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Everything posted by Terif

  1. August 11, 1940: Sweden DoWed. German air, land and naval attacks. Alexandria cut off, Suez will fall soon.
  2. July 28, 1940: Norway surrendered. Heavy fights near Brussel. Allies still have Lv2 jets against Lv0 german. Germany started research 10 turns ago after UK reached Lv2 but without success until now....
  3. July 1940: Vichy France converted. Italian landings in Egypt.
  4. June 16, 1940: France surrenders after the capital was cut off from the rest of France. French Hq caught at Brest port. Only one french army escaped. A UK corps is still marching near the LC/french border. Will be destroyed soon. Italian transports near Egypt. Malta occupied. Ireland capital abandoned, will fall next turn. [ July 18, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. March 31, 1940: The first german tank reaches the outskirts of Paris. Southern Maginot line abandoned and occupied by german corps. Italy will join next turn.
  6. March 1940: Ireland still under attack. German forces slowly moves towards Paris. Only 2 haxes away from the capital.
  7. Unbelievable: Allies reached Lv2 jets in their third turn !!! every turn one advance in a row with only one chit... [ July 18, 2003, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  8. Axis turn 4: Poland surrenderes. French army in the ardennes attacked by 3 ground and 4 air units, but survived at strength 2. Denmark corps destroyed. 2 UK battleships damaged in the Atlantic, subs will be destroyed next turn.
  9. Turn 3 Axis: Standard moves so far: Allies attack Ireland turn 1, training carriers. Axis Denmark turn 1, training cruisers. Subs raiding in the atlantic and hunted by the royal navy. No encounter so far. LC surrendered turn 2. Warsaw captured, but the 3 remaining polish units continue fighting. First french corps destroyed. German forces enter french territory and spot Balbao Hq near Paris.
  10. Here my 2 cents: it depends on the player skills which side has an advantage or if it is balanced(both players equally skilled, I dont mean if one is more advanced as the other): - 2 new/inexperienced players against each other: Axis has a clear advantage, cause Allies need a clear strategy from the beginning to win. Axis have more mpp to make experiments. As long as Allies dont really know how to use their forces it is difficult to win for them. Allies have to play totally different than Axis, they are superior in number and mpp, but have some potentially strong weapons and higher mobility. - 2 intermediate players: When both players have learned how to play each side, then Allies have a slight advantage. The secret to success for Allies is reconnaissance and surprise. They can choose between a lot of different tactics and as long as Axis dont know the counter they succeed. In the first game against the opponent Allies have a good chance to surprise Axis and win the game, in the next game they should choose another tactic to win, cause there exists a counter to every strategy. Flexibility is important to win. -2 experienced players: When the Axis player knows every possible allied strategy and tactic + the according counterstrategy, then the balance shifts again towards Axis. As said before: Allies are inferior in number and mpp, their best chance to win is with their better weapons and the surprise factor in the original 1939 scenario. To surprise an experienced player is very seldom. Its only a slight advantage for Axis, but if both sides dont make any mistakes Axis would win - but every human makes mistakes, so the side that makes the biggest mistake looses, its a thing of setting traps and avoiding to go into an enemy trap . However, against an experienced player like Zappsweden or Rambo I would never play without a bid in a competition game. This evens out the slight advantage for Axis and also determines who plays which side. But in this PBEM league games are for fun and most players are not so experienced. After a few games everone should have learned how to play Allies and then the game is balanced. Until a player has learned all possible tactics, so that Axis are again in the advantage it needs a lot of games (50-100 depending on the opponents and learning curve). Therefore bidding doesnt seem necessary.
  11. You need 1 army, 1 tank, 3 airfleets + Hq for LC. So you have 5 strong combat units and 2-3 corps left for Poland. With these forces its no problem to kill in average 2 polish units per turn and conquer Warsaw in turn 3 or earlier. In this way Germany only needs very, very seldom more than 4 turns before Poland surrenders. You only have to take care that your strong units are supported by a Hq. Without Hq it is difficult...
  12. Kuniworth: You are right with the Poland thing. It is random and depends on your luck how much units have to be destroyed before Poland surrenders. You can only be sure it surrenders if you have killed every single unit. As long as it stays in the game every turn there is a chance that it surrenders (with capital captured). With every killed unit the chances increase. All other countries use the same system, except France. France was changed with a patch (I think 1.06), so it surrenders after the capital is captured no matter how much units are left. The reason was to prevent the evacuation of France, so that it never surrendered. So to conquer every other country and make them surrender you have to capture the capital AND kill most of its forces. In case of Norway and Vichy they usually surrender after you conquered the capitals. But after this they lost most of its forces and at least Vichy is not 100% sure that they surrender. Yugoslavia usually survives until you have killed at least 2 of the 3 corps (+capital). Poland uses not a strange system, but the same as every other nation (except France).
  13. Finally I found a site to host the images and now I can post screenshots BTW: it is http://www.picturetrail.com
  14. I had also some 1.07b games and continued them with 1.07 final. There were no problems. In case of PBEM it displays at the first turn a warning about different versions, but it has no effects. So it is no problem to download 1.07 final and continuing your ´old´ multiplayer games.
  15. Tourney game Terry (Allies) vs Disorder (Axis): DECISSION AND COMMENTS: In this game Axis had the initiative at the beginning. They conquered France, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece.as well as parts of Russia and only lost the african part of Italy. Situation in March 1942: - Norway and Sweden liberated/conquered by free french units (5 armies, Hq, corps) - not long ago Axis invaded Spain (Portugal still alive) - UK/US invasion in southern Spain, probably to protect Portugal - UK/US transports preparing for invasion in France - Russia attacks towards Warsaw, Romania and Hungary - Axis is holding Riga and surrounding The war went forth and back. Heavy fights at many fronts. At the moment Allies are in the offensive and Axis are defending their borders. The question is: can Axis succeed to defend their homelands and France ? Material and stuff: - Allies have a lot more mpp/turn as Axis – 980 vs 580 - Axis have not very much units left on the battlefield. Main forces: 29 Allied armies, 1 tank against 9 german (2 tanks) and 4 minor/italian ones. Axis air nearly destroyed (9 losses): 2 low strength (Lv4 jets) german +1 italian (Lv0) airfleets against 5 UK air (also Lv4) and 3 low tech airfleets from other nations. Total naval superiority for Allies. Strategically: - Russia is attacking in the south. There is no axis defence between Warsaw and Romania. To establish a defence line they would have to retreat from Riga (where the defence holds at the moment) since they have no extra units somewhere else. After this retreat it would be possible to hold the line Koenigsberg to Romania. Russia has only one Lv0 airfleet against 2 german Lv4 air. So they cant break through in the near future. But they can cause heavy damage at Axis units, expensive to reinforce. - In Spain both sides have 3 armies and 4 corps + Hq. Allies have air support from Africa, but no chance for each side to advance against the entrenched enemy, partly in mountains. Trench warfare, not much losses each. From the Axis point of view it could seem as if they would have a chance to hold their defence lines and the status quo. But when looking at the allied situation, there is a different picture. Fog of war was in favour of Axis: a huge invasion force is waiting some hexes away from the french coast. If Allies had seen how much units in France are left, it would have been a quick end now: - Axis have 4 corps, 1 army + 1 hq in France. They cant spare a single additional unit from other fronts without causing them to crash or loosing italian cities to allied transports. - UK and USA collected a huge invasion force: 7 armies, 5 corps, 2 Hqs and 3 airfleets airsupport + 2 carriers and some ships bombarding Brest. In consequence: as soon as Allies land in France, Axis will loose fast and this would happen in the near future. UK just operated its air back to England and positioned transports, so they obviously wanted to land in 1-2 turns. Additionally there are 5 free french armies + Hq free for an invasion from Sweden. Summary: Allies have 400 mpp/turn more than Axis and twice as much units in total (4 times as much air) and the units have a better quality. In the long run Axis would loose the mpp war. But war would end much faster if the game would have been continued. Without fog of war, Allies would reach Berlin within 10-15 turns. In the game they dont know the enemy strength, but invasion is on its way and will start very soon anyway. After this, it is only a question of time until France is liberated and Germany would surrender - probably 1943/44. But this would happen certainly before 1947. DECISSION: One of the rare allied victories in the first round of this tourney: Terry (Allies) win against Disorder (Axis) [ July 06, 2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. Xediel: I tried not long ago to post screenshots. Unfortunately to post a screenshot you have to upload the picture to a webpage first. Then you can use the image UBB code to post it in the forum. I tried it with two different image hosting sites, but it didnt work (only displayed the URL but not the picture - with other homepages it worked, but there I couldnt upload the screenshots...). If you know a place where to upload it or an easier way to post a screenshot, let me know and I will post some combat pictures .
  17. Hi Terry and Disorder, if you both are sure you want me to decide it, you can see my e-mail adress in the profile. Then I need the last TWO turns (to make me a better picture about how the game would be developing) from both of you together with the passwords. If it is ok for you, I will post the decission together with a comment here in the forum and send both of you a copy.
  18. October 27, 1940: The Norway battle is over. Losses: - 2 UK cruiser sunk and several ships damaged - 2 corps and 2 armies killed on the water, several german airfleets damaged. Italian landings in Egypt. Malta was empty and was Axis since the fall of France.
  19. September 29, 1940: Norway becomes a really big and decissive battle. Army transport sunk, another reduced to strength 1 and cut off by two lines of UK ships from safety. Will be killed next turn. Heavy air-carrier battles. Germany moves all air towards Denmark. Port bombing stopped.
  20. September 1, 1940: German air continues to bombard London port. Therefore not much can be used for Norway invasion. UK task force surprises the invaders in their landing boots. 2 corps transports sunk, army transport heavily damaged, 2 armies cut off from their way home. Carrier-airfleet battles north of Denmark.
  21. August 1940: Bordeaux conquered by Germany. Brest abandoned. A new german bomber and some airfleets bombard London port each turn. Very expensive for Axis...
  22. July 7, 1940: Last french units left France - one corps towards LC to attack a german airfleet . Paris is empty. Italy declared war to Allies.
  23. June 9, 1940: Yes, axis units are specialists in surviving with 1 or 2 strength points . But now the last german ship lies at the bottom of Brussel port. Germany broke through the french defence lines. Time to start evacuation procedure for France... Maginot and mine abandoned, units heading to ports.
  24. May 12, 1940: German cruiser destroyed. German air had a very lucky day. A strong UK airfleet got destroyed when intercepted by german air.
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