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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. What am I doing up so late? GAMEY UPDATES Joe needs to pay more attention to his own flames. He just lost another "minor" unit. Uh, Joe, did I mention that I just got reinforcements? Noba has fired off the customary two turn volley and disappeared to parts unknown (Australia). The strain of driving those big Tigers has apparently worn him out. Lars & dalem being drifters and vagabonds cannot be expected to send turns on a Saturday now can they? Resting up for more GF action no doubt. Lurkur & v42below remain nonset-up sending slackers. And now, because it's late and that's when everybody get's in trouble, I will add the following: And even now, the echo of voices, familiar and yet far off. Two voices! One sweet like a perfect harmony, light like the mid-day sun, fresh as a cool breeze. The other, brisk and impatient, exhuding a deep forboding of evil. As opposite as night and day, and yet somehow sharing a common vow. So sad for the rest of us.
  2. 1) Left click on the unit you wish to move 2) Hit the Space Bar to bring up the "Commands Menu" 3) Choose the movement type you wish to make by either left clicking on it, or using the hot key which is listed. 4) Trace the movement path you desire the unit to follow across the map and left click at the destination. 5) There should now be a colored line extending from the unit you chose to the destination, represented by a white block. 6) From here you can hit the space bar to give additional commands if you wish, or you can use the backspace if you have changed your mind about the move. (Hitting backspace removes the last plotted move.) Hope this helps!
  3. Dear Noba I am in receipt of your proposed match, the title of which is "Tigers and Two Pounders". I see that you have most graciously taken the Germans and the burden of maneuvering those gigantic clankety beasts across the mapboard. While I, on the other hand, only have to worry about some tiny peashooters and how best to keep them hidden for thirty turns or so. "Some" might think that one side may have a slight advantage over the other. "Some" might say that only a fool would play such a one-sided scenario. "Some" might even accuse one of the party's of subterfuge and being of a devious nature. I laugh at "Some". As the steel beasts rumble away from my forward position, I laugh. As the huge 88mm guns begin to rain fiery sheets of death and destruction completely off the map, I laugh. Then I see, sitting comfortably in his Mercedes Staff car, with the built in bar, the commander of this awe inspiring force. Bellowing orders, pointing frantically, and drinking heavily. Yes, it's Noba! Then I really start laughing.
  4. Dear Noba I am in receipt of your proposed match, the title of which is "Tigers and Two Pounders". I see that you have most graciously taken the Germans and the burden of maneuvering those gigantic clankety beasts across the mapboard. While I, on the other hand, only have to worry about some tiny peashooters and how best to keep them hidden for thirty turns or so. "Some" might think that one side may have a slight advantage over the other. "Some" might say that only a fool would play such a one-sided scenario. "Some" might even accuse one of the party's of subterfuge and being of a devious nature. I laugh at "Some". As the steel beasts rumble away from my forward position, I laugh. As the huge 88mm guns begin to rain fiery sheets of death and destruction completely off the map, I laugh. Then I see, sitting comfortably in his Mercedes Staff car, with the built in bar, the commander of this awe inspiring force. Bellowing orders, pointing frantically, and drinking heavily. Yes, it's Noba! Then I really start laughing.
  5. It seems to me that we have the possibility of a "twofer" on this one ... surely his sister would be immensely cheered by having him kicked in the fork, I know I would be. Joe </font>
  6. It seems to me that we have the possibility of a "twofer" on this one ... surely his sister would be immensely cheered by having him kicked in the fork, I know I would be. Joe </font>
  7. I can only reinforce what Nidan has said. We are here if you need us, for whatever reason.
  8. I can only reinforce what Nidan has said. We are here if you need us, for whatever reason.
  9. What about a QB? You set up your forces once, and then let the other guys pick their own mix and dispositions. In theory it should work, but then again, in theory the Red Sox should have been in the Series last year. Right Axe?
  10. I didn't win the Lotto today. Again. Unlike dalem, who wins it every time he gets a file from me. I hates him... </font>
  11. I didn't win the Lotto today. Again. Unlike dalem, who wins it every time he gets a file from me. I hates him... </font>
  12. Sheesh! If it will cause you to cease this despicable whining, I will allow you a rematch. Send a set-up this time. I don't want any lame excuses. Like dalem and Lars, (or as their otherwise known the hummer and the sailor of the GF), are bound to come up with. There are slackers everywhere. R Leete (You're right Joe, his name is a pita to type). You are in violation of an official edict of non-usage in regards your current sig line. You must cease and desist at once, or else I will be forced to serve you my briefs.
  13. *Shrugs* I don't get it. I thought everybody liked Oreos. Oh well... </font>
  14. *Shrugs* I don't get it. I thought everybody liked Oreos. Oh well... </font>
  15. *Shrugs* I don't get it. I thought everybody liked Oreos. Oh well...
  16. OK, i get the message... then only experienced game designers should be allowed to speak in here. Are you one of those ? </font>
  17. I think I know what happened: Moon: Sheesh, those idjits, let me push the padlock.... Steve (aka Battlefront.com): Hey, Martin, I need a second of your time to disuss some forum issues........SIX HOURS LATER.....so I really think this is necessary. What do you think? Moon: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz....
  18. See what happens when you offer something free? It gets stolen!
  19. Old American saying: If you screw something up the first time, edit it and make it worse
  20. Redundant! All your attempts are belong to lame-arsed. Fix or do sumfink! [edit]-Offered to our viewers as evidence that Axe is indeed a lame-arsed idjit, they just locked the other Thread! Good news is that it proves they don't read these Threads! [ April 22, 2004, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  21. It better have hexes, none of them blasphemus tiles **Shudders**. Oh, and top down 2D perspective as an option. Otherwise you'll put BFC out of business.
  22. Axe You better get over to the GF in that Famous Canadian Thread and help your countrymen out. They're gonna nominate some doughnut guy for cryin out loud! Just don't nominate that Chuck Salivary guy. :mad:
  23. Speaking of loose, where are the exquisite creatures of the Official Steno Pool? While you were absent there Joe, the dolt invaded your sanctuary and bestowed wondrous titles and such upon himself. One would wonder what else the dolt bestowed upon himself. I think we should take a look and make sure they're okay.
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