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Everything posted by Terif

  1. August 15, 1940: France surrenders, no enemy presence at the continent any more. Germany bought a third tank some months ago before the fall of Ireland, after they lost the first tank. Malta bombarded, italian transports near Egypt.
  2. July 28, 1940: Huge airfights... Malta airfleet killed in the battle. Canadian army entrenched in Paris cut off. Italy entered war. Marseilles and Bordeaux captured, last UK corps in France destroyed.
  3. July 14, 1940: First german forces reach the outskirts of Paris. Heavy airfights: 3 UK + 3 carriers against 5 high experienced german air.
  4. June 16, 1940: Killing time in France, 2 french armies killed, no enemy defence line at the moment, German units moving between the remaining and scattered UK corps. Maginot line destroyed.
  5. All luck of France and Joan D´Arc couldnt save the french army in the Ardennes this time: 2 strong armies and 5 high experienced airfleets finally managed to kill it (expected losse: 2 they mostly only did 1, but this was enough...numbers against luck won ). French mine Axis now. [ August 17, 2003, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  6. April 14, 1940: Yes, the french army in the Ardennes seems to be indestructable, better to go around it .
  7. Axis turn 5: 2 french corps killed in return. Yes only a miracle saved the french army last turn: 2 ground + 4 air attacks couldnt kill a str 7 army... (4 out of 6 attacks did only the minimum possible damage, 2 the normal)
  8. Axis turn 3: Denmark and Poland surrender, french army in France under attack. French Hq supporting the defenders. German subs attack UK battleship, both subs will be destroyed next turn.
  9. Axis turn 2: 3 polish units destroyed, Warsaw will fall next turn. LC conquered, Denmark corps reduced to 2. German subs raiding in the Atlantic. Allies attacked Ireland.
  10. Hi Jordy, this is the normal way. If you attack and your airfleet get intercepted -from an airfleet you couldnt see previously - and destroyed from the interceptor, then it displays a surprise contact.
  11. Sorry, but it is not possible to create a real " supply chain". i.e. you cant build a chain with all hqs at full supply like it could be thought. e.g. in Africa: if you have a Hq within supply range of a city (4 hexes) then it provides a supply of 8. All units one hex away from this hq have 7, 2 hexes away 6 and so on... if you place another Hq 2 hexes away it has a supply of 6 and NOT how you could think from this "supply chain" thing 8. In consequence you can increase the supply of a second Hq a bit, but this has no effect on normal ground units (they are supplied from the first Hq anyway). The only advantage of such a "chain" is that the second Hq can have a slightly increased supply rate (minimum is 5 anyway) and can move 2 hexes instead of 1...(in Russia its the same, but with supply 10 (when supplied from Poland), so the second Hq has a slight advantage within 4 hexes away from the first hq)
  12. hmm, I know from my TCP games that it is not possible to attack other subs, no matter from which country they are or what sonar level they have... To be sure I just testet the sub thing and UK subs can also NOT attack other subs... sonar doesnt matter.
  13. An allied photographer made some top secret screenshots. After war is over he has permission to present them in public: Spain September 1, 1940 Spain March 30, 1941: End of war March 3, 1942: Egypt: Romania: Intelligence reported: Germany reached Lv2 jets, Lv1 LR (6 airfleets). UK still at Lv1 jets, Lv0 LR(0 airfleets, 3 carriers). Russia no tech(3 airfleets). Surprisingly Axis surrendered, despite a not too bad position. Egypt and Iraq would have fallen soon if Axis had moved some reinforcements in position (2 airfleets already there). UK out of order after they lost everything in Spain and Egypt (no airfleet or invasion force left). An invasion in the west only possible together with USA in 10 turns or later. Russia and Germany nearly at the same mpp level per turn. There Axis had a problem. War would have been decided in Romania/Hungary. Both sides had nearly the same strength except the tech and experience advantage of Germany. Axis had 10-15 turns to break Russsias defence until Allies would invade in the west. If they would not have achieved it until then, they really would have lost, but at this stage of war the outcome was not clear. BTW: you can post screenshots by saving them at your harddisk and posting them at an image hosting site - then use the image button at the post reply site and insert the URL to the screenshot. E.g. I use www.picturetrail.com to upload my screenshots. There you can create a free trial account. After 31 days it expires and you can create another one... . [ August 11, 2003, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  14. Bill: I dont think the Spain rule has been "made" for balance. But the result is the same: with the rule it is more balanced, than without and it provides another possible strategy for Allies. And you have a logical (historical) possible explaination why Axis minors wont join if Allies attack Spain: Allies show their power and make an example of Spain. The potential Axis minors are afraid that they would be fighting on the loosing side if they join and that Allies would do the same with them as with Spain if they do so...
  15. Kuniworth: This is the old discussion: historical accuracy vs playability... and SC is not a historical simulation, but a strategy game with historical background. You know about the Spain thing, therefore use it for your strategy... BTW: it is mentioned in the manual, but you have to read very carefully .
  16. Its no flaw that the minors (Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria) dont join any more when Spain turns Axis - either by conquering it, or if Allies DOWs it. It is written in the manual/manual update and also mentioned in several threads from time to time. More important: - it is necessary, otherwise Axis would attack Spain immediately after France. With the current system they have to think if and when to attack Spain. - if Allies DOW Spain it is usually a big advantage for Axis. Only if Allies can manage to conquer Spain before the fall of France it is perhaps good for them. This is very unlikely and risky - but can be fun doing it one time, creates a really different game . It is a disadvantage for Allies if they DOW Spain because: -Axis get Spain, Gibraltar and the virtual connection to Africa for free and earlier than normal. - i.e. Axis dont need units for Spain and can use everything for other purposes. -Axis dont have to DOW Spain, this saves 18-27 %US readiness and around 5 % russian readiness (+ US penalty for Allies for the DOW). Thats a lot of mpp... - Axis only looses mpp for the minors for the time between their normal join date and Barbarossa. When they attack Russia/USA comes in the war, then they also get their minors by conquering them. And they also get a lot of plunder, evening out the loss of the minor units. Summary: If Allies DOW Spain it creates a totally different game, but is usually a disadvantage for Allies. The only advantage is a better start for Russia, but thats not worth the thousands of mpps Allies loose by declaring war to Spain. But it can be a lot of fun making something different .
  17. Yes, Axis wanted to bring in their carriers to the Black Sea and attacked Turkey. If not, Russia had attacked some turns later, they also prepared for invasion .
  18. Against an experienced player this "RACK" strategy only works once . And it only worked against me cause I wasnt prepared and this time Rambo had luck in every aspect of the game: - he got Paris (full entrenched) with one ground and 5 air attacks - normally impossible - that costed me a total of 1500 mpp lost units that I had evacuated/reached UK territory next turn. - he got Madrid the same way and Spain surrendered immediately despite 5 surviving spanish units at mostly full strength (very improbable) - costed me the whole southern front and 4 US armies, cut off in Portugal. - he usually was more advanced in LongRange and reached Lv4 LR + Lv 4 jets. Despite UK researching longer in time and having more chits (they never got LR4 !). Only with tech, carriers are deadly. And he always got the next advance in a critical moment. e.g. Western Allies got France, LC and western Germany without much resistance (he had no mpp for ground units, 13 carriers built), simultaneously Russia attacked in Poland and Romania. He was near defeat, when he got the next LR advance (Lv4) and was able to reach Paris and and other important targets with carriers from the Med/North Sea. So he killed some UK airfleets and some Russian ones in the east. But the most decissive was: I was not prepared. Axis carrier strategy can be easily countered if Allies expect such a strategy. But I never thought he would go such a risky way and sacrificed my UK fleet too early. And even without expecting it, he was several times close to a defeat. It ended mid 1946: Russia still in good shape, holding Odessa-Kharkov-Smolensk-Moskov and pushing Axis back (most carriers near England), UK alive, Turkey and Iraq allied. But probably he would have gotten London before a stalemate draw in 1947 - with London = victory for Axis, else a draw. The last 6+ hours of the game would have been boring for both sides and I would have needed a lot of luck to hold London, so we decided to start a new game and I surrendered. SUMMARY: Rambos "RACK" strategy can be used successfully only once. Next games I was prepared and he lost very very fast - he lost during 2 days 6 games so far in a row against me and Zapp. RACK strategy is the ultimative risk strategy. If it surprises the enemy, Axis can win. If not, they have nearly for sure lost. Naturally it works against new players, but an experienced player should win against a newbie with every strategy . [ August 04, 2003, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  19. Rambo had the crown only some hours .... Now its back [ August 03, 2003, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  20. 4 carriers heavily damaged, will be killed next turn...UK reached Gun Laying Radar Lv3: deadly for carriers Nothing left for Axis... no ships, only 17 german ground units.. Russia and USA joins in 2-3 turns. [ August 02, 2003, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  21. September 7, 1941: Axis tries a late Sealion... Air assaults at London port and directly at the fully antrencht airfleet in London city. Airbattles in Northern England vs german air from Norway. Tank transport surprised and destroyed. Corps transport south of London...
  22. August 1941: German air starts attacking London Port. Airbattle at Norway.
  23. July 13, 1941: All german air in France, no aircover for Norway... Allies take the opportunity and kill a german army near Bergen. Yugoslavia surrendered.
  24. June 15, 1941: Yugoslavia couped. Tirana taken by Yugo corps. UK air retreat from southern London.
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