce is any indication of the games depth, then we might well expect to quit our jobs just to play a match.
  9. Sound's very interesting to me. I believe holding off Russia would be possible. If the Balkins and Poland don't fall in like 2 turns, then the other countries, spec. Germany France and England, might have enough time to gather force in Germany itself and start putting up a decent fight. Will norway and other minor's be with the Allies? Russia would have to fight a two front war, first the main front heading west from Russia to France, and 2nd heading south through the middle east and North Africa. Even if Russia does not strike in this direction, the allies are sure to try it as a "backdoor" around the majority of the Russin forces. Germany will probally be defeated but they must put up enough of a fight to give the rest time to mobilize and for the U.S. to join. Once American forces arrive and the other Western Allies are fully mobilized to fight, you will probally have more of a stalemate then anything. Both sides will start to seek way's around the main line of fighting in central Europe (I.E. middle east or Finland Norway Sweden) It very well could come down to who has the best technology, since a USSR with Poland, Germany, the Balkins, and possibly the Middle east added to it's resource pool will counter the allies in MPPs.
  10. Agreeable, but you have to consider that even if Germany didn't want war with America after defeating Russia and the U.K. they would have almost no choice but to continue the fight since America would not have given up unless all hope was lost.
  11. What if this game actually got finished in our lifetimes? How would we react?
  12. GOD this is taking a long time! I hope things aren't over-done or take so long that people lose interest
  13. If you could do one, you could pretty much do any you wanted.
  14. Will the capture of certain cities, outside of capitals and total surrender of countries, trigger events and/or change influence with neutral nations? For example, after the battle of Stalingrad, many neutral nations saw Germany's hope for winning the war as much bleaker, and therefore turned more toward the victorious allies. Say if German troops are on a tile adjacent to Stalingrad and proceed to attack the unit garrisoning the city, it will activate conditions for an event, the outcome of the battle will determine if it is pro-axis or pro-allied. If the German tile is turned back to a Russin tile, and no other German tiles are touching the city, then the Germans will have "lost" the battle of Stalingrad and pay a price in diplomatic and prestiage terms. If however the Germans succeed in turning all tiles around the city, including the city tile itself of course, over to German hands first, then the Germans will have "won" the battle, and receive a bonus. This could also be used is other famous battle sites and historicaly important spots such as Leningrad, El Alamein, Sicily, Normandy, etc. I think this type of system would allow tactical battles and sheer success or failure on the battlefield to yield bennifits or problems for players outside of simply capturing more MPP producing spots and land. Much of the diplomatic processes that were going on at the time were based on military strength and positioning, something SC1 touched on with the nice feature that Russin readiness raised when too few or too many German troops were stationed on the border. A player that has romped completely across Russia, taking even Stalingrad and Moscow, but not yet defeating the Russins totally, should see some bennifit from his position of power over the enemy. The same is also true of the allies, for ex. when the Italians realized that Germany was doomed in Russia and the Western powers were invading it's homeland, they began negociating and withdrawing from the war, long before Rome or any major cities were lost, based soley on the battlefield situation.
  15. Not a totally useless idea but at this point, it is going a little far. If any of the things you mentioned for activating pro-allied turkey happened, the game is nearly up for the axis anyway, why just make it harder?
  16. I understand what chris is saying... Seamonkey maybe you need to go back to public school? I think it would be a good idea, just look at real life as an example, the U.S. spends a vastly larger amount on training and preparing troops, and thus has better quality troops. Why not have the same option in SC? They had it in The Blue and the Gray, a civil war strat game, where you could spend more time training your troops and they would come out with a better quality rating, but you would have to wait longer before they were avalible to fight of course.
  17. From the sounds of it, doesn't look like the game is anywhere near done. I'm leavin the bored for a few weeks, im kinda of sick of checkin every day to be disapointed. Have a good one.
  18. I have a lot of fun with this game. Hopefully more updates will come. Good thing to do while waiting for SC2.
  19. Subs need to cost less. In SC1, it was basicly impossible for Germany to afford to buy a Sub since it was far less effective for the money then any land or air unit, plus the subs should be used in groups of atleast 2-3 to be most effective if you plan on killing any enemy ships, which is important when stoping U.S. troops from crossing to england, etc. Also, the effect of subs vs. the MPPs (convoys) should increase with the amount of subs you have in the routes. With a max cap of course, but atleast this way you can actually see a use for buying more then 1 or 2 subs in a game.
  20. Some of your files in the download are missing or corrupted, it worked when I downloaded it two days ago on my computer but now it says it is missing a required .DDL file. I already tried all the simple things so ethier it must be on your end. BTW you have some of the worst forums on your site I have ever seen. It runs you in circles bringing you to the login screen then telling you that your not logged in and you can't post anything what so ever.
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