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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Soddball Are you going to do any scenarios in the 1,000-2,000 point range? Also, a nice "Rat Patrol" scenario similar to Jeff Weatherspoon's would be nice. Include some TNT, though, to blow up the radio tower or whatever the target is. Hey, maybe you could do a scenario on the attempt to capture Rommel!!!
  2. Geez Hortlund, haven't you gotten over being dumped by lenakonrad yet? Here's a tip: Try flirting with girls!!!.
  3. Excuse me there Sherlock. Have you happened to notice DMH's sig line during your extensive investigation?
  4. Okay, I'm a baseball grog! Urban Shocker Won twenty or more games for four consecutive years while pitching for the St Louis Browns of the American League. Best mark 27-12 in 1921. Spent final year of career with the legendary 1927 Yankees of Ruth and Gehrig fame, posting an 18-6 record.
  5. MadMatt As I have been known to give you grief in the past (and will most assuredly continue in the future), I feel free to offer up the following comment: Thank you for sharing that inside look at what goes on during the recording of CMAK. It was a most fascinating read.
  6. :confused: Dear Miss Kitty :confused: No! Does the phrase: Swedish Bikini Team ring a bell?
  7. Ooooh, someone else uses Carol Shelby's mix!!! The little brown bag of magic. All is forgiven, you are clearly a person of discerning taste. </font>
  8. GAAAAAK!!! Change it back!!! At least there was some mystery to the old one. If I want real life I'll play The Sims. dalem Quit hiding on the GF. You know you owe me a set-up. Get off your frappleworth and send it. Tonite. I'll take the Italians.
  9. Well now, look who finally crawled out from behind the detox dumpster. It's Soddy's drinking buddy. Apparently the two of them have invented a new language that requires a complete brain shut-down to understand. So then, wino, have you memorised all the set-ups now and feel capable of actually playing CMAK against human opponents, or is that still a couple weeks away? Maggot!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. You Nong!! If you would come down off that ridge you would see that the smoke curling up through the hatches of my Italio-microwaves, would be the smoke generated by boiling pasta. We're having lunch. Why don't you come and join us? Maggot :mad: :mad:
  11. I'm playing Clash of Titans and there is in the background a howling wind which consistently sounds throughout the battle so far. Incredibly the palm trees at the oasis are bending and swaying as well. Nice Touch!!!
  12. W000000T!!!!! I have skyrocketed from #31 all the way to #2!!! :eek: Damn, I rule!!!! :cool:
  13. There there my little munchkin.. Are the bad men poking fun at you? :mad: </font>
  14. Well, well, Mr Tilde! It would appear that Mr Colon is plugged again. Perhaps you should stop posting like Mr Period and come down off that ridge line to fight my brave Italics. We shall have to # your sorry Limey butt, while your asterikal screams resound throughout the vast desert wasteland. MAGGOT!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. A once proud and well-spoken English gentleman, has been reduced to this by the attention and flattery that has been so cleverly foisted upon him by certain Ladies of the Pool. By attacking the CWT's weakest link, they have demonstrated the pure evil and vileness that can only come from the mind of a woman. I know what you're thinking: But Jim, Soddball always babbled incoherently! To this I reply: Hmmmm.....Good point!
  16. Well, you have clearly shown a complete lack of intellect by posting in this Thread. Further you have demonstrated a blatant ignorance of the proper usage of :mad: . You leave me no choice but to school you in the correct ways of the Cheery Waffle. I realize that in your case it will be as difficult as teaching charm and good manners to Soddball. :mad: But as you have insisted upon rushing to meet your doom, then I am compelled, out of pity, to take you up on your challenge with the forlorn hope that indeed you may one day be able to post here without completely humiliating and debasing yourself. AS IF!!!! :mad: :mad:
  17. Boggs, as a fellow Southerner I feel a certain loyalty to you, a bond of brotherhood...however, it's not nearly enough to forego pointing out that if I fed my dog scrabble pieces, he could crap a wittier post than you. Furhermore, you're from Florida, and southern or not, it's a cesspit that no one will miss once the ice caps melt. In other words, hoist the Boggsian standard (the Forkless Tree), and send me a setup! CMAK. Any scenario will do. </font>
  18. Axe You gamey, gormless, slime ridden, mold-infested, ant-ridden, Goodale wannabe, non-Cmak having......CANADIAN!! :mad: I kick you in the forks, I slap your pet moose upside his head, I tip over your outhouse WITH YOU IN IT, I use the newspaper you write for to line the bottom of a birdcage in the hope that it will then contain some ****e that don't stink,........ Remember me? MAGGOT!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  19. Damnit Mike :mad: We're listing Snarker's worst Thread Titles. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. Yeah, smart move, make an operation that no one without a Cray 2 computer can play. </font>
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