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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. From what I have read, both these games (by virtue of their sequence of play) would lend themselves readily to excellent AI scripting. Of course I am no computer guy, so will have to get confirmation from others. But it would appear to be practical.
  2. The time has come to expose the co-conspirators of this network of lies, deceit, and skullduggery. As one of our truly great President's (righty) once proposed, I shall emulate his greatness and reveal my: ENEMIES LIST 1) Seanachai The leader of this band of ne'r-do-wells. He pictures me dangling on a hook like bait, while screaming master to his childlike delight. 2) Berlichtingen Rising from the dead (his natural state), to deliver the coup de grace 3) Boo Radley The instigator and ignorant one, who seems to forget that his sig line will be embellished as well. Shoulda let well enough alone there Boo 4) The Abomination rune Despite an incredibly brilliant performance by myself in my match with Radley, the scoring matrix of this...scenario was so heavily tilted that my ability to secure a draw almost defeated the whole plan 5) Joe Shaw The keeper of the rules, who at one time enforced them to the letter. He has now fallen under the influence of The Church of Seanachai and has been babbling like a teenager ever since. 6) dalem The proprietor of The House of Food and Beer, in which conspiratorial meetings were held to forge their evil designs. 7) Lars Because, he's Lars, and he's always involved in designs such as these. What has he done with the time he used to invest in the SSN Tip of the Day? 8) Lady Persephone This is the most tragic and hurtful of all. The one who assured me that Berli would never respond to this... In addition Michael Emrys is working himself into a spot on the list, as his disappearance is now being reviewed as a possible link to this travesty. In all fairness, I should list those valiant ones among you who have stood beside me and have offered rousing encouragement: Friends List 1) Pending 2) Pending 3) Pending 4) Pending
  3. So, Boggs, do you want to continue to writhe in an interesting way on the hook, or just pull your forelock and call me 'master'? As I said, your signature line is mine. Are you going to cry, Jim? I like it when you cry, bro. </font>
  4. I tell you what, there have been a number of posts on the GF about just this kind of game. Thanks to BFC for listening. With them behind the project, the end result is guaranteed to be done right! By the way, I see a full circle here, as the trend to expand continues, we may see the title Big Time Software resurrected. Now where's Joe Shaw? He was screaming the loudest!
  5. See? You got it wrong from the get-go. You came blasting into the <small>goddam</small> thread, tearing your hair and gnashing your teeth because I had soundly beaten three of its inhabitants. Then YOU challenged me. Which means only one thing. You are in on the conspiracy yourself. </font>
  6. Clearly a coded message! This is the one I'm going to Kett....my advisor with!
  7. My worst fears have now been confirmed. This little incident just seems to be playing out in too contrived a manner to ignore. Therefore I have consulted with a highly regarded and world famous Conspiracy Expert. I have agreed to keep John Kettler's name confidential, so I cannot divulge the source of my analysis. Let us review the sequence of events: 1) Radley, who has never beaten me, challenges me to a Blood Hamster Sig Line Match. 2) Abomination rune coincidentally has a scenario for testing 3) The scenario in question, as in all of Abomination rune's scenarios, was designed to be a one-sided abomination 4) That I was able (through sheer tactical brilliance) to get a draw, placed a certain roadblock on the path of a certain person's revenge. 5) Suddenly, a new rule is announced that says draws cause both sig lines to become available for desecration. 6) The owner of my sig line (Berli) is conveniently missing. 7) A certain Seanachai individual, still seething from his stern (but fair and balanced) rebuke for improper usage of the English Language, is coincidentally(?) now claiming title to my sig line. 8) Even as the matter seemed to be passing into that "point of no return" (ie; Seanachai's 10 minute attention span), up jumps Radley with a reminder that the trap, while well sprung, has not been consumated. 9) Suddenly, there is a meeting announced at dalem's House of Food and Beer, scheduled for the Friday before the Sunday deadline for sig-lines. Clearly an opportunity for certain individuals to consume mass quantities of alcohol to "stimulate" their imaginations in a group effort to facilitate the compostition of said sig line. As my confidential advisor pointed out, there is just too much clear cut evidence in this highly suspicious sequence of events for it to be just a "coincidence". He calls it The Bard's Revenge! It was also pointed out, that this "conspiracy" is equivalent in smell and retribution to the historical case of Montezuma's Revenge. John was also.....My advisor was also kind enough to point out that it took the combined efforts of at least ten individuals to pull this off, and that in an ironic (moronic in the case of Radley) twist clearly shows an immense fear and loathing of "the victim" (the honorable and innocent ME)! I am currently consulting with the firm Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe, and they promise that with the proper deposit on retainer, justice will prevail!
  8. ROFLMAO!!! Good one Doro.....Gaylord!!!
  9. Not so fast. I will have to see that transfer in a post on this Thread under Berli's profile or it ain't gonna wash. I'm funny like that!
  10. Radley Clearly you are 100% Ohidiot. Listen clearly this time: Seanachai can do whatever he wants to your sig line. No problem. I encourage it. It would give all you future postings some benefit of culture at least. However: Berli has my sig line. Now I don't see him posting anywhere, but is that my fault? NO! So Live with it! My sig line remains as pure as my innocent heart.
  11. Lars is clearly a non-turn sending nonce!! I blame it on the GF! BOTH of them
  12. Well now, all you tiny tinkers. What's all this arguing over righty versus lefty? Oh, I'm a righty, that makes me superior, because we get things done fast!! No it doesn't, the lefties clearly are able to get the job done with greater feeling! To this I would quote that Dumbass guy in Seanachai's sig line: BAH! Real MEN use both hands!! Idjits!
  13. :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!Wallybob!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: It has been :mad: THREE DAYS :mad: without a turn you slathering fury MAGGOT!!!!! I'm not sure I can remain this calm much longer. :eek: :eek:
  14. Boggs was shocked, but there it was. A personal invitation to have dinner at the exclusive Kitty's Cafe. And she was going to prepare a new delicacy for the menu, Chicken Raman. "Wow, I sure am glad she's not mad at me anymore. Those damn guys really twisted my words and got me in deep trouble," he thought to himself as he dressed for dinner. Arriving punctually at 7:30, he was greeted by the gracious Miss Kitty herself. She was standing at the entrance next to a huge bird cage that held one of the scrawniest crows that Boggs had ever seen. "How cute", Boggs remarked. Kitty just smiled and led him to a center table and ordered the wine steward to keep Boggs' glass filled until the main course arrived. After quite a few glasses to sooth the palate, the hot-steaming plate finally arrived. Spiced to perfection, the meal was consumed in great delight. The only complaint was that the meat was a bit chewy. Following the complimentary after dinner drink, Boggs rose to leave, escorted by a beaming Miss Kitty. At the entrance, she finally spoke. "Did you enjoy your meal? Did you eat every bite?" Boggs replied, "Yes, it was very good." Turning to leave, Boggs noticed that the large bird cage was empty. He stopped. Turning to face Miss Kitty he asked, "What happened to the crow?" Miss Kitty just smiled.
  15. Sorry to interrupt this Sissy League GF you guys got going here, but I have an important suggestion: Whoever starts the next Thread should use the word "abomination" in the title. This will please Seanachai! *Snort*....*Snicker*
  16. ROFLMAO!!!! See Kuni, they were just waiting until they could afford the mental health package for BFC employees. Good thing Hubert is busting his buns to get SC2 out, insurance ain't cheap! By the way.. Welcome back you worthless Swedish Git!!! I actually did miss ya!
  17. Oh that is lovely! Hoisted on his on petard as it were. I suspect the Church of Seanachai will now see clearly the groundswell of popular disgust. Oh and rune(or is it Rune?), you have all small letters in your screen name, but insist on capitalizing the "R" when you close your posts. Now I wouldn't suggest that perhaps you have a serious identity crisis..... Anyway, clearly by your own hand confusion has been sown. That the poor mentally deficient Justicar cannot remember to bold your name probably stems from the fact he cannot remember which name is to be bolded.
  18. So you're a hermaphrodite? If your 'wifely bits' do the taxes, do the 'husbandy bits' do the laundry? Maggot. :mad: :mad: </font>
  19. Hey, wait a minute thar! I distinctly remember that my sig line would be written by Berli. Uh, that's Berli as in: NOT Seanachai Remember Berli as in: not posting anymore!!! Sooooo... Looks like you may have your way with that hoor Radley, but I have, once again, escaped with my virtue (and sig line) unblemished.
  20. Great, now I gotta listen to Seanachai moan and groan about his lost opportunity. Oh well, I'll bet he hadn't written anything anyway.
  21. You idjit, he said hoor! I think that means cheap or sumfink. Now then, an abomination has occurred. That the word abomination and rune appear in this paragraph, together, is, I am sure, a familiar sight. Despite controlling ALL THREE FLAGS, plus the entire city, except for four or five buildings, the scoring matrix for this game called it A DRAW!!!!!! Against Radley for cryin out loud!!!!! Apparently the good SOD (Scenario Oscitancy Designer) slept most soundly through his Math classes. Where do I send the review?
  22. Wallybob :mad: You slathering :mad: slug :mad: of a secretious :mad: substance! You would dare to Chuck TNT and then disappear for :mad: TWO DAYS!!!! :mad: ...To do your TAXESSSSSS!?!?!? :mad: When you return, I would suggest you bring some marshmellows. :mad: Wrapped in asbestos
  23. No time for questions just yet! Instead: Congratulations Hubert!!! It's a beautiful piece of work...no a beautiful work of art! Merry Christmas!!!!! at the latest!
  24. YEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! It's beautiful!!!!!! Way to go Hubert!!!! Uh, can I go ahead and pre-order?
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