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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Lowlands = France EGADS! I use to be a speller and had a great memory! Don't ever smoke pot kids or drink...You'll have no brain cells by age 26
  2. Hueristic? Great Advantage for the Axis??? With your strategy of declaring War on the LowLands and building an HQ for France and redeploying all British Air to the Coast of Britian...then declaring War on France and using French/British ships to down the entire fleet completely chokes the Axis from expanding in the Mediterrean. Also halts him up in taking Paris till late in 1940 if at all. If the Allied players should so overly dedicate himself to an early offensive War then he should pay the consequences of early vulnerability.. Otherwise the Royal Navy is more than formidable for anything the Axis can offer up. What you would require is a tweak on the Russian front instead... That's where the Allies really suffer... Perhaps 1 HQ and an extra 500 MPPs... Otherwise I'm forced into a Sea Lion with a player like you, and that doesn't always work. If you want to spread yourself so thin I'd love the extra German Fleet to destroy Britian with. Germany would have definitely altered history if she thought Britian would virtually abandon her Island...
  3. Not that Germany wasn't capable of completing these ships, however battleships were a huge undertaking. Aircraft Carriers even massive! You'd have to take into consideration that any smart Allied player would merely storm the Baltic and sink her entire fleet in moments. So in that case you need to make these have strength units. As well as remove a Luftwaffe fighter to outfight the carrier born aircraft, and give the Allies some sort of evening odds. As well as disbanding the current u-boat in the baltic sea. That making all things even I believe... In a recent game of mine I built 2 u-boats for deployment after fall of France. Ewww Lord, what a waste. I really could've used a HQs and another army instead!
  4. 1) England’s fleet had to have one million tons of supplies by ship each month. German U-Boats plagued the fleet. During the Battle of the Atlantic, Merchant Marines brought fifty-five million tons of their yearly supplies to Britain. The Graf Spee hunted allied ships and was successful until it was attacked off the coast of Uruguay by four small British ships. Captain Hans Leinsdorf scuttled the ship and killed himself. Admiral Karl Dernitz asked for extra U-Boats. Hitler refused, so Dernitz used what he had. Forty-one British supply ships were sunk by German mines and U-Boats. Hitler was building ships in France. British supplies were cut off, so they started sailing in convoy to avoid detection. U-Boats then hunted the seas in wolf-packs. Churchill asked Roosevelt for help. The Lend-lease act was born. Through the Atlantic Charter, Great Britain and America protected the Atlantic together. Two hundred forty-nine of the three hundred U-Boats that Dernitz had originally asked for were made. America was turning out three ships a day. Fifteen hundred in all were made. American ships were being made faster than the Germans could sink them. Ninety-two ships were sunk off the coasts of Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., and Miami. Twenty-five ships were sunk off the coast of Florida because residents fearing that their tourist trade would be hurt, refused to turn off their lights. The war had actually been brought to our shores. This is a little-known fact. Finally, in 1942, “Enigma,” the German code, was broken. Sonar enabled us to pinpoint German U-Boats. Airships destroyed U-Boats with two depth charges called “Hedgehogs” and “Squibbs.” Some German captains surrendered their U-Boats rather than risk capture. The German Kriegsmarine had been beaten. Well, the game asks us to bring up "What Ifs?" There you go... it was a huge contribution, that we really don't have the option to What if about. Also U-boats should effect US readiness.
  5. Player: "Liam" the TERIBBLE ARrrr Arrrr Joins the Ladder
  6. I've considered the idea myself. It really depends on how hellbent the player intends on keeping France or if he pulls a Dutch Gambit. In a recent game I made a string of Italian corps all the wa to Paris and then flanked with my Germans to cut supply. It would have been possible to 1 maginot hex and blitz through to cut their supply and then proceed to obliterate the French on either side they dedicate their forces. I think what is very important, is if the the French start stripping out units from colonies and other places. You need to transport and scan ports all over, and cut down her production if she attempts to move everything she has got to one place. I haven't successfully done it yet but even Britian gets stripped. You need to keep your Italian and German Navies alive relatively to do this. Though this forces the Allied player back into a neutral position and then it's all forward for you. As far as keeping Russia/USA out of the War I always get bloody Russia in the War no matter what! She jumps me always in 1941 and it gets on my nerves because with the new strategy of disbanding the French fleet and if he attempts to blitz the Low Countries he will have an HQ and a army or two exra. Moving all Allied fighters, =three to the coast of England and the Carriers and even with 5 german fighters you're sort of in a quandry. I have found myself biting my naiils and digging up the wood off my computer desk! I even tried declaring war the Swiss once, just to see. Don't ever do it, they get 2 armies that are full entrenched! Best is traditional, GET inside fast, and break the Frog's back by killing 2 armies and destroying his HQ if he keeps it up at the front. Break him as fast as possible. If he dedicates himself sooooo much to that campaign then prepare for a quick vichy/Spain/Portugal and Suez destruction if you keep your fleet. Then eventually Iraq relocating to Russia and then Bada Bing... Lately I've had a hard time taking France in time to do this with these very advanced players. August 1940 is way too late.
  7. RE: North Atlantic There was a the Battle of the North Atlantic, probably as costly as the Battle of Britian. The subs in this game are an annoyance to compliment surface ships...as much as destroyers would compliment Battlehips and cruisers. The way that other world Powers besides Germany and US used subs to attack vital shipping. Which Island nations like Japan and Great Britian rely on for they have massive overseas commerce. If it involved say 30% of the Islands income, in Sea Lion it would be vital to cover your commerce which it was. As far as convoys, random ones... It could be a neat aspect...imagine a convoy carrying 50 MPPs in it's hull! That would move man and resources continually to the far out reaches of the Atlantic where they spent much of their time subhunting!
  8. JJ: Yeah, Cortez had help. Zapotecs, and I don't know who else. The Aztecs had the Jaguar Warrior. Deadly, with their double sided stone axe. I'm sure they were pretty fanatical. I know the name Swashbuckler comes from the Spanish soldier with the sword that delivered the death blow to the belly of the enemy. In particular in Mexico, that's if the musketman missed his target. When Cortez got off the ships with his men, he burnt them! He wanted to be rich! I do feel for the Aztecs though they were primitive. I know during the American-Mexican War they were used against us as cannon fodder more or less. Their culture was decimated, and parts of it integrated. Though there was much hate between the remaining natives and the new mestizos. Even to this day, theirs rebellious Indians in the Yucutan. Brazil has them, Chile doesn't tolerate them. Many other Central and South American nations have had troubles, their culture should be preserved for anthropologists at least. The Spanish got filfthy rich!!! Off the Aztecs and Incas! Those people are so poor now! Though it's the way of the sword... The English put the Spaniards in their place once in and for all and now Spain is a modest country at best..Not considered in the top ten as far as I know.
  9. Okay! Okay! Okay! We'll hop on the previous subject of new things to add to Strategic Command. I would love destroyers, that had a very good range and possible raiding abilities like subs. Though are weak in comparison with cruisers and battleships, heavier armed larger vessels. I would also like to point out we have fighters and bombers... We have nothing inbetween... Some have said, well you can include the German Bomber Command in with it's Airfleets though I don't think so. A neccessary alteration to give Germany a tech-0 German bomber to open the game with and the British a tech-1 and perhaps longer range capabilities would be fair more accurate. Now, on top of that sub spotting ability... Of course we all want subs to be more a strategic weapon and less a tactical one. Which is accurate, the Germans didn't use subs to put down the British Royal Navy, they'd of been massacred. Maybe in small #s They need to dive and hide... I think that both America and Britian should get a bomber bonus... that would level the game off also, and when America enters she should have the rough equivelant of a B-17...Which is a tech-2 bomber IMHO and far more distance! She also has two lousy battleships? A few destroyers or cruisers would be nice! The bombard capabilities as John pointed out on all warships is far too good! They can make and break you when in reality they only softened up the coastal defenses before a landing. Serious damage? I would have to -the factor though all ships block supply!!! It's called blockading a port and you wouldn't recieve MPPs from a port that is blockaded, that goes back ages in real life and in this game it should be implemented. It would give the Allies a much need pounch. So you couldn't do some silly thing like try to invade Canada and expect anything much from it. You would have to take fleets more serious as a Stategic weapon...Though obsolete in the larger Pacific they still did major damage in the N.Sea. The Germans used many destroyers on top of their subs to complement them. I would love to see Artillery, you've got rockets? Though you don't have artillery and of course you may consider the two the same but they're not, or included in Armies. I would prefer to have them as a seperate entity considering the Hex size, which is reasonable to line up artillery behind and adjoined to Armies or corps... Nothing killed more men in WW2 anyways so! Gotta include that...80%??? Anti-aircraft is sorta in this game, but not quite. perhaps artillery can have a duel role, like fighters do... If you cross the path of the guns or an adjacent hex you come under fire. Mobile AA guns, like the FlakPanzer in WW2 were deadly! I want greater punishment on Neutral invasions! The Germans did get all they had from plunder, cut em back to much further you'll cut them off completely. You need to enhance the capabilities of the Allies to wage war, not downgrade the Axis. Allied Subs??? That was brought up! They did their job too!
  10. Not to forget that the Aztecs were hated and the Spanish used other Indian Allies to conquor them. Zatecas, etc... You fire a cannon and muskeet, can you imagine the fear it would derive in those primitive peoples? Even if the Aztecs mustered 10 thousand men, no match for a Modern European Army... With it's flanks covered by friends gladly willing to see the evil Aztecs go down and of course the Aztecs probably had worthless leadership. Sacrifice 50 thousand people and God will save you!
  11. JJ: I find your history lesson accurate as to the displacement of the people of Europe during the Fall of Rome and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Ostrogoths, Vandals, Huns sacking my capitol! I wouldn't be playing a Fiddle, I would be at the Walls of Rome. I heard they were impervious to any ballista or siege of the time? Took us a thousand years of Chaos to recover but doesn't mean that a legionaire could battle a Knight. We still progressed but in different ways. Chinese & Norsemen visiting the Americas, makes you wonder what would have happened if the locals would've picked up metallurgy from their visitors! Also some sort of immunity to Eurasian Diseases.
  12. The Roman Empire did evolve, I wonder if they spread themselves too thin though rather than they accepted they come to the very End of Earth<of any value to them!>After Germania who really could destroy them? 10k German soldiers would go out and battle the Romans, 200 would come back and sleep with 10 thousand wives<1 night>, and in 18 years you'd have another Army to fight. You can't beat that, long term. I believe that the Highlight of Roman Power was there initial Expansion, that is what most interests me. Noone could beat the Armies of Rome in her Hayday turn of the Millenium. A vast empire will fall, it's a given...internal corruption wasn't all of it<perhaps it was inbreeding?> Many contributing factors and the rise of other Great Civilizations. When Byzantium came I don't even believe that to be a true part of the Eastern Roman Empire, more like an Eastern Break-Away and I was never impressed with their accomplishments. Basically being raped by their new Western Brothers of relics, and wealth and then destroyed by Turks. Despite their cruelty, all Civilization is founded on an Iron Fist. The Hebrews did many atrocities of their own, in their God's name. More people have probably died in the name of of Western God's than of any other form of unnatural death...<as you stated in your insane comments fanatical Christians in Asia Minor> Maybe Tibet is a gentle nation and India under Ghandi, etc... I don't know of many to be honest over the years. I liked how Alexander the Great Never stopped, stretched all the way to India. As an individual far exceeded the Roman accomplishments militarily. Temujin Khan may even more so for Middle Ages and actual size. Modern Times and the United States is relying on her technology and her good will to get her along. Her people become lazy and divided and she will have troubles. She requires to stay up to date with the rest of the world. Industrious, scientific and a Supreme Military<used correctly>... Regardless of what anyone says about us and our McDonald's. Our Lattas. Our Glorified 8 cylinder cars. Our Hair replacement surgery. We are Wealthy! We have the most intelligent people, considering our size. We're the only Western nation I know that begins teaching their children 3-d Combat training as young as 3>>playstation<< We also have our own form of modern slavery. Minimum Wage We may last a few more centuries yet. Just gotta get those Asians on DVDs, fast food, busch beer, and Marlboro ciggerates!!! oh and High definition color TVs with Surround sound. Then they don't have to go to a public execution they have it without leaving home
  13. Ok Ok, you had me! In lots of places! D.C. is like Rome in appearance. We have gladiatorial games! Football. Huge monuments to our ancestors like the Lincoln Memorial. A country founded on the backs of barbarian tribes & initially slavery. The Greeks built most the wonder's of the world and are by far the the architects of ancient times. Though we borrow from them all... Though I don't see where you see all these HAPPY Roman citizens... Some were happy to be Dominated and have their culture replaced. Obviously the Jews weren't. Nor were the developing Christian Cults. The Romans murdered those who didn't agree with them and raped and burnt them to the ground<so there was no arguments>i.e. the Carthiginians. They had to tolerate a certian amount of people and cults. If you go back all the Ghauls, Celts, Greeks, Lombards, Germans, Greeks, etc... Fought like hell, and were defeated! They were fighting for their independence and they were forced into submission.. Whether the Empire saw it for their security or not. They were fairly stable countries in their own Right. The Empire was wealthy with it's rich grain and high quality Goverment. It's incredible military organization<which gave the Romans> all their fame and victories. You have to thank their patience as well.<Hannibal nearly ended them and not the only one> The Ancient times were Rule or be Ruled, true... Though then you had to do it with an iron fist. I won't even go into S.America. Other than to say Go where Money's at! Burn, pillage and rape. Spain #1 until Britian. Then USA then who knows... I don't think that we'll have a competitor until Russia get's her **** together or the EU does. Perhaps a Far East Economic Empire, that's how they like to do it these days. Conquor with CD players, spread your culture with the Internet and Bay Watch...
  14. First of all the JU-87 is a divebomber, meant for use in the field. Not strategic uses... All the American and British bombers were heavier but even the Lancaster had to fly at night or die in too vast #s to replace! The HE-111 wasn't slow until later... At the time it came it great #s it was the Blitz Bomber and killed the Germans did much damage to British Cities. It's just that by 1941 and then on... That the German's didn't advance the their bomber technology any really. They saw no need for it, long range, heavy bombers... or medium...for that fact...
  15. Hey wait a minute, It's a Wargame yeah and BattleFront is obviously capable of doing lovely work look at the Demo's for CMBB. If you have a Pent.75 still it's your fault. They can add detail and will if people show interest and spend money!
  16. and likewise no gambits on Italy/LowCountries...I would agree to that cause you never get to fight a real land war in Russia which is the fun part.
  17. We could make Neutral Rules. No invasion of Sweden/Spain/Iraq or Portugal.
  18. Perhaps the Romans brought a more modern civilization based off the Greeks to the Barbarian class civilizations of the World. They were developing at a slower right. As in South America when the Spanish discovered this stone age culture it was a cinch to conquor them and turn them into a productive colonial empire. It wasn't right nor was it better for the populace it was the rule of might. As in the Romans case. They had the Legionaire, they were the most powerful soldier of their time and they took the world by force. Though Egypt, Persia and Carthage were of similar development of the time they just didn't manage to conquor the World. They were harsh times, true... You can't deny that everyone was harsh... Though to become a citizen maybe one thing I do not know that there were many non-Roman leaders in Rome, perhaps later...not in early Roman expansion. They were Strong, they were one of the Most powerful Empires to ever have been known. Though the Romans goal was to build an Empire, like the World has never known. To be the most powerful Nation in the World and to Rule it. The Mediterrean Sea would be a Roman Lake. I'm wrong to say that Germany was like them, United States resembles them a great deal. In our Architecture in our capitol and our goverment comes from Greeks. Their Auxiliary troops were never as good as Roman Legions. Truely, in the End. Though Briton asked for them to stay the rest of Europe could care less.
  19. In the Immortal Words of Al Gore, "I agree."
  20. Come to think about it, after defeating Russia and taking their bread basket, and turning West with the Russian Front reinforcements, shouldn't the War been in the bag for the Germans? WW1 that is... At least not counting the entry of United States and the failure of Germany's Axis partners Turkey/Austria Hungary to do much of anything but beg for their lives. They were pretty cruel on the German's. Taking away their Army, stripping them of a Navy. Forcing them to pay back a hell of a lot money. Occuppying the RhineLand and creating new nations over the Empire you'd spent centuries conquoring. I'd be pretty ticked off, if I was German. Though if you look at it WW1 bore WW2... Live by the Sword, die by it. You killed off one generation and the next hopped right back in to fight it out. Finally I think the Europeans are tired of constant War after two thousand years. Romans are similar to Nazis, in the regard they both could've ruled Europe. They shared some of the same symbology. They loved perfect mass spectacles of marching men. That indoctrination into something to belong to. The Romans did bring a lot to Early European Society. They were fierce, they were cruel and they were of their time. Though of course, the people they oppressed eventually learned their weakness and sacked them. Light horsemen replaced infantrymen...and thus the MiddleAges begun, a time of great chaos and more death,disease & murder. Chaos breeds Order Even out of WW2 many things have come... Though you cannot destroy everyone or everything and hope to gain much. In the end that's the end of you.
  21. I love Civilization IIIs graphics. They're very lively. The map's, cities are of great detail. It's an Empire building game not a Wargame but still... Whoa, try playing a full game, <you can't play Mult-player it's impossible>...but even with a pent 1.9 I can't play a AI with 16 players... it takes it sometimes 5 or 6 minutes to recycle through the turns. I'll sacrifice graphics for speed. Althought ummm, you could definitely make SC European Map a hell of a lot more detailed and exact. For instance where is the black forest? The Ardenne is the there, but no Black forest?
  22. I.E. 5-way Multiplayer WOOHOO! that would rule! Maybe we can bid for france
  23. Supposedly my Great Great Uncle's were body Guard's to the Kaiser Wilhelm himself. I don't know much about that but my Mother always was a reputable source. I think that Germany was no different than many other European Powers at the time of WW1. Though the Chaos after the War, drew up lines that didn't exist. Yugoslavia is still divided to this day. Russia finally has given independence to all it's ethnic states. Germany will never recover from what she did. She will be tarnished for eternity... Sadly, she isn't the one to blame. She had many collaborators. Hitler's Rise and ressurgenc of Germany Military was never put in check by Western Powers. It was ultimately the West's Job to keep Germany at peace. The Russians were also helpful in Poland! So the West and East payed the price for their crimes... The war is Karmic, IMHO. The Ethnic hatred goes back centuries. It has been there and will be there many years to come and is a part of a bigger picture. That some 1 balled, short half Austrian Mutt came to Power and claimed this and that is of little consequence. He didn't act alone...as stated he had plenty of other's that pushed and truely were the foundation of a Country of Hatred... I truely love the Simulator, I love the aspect of the Battle. If I were to have run Germany in the 30s I would have never allowed anyone to be rascist. I would have used all my wits and all my Manpower to conquor the World bit by bit. The Jews would have been treated like Brothers! So would have the Americans until they nolonger suited my Expansionist desires
  24. Though I talk trash on the Me-109 the updated versions by or around fall of France were hellish. Daimler Benz, fast powerplant, Good handling..Turn rate rough equivelant of the lovely Spitire<which was the minority of the RAF in 1940>. The Hawk-75 was no comparison, it was way behind German aviation. Also some models of the 109 had a special 20 minute of Water Injected Power. Despite weak armament<it had cannons> and enough to take out any Allied fighter short range. In fact that may have been the primary reason for the Fall of France and lack of Supply and equipment. You can't strato bomb Germany until the later scenarios that should be corrected. Longe Range aircraft were available to the Brit's early.
  25. The Luftwaffe was ahead of it's time during the Spanish Civil War! The HE-111 which is not represented in the game was the best fast medium bomber of the early period of the War. That gave the Germans a pounch against the Frogs and Limeys at various stages and the Allied Minors. I would like to see that med-lt-or dive bomber represented in the game. Specializing in weakening entrenchment and fortifications, or tankbusting. Also effective in damaging HQs, and supply short range. Probably the significant winner for the Germans. The Blensheims were pretty good too, maybe both sides deserve a red herring. Since the Battle Of France has taken such presidence in the game lately. BIG THING! In 1940 I'd give the Germans level 1 fighters or at least<!> a bomber and a full experience point for one airfleet.
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