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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Dennis, interesting situation. The MPPs are better off in my opinion Brit so you can reinforce and bolster the RAF to kill Germany Faster. As for Spain and Port, this Germany most be relatively weak, that would take a bit of time to kill those puppies off and if you've already gotten to Paris, and he doesn't have the essential neutrals, game should be over unless he's kicking the Reds? Personally just kick back, slowly destroy Germany, cut him off in Vichy definitely, push on all his resources if Russia is secure... Hammer Scandanavia even, occuppy as much Real Estate as possible choking this Poor Germany until she cannot out produce you, you won so long as you know what you're doing tactically
  2. Has anyone considered, or has the issue of raising certian qualities for each resource you possess been brought up. I.E. Per 1 Oil Well you get say 5% readiness attached to Mechanized Units up to a certian Max. Similarly for Raw Materials, you get a decrease in cost in all Units save Infantry. Perhaps for Cities you recieve Cheaper Infantry units... Ports allowing faster production of Naval Units and so on... ... ... Anyone think on this issue yet? I think it would make the idea of possessing certian resource types lucrative finally, bombing them too which gives some WW2 feel, perhaps the bombing could be very effective in reducing a larger portion of the benefits gained by these resources.....forcing production to fixing your Bonuses, making a player want to protect his real estate.
  3. Blashy, several things concern me. First off I see a set of units, pretty similar to SC. Armor will it have more punch power, and act more like the real thing or will it be a hit and insert weapon like it was in SC? Similarly, seeing that many of the same base units are available, what of the change of gameplay from SC1 from Poland through France and the beginning of Barby. Will it still be an MPP game or will it be a balanced game of massive strategies? I'm bored will SC fast as you can see you can learn every move and every counter and whoever acts first and makes the least errors wins. Do you feel in your heart as being a dedicated SCer that you know that 1 bad move will not break the game, I know of the presets for some of the units like Subs and Aircraft, and retreat options. Some of these seem a bit micromanagement, however seeing that the game will be larger does that mean it will take longer to play? I don't mind personally... I think it good it takes longer and more accuracy and playability is there. More Tactics, strategy, artform and all... I'm going to also say the base bugs in SC, that airfleets and the flaw of overly powerful Experience killed the game. The MPP structure was grossly inaccurate and noone would tweak things, does this change? To summize, I'm not asking when this deadly weapon will be out but do you feel this thing is anywhere near completion or do you feel that it's going to be a good 6 months of betatesting that tends to be my actual thoughts. As I've seen the base Map Skin altered twice now, a new evolution on Hubert's Mind I can see... As you can tell I know my Wargames, this is my 15th year<more than half my life> but I'm by far not an artist. Noone can say for sure what makes a hit but I tell you this, community, quality of foes, that's a HUGE portion of it... ::smiles devilishly:: Thanks for helping out with the beta testing
  4. Yes, the Char1Bis did have a massive gun advantage vs the the Panzer Mark III IVs The Panzer 4 was a infantry support weapon originally, later it was adapted as the backbone of the German Armored Fighting Force. The Renault 35 was formidable, but slow, I believe all French Armor was slower and ineffectively used. There were no concepts of Massed Armor in conjunction with Air Power During the Battle of France. That was the effectiveness that the German Armor had the French did not have. Perhaps could be represented in that no Allied Armor piece exceeds 35%-45% regardless of HQ effectiveness though is present and entrenched as a defensive infantry support weapon till after 1942 or 1943... That would recognize the slow tactical education of the Allied Forces
  5. "Give me a ticket for an Aeroplane, I ain't got time for a fast train, lonely days are gone, My Baby just sent me a letter"
  6. Hey you seem desperate, what do yo mean by "wanna game" really? </font>
  7. Hey if either of you are online tonight wanna game write a message on here.. I'm around for a little bit.. Anyone else?
  8. "The Hiawatha Gaming Comission Says that it not permissable to discuss Indian Gaming Issues On-line!" :mad: "We'll scalp you next time you got the itch to roll the dice if you're caught!"
  9. Is that supposed to be a joke. Why don't you download Terif's StudyGuide, download every info packet on here and study and play 500 SC games, then maybe, just maybe I'll play you one. Otherwise you're a boring waste of energy. You want fight the best, study.. Otherwise you're a loudmouthed Forum Boy. I have beat every guy on here aside DH and Terif and I don't get to play them often due to EST vs CET. Otherwise I'd likely take them 1 or 2. You might find a challenge on the RookieBoard. As for your intellect, and wit...It's dryer than the Sahara my little Limey friend.
  10. Wow, that is impressive SeaMonkey. I don't think Allied Airpower was all that much of a subkiller really early on. Wasn't it later when LR and Sub Detection methods came about. I see subs as in WW1 being a crippling force<WW2 capable but misused what would 200 U-boats right off of done to the UK Merchant Marine>, not so much a totally suffocated one, but one that did more damage than 30 or 40 MPPs if you covered the Atlantic and the Allies had Zero naval power to patrol. The UK and her allies must've devoted a lot of resources to the preventino of being crippled, here you devote 4 or 5 game turns in SC1. Also German U-boats are far too expensive to research and balance out vs Barbarossa Sea Lion and Barbarossa should be alternative choices with AirPower, and Subs being the catalyst for Sea Lion and Land Forces the catalyst for Barby. One forced 1 by Summer of '41 to hit England or latest by Summer 42 to Russia<with a regrouped and strengthened Army>
  11. Tag, then get off the SC Board
  12. cause I could beat you at this game 100 times outta 100 I'm your Terif
  13. I was just watching a show on Submarine warfare. My Lord it was massive in the Atlantic this battle, I never knew all the figured. I always saw the U-boat as a distraction here is some WebFigures.. Pretty staggering that hundreds of thousands died at sea http://www.mikekemble.com/ww2/atlantic.html Initially unlike in SC1 the Allies had very little they could do about U-boats, I think it would be interesting to see this reflected in SC2 and it took a long time for Allied Convos and Countermeasures to really become effective. Likewise the Germans fumbled, in not having a sufficient U-Boat force early enough to use agains the Allies to cripple Britian In Particular. I wonder had a strong U-boat force been used earlier what could have been done.
  14. ROFL, this is some really really crack you up sh** I'm glad to see that the community is having fun Meanwhile Rambo is busy at work Running the US of A Alone.. Christ me and him need time to really betatest this puppy, we have found more flaws than Yodl's Secret HideOut admitted publicly hehehehehe
  15. holds hand over heart, mourns the death of a Forum and of a Gamer Group
  16. shows you how much we all ache for SC2, we're starting to get bitchy and moany with one another Guys time to hit the retirement button till the new installment comes out Then we can start over again and all the old rivalries will be new By the way, when SC2 comes out, none of you guys will have a headstart on me like you did with SC1! Hell, I never knew there was an AA Bug, until Last! Or half the other little tidbits the Manual doesn't cover P.S. Kuniworth, you need to study!!! You'll never beat me, never have, never will I'm your Master Terif and Rambo are both good guys they ache to actually be able to compete again with new strategies<repeating myself>
  17. Hmmm, I hope I get this game soon. I will not be able to buy it likely now. I thought it'd of come a couple months ago Bills Bills, No SC2 Dammit Give me my Crack DAMNED YOU <offers his booty on the sidestreet to get a copy of SC2> ROFL :eek: :mad: :confused:
  18. I'm certian that calling the Luftwaffe in to protect a target area would be a great benefit. That or the RAF, USAF, or Red Airforce. You could really focus say on protecting that UberValuable HQ that you're afraid may be targeted. You could force protection on Vital Targets, rather than that Corps on the coast. One uses this tactic all too often also.. They hit a corpse to drain dry an Airfleet, then they strike the airfleet after it's been depleted. It shows no intellect on the part of the Air Unit... If you force protect what you want, or certian tiles. At least you do not lose air on unwanted crap.
  19. The editor definitely allows for historical appeal. Though noone uses it religiously. And, don't doubt the economic power of the USA. I once heard that Atlanta had more industrial strength than the entire Continent of Europe back in the early 90s
  20. John, USA is underrated by far, agreed. Initially we had jack. Though we had lots of cash, we had lots of industry and we had some of the best designs for aircraft in the world. P-51, P-38, P-47 all well outclassed anything Germany ever created. The FW-190 is the only thing they and was never created in vast numbers as our own aircraft. Mostly the ole trusty 109 is reflected which would be a level 0 or level 1 AC in SC Terms. Meanwhile the P38 which would rock the scene as early as '42 or '43 would be a LR 5 Fighter and at least Level2 jet fighter capability. By the time the Mustang came on the scene that would be at least Jets3, at least! That was it for the Reich as far as air superiority. Now the Brits relied heavily on their trusty Spitfires, not upgrading very much like the Germans, and would've lagged far behind. Never achieving much LR ability. Though their Lancasters would've been hitting Berlin in 1939, in this game it never happens! To top all this off, German industry is too strong, Russian and American Industry is too weak. US would have level 3 or 4 IT, Reds would have a tad bit less.. They hadn't developed the assembly line. All this has been discussed greatly though. Also, though you must admit U-Boats do not much dent the North Atlantic as they had Historically as in late 1940 many considered the Battle of the Atlantic nearly over and the British Isles starving to death because their American friends couldn't outproduce along with themselves what the Gerries were sinking to the bottom... There is a lot of qualities, and a lot of aspects that this game misses out on. That a true historian or afishionado<sp? of WW2 could incorporate. I'd love to see it personally, accurate portrayals of what the real thing was more like. For instance you can't flank in N.Africa, which is awful, you have to bring in Fighters to do the job. SO many similar flaws though. Perhaps SC2 will better reflect the real scenery of WW2 though and the actual Power of each nation... The USA, never really got into the action, had she, she would've been pretty deadly in 1944. By 1945 she had the best Military in the World, in 1941 the Germans had the best. What had happened was the Germans were slowly thinned out, they're experienced officer corp, their experienced soldats were martyr'd fighting Joe Stalin on the Eastern Front when they should've sought an armistice or gone for a knockout blow in the early days. Germany was a small nation, she needed to strike fast, and hard...Knockout everybody all at once, I do not think Hitler was tactically wrong in that particular decision. However she took on more than she could chew and in the end was knocked a deadly blow... They probably lost 10% of their population to bombings, murder, casualties, etc... A higher price than any other nation aside from USSR. As far as Reds fighting for Germans, that's a new one. Must've been Ukrainians or Baltic State Nations. They're practically German.. That was once part of the Prussian Empire.. One tends to forget that Germany at one time was a MASSIVE nation. She was an Empire, but 2 wars and a lot of bickering over real estate shrunk her into a little Modest european state. Now on the other hand, as far as AntiTank weapons and Tanks are concerned. We were outclassed, just not outproduced. We used the Reds theory, Numerical advantage over our Foes and of course we had the fuel and supplies to run this equipment properly. Plus Hitler had an obsession with Bigger and Badder, which in fact cost more effective compact Armor and fuel efficient would've been better for his nation considering the constraints he was facing! He would've been better creating defensive weapons in 1942 and 1943 anticipating our arrival and the Reds offensives.. That may have bought him some time, if he inflicted enough casualties he may have actually got a peace settlement seeing we left Joe in the Cold all the way until June of '44. Just the fact is Italy falling so quickly looked bad for the Nazi cause and the huge losses at Stalingrad and Kursk. They were on their way out after Kursk that was that.. That was the emergence of a New Power on the Battlefield, Red Army proved Herself. She probably could've beat our butts at that point. Though our Aircraft and Heavy bombers would wreak havoc upon her from afar... Reds always lacked a good airforce took them a long long time to catch up.. When she did though she was formidable... Interesting enough all this war debate fun, but I'd rather see it incorporated in SC2. The real truth about Technology and Equipment on all sides. The real situations, the real historical footing.. In SC after Fall of France things go Ahistorical right off.
  21. Hubert is correct, huge map sizes are a pain the rear. Civilization series found that out in a quick hurry and because of the mapsize has far too many limitations unless you've a supercomputer. I was shocked that a turn based computer game required a gig of ram, better than 2.0 P4 Proccessor and some other goodies in order not to lag during the later stages and the multiple units that appeared on the map. It become extremely slow and cumbersome and almost unplayable and when brought to Multiplayer completely unplayable.
  22. stoat can you take a friggin' joke? Or you like all the other Euros, getting too much good pot in your system? You guys take your freedoms for granted too you know, we can't just smoke it up in the States, not without getting busted hardcore for it. This is a very serious and Tight Nation, since 9/11 Martial Law of Sorts has been instituted for us anyways. You can't just cross borders now. You can't even bring a friggin' razor on board an airline. All due to the fact Osama had a chip on his shoulder your Russian brothers help create! Anyways... While America is off protecting your GasolineTank Reserves I hope your happy bashing her. When she isn't there anymore maybe you can pick up an M-16 and go defend what your Nation feels is a vital interest It'll happen trust me.. England sent her boys all sorts of wild places from Nepal to the Falklands.. Yes you spelled it right. If I were to bash someone I'd at least use a spellchecker or dictionary before I did it when it came to such an important word.. Sort of like spitting when you talk. P.S. Other points where us Americans have suffered. Our gas is taxed, we pay 2 Xs as much now for gas as we did before. Our Airline tickets are way way too expensive, the rules and restrictions now are awful. Our boys are dying wholesale<I know of boys that are no older than 20 that have died, I wasn't that close but I know them and met them personally, you done anything like that "recently?" > Also, many businesses have closed, many people have suffered, including Arabs in the States, which number in the millions. Some were cheering! The violence hasn't ended and will not till there is more bloodshed and as things stand they stand only to lose and we stand only to become more bitter. Something you Euros don't tend to understand, but the UK does They have bombed her soil. The Spanish are just too girlie to do anything about anything.. I at least respect a nation who doesn't take it lying down. Like the rest of the World tends to. Stand up to little bullys or they'll get bigger and bigger and eventually they'll come down your block. That is a simple peace of logic [ August 14, 2005, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  23. Roq whatever, what a betrayal! You're English and American just as I am and you speak like one of these Frenchmen! At least they have a defense, they're FRENCH! ROFL and by the way I do see a Shrink, because I'm a bit homicidal and an ex-stalker ROFL HEHEHHEHEHEH P.S. Diorhoa? err, what is that anyways? I suck at spelling, but you really really suck! I think you even can't spell your screenname!
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