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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Hey Snarker I finally found a use for these Italian clankety thingies. The make ideal mobile roadblocks!. You just roll them out to a good blocking position and then, when they blow up, the enemy is denied an access route.
  2. Dear MrSpkr I (35-7) feel (35-7) your (35-7) pain (35-7) and (35-7) will (35-7) NOT (35-7) poke (35-7) fun.
  3. I tell you what, this scenario is FUN!!! Just for kicks, I played this, and let me tell you, if this doesn't motivate a new player to want more CMAK, then he does not get off on pure adreneline rushes!!! The set-up demonstrates clearly the effects of terrain, and how one can remain hidden in seemingly wide-open spaces. The usage of Indirect fire and it's terrific hitting power is amply demonstrated. (Try playing the scenario without using the mortar!) The mad dash to the radio tower was incredible, you could FEEL the excitement as you sped across the open ground, the building looming larger and larger, as your MG's fired at the Italian sand-bag positions. TOO MUCH!!!!!! Congratulations to Jeff for a great and fun scenario and to Battlefront for using this scenario for the tutorial.
  4. I don't know Axe, this post here is highly inflammatory. Clearly I think she has gone too far with this one. Post such as this do have a tendency to stir up the Maggots that frequent this Thread.
  5. At ease there Leutnant!! I have NO desire to become the mental image of your idea of a dream date. You really should get out there and at least attempt to interact with women. I realize, from your past history of posting the soap opera pathetica of your real life, that by dressing up men in women's attire in your somewhat vivid imagination, gives you hope that you might someday find a partner. I would hope that a country that could produce the (all bow down) Swedish Bikini Team, could also produce a female that would entice your interest. Although clearly your so-called dream-date would more likely be the bearded lady from the Freak Show. As far as the set-up to our game, you have bestowed upon me a type of Italian tank I am not familiar. Two guys on a bicycle, covered with a poncho hardly conjures up an image of an armored spearhead. However, that being said, with your leadership in opposition, it should prove more than sufficient.
  6. Never Mind! Good night all! [ December 06, 2003, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. You're playing scenarios and haven't sent one to ME yet? Floridian. -le dale </font>
  8. Geez, I go away for awhile cause Snarker was seized with an unnatural turn-sending spasm and come back to find everyone running around like their pants are on fire!. I don't know what happened, so I will address the one issue I can see: Seanachai-You spelled twit wrong!
  9. Oh my!!! I've been playing scenarios and hadn't even looked in the QBs yet. The term custom made comes to mind. A nice treat!
  10. Well my three minutes are up and the turn has been sent BACK. Now quit digging and start showing up. :mad: :mad: I can't shoot at ya if I can't see ya!!! Maggot!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. WAKE UP MAGGOT!!!!!! :mad: :mad: Did your send turn button freeze up? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. The Legend of The Boggy Thong A lawyer's life is normally dull Two weeks you are busy, two months there's a lull So Hortlund decided it was time for a swim The lake by the bog had beckoned to him He tore at his tie, and then at his shirt The last thing he dropped was his thong in the dirt Now Hortlund was furry, all covered with hair And from a distance, he resembled a bear. He splashed in the water and rolled in the mud While up on a hilltop stood Elmer and Fud The description of what they said they saw Caused the women to swoon, the men gasp in awe Now Hortlund had seen two men on the hill But he wasn't worried, he had time to kill But then from the north came lightning and thunder A mighty downpour caused Hortlund to blunder He grabbed his pants, his tie, and his shirt But he didn't remember the thong in the dirt He dressed in his car, with nary a care The thong was old, he'd buy a new pair A search was commenced the very next day Poor Elmer and Fud had been put away The bog was searched, they brought in a hound But a thong in the bog was all that was found
  13. I am at work you Swedish nong. Like I can remember every title on the disk? Regardless, whatever, bethatasitmay, whereas, therefore, wherewithall, foresooth, and indemnify me. Just send something!!! You have rekindled my burning hatred and you must be rewarded properly. I shall provide your frozen Nordic home with the heat from your burning tanks.
  14. Okay, I'm playing Snarker in this scenario. So where's the spoilers????????
  15. It will be a while before we have anything to discuss. I'm still tunneling. </font>
  16. You do realize that your name is not only on several lists now, but that it also has a number of symbols by it, the meaning of which involves a seperate table of explanation? I could indeed write both Berli's and my own sides of the AAR. However, in our games we do not use tactics. I randomly hammer away at Berli until direct heavenly intervention occurs and I'm awarded the victory, or Berli uses weird, unexpected units of low quality that suddenly achieve otherworldly results. In other words, there's a whole lot of metaphysical cheating going on. </font>
  17. MadMatt I hope you have learned never to mess with AARP again.
  18. It would appear that Joe Shaw's whining has restored the old font size. Even Madmatt has caught CMAK fever.
  19. LOL! I cannot believe this Thread is still going! :eek: Boy is Moon gonna be busy when he recovers from the CMAK shipping party!
  20. Now dalem that is simply not true. I was a big fan of Civil War Generals 2
  21. Now dalem that is simply not true. I was a big fan of Civil War Generals 2
  22. While pissing JOHN off is always a good idea, it has also pissed ME off and I can't imagine that you would consider that a good thing. I'm OLD Madmatt, old and my eyes are having enough trouble as it is, for Gawd's sake man ... Fix or do somefink! Joe </font>
  23. Ah..... It's Friday CMAK is on the hard drive at home Games have already commenced The weekend lies ahead It has sapped the hate right out of me. Hortlund You have been fortunate this time. Try back on Monday.
  24. Hmmm.. If one types the spelling as you so graciously posted, it loops us back to your BFC profile!!!!!
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