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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. That was hypothetical question, I was not trying to claim that I'm some great human being that deserves to get into heaven.
  2. So you're a Commie? You want the government to take away our rights, cash, & life? </font>
  3. Ok, so hypothetically: If I was in general a good person all my life (worked hard, raised a good family, never harmed anyone, ect). But..... I didn't believe in God or Jesus Christ, would that make me a bad person going by your beliefs? Absolutely nothing, I believe everyone has a right to believe in any religion they choose. I know your a Capitalist. You still didn't answer my questions: "But do you feel you have the right to push your religious beliefs on others? And another thing, why do you feel that anyone who believes in social democracy or anything else other than laissez-faire capitalism is either anti-American or a Communist? What would you say if I told you I believed in social democacy? Would that make me anti-American or a Communist?"
  4. Rambo, I like you, but your beginning to sound like a religious fanatic. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem if someone has strong religious beliefs. But do you feel you have the right to push your religious beliefs on others? And another thing, why do you feel that anyone who believes in social democracy or anything else other than laissez-faire capitalism is either anti-American or a Communist? What would you say if I told you I believed in social democacy? Would that make me anti-American or a Communist?
  5. Schwedisch, deutsch, die Ihre alle selben, dumme Europäer.....
  6. Типичный немец..... не самый острый инструмент в сарае......
  7. Kuniworth Do you know of any websites about Social Democracy that I can read?
  8. Not really, considering he still controls a large majority of the neutrals, I suspect the loss of France has only put a minor dent in his MPP income. Congrats on linking up with the Southern USSR though. Although I fear it is only prolonging the inevitable.
  9. No clue, its random like that, but they usually transfer when you approach or capture Moscow. They should transfer soon, although it looks like luck is on your side.
  10. They transfer automatically when German forces approach Moscow.
  11. Jersey When was that? Not questioning you, just wondering.
  12. Kurt, get on ICQ, been looking for you all day.
  13. Kuniworth and Blashy, I'm more than a little disappointed in you. I would have expected a little more respect out of you guys, but I guess I was wrong in thinking that. As for BochiW, your entire post was full of ****. I know nothing of this case, just going by your quote here. But isn't the murder of 3 black civil rights workers in the end, a state issue? How exactly is Ronald Reagan to blame for the split on issues we face today? Yeah, after 444 days and a failed rescue attempt that cost the lives of 8 US servicemen.
  14. What did I tell you aesopo123, you pull your defensive lines back too far too soon like that, you'll end up being overwhelmed by a massive amount of Axis MPPs. Not to mention, the fall of Leningrad gives the Germans a nice little supply line in Northern Russia. Two questions: 1) Has Finland entered yet? 2) Has Gibraltar fallen yet? Good game so far guys.
  15. Four bars of experience? I don't think you need to worry about naval tech to much, you'll chew up anything that enters the Med. Have you lost any Italian ships? Aesopo, how much experience does your Malta airfleet have?
  16. Yes listen to the man. Im crying over here. </font>
  17. 80 hour work week??? Working in general??? bah, work cuts into my freetime, I'll just sit at home and play SC all day.....
  18. Thanks guys, much appreciated. Its already started, I get to start paying room and board next week, oh joy....... Thanks for the thread Jersey. Comrade Trapp
  19. Ah, why are you posting here? I did a little search with you member number, you have only posted in 3 threads in the "Strategic Command" Category since January. Out of those 3 threads, in 2 of them you only posted attacks on Rambo. So if anyone is trying to stir up trouble here, its you. Rambo on the other hand is a long time member of the SC forum and has made a vast majority of his posts here. So once again, if anyone doesn't belong here, its you. Hypocrite....... Please, if your gonna post here, play nice. Comrade Trapp
  20. Sorry man, there is no way you can edit the map. The good news is that the option will probably be available in SC2.
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