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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Thanks to you, I'll probably encounter it tonight! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. When I was in the service during AIT we had to crouch in a pre-made foxhole and allow a tank to run over us, then jump out of the hole and throw a simulated satchel charge on the back deck of the tank. Needless to say, the guys who were scared had to be dragged out of the foxhole by the Drill Instructor. They had curled up in the bottom and weren't going anywhere!
  3. You should maybe post this in the Official Bug Thread, as it would seem to counter what is said in the manual. Just curious: How wide was the average trench? Is it conceivable that the width of the tank would allow it to bracket it lengthwise? Did you do any tests other than desert terrain?
  4. Speaking of "kissing ceremonies", where have Boo and Joe Shaw wandered off to? Did their verbal sparring match leave them both too exhausted to update their "title fight"?
  5. Rambo Have you ever played Combat Mission? I have played SL and ASL in my younger days, and I thought I was pretty good tactically. Until CM came along and handed me my butt. Have you tried the demos?
  6. rune Did you get my "review" of the encounter with Lurkur? As your e-mail addie is undisplayed, I was forced to send it through the BFC tab on your profile. Having received no acknowledgement, I do not know if you have received your severe admonishment. Oh, and be veeeeery careful opening Lurkur's review, for I have heard rumors... Seanachai I have read your advice a number of times (1). I find it most bewildering and lacking in the advice I had sought. I am, however in complete agreement with certain parts of it: Christ, you do talk like a fruit! This is actually a violation of the Thread Rules, as I am sure the Justicar will be along any minute now to point out. For you edification, I will paraphrase the code in question: Talk like you have a pear, don't talk about your pear. This would, I believe, also cover talking like a pear.
  7. And now I would humbly beseech the advice of Seanachaibard. I seek guidance, I seek counsel, you finally post while I'm awake. I have run afoul of late. My words, innocently cast out for consumption, have (most recently) been twisted and misconstrued by those who cannot see the purity of my intent. Am I to suffer the slings and arrows of well-deserved misfortune because certain of our literary experts have misinterpreted the meaning of my warm-spirited words? I have heard that you have some knowledge in this field. Plus, none of the long-winded and overly critical lads have bothered to send turns tonight, so blame Lars, Boo, and dalem (Always a sensible course, regardless). Now, where was I? Right... what advice can you offer to one who has been so unjustly accused?
  8. Whatever are you people on about. Clearly I have a great concern that historically women PM's have been...well...ugly! I was merely attempting to warn Miss Kitty of this future possibility. I cannot imagine how this would be considered stupid, when in fact it demonstrates an almost sissyish compassion, (which BTW has the official sanction of MrPeng himself). So there!
  9. Hmmm.. So Miss Kitty, how long have you been suffering from this PM Syndrome?
  10. "Sing songs" and "jolliness" are for sissies. Kitty </font>
  11. I have been here for almost a year and I just have to ask - How long has this tradition of Elvis's carried on for? Is there any history behind it, or is it just his special way of saying I can't be bothered posting, but I'm here watching you idijits? </font>
  12. Joe, come now, where's your compassion, your sense of fair play? Clearly Boo is deserving of some title, what that is I have no idea, but hear me out. Joe, look at your titles, all fairly pai....earned and then look at poor Boo. Nothing. Well except for Oaf, which was earned by the way. Think of his shame, his humiliation. "Hi Mom...yeah I'm still in the MBT....no, I haven't got a promotion....well I do have the title of Oaf!....right Mom, I know....but I'm trying...etc., etc. Therefore I think that the time has come for ALL the members (regardless of length) of the MBT to place before their compadres a fit and proper title for Boo Radley. Something that is highly rank, that will give the lowly Ohioan a fitting place in the line to use the bathroom, something that will fit his non-existant talents and complete lack of personality. Come on lads, come up with a title for Boo!!
  13. *Sighs* This...is just awful. Now look here, this will never do. As Seanachai is on "vacation", I shall fill the role of "the nice one". Properly annointed by MrPeng himself. Well he didn't say "nice one" but it was close enough. This Thread is about splodey things and clankety things. LOTS of em. It doesn't matter if you win or lose because your opponent will lie (Joe Shaw) or whine about not having enough troops (Boo). So you have been warned. Now then, you are saying "But there's another Thread that does this." And you would be right. But here it's different because of The Ladies of The Pool. Because they are staunch supporters of the arts, they indulge certain amongst the Group to have Jolly Sing Songs and do versification. And The Ladies ensure that there will be no mocking of the would-be poets and bards. Never, I say, never, incur the wrath of The Ladies of The Pool!!! If this should occur, you will find they are quick to forgive a sincere apology. Now then Lord Hormone, if you truly feel you have the "Right Stuff", go off and Put Some Effort in Your Challenge!!
  14. I know, Joe, so I'll try to explain as I go along.</font>
  15. Three turns remaining, I accept your offer. You had the last turn sent to you last night. SEND IT!!!! And save your salve, you're gonna need it. NO MORE MR NICE (SISSY) GUY!!!!! Oops, break over, gotta go.
  16. As I still controlled two of the three VL's, despite my best efforts to give them up, the only way in which you had any chance of winning was if I allowed you to blow-up a few vehicles. EVEN THEN, when I parked them in the open, you took the whole game just to get five.
  17. GAHHHHHHHG!!! What is this work crap that has deluged me lately. It sucketh mightily I say. Got one hour for lunch, must use it wisely, but where to start? 1) My Dear Lady Persephone. I had considered sending pictures of moi to you directly, but then realised you would think that I had substituted my picture with some Movie Star Studly Dude, when in fact it is truly my picture. Therefore, I will await the arrival of the Lars and allow him to authenticate my true manly profile. 2) Yes Joe Shaw did win our little match, but only after he promised that if I would let him win, I would never have to play him again! Needless to say, this was too good to pass up. And yet despite everything that I did to throw the fight, it still took him 27 of the 30 turns to eke out a narrow victory. I will say that losing to Joe was THE most challenging fight I have ever had, I almost thought it was impossible, but somehow, he managed to limit his mistakes to a less than twenty. 3) Now then, I would suggest that you two nongs (Joe & Boo), refer any discussions regarding Radley's sig line to the soon to be owner. ME! 4) Berlichtingen, I realize that you do not post here because you fear that I will have to chastise you for your colorful language. I understand your fear. It is well placed. Seanachai has informed me that he is still quivering. However, I am a fair man and realize that even you deserve a second chance. I am willing to work out an arrangement: Currently I am involved in two of your scenarios. One from East Africa and the other a little patrol action in Italy. Now then, the maps for these little tussles seem to be of an...uh... unusual nature. Now then, if you were to divulge what the hell you were drinking when you designed these maps, I would be more than willing to welcome you back with open.... well, welcome you back. What could be more fair? [edit]-As a sign of good faith, I have removed the censored tag from your nom de plume. Sometimes, I am just too nice. Almost sissyish. Unmitigatingly speaking of course. [ April 09, 2004, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  18. Glory Be!!!! Like a cool refreshing breeze on a sultry summer day. My Dear Lady Persephone, it is with a bouyant heart that I read your glorious words. Alas Pillocks we are and Pillocks we shall remain. But would you have it any other way? Besides, now I won't have to send you pictures as a bribe. [waves smilie rule for Special Occasion]
  19. Me too! *Sniff* Despite the fancy wardrobe, Lars just ain't cuttin it.
  20. No, no, no, that's NOT what you meant to say. What you meant to say was: Well, well, look who's back, mike-the :mad: elk humping :mad: grape squashing :mad: puss licking :mad: fury twat :mad: AWOL :mad: maggot96. At least that's what I would have said.
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