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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. ... you're a Serf, grab a bucket lad, the Knights will be up shortly and a full bladder is an uncomfortable thing. Joe </font>
  2. Of course she vetoed it, she's got the pants, money and obviously the brains in your household. No wonder you've got the geek with girl scenario down so well. (Nice autobiographical sketch it was.) </font>
  3. Highlight the file. Hit rename. Type in whatever the bloody hell you want (just make sure it doesn't end in .txt). Send it to me. BTW, WinZip is free. </font>
  4. The key is to delete the .TXT extension and replace it with something else before attaching the file. You were so close. </font>
  5. The role of a serf in this thread without end unCESSing devotion, maintaining a grin Don't be rejoicing, don't expect a parade Mop bucket and mop are the tools of your trade The stench that pervades must always be clean No cursing or swearing, don't ever be mean The 'old ones' are watching, judging your ways Do it for laughs, don't ask what it pays So now that you've got your foot in the toilet Be respectful of cabbage, don't try to boil it Always work hard and keep your tools clean To await the return of Berli and Peng Jim Boggs Serf [ March 18, 2003, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  6. I've been reading this thread. What are you guys talking about? Last time I went to the Waffen House I got the SS (Super Stack) and an SA (Side of Ale). I thought there was a thread for this?
  7. Sir Lars Okay you win: AOL is for losers AOL is for losers AOL is for losers AOL is for losers AOL is for losers 56k is for chumps 56k is for chumps 56k is for chumps 56k is for chumps 56k is for chumps. Now, how the heck do you rename the extension. I right click on the file, hit rename, but the stupid extension doesn't come up. I tried anyway and came up with a file named larsvsboggs002.tot.txt Only by suffering this PUBLIC humiliation will I prove to you my sincerity in wanting to kick your a** in what I am sure is an ambush scenario you have foisted upon me!!!!! You may reply via E-mail or you may relish your triumph here. [ March 17, 2003, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  8. Daytona is for girls who like to chew Skoal on the beach and dribble tobacco into their bikinis. </font>
  9. Sorry, Boggs, I was called away by a beautiful woman and a 3 liter bottle of Badia a Coltibuono's Chianti Classico - 1996. </font>
  10. Taking comedy lessons from an accountant is like taking driving lessons from a Floridiot. </font>
  11. To the esteemed Roo=Badley ,Esq. The following is in tribute to your more sophisticated "sense of humor". Wake me when it's over: CPA: Boy those deductions are really piling up. Client: Wow, since you suggested accelerated depreciation, my net worth has increased ten-fold! CPA: Oh Yeah? Here's my BILL! *Yawns, wipes sleep from eyes* Hopefully now we can return to more "classic" humor.
  12. Thank the heavens. What on earth were you doing back there? I coulda swore I locked the bathroom door. Where's all the Yankees? *Realizes Massachusetts natives hate Yankees as much as Floridians* Remember the "Curse of the Bambino"? Can you, in good conscience, side with the Yankees? Will you turn traitor to the Great City of Boston?
  13. Have you tried looking over your shoulder and down? </font>
  14. With nothing better to do while awaiting Sir Lars opening gambit, the time has come to survey the UNcivil war declared by Seanachai . All quiet on the Florida border. Seanachai -Missing in action, last seen frantically entrenching in a secret spot he had found just underneath his outhouse. Berli -Opened the sparring with rambling rhetorical rote then.......... Mrspkr -Popped in briefly from role as mentor on General Forum. Briefly sermonized, then departed for parts unknown (aka: Oklahoma). Sir Lars -Laughing maniacally upon receiving set-up, began quaffing a fine Danish Ale to soothe his sudden nervous tension at actually HAVING TO SEND A TURN. Egbert & Boo Radley dropped by to discuss [YAAAAAAWWWWWWWN] accounting procedures. Mace -dropped by, counted the rings in his underwear, calculated his age at 3,047 years, searched for pictures of nekkid wimmin and then returned to the comforts of sheep herding. jdmorse -filed his briefs by color and material, then dashed off a bill for "Research". dalem pLACED hIS dINNER oRDER, aTE tHE cIGAR aND sMOKED tHE pOPCORN. sAW gOD. Rune -allowed usage of one of his custom scenarios in a two(?) player game with Sir Lars . Probably will need AI version in order to GET A TURN. PondScum -showed up, consumed mass quantities of lutefish. Saw Satan. Lady Moraine -made brief run for Fla-Ga border, but utilizing her feminine intuition ended up in Kentucky. Got to stop now, something IMPORTANT and MUCH MOR FUN has come up. Now where IS that plunger! [Later]-Okay feeling much better now, where was I? Gaylord Focker -Alive and well and hating Yankees. Remember Bucky Dent? 1978? And, in saving the best for last: Vadr -Knight Emeritus of the Florida Legion. Eldar of the Elite . How goes it in your sector? The "Damn Yankees" seem to have all run away at your approach. [ March 16, 2003, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. This is a problem? I thought it was a prerequisite. My e-mail address was deleted during my unhappy "Banned for having AOL with the same IP address as one Jersey John" period. If you simply MUST send me some disgusting porn then try: JOBBOGGS@AOL.COM 56k forever!!!! and ever and ever and ever....... [Edit]-Tell Rune the terrain rules, so far, unless I start losing, then it will suck. [ March 15, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  16. It's Berli's fault, he didn't post any rules for this thread. As a matter of fact he didn't post anything worth reading in this thread. In Florida we call this: Being a Tampan
  17. Hug Berli, HA! Rather hang Berli by his Illini Miniatures. Illinois-aka Ohio wannabe, which tells us all we need to know. No, you want more? ILL --Smells of old, rotting and decaying flesh LI --What happens when an Illini opens their mouth NOIS --Pronounced Noy, not Noise-represent the muffled sound of bowels that have been TOO overloaded for TOO long creating a fear that one day there is going to be a huge explosion of what we will politely call "Illini Brain Cells" Seriously, here in Florida, we don't make any distinktion amongst the foreign visitors. You are all Damn Yankees
  18. Long ago, in the misty time, many ages ago There came a junior member, so little he did know A little drop of silliness had earned a stern reply His stomach churned, his heart beat fast, his lips were oh so dry And then there came the ancient one, whose eyes denied his age "Buck up my lad" he said with a smile "Learn to turn the page" "Humor and wit are the weapons of life, you must develop your skill" Then he was gone, in a wisp of blue smoke, leaving me with a bill So now the clock ticks on and on, time to repay a debt Kick some Minnesota Butt, get Seanachai to the vet
  19. Oh my God there's been a URL breach, the northern road sudenly wwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddeeeeennnneeeeeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd [Later]-This takes some getting used too, wonder what's on the radio? The lonesome strains of Jimmy Buffett "There's a woooman to blame, and I know"....... [ March 14, 2003, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. It had been a sleepless night. Racing thoughts, replaying the events of the nightmare without end. What had gone wrong? His keen senses, sharpened to their utmost by the clean clear Florida air. His muscles and sinews honed to razor-sharpness under the warmth of the Sunshine State's namesake. The sweet smell of Orange Blossoms inundating his sense of smell and with it a cold chill as if in some way it was connected to his fate. So sweet as to be sickening, his head whirling with nausea, and then it passed, as if chased away by a sudden shower that cleansed him and set him free. His eyes were aflame, his heart beat wildly as he suddenly realized: The Sissies were GIRLS!! Also known as the Unfair sex. Their devious devices and cunning charm had disarmed him completely and unexpectedly. Now he knew what he must do. The Stealth Beetle was waiting, eager to set out. It would be a long trip. Florida is, after all, a long state, but the scallywags and scoundrels were already enroute.
  21. Terif: I've still got half a bag of "Hot Fries" and two six packs of beer. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! How can Rambo be #1 if he's gonna work and stuff? [ March 14, 2003, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  22. *sits up startled*...what's this? *pinches self*....OW!, that was stupid. My God, an AAR! Rambo vs Terif. *Grabs beer, kicks back recliner, stuffs handful of "Hot Fries" into mouth*.... It don't get any better than this!
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