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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Once upon at time there was no Belgium, but the French people there don't particularly like Dutch, neither do the Dutch particularly like the French Belgian Culture. SO well, it's a good trade off look at the USA country the size of China is an Island we only get a few cities
  2. Hearts of Iron is just boring some. It's slow and I'm sure if you really got into it, maybe it would become more interesting. It doesn't hit home with this wargamming crowd. For World at War, it's PBEM only.. It's like Advanced Axis & Allies.
  3. Bahhhhh... The Canadian Navy was larger than the Kriegsmarine The USA produced what 8 times more Tanks, 8 times more fighters than Mighty Germany. USA only geared up for war in 1942 and 1943, Germany started in 1933... The difference Industrially was about 4 to 1 Russia produced similar #s to that of the USA as in famous words I've recounted, and I shall paraphaze for all of you, "Germany was like a Grey Elephant and her opponent like Ants, sure she may stomp out a few Million of them, but ultimately the ants will eat her to the bone." Had the USA had to wait without Nuclear Weapons by 1945 or 1946 for D-Day there wouldn't have been 1 million Americans in France, likely 10 Million if they wanted that # at their population level it was possible, meanwhile germany on two fronts couldn't have managed more than 1 or 2 million max. There is no chance in Hell Germany could survive Fighting two nations that outproduced her 4 to 1, 8 to 1 in certian instances AND better quality by 1944 and '45... Her only hope was a Quick Knockout Victory and every Historian will tell you so That's why I enjoy player her, she's the underdog in a truly historical setup in any game
  4. Oh, it said it had taken damage blashy but the unit remained at strength 10 in 3 or 4 instances.. Whilst unloading an amphibious assualt. In particular that happened in Norway, I didn't recall eslewhere I'll check that
  5. Thankyou for the feedback Hubert and Blashy. I would hope that longterm Russian and US MPPs do outweigh German and Axis MPPs, as you say giving you the ability as is historical to play it out at D-Day and Barbarossa. Though Germany strong Balances early game, Sea Lion difficult due to the Royal Navy, Much like SC is when you allocate resources around, the Extra MPPs are to offset plunder, all those Minors easily conquored. I can see Many Needs and Expenditures to keep a nation up to date in this game, that part I have seen. I did research a bug first one it appears I could be wrong, I doubt it. Unloaded Amphibious units do not take damage when they say they will. That is rather minor likely already picked on. There were a couple other things I noticed I will post them up when I play again. Also real Minor the AI didn't target the Sigfreid, odd?? Even with my cities open and advanced AI it left it be.. Nothing major not as the first. Also I personally found it slightly confusing to navigate the Bars in the game at first. Though that is a mild point. Some will have confusion... The subject then the bar was a bit disorienting but I'm certian I'll get to it.
  6. Well, I sampled the baby, 2nd game I fell asleep last night before I could really try it and I'm half awake this morning. I crushed Norway without a breath, Denmark a corps killed the strength 1 corps there. That was a cinch. I found it a bit logistical pain in the rear to take France as fast as I'd like. Though pretty much like clockwork, I lost a tank because I was reckless and I gathered around 2000 MPP by the time Italy came in in Fall. I couldn't buy anymore airfleets, which I wanted to because I was ultradeadly with them... They're quite powerful... So far the RAF is worthless but the Royal Navy is deadly. I can tell the Convoy routes are strong points of focus, If U-boats get out there it will be hell for the UK. Germany is very rich and very able to tech and experience. People will tweak Allied Resources for the UK at least... N.Africa so far as I can tell is similar to before you will want to evacuate it. I crushed the tiny UK Navy there with my Italian fleet. I was rich enough and strong enough after that to Take on the USSR so I DOWed and it sayed Demo over I guess the AI isn't a challenge for me. All in all, mobility of units with their upgrades is neat. Upgrading units is nice. I like the ability to keep lowgrade and highgrade.. Something annoying by SC. Also the fact that you can see the Model of Unit you get A german tank looks like a Panzer II and a French like a Somua or a Char.. the 109 is VERY accurate, from the E to the F Model... the yellow and grey noses I haven't researched further. I did however place the Bismark before quitting... It seems there will be incentives not to invade Sweden finally. I have not see anything Diplomatic about this baby yet. Though I'll get to that later, I'll tweak the hell outta spain and turkey.. have to edit the Allies some more initial spending cash if war doesn't start in Russia till late '41 as in SC I can tell you as much... There are a few bugs I noticed, some of the item bars should have titles over them and not to the side of them, but that cosmetic, all and all operational and mechanical bugs are lower... And some newer features impleneted such as I noticed Airfleets being bombarded didn't damage the shipsI saw two Ships bombard from the same hex. Movement after combat. Etc.. Etc.. the Sigfried line, there is much much more all that I will summize to say that the game looks greatly Improved and we really appreciate the fact she takes after her predeccessor in a fine way. I can feel SC in this game I will not called in SC2 I'd call it Strategic Command 3-d Enhanced in other words SC on Heroine
  7. Tiles or Hexes really are the same, stretch a Hexagon back to a straight square box? The Hexagons in SC have 6 sides do the ones in SC2 have similar amount of sides or adjacent tiles? If so it's just Cosmetic and not functional. Size of Map also counts, and "Unit Types"...which now changes the dynamics of Hexs and Tiles altogether. Can't wait to see the demo
  8. Kuni is just complaining because he can't beat me with a 350 bid See if SC2 is different my European Cousin!
  9. Very interesting, Paras cutting off supply, respecting their actual real role, they were nevery very hardcore in WW2 aside from D-Day. Market Garden, Crete, any other operations were piecemeal. I'm glad to see that part "available" to us to use as we might see best. The Use of Paras should be extremely expensive, they were historically and a rare thing on the battlefield. I like what I Hear, Mech Infantry was the trench of WW2 Armies, they were moving away from Horses and into the Modern era. You couldn't DOW every nation on Earth, not during WW2 a DOW on the wrong nation would've caused Worldwide hatred, there would be Zero Friends and Many Many times more Partisans and difficulties defending conquored Lands. It seems by what I've heard in the AARs the map allows for technologies like say Long Range Air not to destroy the game. Or say Anti Tank weapons not being so Uber. As investments and research are a bit more "broader". Focusing it seems will be more important and there is less MPPs to throw at total Bull**** as there was in SC. You can do too much junk in it. Seems this game shall narrow you down to sticking out a strategy pretty much or at least Fewer Strategies. I hope to see this puppy go Gold soon and see all this firsthand. God Knows I'll love a Real chance for U-Boats to actually do something other than be a Royal Navy Suicide Squad. More Options, More Room to manuever, More units-techs more Minor Country Capabilities. I think that this game will definitely sit on the Top of all Wargames for awhile. No other gaming company has anything comming. WAW was supposed to come out with IP last Summer. SO this is it. This is the Premier WW2 Strategy Game of the Decade next to SC1
  10. ROFL, there are some cute postings on this thread. Me and Rambo just fought a Marathon Strategic Command old Barbarossa Style game... Wermacht made it to the Urals, cut off the Bloody Reds. In the East the Italian Navy and Kriegsmarine Nearly brought the Royal Navy to its' Knees. We were playing on and off few days for 10 or 15 hours. I actually had no SC left in me. I really didn't have much of a counter strategy. The original engine though critized was a very accurate depiction for a Hexagon Wargame on a PC of the Real thing. Lets hope that SC2 goes as far Imagine 2 Millions Germans Cut off, out of supply in the Middle of the Soviet Union, Stalin's Reinforcements how up in Late 1943 LORD! Advanced Russian Jets cut down Focke Wolfes in the Steppe. New advanced Type Soviet Tanks Tear through our Flanks. There is no Retreat and no Surrender. The Allies have conquored France... However in this War at least 3 Times as many troops were slaugheterd a lot more action and the Italians learned how to fight. 1 Million Italian CorpsMen lost their life trying to keep the Reich Whole
  11. Ahhh, Who is to judge Evil and Good? One must be in tune with both aspects in order to do such a thing. Nazism is only the face of terror in one country, one time, and really a few isolated individuals. There is at this time new threats. New Ideologies. New Men that are every bit as dangerous, yet unseen. Legacy of Man
  12. Dave Bill is a pretty okay dude, I played him in Axis and Allies back 4 years ago or so, maybe 5 years ago. He whooped my ass of course he wouldn't beat me now Neither in IP SC or A&A Unluckily you don't see him much in IP games.
  13. Ahhhh! Do not forget an Italian helped greatly creating the A-Bomb, a German designed the American Lunar Module to go to the Moon<in particular an Ex-Nazi Scientist responsible for the V-Rockets> The most brilliant Scientist of the 20th Century was German ::shrugs:: Germans and Italians some of the most brilliant Scientists and men of the last 100 Years. Luckily more were Serving the Allies then the Axis or we'd of been toast? Brits and Americans lacked some vs their Mainland Cousins. However tactically the English and Americans were Brilliant. Some really really good High Commanders in the Western Forces probably the deciding factors of WW2. The Germans had good land Generals, but the Italians and Japanese had few if any. The Germans didn't have so many good High Commanders and they had a Dictator who as a Corporal thought he knew how to run a Front I think my Dad who served the US Army would have been a better Commander than Hitler, more prudent and more educated. And he wasn't that far along. Many of us could likely outdo Ole Adolf Or Joe stalin for that matter his #s won not his personal brillianc
  14. TO add, LOOK AT Masters of Orion III Need I say more. I'd rather not see SC2 if it had the issues that game had. Civilization Multiplayer 3 wasn't even Multiplayer. If SC2 is as good as SC1 then it was worth 3 or 4 years for a release. If it's better than it's worth whatever time it took. I think that maybe Battlefront was unaware how long and how indepth it was going to be and announced a little earlier than they may had they known how massive a project it was going to be. So that shows it must be detailed and very nice... They took the extra time and they kept us informed throughout. Just as a big company would to add: Big companies do not error? Bahhh I disproved that above, MultiMillion selling Companies mess up all the time. Ages of Empires II is better than III Empire Earth I is better than II See the continued trend? If SC2 is better than SC1 praise Battlefront!
  15. GLR? If you want some Mega FirePower on your Ships you must use that. The Germans had awesome FirePower on their Cruisers, made them formidable against the Royal Navy. I'd think it an essential tool. The Italians, Japanese and Russians will be naturally behind here. The advanced Nations in Radar are England, USA and Germany.
  16. No time for Terif to study the game like a Bible and patent every move. No time for Zappster to engineer a way to win purely by the use of Air. No Time for Rambo to create a gamey backdoor! No Avatar to turn France into DeGaulle's Grand Armee. No time for me to exploit these other's guys tactics and strategies, DH, Iron Ranger, HellRaiser, and several other Key Guys to get too good.. IP Europa VS The Americas. Within the first 10 Days of Release, no excuses why you do not own your own Copy Whiners. 3 days shipping, 4 to 5 max!
  17. I am you both. Though of course Hubert Carter is a business who is here to sell a product. Though we may really enjoy it and really want it we do not kiss his rear. We are afterall his Customers. I will tell him exactly how I feel. Down to the bone. He didn't follow my lead on Escort Destroyers or a few other ideas, he wasn't able to give a product for Chistmas, I felt let down. Though I am hopeful that after seeing the AARs that this game will outRival SC and god do I get bored of SC now. It's one of the few games I can still play worth a dam, but I'm bored with it. I want some fresh meat and I'm willing to pay and I will pay for the next installment. It's not expensive, it's cheap entertainment but it's important. Young? I have been Computer Wargaming since 1988, and that was when Computers were worth a damn. I even played a completely text wargame for a few minutes The founding fathers of the Genre for Computers were financed by Omia.. I started at 12 and I never stopped, I'm nearly 30
  18. Martin, I'm really dying to see SC2!!! I hope she is out soon, you don't realize how barren the Computer Game Market is. I do not like Xboxes and RTS nearly as much. You think... for 53 bucks or whatever with shipping, you get 150 Xs the entertainment that you get from say Ages of Empires III. Who really can disagree, that sort of game you can play MAYBE tops for a few months. Civ, not nearly as long, as it's ideally suited to Single Player--Unless you've a UberComputer, and lots of friends on UberConnections...Better than Cable or DSL by far. This is going to be 1 game I believe I will not resell. I've sold all my games accept World War 2 Online and Europa Unversalis 2. I've kept Civilization IV but I'm uncertian if it's worth it. Think out of 15-20 Games I've bought in the last 2 years, I still play Strategic Command more than any of them! This game is going to be selling in 10 years from now. In newer versions. I really hope this title hits my CD soon. I'm really eager to test drive and the Demo is nothing but teaser. I'm about 70% sure this is worth the purchase. WHICH is VERY RARE. I could Review games, I've played so many. SC for what it was in it's Genre is THE Hexagon, Strategic Wargame of the new Millenium so far, let's see if that title is dethroned! Yip yip Hooray
  19. "I'm a yankee doodle Dandee"((I DID NOT DOODLE ON MY DANDEE!)) "God save the queen The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future In England's dreaming" Curtseys of some 200 year old dead guy and Johnny Rotten LET'S ROCK and not be so serious M8s
  20. Fritz Fries? Herr Der Kommin Downz da Mountain vhen day Kommin
  21. Hmmm, Well, I see bias here. Retail stores are for Civ 4. They sell a Million because they don't care about Retailing, it's not worth it to them. Sid will make enough... He cannot Retail Millions himself and he has a special deal if his last game sold Millions, you know that. He gets better than Average Joe's Game Release. A Specialty game. Different story. Though I think it would honestly sell 25 thousand copies on every shelf just in the USA. Not likely worth it. No special deals, no great Market. Although I have picked up Strategic Command in a GamePack of 3 at Babbages.. That was couple years after it's release. Most people will never know the game exists. Bundling it's existence in Magazines as a Demo is wise ! not so many hardcore Wargaming Magazine Writers out there but possible Offering the Demo for Download on More sites is wise. I didn't know of SC, till I "searched through a mysterious Demo site" People Rarely Download 500 Meg games. Or better yet 1.2 Gig Games or larger use 2 CDs make the EXE file bigger and force Music and Graphics in the download. About 1 in 50 internet users have the bandwidth to do that. And people will just Mail out copies to their buddies before going through that. You know hard it is to transfer a 1 gig file on Kazaa? Or any other P2P site, now most of those sites are wiser and are charging for Downloading Games... 1 Gig game would take half a Day, you'd never get it in this life
  22. Retail is handy for Getting your Product out there. Depending on what your product is. SC would sell a lot if Retailed, but there isn't a lot of WarGamers anymore. I know that I sold a product personally and the Net was too small to advertise, so I accepted a 15 or 25% of the profit from the Product. It sounds horrid, but I'd of stop selling 6 years ago an I wasn't selling that many to locals or Net souls... I doubled and tripled profits by suggesting 10 years ago Retailing and mass marketing to the Boss and I took a share of it... For this game, it's likely true what they say, if they could see double that figure sold, 45 thousand to 90 thousand. They'd likely Retail Box it up and go with a Mass Distribution and lose the full profit........ It's not more work for you then, it's given to a WholeSaler and they cut you in... Like a book... If you Re-Produce yourself, Market Yourself, and Sell-ship it yourself you make a Larger portion but you don't sell as much. Something I think hurts the Pride of Developer when he loses a large portion of his profit to Middle Men, the actual fact of Massive Wholesale Disbribution. I prefer smaller companies who make what I want. To big companies, who get impersonal and give you what the Masses want. Why I bother hanging out at the BF Boards even though the game I want is not quite out yet I will backorder her or I would love to Digital Download her.. Whichever is safe for the company, they have to profit. You offer a File over Digital Download, likely going to be a Security Issue. I have lost Many Thousands of Dollars to a lack of Security. Everyone Illegally Reproduces, distributes, etc.. your stuff... You'd need to pay for a very very expensive Write Protection-Password-etc... system like Microsoft games have to stop it. Some Digital Download games have their own Protection. Some games from very special Genres don't need it, they make their game 500 Megs big for the Installation, that stops much Thievery...Make it even bigger that way you can't easily File Swap it On-line I'd really like the INSTANT GRATIFICATION but I guess I'll wait for a Shipping. Bahhhhhh, I'm a Now Generation Person.. I want it all and I want it NOWWWWWWWWWW Good luck Guys... See you in the arena, you can count my Stats as I Topple your weak Strategies and Tactics
  23. I'm not sure I need a Demo it's like a hjob lol. I want a complete
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