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Everything posted by Terif

  1. May 1941: German air out of range from british airfleets, but intercepting UK carriers... Gibraltar will fall next turn.
  2. April 13, 1941: Spain and Yugoslavia surrenders, still a huge battle around Norway...
  3. March 16, 1941: Yes, Allies have a 2vs0 jet-tech advantage. So it is better to stay away for Axis after the big air battle in Norway (3 german air vs 2 UK+ carriers). Axis minors joined this turn, Axis DOWs Spain immediately, destroying 2 armies and a corps. Madrid will fall next turn. Yugoslavia coups.
  4. February 2, 1941: An allied fleet attacks the empty Bergen. German air responds together with the german fleet. UK battleship heavily damaged, Courageous carrier reduced to strength 3. Unfortunately the second german cruiser was one hex too far away, so the carrier survived. Additional air appears in Norway... Does Allies retreat or do they want a big battle to sink a german cruiser...
  5. Alexandria and Suez conquered. The Med belongs to Axis.
  6. Its written detailed at the ZL-page in the rules section (game specific rules): http://www.myleague.com/zappleague/ And in the sticky thread at the top of this forum: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002560 [ July 26, 2003, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  7. August 11, 1940: Suez conquered, Alexandria will fall the next 2 turns. No airfights, enemy tech unknown. Saved for today.
  8. July 28, 1940: All swedish units destroyed. Sweden surrendered after 2 turns. Bergen under attack.
  9. July 14, 1940: Brest and Malta occupied. Allies transport a new corps through Suez, 2 corps cut off from Alexandria by naval landings. Sweden under attack.
  10. June 16, 1940: Huge naval battle at Gibraltar. Vichy and Norway attacked and surrender the same turn.
  11. May 26, 1940: Bordeaux occupied, Brest under attack. An italian transport encounters 2 british cruisers near Gibraltar. Italian landings at Suez and naval bombardments.
  12. March 31, 1940 (turn 7 Axis): France surrenders as expected. Strange: Allies left the french Hq and all armies in France to defend Paris. But without entrenchment Paris has no chance to survive 2 army and 5 airfleet attacks...
  13. Turn 5 Axis: German forces hunt and kill the last polish units, finally Poland surrenders. Denmark surrenders. Allies start evacuating, so they can only kill one german corps. Paris under attack and will probably fall within 2 turns (no entrenchment)....
  14. I could, but I wont cause this move is forbidden in ZL and a bad habit in fun games...
  15. I have my airfleets ready to kill the airfleet the next turn and then you can transport a corps immediately into copenhagen (one ship in Kiel port, then you can load and unload the same turn), so Denmark surrenders. Or I first take LC and then kill the airfleet the next turn...
  16. Turn 4 Axis: Allies couldnt see Manstein in the rear without air recon . Another 2 french armies bite the dust. French mine occupied. If France counters a weak german tank and corps will die next turn. Poland continues fighting with only 2 very weak units left...
  17. You can meet players in the "opponent finder forum" for english speaking players. You can find it in the Battlefront.com Discussion Area some entries below this forum. Other possibility is to use instant messaging systems (like ICQ,AIM, yahoo messenger..) after you found some other players or just have a look in their profile. Since for SC it can take a while until another player shows up, you have either to be patient (it can sometimes take 2-3 hours until you meet someone, sometimes you have an opponent after 5 minutes ), or you make appointments. Say in a thread in the opponent finder forum when you are available or when you want to play some hours/days in advance and wait for replies. Hope this helps you .
  18. Turn 3 Axis: Warsaw taken, but the last 3 polish units continue fighting. France bought a Hq and is missing corps for defence. French army destroyed (weakened from the attack at the german tank), 2 corps move inside France, attacking the Hq and cutting of 2 enemy units from supply.
  19. Oak: Yes, trying different things can be a lot of fun. Especially against newer players you can give it a try, they are not prepared for it and can be thrown out of concept. Its also good and fun for them, when they learn to counter non-standard moves.
  20. Turn 2 Axis: LC conquered, 2 polish units destroyed, Warsaw will fall next turn.
  21. We use the 1:8 system, bid 200. 200 mpp for UK and 1600 for Russia. First Axis turn: Denmark DoWed, one polish army destroyed, german units operate west.
  22. Shaka: Yes, the "counter" to the Rome gambit is very complicated and nothing you can teach a new/intermediate player in words. Its about knowing all off the thousands of little rules in SC. They have to learn it in their games and they would need a lot of them. Axis have to plan the next 10 turns or so ahead after the Rome gambit. Axis have the advantage of the inner line and that they are land powers not naval ones. Therefore its not a real problem if they loose the italian ships and they can easily reconquer Italy. They have to adapt their strategy to the new situation and then use their (very limited) ressources at the right place at the right time. About armored units: There is no real problem in my opinion. They are very powerful from beginning to the middle of the game. When russian anti-tank increases, their tasks have to change. Then you cant use them any more for attacks at soft targets, but still for killing tanks, Hqs, air and other weak units. The main value of tanks is in any case not making frontal attacks, but use their speed and agility to move behind the enemy lines. They have to move through breakthroughs, securing the gap, encircling the enemy, cutting off supply and killing enemy Hqs/airfleets in the rear. Besides this they are excellent in defence. Anti-tank research doesnt influence the main task of tanks, therefore its no problem. Dont use them to attack enemy units, only if you have no other choice. As Axis I often have 9-12 tanks, depending on my strategy and they are very useful, even against Lv2+ anti-tank. Summary: I think anti-tank is necessary, otherwise tanks would be the super weapons in this game and nothing else would have a chance against them.
  23. Shaka: There is not one single successful strategy against the Rome gambit. Its like in chess: Depending on what your opponent does, you need to know what to do and plan several turns ahead. I cant give you a simple solution. It would be like a try to explain all possible moves in chess until the check mate... There are endless possibilities and only experience can tell you what you have to do.
  24. Because only experienced players are fast enough in France to get it before it is too late after the Rome gambit (Allies need some turns until they can use the italian forces and mpps). Axis have to use their forces very efficiently after France or they will loose. It will take a long time and they really need to know what they are doing and every single unit/mpp is important. To be able to do so you need to have played 50+ games... I also encountered the Rome gambit and never lost against it, but I know only very few players who have a chance winning against it. And its not the sense of a competition game to have an "automatic win" button with the Rome gambit... [ July 25, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  25. Shaka: The problem with the Rome gambit is: There is NO COUNTER. If anybody chooses to do it, he will win against all new and intermediate players after 5 turns and this is not the sense of Strategic Command and the Z-League Therefore it is not possible to write about a counter in the newbie sticky thread and therefore we have this house rule .
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