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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Turn 4 Axis: Poland surrenders, Denmark corps destroyed. German tank enters France.
  2. Turn 3 Axis: Warsaw captured, the last 3 polish units continue fighting. UK battleship sunk by airstrikes outside Brussel.
  3. Turn 2 Axis: LC surrenders. Subs attack a british battleship, that survives unfortunately.
  4. November 1940: Axis DOW Sweden. Readiness: USA 21 %, Russia 55%. German carrier sunk by UK battleships and airstrikes. Army destroyed by carriers and naval bombardment. German Hq under attack from UK armies. Allies move forward towards Bordeaux. Axis surrenders... [ July 30, 2003, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. 1:8 bid system. BId 300 = 300 UK, 2400 Russia. First Axis turn: DOW Denmark, units operated west...
  6. October 1940: Bergen allied. German tank has to retreat from the spanish mountains. Solid line formed. Reinforcements arrived. Germany built a carrier in Bordeaux, attacking allied ground units now.
  7. September 1940: Heavy air and ground battles in southern France. Sicilly under naval attack. Allies build a line in the mountains east of Marseilles, reinforcements (tank + corps) on the way to Spain...
  8. July 21, 1940: Spain surrenders, Allies DOW Portugal. Italy joins. Evacuation procedure started in France...
  9. July 7, 1940: Next spanish corps destroyed, Madrid will fall next turn. French ships attack the german fleet in the NorthSea. Germany prefered to kill UK corps in France and didnt advance to Paris. Allies abandon Maginot and retreat to Paris.
  10. June 23, 1940: Spanish army and corps destroyed, Allies approaching Madrid. Naval bombardments in Africa. Next turn Germany will reach Paris.
  11. June 9, 1940: There was no real resistance in France. Allies prepared to strike somewhere else. Now UK declares war to Spain. Some armies and corps march into spanish land supported by air and sea forces. They destroy one army, reduce the other to str 1 and damaging 2 corps.
  12. March 17, 1940: Ireland surrenders. No german advances in LC - bad luck. Last sub sunk.
  13. February 1940: German subs are good divers, but now one of them is killed. No german units in France. Carrier training in Ireland...
  14. Turn 3 Allies: Bad luck for Axis in LC, but Poland surrendered this turn. Both LC corps attack a german airfleet without success. French corps move into Brussel. German subs found in the northwestern corner.
  15. Turn 1 Allies: Allies DOW Ireland. Canada joins at the end of the Allied turn. Koenigsberg cut off from Berlin by polish units. [ July 30, 2003, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. May 17, 1942: Kharkov conquered. Some armies and corps land east of Rostov near Stavropol, second transport wave ready... Trench warfare at the turkish-russian border. Westfront: German armies and corps attack allied landing force...Still no german air in the west (they all moved east at the start of Barbarossa).
  17. April 19, 1942: Turkey surrenders, last russian cruiser destroyed, transports along the russian Black Sea coast. Smolensk and Leningrad conquered. Axis units approaching Moskov and Rostov. Siberians will probably transfer next turn. Germany reached Lv3 jets now, UK Lv4. [ July 29, 2003, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  18. March 22, 1942: Reinforcements conquer Riga and Minsk. Only 2 cut off corps left near Riga. Leningrad under heavy attack. Transports swarming into the Black Sea. Turkish capital under siege, will fall next turn. In the west the last enemy units have been killed in a huge battle. France is cleared from invaders for the moment. One german army lost, 2 additional of them will follow with the allied counterstrike next turn...
  19. February 8, 1942: Russia continues to attack aggressively and looses the last tank and an army (another 2 german tanks killed). Only the encircled army in Leningrad left, the rest of the red army seems to consist of corps (each turn Axis kill 2-4 corps). In the south: Sevastopol captured, russian cruiser under attack. Italian battleships enter the Black Sea. Heavy fights around Kharkov. Italian armies enter Caucasus, threatening russian oilfields. A russian defence line is forming and will stop them soon in the mountains... In the west: Allied landings around Brest. Some corps lost. Axis counterstrike kills an US army and damages another one heavily, will be killed next turn. Allies are without supply and Hq. [ July 29, 2003, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  20. December 14, 1941: Istanbul and the eastern turkish city conquered. Capital cut off from Russia. Italian armies attack towards Caucasus. Northfront: Finland declares war, Axis forces build a line from Leningrad to Kharkov. Some pockets of russian resistance left around Riga and Minsk. Some new armies moving east from Germany have to clear these sites later, the front units have to keep their momentum and move on towards Urals . Center/south: Bridgehead near Kharkov, breakthrough between Smolensk/Kharkov. Heavy resistance: 2 german tanks lost, but 2 russian tanks killed in return (besides some corps...). Russia will run out of mpp soon, if it continues to attack so aggressively with such high losses... Still no western front. Bombardments, but no landings so far. Some transports are standing along the coast, so it wont take long now...
  21. November 16, 1941 (3rd Barbarossa turn): German tanks move fast deep into Russia and prove their value (10 german tanks in the first wave) . Northfront: Riga and some corps cut off, tanks move towards Leningrad and around Minsk, killing a russian tank, that killed a german one last turn. Center and south: Odessa and Kiev conquered, corps cut off. Russian mine in the center occupied, some tanks move around near Kharkov and attack Zhukov Hq. Russia bought too much tanks and not enough corps. So german tanks can use their speed to move around cutting off enemy units, that are destroyed later by following armies. Axis declares war to Turkey: A german task force (Hq, 3 armies, some minor armies, 2 airfleets) attacks Istanbul, that will fall next turn. Naval bombardment and some landings east of Istanbul to cut them off. An italian task force enters from the southeast, attacking the eastern turkish city.
  22. September 21, 1941: Barbarossa has begun.. Greece and Iraq surrender immediately. All 9 russian border armies destroyed or cut off in the first strike. 2 russian tanks and an airfleet killed. Germany finally got Lv1 jets, but UK reached Lv3 in the meantime... bad luck, but unimportant at the east front. [ July 29, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  23. Allies DOW Portugal. Axis preparing Barbarossa and multiple strikes...
  24. June 1941: Still Lv 0vs Lv2 jets, but Allies retreat from Norway. Time to repair the carriers...
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