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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. You better be more careful who you're calling a Turn Ho there Axe. The good Mr. Windsor has connections. :cool: And Teddy Your suggestion is quite sound, although if the game ships Friday, I will not expect to get it until sometime next week. Then you may choose the scenario of your choice and lead your Brits to glory (or gory, as the case may be) PS-Hey rune is it true you can manipulate the shipping schedule of the pre-orders of CMAK? If so, I would compliment you on your recent post! I have never doubted that your IQ was greater then One. I have always felt that you were twice that smart!
  2. NO!!! I got the demo loaded from a disk. Your file probably got Spamanated. I've had other files come in with that same name advertising Viagra. If it's a set-up---send it Maggot!!! :mad: :mad:
  3. feh, this has been printed on every men's bathroom from Portland, OR to Portland MA, from Hollywood, FL to Anchorage, AL. You do seem to get around. One, or Soddball, could only imagine what the fancy lads write on the bathroom stalls of men's only establishments...not that I care to know. </font>
  4. Now we'll be able to see who the real Threadkillers are. Uh Oh...........
  5. Speaking of set-ups. My dear Teddy As we have now shared a certain......uh Well anyway, I know you sent me a CMAK set-up, but I cannot find it anywhere. If you are not too terribly preoccupied, I would beg for another go???? **At Playing CMAK!!! :mad: **-Added for Snarker's elucidation.
  6. This new feature sucks!! Now everybody will know I'm a posting hoor. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. WHOA!!!!! :eek: :eek: This must be some Premium malt liquor!! All the fonts and stuff on the old Forum have gone totally psycho delic or sumfink!! :confused: :confused: [edit to test new fangled Forum Stuff] [ December 02, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  8. You bring up a valid point in your analogy. Some things just naturally go together. For example: Everytime I see you post I keep hearing this Rolling Stones song in the back of my mind. Please allow me to introduce myself Eerie, isn't it?
  9. How quaint! Fog of War. If you want a real gaming experience you should try: FOAB!!! That's Fog of Alcoholic Beverage for most. When I have played dalem, we used: Fog of A Bong I'm still not sure who won....or if we even finished. But it was a lot of fun!!!!
  10. Hah! I mock your depression! :mad: My Super Bowl Champions are 5-7 and going (thankfully) nowhere. They have shown themselves to be the Jim Boggs of the NFL. :cool: Maggot!!! :mad: :mad: Once again your miserable existance pales when compare to mine!!!
  11. Geez!!! Only in the Cheery Waffle Thread could an innocent picture of barnyard chickens lead to such a revolting and disgusting series of posts. *Sniff* Good job guys!!!
  12. It's winter, just swerve in front of them and you can laugh uproariously when they slide into the ditch. err, or so I've heard... </font>
  13. Gaily bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado. But he grew old- This knight so bold- And o'er his heart a shadow Fell as he found No spot of ground That looked like Eldorado. And, as his strength Failed him at length, He met a pilgrim shadow- "Shadow," said he, "Where can it be- This land of Eldorado?" "Over the Mountains Of the Moon, Down the Valley of the Shadow, Ride, boldly ride," The shade replied- "If you seek for Eldorado!" --Edgar Allan Poe </font>
  14. Very well then black-eyes it will be! [edited to entertain dalem] [ December 02, 2003, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. Speaking of non-posting, derelict, irresponsible, scenario designing Maggots :mad: :mad: Where is the good Abbott? :confused:
  16. My oh my!!! All this just for someone with: A HUMONGOUS MEMBER NUMBER!!! I am, of course, most deeply honored that I should be the justification for such an emotional outburst! Very well my good Lurkur. As CMAK is still a couple of weeks away for us poh Mercuns (MrSpkr excluded) I will not suffer you to wait. We shall make do with CMBB and use our imagination and creativity to recreate the lonely and vast desert battles. I propose a pure armor 5 vs 5 QB. You, as the Challenger have the choice between: 5 M4A2's or 5 PzIVF2's Take your pick and I will take care of the rest of the details, arranging for their deliverance into thine incoming box tonight. What could be more fair? As far as the piccy, I must report a horrible quirk of fate has caused all pictures of my humble self to be mysteriously consumed in a fire of unknown origin. If I can find just one you can rest assured that it will be dispos....dispatched to the Dear Lady Persephone posthaste. Well now, I think that just about covers your charming post. Are there any further issues?
  17. Face it, this is WAY more information than I really wanted to know. I have to admit, for a resident of Ohio you seem pretty well informed on the goings on in Pennsylvania, you Cheery Waffle maggot wannabe. </font>
  18. I had that same problem! What you do is: 1) Lift the mouse off the desk 2) Slide the desk to the left more 3) Put the mouse down Now you should be in the middle of the desk! Hope this Helps!
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