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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. More realisticly why not have the X-Factor for the High Command. Semi-Disastrous things happening such as a unit not obeying a command, or a unit limited to 1 movement when it usually has 3 or 4 movement points. Readiness being reduced 20-30%. Etc... I.E. The Dreadful French in charge of all Western Allied Forces before fall of France. Noone can be quite that inept aside from Stalin and his Purges, which should be reflected that you cannot recruit a decent Soviet General for a good 6 months or until 1942.....they were fast in recovering similarly the German High Command Squabbling over everything, it was a system of competitiveness between Nazi bigwigs, really awful system. Where not the best man but the High Standing man in the Party was often placed in a particular position. Often 3 or 4 men competeing with each in other in one area, such as the luftwaffe and the lack of coordination between armed forces. The LW and Wermacht did so so as far as I know but the Kriegsmarine and LW didn't do so well... All this could be reflected. When someone attempts to upgrade a Bomber, perhaps a message appears, "sorry cannot be upgraded due to High Command reallocation of resources" You could easily streamline these errors, everything Major Failure that in the end some say decided the war. All on the shoulders of Leaders, not really fighting men. They were doing what they were ordered to do. Everything should match history, you can easily program little nasties into the game to reflect the weaknesses of each High Command USA, was pretty stellar, just weak in mobilizing due to isolationists. Germany, infighting and very feeble minded leadership disjointed by dogma and overzealous faith in a near Religious Icon<who splintered his whole nation to keep order> France <completely incompetent at the onset of war, they were living in the 20s> Britian, Weak and unable to act, then suddenly a Challenger and Defiant force. Strong leadership overall on the over echelon but often afraid to make move due to fear. Russians, Weak leadership until you kill off enough to make the existing leadership experienced enough to fight and a very mental Leader as Germany had. Italy, we needn't even discuss this a completely blind leader with no hindsight, fairly brave soldats completely incompetent leaders.
  2. We all use to be on-line. There use to be a very active community could post a game request on the board and get one in 5-15 minutes for sure. Of course SC has lost it's appeal mostly. A pasttime so there are just a few who play in their off time. I will say of the finest players I've met that would be CodeName Condor, Iron Ranger, ZappSweden, Terif, Rambo, HellRaiser, Avatar, Comrade Trapp, and Dragonheart. I played a few others but not notable as I lost or was neuer. Avatar and Kuniworth both play but rarely get a chance to get them to finish but both good players. Avatar is a sneaky little player. Zappster is a character but he actually revealed some secrets to me as did Ranger and a little from DH. All these guys were fun to play all wargames addicts I assume. The funnest moment I think I've had is making Kuniworth eat his Euro vs America challenge by defeating him in his own Tournament but he never finished that game with me to this day! Of course the USA still lost, we're kind of like Hockey in SC ROFL maybe one day a Legend will be found. Rambo has to be the best all around American but just a little too aggressive at times.
  3. Interesting take on English Generals. The English were never a great center of manpower. They relied heavily on their Navy to put them where no man could and their Allies. Their leadership was always well.. As was German leadership, however English leadership was traditionally and throughout the last 200 years superior. I would say that in WW2 they never had a chance to shine on land so the air wing would be where they shined and of course their grander insight of the War. Churchill for instance would be a far greater Commander than Stalin or Hitler. All whom conducted affairs in their military. So do we get a Grand HQ? in SC2 Hitler would be rated 2 Stalin 3 and Churchill 6 Il Duce -2 FDR 5 and a free French De Gaulle with a rating of 7 as he was an actual field commander who didn't screw up as much as Winston
  4. Fortifications are not impervious to airpower, as big bunkerbusting bombs can be designed to destroy such things. However Fighters and Fighterbombers which are the staple SC shouldn't effect Fortifications one bit! Neither should they have such an impact on resources, cities, or ports. They should only effect other active units with varying power. The Maginot was an expense that cost the French dearly. The German strategy to infiltrate it was to go around it as we now know and fill the hole in with all their mobile and fast moving units. They crushed the French in this manner. The Maginot would have been not impassable but as I recall in some films Airborne troops landed and did damage or sabotaged the Maginot fairly successfully during the French Conquest. Germans were able to do significant damage rendering it pretty useless. The French were ill paid, and not all up to the task of fighting is what I also heard. They were not as well trained as their German Counterparts and had less a belief in their High Commands ability to guide them to victory. This is all reasons for the French and English Route... mismanagement, the French president at the time had tried to replace the French High Command Leader but failed as he had many friends in the Government. He was completely flawed in his views and incompetent. The Maginot should've stretched right through Belgium? What say you...had we started the game in 1936 with the Austria and Rhineland absorption I would have built it up so no hole existed, wouldn't you have? Why wouldn't the Germans go through Belgium they went through 3 or 4 other neutrals.. and by 1940 Norway and Denmark to boot
  5. Well, folks here is one of the more opinionated souls on the Forum and one of top players making a comment on the game of SC2 and it's release. First of all, Tile VS Hex, who cares that's not important. We've seen the ScreenShots I'm not put off, Tile, Hex or Territory neither makes a difference if the tactical and strategic options are available. It may not be a rebirth of SC1 but it will be a fun game. Heck, the Demo will allow you the ability to try it, forget the hype and leave these boards alone and let ole Huey in Peace As far as a Release is concerned, I've actually dealt with REAL software production personally. I have managed a software company, more than ONE You can visit me at TMSFORMS but my other two stores are closed now. Both mostly due to BIG BUSINESS<the enemy of the small guy like Battlefront and myself> You see Civilization 4, you see it is the #1 Game for your Strategic Game Lovers? It's overrated. It's good, granted, not great however, though opinions may differ. It takes a massive amount energy to build a game, and this man isn't paid by the hour, it's the hopes that he sells that gets him a paycheck. What will happen is this, he projects a certian amount of sells if they don't hit that, he is going to lose out on his "time". Personally in programming, production, etc.. that means that if you make 4 bucks an hour because it wasn't a Major Hit, then you get screwed, not a bad living but mine as well gone to MCD's you'd make better but one pays better and is a surefire thing. Now I do not feel this will be the case with SC2, I definitely see that there will be a major payback on his time but you have to realize also if it's flawed and he's not really finished because he didn't plan for what size project this he may not tell you but it's not really his responsability you should know This is HUGE, MASSIVE takes a lot of work. Sure you will lay down your 40 or 50 bucks but it's taking him 8 hours a day and the commitment, he is likely not with a massive team either. There is no UberProduction Date, with Millions of Copies presold, if there were you'd not be talking about this game it would be released. <even still in MOO3 case, it was delayed 3 years and look, they should've delayed indefinitely> LOL Moving on, if SC2 does come and out I get a chance to play it and life hasn't moved me to a new location I will enjoy it. It'll play on Slower Machines, it isn't a UberModern set of software it is downward compatible, it'll likely run smooth 56k..it is appealing to a MINOR Isolated crowd<Yes folks you are a Minority you are the 1 percentile noone cares about> we're like the Lesbians of On-Line Games Yep, well, I'm proud anyone want to take this Washington and March on the Capitol? There should be 50 Wargames released per year with Hex, Grid, Tile...All on a Strategic level, mixed tactical. However this is no the case, more like 2 or 3<if we're lucky> However Developers like BF and such gives me hope I had thought this Genre to be extinct after SSI's plummet and now I see a rebirth. You see what the other guys are making, the top games are for 18 year olds.. Us Old Dogs are fading away... Support your HexMan. We're the few the proud and the lifeless. All we want is relive history all night long and love the hell outta kicking the rears of our Adversary! We're a friggin' odd bunch<perhaps we need a Movie not a game> ROFL Support him or you'll lose out By The Way Happy Holidays BattleFront and HC, Good Luck on this title.. And COPYPROTECT your stuff, I'd be a lot richer if I Had.......<tell the truth, always tell the truth, People will whine and cry but they will have faith> [ December 27, 2005, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  6. Sodd Half limey here too mate. Neo-Nazis have been have a ressurgence as of late. In USA, the riots in the early 90s in LA and the intregation of whites and other races that usually wouldn't be living together has caused much tension. 9/11 has sparked this tension off to all time high, giving the Neo-Nazis and other groups who generally do not term themselves fuel to say, "I hate you." To point fingers, to do everything it is they ever wanted to do and say anything as well. Now all you have to do is sign you name on a dotted line and you can goto the Sand and kill what many consider modern day "degenerate races" They consider us the Infidel... Though the Arabs are a stark contrast to the Holocaust... Let us all face the facts, Hitler wanted Super Germany... Superimposed over half of European Russia and Slavs, Poles, any anything else in the way if it wasn't Germanic in appearance slav labor and then off to the deathcamp. It's true... Hitler then again could've become even more anal about his vision and his followers could've and wiped off many other races. He did however favour us Limeys, considering our Anglo-Saxon Heritage. English is an Aryan Race. Hard for many to understand the complexities of Nazism, that era, I watched shows on it, never studied it extensively more of a layman... I know that Hitler borrowed from many many others, his dream was really a passover So as far as all things are concerned noone would care now if Germany would've won. As history would've been rewritten. We could easily helped the Reds earlier, we could've done more when we aware fully of the Holocaust. I'm certian not everyone was a fool. half as many lives or more could've been saved, at least 1/3rd as many lives if we'd of pushed with no concern for loss of life. Much like the Russians did, but of course Stalin had agenda and it was a bufferzone for a new Soviet Block not to save any damned peoples... As I said above welcome to what is sadly the Modern World, not so evolved. I think if we study all this and we learn from it and do not pass judgement not even in the most severe case we shall become enlightened. Through enlightenment we'll understand everything. Hatred is merely a fear, and perhaps those who hated are hiding something they fear to show the World... The Nazis in my opinion though many may disagree were a group loosely ill... they had personal fears, failures, they were lacking... Winston had it right, Brandy and Cigars.. Other's had the right ticket. Where you put your energies, and when Germany has placed her Energy somewhere it has come out to do very good and very very bad. So beware mocking a people.. Even the Jews have now shown probably to have one the top ten Military Arsenals in the World... Deadly aye? They show very little pity and very little leeway to those they impose their will upon in Palestine.. Neither do we.. Odd enough the next great world war may stem from the very last one AGAIN! Irony? Arabs and Jews and ourselves in the mix and Badaboom! This is bull****. The British did not rule India in this way and anyone who's read anything about the subject could never claim such a thing. The British 'ruled' less than 1/3 of what is now India, Pakistan, and Burma. The rest was ruled by the nobility which lived there. By 1939, Indian officers duplicated the roles of their white counterparts in the army. Indian officials had the highest roles in the civil service. Over 2 million Indian soldiers fought for the Allies in World War 2 - the largest volunteer army ever created. Britain wanted to hang on to India, certainly. But it put in place a structure which allowed a (very grudging) gradual transition of power over many years. This had nothing in common with the violent oppression and annihilation of the 'untermenschen' by the Nazis. Since you are so keen on recommending books to others, allow me to point you to a couple: Norman Davies - Warsaw: The Rising '44. Antony Beevor - Stalingrad. God, I hate revisionists. Edit: I just read his profile. He claims to live in the UK. How ****ing disgusting is that? Get out of my country. There's no place for racists here. </font>
  7. Atrocities, War Crimes, Humanity... Welcome to Apes a few thousand years out of the trees folks That's what you get What is the difference between us and them at a base level, Survival instinct, that's one in common. We want to screw everything on two legs, just look at the mass Rapes in WW2... The attitude towards another species or clan, Look at WW2 again as an example. "Baby you and me ain't nothing but Mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel!" Get a bit more anarchy in your ethics folks, it's the essence who you are and though shielded by it by your Flag or by your Religion or luck whatever reason once given a gun and a reason you'll likely steep low and that's what History tells us so
  8. Heh, Japanese and Germans realized that they couldn't conquor the world with Guns, we had the monopoly on that. They had to use VCRs, DVDs, Computers, Automobiles, and other Goodies to sell to us etc... Problem is, China, Taiwan and the rest of East Asia is learning this too. India and the others will become Production Giants in the next 50 to 100 years and probably surpass any of us... Why? Work ethic, discipline, it takes a hard ass to keep on the cutting edge.
  9. I wasn't kidding, just 10 beers? I beat You on 40 beers with 1 eyelid 1/5th open
  10. on the subject AI, I played it 5 Xs, then I never played it again, why? Because even if I was on Cocaine and Acid I still could beat the AI
  11. Not sure if this was commented on but you reap what you sowe? You awakened the beast in the Reds, really comperatively the Germans and Russians payed the price. 10 million Germans and 20 million Russians though the Poles, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, retarded people etc... they really didn't fall into any great scheme... It is true what is said, their will was broken down. I suppose to us Americans have a very Nationalistic spirit, we'd fight harder than the Germans or Russians fought... Look at Revolutionary War or 1812... way outnumbered, our goose cooked we defeated some really wild odds and would against any foe I assure.. The Russians are near rivals in the last 2 centuries in warfare... The Jews were toast.. They were as what did that movie say about Adolf Hitler back from about 20 or 30 years ago??? "Russia has it's intellecutals. The United States has it's blacks and Germany we have our Jews." That is pretty much how Hitler saw things and during that period, I'm know for a fact Stalin would've mass murdered 6 million Intellectuals what held the USA back from killing 6 million blacks is that we are a bit kinder than the other two. Not much though. Fine line between us and them and some of the early ideas of sterilizations came from American sterilization of Negroids in Virginia! Germany then proceeded to do it to their own small Negroid population.. Welcome to the Ideology of the early 20th century, not much has changed. It really sucks for you to be a Minority or an undesirable in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fighting back to the death if you know if you can fathom is your best bet to the death.. Kill 1 Nazi per 1000 of you, worth it IMO... add that up if they're Colonels? To boot: Germany would've mass murdered many Slavs and Russians to clear for Leibenstrom, no evidence to point any other way. They wanted a good amount acreage of Russian, Belarussian land to resettle, Teutonic Viking sort of impression... Hitler had this thing about Living Space for his Master Race descended from Gods from Tibet </font>
  12. I hear so many stories about the Jews, one of the major races targeted. Many of the Gypsies, second major race targeted. Although the Slavs hit the hardest they are partially ignored, they're looked upon more as combatant deaths I think. As the Germans had to shoot them in the field and didn't have the time or facilities to deport them... The SS and other organizations responsible for round them up did some atrocious acts. They were taught as such. Personally had I been a jewish boy in that era I would've picked up a rifle or clobbered a Nazi on the back of the head and fought to the death... Something I appreciate about Americans, you see the World Trade Center Bombings the minute Americans knew our fate, the case of our plane that crashed near PA, we took up in arms against our assailants and killed them... It's much better to die fighting than to die a martyr IMO that is a large difference between Slavs/Russians and Jews who with no nation, no real arms and no real indentity to unify them were easily carted off and tricked Isreal is a good sign of Jewish strength. They are by far more now than ever before showing gut and determination. You must fight and die if someone wishes to exterminate you. Right now the Nation of Isreal has near 200 Nukes, when the Arabs do strike, I would like to see 200 million Dead Arabs even if they claim 6 or 7 million Jews... It will be an interesting site for hatred of one another however never a solution. The Jews were never going to be exterminated, a Nazi Pipe Dream. Most Germans were following orders <kinda like what would happen if one of America's Nuke Subs got an Order to obliterate North Korea, you think they'd second guess it?> I can't blame just Germans, I blame everyone, most westerners have issues with slavs, gyspsies, and jews... the slayer of Christ, the Undesirable Race of the East, the Mongoloids... "Gyspies tramps and thieves..." You know how it goes Noone really cries all that much for these people, IMO noone really cares all that much and many of the persecutors of the Holocaust were by the way in fact Slavs. Odd, they were next on the chopping block, ignorant or no better? I have to say the next worldwide extermination will likely be in the USA.. Growing seething hatred now looms between the ethnic whites and minorities.. Growing gaps between the two.. Who is to say what shall come of this in our own nation. Many on both sides want to kill the other, deport, seperate... Whenever one race wishes itself seperate, individual, etc.. from another it causes a gap in which will be issues... Communism and Russia was to the ideal, conform.. erase religion, differences, race, etc... 1 Man, 1 Ambition, Domination Interesting Humanbeings, is Democracy any different, buy a T.V. a DVD and join the West with a polyester suite
  13. USA focus should be on beefing up her Allies providing some armies, land units with armor-vehicles-supplies-aircraft-boosting their allies tech, HQs... USA doesn't just include USA either, it includes all the Western nations that fall under her influence... always has, even during WW1. Drawing on all sorts of raw material wealth by WW2 for her Allies. Japan was beaten the minute she bombed Hawaii any victory she would've had would've been her luck only. Killing off everything we in the Pacific would cut our arm off. We'd still never be under fear of invasion. 1 or 2 years by the time they were prepared to fight both in China and America we'd have several times their army and better equiped Perhaps there is one point here not mentioned in SC1 USA enters the war collectively via Minors boosting her Readiness and timeframe. What about Pearl Harbor? That should be an influencing factor. Axis aggression?
  14. seems the Allies needed to hurt the German bank a little more am I right Blashy? Egypt is pretty much indefensible unless you delay France as in SC1 terms and to boot you need more to just wipe out a few MPPs here and there and prepare your troops to hit Normandy force the Axis to split in two. Two Fronts = Axis Death... Should be the focal point of any hotseat or beta match in the future
  15. Well, let's put it simple folks, the Germans and other races in Europe, "Strong Races." Look at the rest as inferiors. If you didn't have a strong military, strong national spirit and technology along with skilled men you were left in the dust. Eradication was the spirit as mentioned above we wiped out the American Indians to make way for progress. In a way the Germans peered in on the Russians, Poles and Slavs as little more than that. Plains Indians in the way of progress... Along with this the Russians peered in on the Cossacks, intellectuals, jews and other minorities at various intersections with the same feelings...Yiddish in WW1 sounded a lot like German, so they were isolated in Poland and forced to retreat where for aide? Germany, LOL Germany embraced them... sad state isn't it? Fact is many of these so called lesser races in which Russians were that category to many of the Western Nations they actually proved to be far superior in many regards even though brutal. The hatred, the bloodbaths, all go in with human spirit. Wipe out your enemy, steal his children and educate them as your own, rape his women to leave your seed in his homeland<in some cases eradicate all of his people so there is no son, grandson, or anyone else to carry the torch> is it logical? What would 9000 German soldats do during Roman Era after being slaughtered by Romans Legions, 100 survivors go home, breed, create 9000 more in 20 years and boom... and odd enough at the time they were probably percieved much as undesirables<barbarians> Humanity, an odd thing is it not?
  16. I wonder though honestly, could the Allies have gone all out in '42 and risked losing a lot of men? Could they have opened up a second front at the cost of say a million men? Did they have the Manpower, ships, etc...???
  17. vveed, no negative talk where is the US 1 million man Army fully supplied hitting the Normandy Beachhead by now It's time for the West to make a move or this game is through. Look at the map? The Reds are smooshed like polish sausages. The Axis have superior tech, the West can only pray that their airfleets are uber and if not that this game is in the bag for the Axis.. I suppose the Reds pushed too hard and should've gone defensive for a least a year to let the USA and UK get a foothold somewhere and also the fact the UK had no naval dominance has prevented this... IMO: Game Over Blashy has not shown Axis domination just superior strategy. Allies need to be defensive till after '41...and semi-defensive through '42...unless they have overwhelming superiority... This Ally wasted resources defending N.Africa, lost his Fleets, Let Russia get overrun and has nothing much to admire
  18. Kewl, let us not forget about the Armenians during WW1<still denied by many of the Turks> The Chinese as well.. Plus in current times Rwanda, Indonesia and Yugoslavia all ignored by the World community because of Politics and the usual weakness of Western Leaders In other words we don't care too much and we haven't learned our lesson. Seems as if genocide is as much a part of the human race as warfare, greed and everything else?
  19. I think the USAs ability to prepare fully for War in some fashion as well as the USSRs represents a more realistic viewpoint on things. Giving the Allies more flexability vs their Axis foes. It's no hidden secret none of these countries really trusted each other. The relationship between the USA and USSR was only binded by Germany. Imagine that the USSR built over 50 thousand T34s talk about USA production. I think we weren't quite up to that sort of war production. On the other hand, the Russians were a bit ill motivated at first, lost a lot men in the purges and millions in the first assault from Germany effectively cleaning them up. How they pulled of Stalingrad is a miracle and how they kept pulling on hidden resources is also a miracle. Producing more IL2s than any other nation during the war. The Germans realized that they were way outclassed in production and that the Goods the Reds had were actually better on the ground in the tank category...and caught up in the Air category...and their other weapondry befitted their terrain.. All and all, you can't discount that The Reds were the main kickbutt nation of WW2... If Germany lost millions likely 75% was on the Eastern Front if not more... likely more in the 85% range... The USA and British were primarily focused on cleaning up action. France was beaten after the initial breakouts and the Nazis realized they couldn't hold. Any desperate German offensives were stalled and cut off and pulled of as desperate actions not as actual real possibilities to win the war. Italy falling down seems like a sideshow. They were if anything more a thorn in Hitler's side. I think that Germany was beaten by '43 and by '44 the doom was felt everywhere. The Reds showed they could beat them in Summer. The Americans and British were opening fronts everywhere. D-Day was eminant.. '43 is not too soon for D-Day but the primary conflict should be the Eastern Front with the Western Allies pushing to sapp German resources and eventually occuppy the Richness of Italy-France, etc... or anywhere else she can get her hands on...politically if this was structured after a true ambitious USSR and USA/UK the struggle would be to liberate the Rich sectors of Western Europe and take out the Wealth of Western Germany and let the Germans delay the Reds and leave the meager Balkans to them.
  20. The US Fleet and armament was strong after...... she realized she needed them. The Pearl Fleet was rather Large!!! Just because Japanese were a threat Germany was not percieved this was in 1939 not till later. US MPPs will or should go up. And btw: Canada at one point had a larger navy than Germany so that is never well represented it's just this in all honesty the Supply system, actual US production cannot be truly scaled for a Euro Theatre, too theatening to game balance but if there is any need of a bid it would certianly do away with it no? US had Subs, Carriers, Battleships, Panama Canal and the ability to alternate sea zones... she has an awesome navy, airforce and though not mobilized by '42 was kicking Germany's rear and by '43 if not for Mountains may have conqoured all of Italy. her bombers should at least be represented and large convoy escort navy!!!!!!! MP as well if pulled on and ability to tech up!!!! as Germany's bombers should be too, he'111s though whimpish were in vast #s and up until England and USA ruled Europe the first portion of WW2 though never represented all the way up till '41
  21. I think what was brought up here is good. Pre-War the USA was Isolated and not producing what it could it was focused on other things. During the War opening up it was actually a boom to our economy. It changed us from a second rate power to a premier power militarily. What I think Rambo wants notice of and was mentioned by John is that the USA Produced a buttload of ammunition, ships, tanks, aircraft, technology, etc... Everything from the Manhattan project to roughly what the same amount of tanks as Russia? To boot, we produced the best aircraft in the World......When the Japanese bombed Pearl, they only allowed us to scrap the old junk ships to replace them with new modern ones. It did take us time for mobilisation and had FDR known I think he would've pushed harder mobilizing. Perhaps what would be interesting here is if the USA War Readiness jumps too high too early to balance out German tech, so does her production That would be reflective of USA war preparedness which was weak at the beginning of her entry but was underway... Once underway she was more a match for the USSR than Germany... Only those two puppies could've competed and only on Land we'd of whooped them at Sea... We don't want an instant D-Day but if the Germans think they can just Neutral hop there should be a consequence. The UK and US Forces combined shouldn't enter the frey too early either. It wasn't just being prepared that worried the Allies. Torch, Sicily, Italy before D-Day was all undertaken, so was a messed up commando attack on France, totally ruined... We wanted low casualties... In SC we don't worry about casaulties only about victory while during the War Years it was the opposite. So reflective perhaps since the USA is a very casualty conscious nation we should put a Man Power Penalty on her say that Russia wouldn't have or Germany might not have being very expanionsist psychotic nations who just want to win if it cost 90% of their 18-35 year old boys... I'm just thinking creatively
  22. Interesting the Malta supply is slowing down the Germans but seems like more airpower will finish off the weak British and Commonwealth defenders... Italians already taxed on MP, wonderful
  23. strange, so very strange for us, so use to the fact that the front is small, and the units you can mass are beyond belief. You would stack 3 lines of Allied units with not real significant cost by around March of '40 then what can the Wermacht do, pray the Luftwaffe gets 3 hits and that's with experience? I suppose they're are less units and the armor is representing a much stronger fighting force which if so, makes this game a different one, plus if the otherside of the Maginot is worthless breaking through the South Ardenne makes for an interesting idea. Benelux is a weakling aye? Oh, for all us WW2 fans, remeber the decision to invade France wasn't an instanteous one, many in the German High Command were researching different routes in... It was Manny who did the best there Reserves, bust through, pour in reserve was that right? The Brits never sent any Spits to France either. I sort of like this idea... Took a long long time for the RAF to fuel up to handle the Luftwaffe, would've been a tough fight, but would've killed the RAF I think in France. Poor French, many of their units never got unloaded from the trains, many of their forces were dispersed in the wrong place like the Maginot Line... Could've if concentrated and working together, done something. I wonder the Readiness of the Blitzkrieg Shock, what that effects though be? That is a primary factor here. That instant whack, and the fact that the French can't get decent Leaders so close to representing reality. No Charlie Degaulle no smart leader who put together a tangible defense. I would like to think that some of your units ignore your commands, as historical... Due to your ineffecient High Command? Order them hope and they only travel 2 hexes instead of 3 ROFL anyways keep plugging away we're watching and interested <1940 Winter was Hell, worst in many years, no way the French would've got hit then, do the research, and the Germans still didn't have a plan they really thought to be set in stone>
  24. Rambo, played WAW, it's a fine game without IP abilities and without my interest. I do not have the time to wait for a PBEM game to finish. I'll be 50 by the time it does, I've noticed that those slow paced PBEMs never had my X-Generation attention span. Nor a majority of the Baby Boomers or WW2 Gens SC2 I hope lives up to a improved SC, with a lot of extras, that's all I really hope for.. That with several dozen more tactics strategies to win. No MORE SUPER FIGHTERS, let the B-17s Rob Germany of it's industrial Might. Let's see a real Kursk. Let the showdown in the Atlantic happen and no more MPP city for Germany... Let her work for her victories not buy tech and pray. Rommel flanking the Brits in N.Africa and the Suez blocking off the Great British Empire. All sorts of thoughts, endless really John: I know how you feel, I really am disgusted with my ex-top of the line Pentium 4 1.9 GHz and whoa, 512k Ram, 128 9200 Radeon. This really use to kick butt now in Civ4 Terms it's a sleeper... The tubes burning out in my 21 inch Flat Screen LCD is the best part of the machine and the hardest to replace. I'm sorely dissappointed now I will have to replace that. Look up on Ebay from a reliable seller some day, you might find the Bones to a good up-to-date 64 bit system comming out in the next 6 months if you trust them. I'm so bored with the game releases I think I'll shoot all these programmers and take it up. I am good enough to design something that the world would play. I'd copy several current games, make them newer and add some features. All that really needs to be done and you could sell some pancakes. Sort of what the RTS world did which is now petering out. Hexagons and Tiles are still untouched, virginal for the new Millenia though... Let's hope it doesn't stay that way, but that could potentially chase out smaller markets for games like SC which would be bad, so I'm undecided... God I'm built up about SC2 release. I miss good good wargames... These old ones are making me snore. If you do Buy Civ4 buy it on Ebay folks. 20 bucks in a month and get a good Rep with 0 back feedback. Don't buy from a guy that doesn't say it's from N.America and make certian to use Paypal and buyer's Insurance... so you don't get ripped off... Saves you a few dollars but you have to have patience to wait 2 weeks to get your game.
  25. Features: Plenty of units upgrades, not just advancements in Veteran, elite, etc... although they're superflous. Plenty of Wonders, if you setup the game on a high level of difficulty though is pretty worthless, that just means more tech and you better get mean on the AI early or get eaten by Modern Armor when you finally breakthrough with Infantry. The the Graphics show clearly lots of detail and that shows lots of promise I'm impressed. I saw a few dozen Babylonian Gunships Axe my German Panzers was pretty pathetic I didn't pay attention to his Power till it was too late. Like usual the AI builds 5 Xs what you can if you setup the difficulty level<which shows competitive not by Skill but by Numerical advantage which I think is not good> The Units are better represented in Graphics, entrenchment values, city defense, hill, forest, mountain... More qualities to each. You get a feel of a wargame a little more involving than the old 1 2 1 2 with Civ... 50% Culture 50% Conquest. I definitely can gear this more to a wargame... That's about it, all and all I'll give it this you will have detail and you will be busy with this puppy if you like Civs... If you didn't like the others, don't buy! I am not yet MP with this, dunno if I'll keep it.. It's rather addictive despite being a bit clunky and slow. Think I'd prefer the simplicity of an SC2 type game. Something I can talk on the phone or watch T.V. and still play after a few weeks of training. All and all a I give it 1 thumb up and and a thumb Down.
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