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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Note to self: When Axe comes to Florida, buy beer in cans. Or 4 dozen band-aids.
  2. Counsel and advise away 'cause if you think I'm going to drive a million miles and not have a drink or two with a fellow CMer you're crazier than MasterGoodale. </font>
  3. SHHH!!!!! I was going to use the old Travel Trailer ruse on him. First you ask them if they would like to take a free ride in a Gulf Stream. The excitement of riding a Winnebago causes their synapses to fuse long enough for me to point out into the Atlantic and say, "Just over the horizon, the Gulf Stream of your dreams". This is followed by joyous shouts and a mad dash out into the ocean, where they slowly paddle out of sight. Sadly, they usually wash up on the beach in Virginia and some, like Snarker move on to Pennsyltucky to settle. Dave H went to Indiana, nobody knows why.
  4. If you had said You're Firing the first round, I would say, come on down! If you somehow do find your way to the great state of FLORIDA, I would of course be honored to provide counsel and advice. You may, as is your want, try to muddle through on your own. Let me know when you're coming.
  5. Sheesh Lars You should only type sounds you can make with your mouth, not your.......... OPEN A WINDOW......NOW!!!!!!
  6. Thank Gawd for dalem. Like a rock, I always say. Well, I don't actually say that, but he is kinda dense, ya know, like a rock. As opposed to Boo, who is dense like concrete. [edit]-I needed a new sig line. [ March 26, 2004, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. GRRRRR!!!!! It's now sitting plainly underneath a German Flag!!!!! </font>
  8. GRRRRR!!!!! It's now sitting plainly underneath a German Flag!!!!! NOBODY with a lick of sense, puts a TRP on a VL, so...... Nevermind, I just answered my own question.
  9. You better be careful rune! Boo is keeping notes on all the snide remarks made about him. Sheesh! If he started last week, he's probably up to Volume XII by now. I finally found that TRP you so graciously provided without mentioning it in the Briefing!!!. Too bad I already have a company parked on top of it.
  10. I believe it, I'm the Germans you dolt. My spotter has the highest kill total of German troops in the game so far. It's NOT a trailer park, it's a retirement villa. And we get all the latest shows: The Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, etc.. So don't tell me to get a life. Hey Boo, say hi to Winecape! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
  11. So I lied! I will leave you with the following: GAMEY UPDATES!!!! Boo The Blood Hamster fight continues, the rainy night air is filled with the delightful screams of retreating Boosters. In his favor, he has managed to blow up two houses in spectactular fashion. Did I mention they were empty? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Lurkur He is certainly well named. We are on turn 15 of 30 and just now are his troops coming into sight. My sleepy Italians are rousing themselves to administer an Italian *BOOT* to Lurk's slimey, limey buttocks. Joe Shaw Joe has entrenched at his starting location, smiling smugly to himself in his tactical brilliance. "But Joe", I says, "We're playing a Meeting Engagement" and of course to rune: What the he** were you thinking giving me a 155 FO with visibility of 60 meters???? Were you watching M*A*S*H? You believe that suicide is painless? Yours is a sick mind. But then what else is new?
  12. Nidan Your post was well written and well said. I think you are correct that the MBT is a concept more than anything else. This concept is a beautiful thing and I would not be an agent in it's demise. That being said, I would like to add the following: 1) Seanachai You are one of the best posters on this Forum. Your wit and style are of the highest caliber. You are someone that is looked up to, by more than you would imagine. I would offer my hand in apology to you for some unkind remarks that were made. You are a human like the rest of us, and it was wrong of me to think otherwise. 2) Mr Peng I shall retain my new sig line as a reminder that this Forum is made up of human beings and that as human beings we will all make mistakes on occaisions. 3) YK2 Happy (belated) Birthday! Do not ever think of leaving this Thread. You have amply demonstrated the wit and laughter that are prerequisites to being here. You have nothing to prove to anyone. 4) Jow Shaw I would beg you to reconsider your decision and return to posting. Your Justicar is as vital to the Thread as the Olde Ones. You are the necessary foil of one trying to keep order in an orderless Thread and your frustration in dealing with it is one of the funniest themes of the Thread I have said my piece and will now return to "lurk status".
  13. Oh my Gawd!! Was that a Julie Andrews moment? It was almost like the hills were alive or sumfink. Well let's see what kind of contest rune has whipped up. Hmmm...Italy, great! No desert! Boo wants the Americans...no problem...probably be defending against an American attack...heh heh! Italy rules for the defender...wha..wait a minute. I'M the attacker? Great. Oh well, Boo needs the defensive advantage. He'll probably just go with rune's set-up and push GO every turn. Okay, time to open up the map.....Say What??? Nighttime??? Raining???? All I got is infantry to attack a fortified Italian town. Nice. As Seanachai has abandoned his post, I shall have to rely on the purity of the much celebated Julie Andrews for inspiration. The Hills are alive with the sound of thunder!
  14. The So It Shall BE! I will embed Faux News reporters with my troops to ensure the AAR is fair and balanced. rune send your deviltry to the devil's disciple so he may choose his side and dispositions. Then the contest may commence.
  15. Now rune, you know I never have any objections to your scenarios, especially the ones you send to other people, but I believe Mr Radley has established some pretty ironclad conditions for his all expense paid funeral. He seems to think that by allowing one of his former Squires to pick the forces that it will somehow give him an advantage. I have no problem with playing another of your fine scenarios. But Boo, for good reason, is being quite picky about the set-up. In the foolishness of compassion, I have left it to him to decide the parameters. You must gain his approval for this major shift in his grandiose scheme.
  16. rune We still need a map! MrSpkr We still need a map! Joe Shaw We still need a map! National Geographic We still need a map!
  17. In my ongoing quest to provide truth in the face of incredible lies, distortions, manipulations, and falsehoods (got this phrase off the GF), I will now set the record straight for the delusional Mr. Radley. I got off probation last week! Now don't you feel foolish!
  18. I would gladly accept your offer of a map. However I am currently involved in another of your...uh...gems with Lurkur. I have heard that the thought of two rune applications going at the same time still gives Bill Gates nightmares. But as the time for Boos's salvation is slowly running out, I will accept. The need of the One (Radley) outweighs the needs of the many. Judging by his diet, probably by a good 200-300 pounds.
  19. Hmmm.... Leeo Methinks the Loyal Squire will foist green Italians upon me to combat Boo's elite Commando brigade. Regardless The victory of the forces of good shall prevail against the forces of darkness no matter the odds. I accept Nidan1 as force provider Now we need a map. Mr Spkr! Do you have a suitable map for the Exorcism of Boo Radley?
  20. Radley You have clearly consorted with the Devil to gain your new found brilliant tactical acumen. The destiny of the righteous to bring down the unholy evil ones is preordained. With a heart bursting with purity, a mind cleansed in the holy rays of goodness and fair play, I await your set-up in order to begin your therapy. There is still a small glimmer of hope that you can be returned to The Path of Innocence.
  21. What are you mad about? Why not do like all the other Canadians and spend the winters in Florida? I'm sure Jim Boggs will be glad to see one more Canadian license plate. </font>
  22. What are you mad about? Why not do like all the other Canadians and spend the winters in Florida? I'm sure Jim Boggs will be glad to see one more Canadian license plate. </font>
  23. You mean a new car as in >2000? Or a replacement car of a similar value to your old car? With this crushing revelation in mind, have you begun work on Boo's new sig line? I am sure you have seen the horrible depths to which his current sig line has fallen. Where once your words of inspiration were a common sight, it is now featuring the wit and wisdom of one of Fiefdoms wittiest. Radley has strayed far from the path of innocence and it is my task to smite him severely in order to get his attention. Then you must be ready to deliver the incantation that will serve as a proper rejoinder and inspiration for him to return to his lovable oafish ways. I agree, this would be a miracle, but then...you are a minor diety are you not?
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