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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. 2-6 players? hmm, this should make for interesting USA vs Europe team play during tournament matches.
  2. On this day in 2002, Comrade Trapp became a member of Battlefront.com and made his first post on the SC forum. And what was my first post your all wondering? well..... Now, I'm sure your all shocked to find out that I was once actually a newbie myself, but unfortunately, its true. But surely that can be forgotten. Anyway, I joined just in time to witness the Christmas From Hell of 2002 and soon after, the glory days of SC.
  3. Screw you Liam! I hope you burn in hell this Christmas Holiday!!! :mad: I'm just kidding Liam, I don't really hope you burn in hell.....
  4. Alright...... aesopo, I was rude and inconsiderate, do you accept my apology? There, you happy now hellraiser?
  5. We gonna have any Christmas Tournaments this year?
  6. Silence, newbie asholer! The next time you speak out of line, you will be flogged before the entire forum!
  7. And how well are your ground units advancing while all your air support is off attacking the RAF? Also, good luck buying and supporting all of these airfleets while maintaining your ground units committed in France at the same time. Like Zapp said, it doesn't automatically win every game, but it sure puts a lot of pressure on the Germans when they have to fight an aggresive RAF and fight their way into France at the same time.
  8. Codename Condor is a pussy and will be put in his place momentarily.
  9. I'm in if someone invites me...... *hint* *hint*
  10. On a more serious note: As I've said before, if anyone here deserves to be a beta tester, it would be Edwin P.
  11. Who do you think your kidding Liam? Your a pussy compared to me, I'll own you anytime, anywhere. *runs for cover and hides*
  12. If your not playing a competitive game, why shelve it? Try out new ideas, especially if your playing a fellow newbie.
  13. lol, good to hear. Actually, our future president is having a rally in Pittsburgh (where I'm from) tomorrow, I'm going to try and get of work early to go to it. Should be interesting.
  14. It was the Army, and no, I didn't drop out. Was separated because they diagnosed me with high blood pressure (which turned out to be wrong). Regardless, not disappointed, in fact, I'm glad to be back in the civilian world. And most importantly, I won't miss the release of SC2 now.
  15. Which is why I post here and not somewhere else. To tell you the truth, I think Battlefront is actually pretty lucky that they have such a dedicated/loyal group of customers. Not only in SC but, dare I say it, CM as well. Yes, things are slow for us at the moment, but if you look back through this forum’s history, we've been through worse. We have a great group of moderators and a strong community, what more can you ask for.
  16. That was beautiful Kuniworth. You know what, I think you just inspired me to create a website about you. I think I'll title it: KUNIWORTH: The man behind the Legend. And yes, I'm serious.
  17. 1, the experience he gains in France as well as that of the units he supports will greatly aid you later on. Also you need to keep in mind a wise Allied player will purchase Monty HQ rather quickly. So unless you want to see your glorious Luftwaffe bested by a few RAF fighters, your gonna need Manstein.
  18. Kuni, can you send me the campaign as well? JTrapp21@comcast.net
  19. Thanks guys, sorry for the late reply. I leave for Infantry OSUT (Basic/AIT combined) at Fort Benning Wednesday evening. Not really nervous yet, but I'm sure that will change very soon. I get 12 days leave after I get done with OSUT, so if everything goes according to schedule, I should graduate December 17th and be home for Christmas (and more importantly, SCII ). If anyone wants to mail me while I'm down at Benning, just leave a post here and I'll make sure someone e-mails my address to you. Thanks again guys, Josh
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