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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Hey, what's this big box addressed to Seanachai? It says: Contents: One Mark IV Yacinator Adult signature required Addressed to: Seanachai From: FU Hmmmmm... I didn't know Seanachai went to Fordham University.
  2. Well that's a "stinking lie", but then you do have a history now don't you? Not of lying, though. I would feel safe in saying that even if I looked like "Russell Crowe" you would still desire to strike me repeatedly". Some people, (such as yourself), always seem to bear hostility towards their superiors.
  3. Well that's a "stinking lie", but then you do have a history now don't you? Not of lying, though. I would feel safe in saying that even if I looked like "Russell Crowe" you would still desire to strike me repeatedly". Some people, (such as yourself), always seem to bear hostility towards their superiors.
  4. Let me paraphrase Eleanor Rigby. I'm wearing a smile that I keep in a jar by the door. Who is it for? All the lonely people. Like you for example.
  5. Let me paraphrase Eleanor Rigby. I'm wearing a smile that I keep in a jar by the door. Who is it for? All the lonely people. Like you for example.
  6. BAH! That's an old picture. I still had teeth and some hair on the side of my head. Damn, I used to have nice teeth!
  7. BAH! That's an old picture. I still had teeth and some hair on the side of my head. Damn, I used to have nice teeth!
  8. Typical Radley diversion tactic. Teacher: *Sniff* "Well now, have you soiled your pants again little Boo Boo?" Boo: *Holds Nose* "Yes maam, but Boggs didn't show up for picture day." *Lets go of nose to point at Boggs* "He...." *gasps frantically, then passes out from fumes*
  9. Typical Radley diversion tactic. Teacher: *Sniff* "Well now, have you soiled your pants again little Boo Boo?" Boo: *Holds Nose* "Yes maam, but Boggs didn't show up for picture day." *Lets go of nose to point at Boggs* "He...." *gasps frantically, then passes out from fumes*
  10. Well, generally speaking for "Outdoor Use", the majority use St. Augustine or Bahia. For "Indoor Use", I believe it's Jamaican or Columbian. At least that is what I have been told.
  11. Well, generally speaking for "Outdoor Use", the majority use St. Augustine or Bahia. For "Indoor Use", I believe it's Jamaican or Columbian. At least that is what I have been told.
  12. Ah yes, Wednesday, Hump Day as it were, dreaming of the weekend... Saturday Morning 9 AM As faithful as any church goer, I take my coffee and the daily disappointment (newspaper) to the patio in the back. It is Saturday at 9 AM. It is Spring in Florida. The first thing that is noticed is the crisp clean air and the sparkling dance of light on the grass as the last bits of dew slowly evaporate under the warm morning sun. Deep Breath. Ahhhh! Now the sounds of Saturday morning begin to cascade in from the surrounding neigborhood. The shouts and screams of children playing. Now this is a truly unique sound. Children don't just laugh from their throat, or their diaphram, children laugh and shout from the bottom of their soul with all the spirit and joy that only they can understand. For you see, children play with a passion that adults can only wax nostalgic over. When children play it is with every ounce of their soul and being. There is no hesitation, no concern over social graces, just pure unadulterated, full-speed ahead fun. Now the cheerful morning songs of the various bird creatures who zoom in swiftly, then suddenly, with an effortless lift of the wings, settle gracefully on the roof of the shed. Head cocking first left, then right, it surveys the yard for a potential breakfast. Ah, all is good! Then, the sound that fills one with dread. The neighbor is mowing his yard! We have an unwritten agreement amongst ourselves. We will put off mowing the yard for as long as our dear wives will allow. By joining together in this endeavor, our yards grow at an equal rate, thereby keeping a consistency that precludes someone from making a comparison to the other yard and commenting that ours looks like an abandoned meadow compared to the neighbors. But alas, sooner of later a wife suddenly notices that she cannot see the car parked on the driveway due to the current landscaping pattern. My neighbor has fallen victim to this female eagle eye and is starting the chain of events (somewhat like dominoes) that has one neighbor after another firing up his lawn mower to maintain the "natural balance" of things. Well now, the coffee is drunk (much like myself the night before) and this magic moment comes to it's inevitable end. Time to awaken from this dream and rejoin humanity.
  13. Ah yes, Wednesday, Hump Day as it were, dreaming of the weekend... Saturday Morning 9 AM As faithful as any church goer, I take my coffee and the daily disappointment (newspaper) to the patio in the back. It is Saturday at 9 AM. It is Spring in Florida. The first thing that is noticed is the crisp clean air and the sparkling dance of light on the grass as the last bits of dew slowly evaporate under the warm morning sun. Deep Breath. Ahhhh! Now the sounds of Saturday morning begin to cascade in from the surrounding neigborhood. The shouts and screams of children playing. Now this is a truly unique sound. Children don't just laugh from their throat, or their diaphram, children laugh and shout from the bottom of their soul with all the spirit and joy that only they can understand. For you see, children play with a passion that adults can only wax nostalgic over. When children play it is with every ounce of their soul and being. There is no hesitation, no concern over social graces, just pure unadulterated, full-speed ahead fun. Now the cheerful morning songs of the various bird creatures who zoom in swiftly, then suddenly, with an effortless lift of the wings, settle gracefully on the roof of the shed. Head cocking first left, then right, it surveys the yard for a potential breakfast. Ah, all is good! Then, the sound that fills one with dread. The neighbor is mowing his yard! We have an unwritten agreement amongst ourselves. We will put off mowing the yard for as long as our dear wives will allow. By joining together in this endeavor, our yards grow at an equal rate, thereby keeping a consistency that precludes someone from making a comparison to the other yard and commenting that ours looks like an abandoned meadow compared to the neighbors. But alas, sooner of later a wife suddenly notices that she cannot see the car parked on the driveway due to the current landscaping pattern. My neighbor has fallen victim to this female eagle eye and is starting the chain of events (somewhat like dominoes) that has one neighbor after another firing up his lawn mower to maintain the "natural balance" of things. Well now, the coffee is drunk (much like myself the night before) and this magic moment comes to it's inevitable end. Time to awaken from this dream and rejoin humanity.
  14. Michael Emrys Looks like congratulations are in order for Everybody's Favorite Grog! Just caught up with the new addition to your sig line. Excellent Michael!! What's it been now, five years? Incredible, but then again you just knew you would get one right some day!
  15. Michael Emrys Looks like congratulations are in order for Everybody's Favorite Grog! Just caught up with the new addition to your sig line. Excellent Michael!! What's it been now, five years? Incredible, but then again you just knew you would get one right some day!
  16. So, are you gonna finish the quote? Why was it getting bigger? Sheesh I hate being in the dark.
  17. So, are you gonna finish the quote? Why was it getting bigger? Sheesh I hate being in the dark.
  18. Let us all pause for a moment and reflect on the dangerous place the GF has become. Instead of a thirty day time-out, the once goodly Seanachai has bargained away his soul to Berli this time on the GF. I think Berli deals in permanent contracts.
  19. Let us all pause for a moment and reflect on the dangerous place the GF has become. Instead of a thirty day time-out, the once goodly Seanachai has bargained away his soul to Berli this time on the GF. I think Berli deals in permanent contracts.
  20. Pah! Amateurs. I had a 155mm FO take out over 35 troops in a rune scenario. The LOS was limited to 60m due to rain and nightfall. Oh, do they deduct points if the 35 troops were friendly?
  21. What am I doing up so late? GAMEY UPDATES Joe needs to pay more attention to his own flames. He just lost another "minor" unit. Uh, Joe, did I mention that I just got reinforcements? Noba has fired off the customary two turn volley and disappeared to parts unknown (Australia). The strain of driving those big Tigers has apparently worn him out. Lars & dalem being drifters and vagabonds cannot be expected to send turns on a Saturday now can they? Resting up for more GF action no doubt. Lurkur & v42below remain nonset-up sending slackers. And now, because it's late and that's when everybody get's in trouble, I will add the following: And even now, the echo of voices, familiar and yet far off. Two voices! One sweet like a perfect harmony, light like the mid-day sun, fresh as a cool breeze. The other, brisk and impatient, exhuding a deep forboding of evil. As opposite as night and day, and yet somehow sharing a common vow. So sad for the rest of us.
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