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Everything posted by Terif

  1. May 25, 1941: Axis commander loves the carriers... Italy and Germany build one carrier after the other. A lot of luck for Axis in France: 3 UK air and 2 carriers attack, but due to interception order it was not possible to kill a german airfleet... Germany reached at least Lv1 LongRange. [ August 02, 2003, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  2. January 5, 1940: Royal navy retreats too. They could have killed the last italian battleship, but then they had lost 3 ships next turn... 4 german airfleets pounding at UK navy.
  3. November 24, 1940: Axis tries to cut off the british fleet, together with some transports they build a line to block them. 3-4 german air move to the battlefield. UK task force destroyes the next battleship, italian cruiser survives at str 1. Airfleet-carrier battle. 2 UK ships lost. UK air attacks french mine without resistance, naval bombardment in LC. All german air left France... Bergen taken by Allies.
  4. October 27, 1940: Big naval battle between Algier and Sicilly. The entire UK navy against the italians. Sub and battleship sunk, as well as an army transport. This turn only one corps transport lost for UK. Vichy surrendered.
  5. September 29, 1940: Vichy and UK fleet attack in the Med. Italian sub survives at str 2. Airfights over France.
  6. Yes, I only received your second mail last week ( I think thursday). Since then I sent you my last turn also two times, but obviously you didnt receive it. I will keep the turns, perhaps we can finish it in the future. Has been a pleasure, playing with you. Perhaps we meet again in PBEM or ZL .
  7. August 4, 1940: Allies hold Brest and Bordeaux. Bordeaux attacked by tank and air, time to move westward next turn... Manstein Hq and 2 airfleets show up in Sicilly, Malta air retreats.
  8. July 21, 1940: German units reach Paris. Italy joins. France will fall next turn. French Hq and surviving armies sitting in England, watching what happens in their homeland... Brest and Bordeaux occupied by UK corps and canadian army.
  9. June 23, 1940: The french units have to fight till the death . Still no german unit in the vicinity of Paris. French ships need some additional time to finish off german navy. UK ships left the parking lot and moved to the North Sea. With a lucky dice role the blocking german sub got destroyed (attacked by 2 carriers). French and UK ships moved through the gap and additionally killed a german cruiser.
  10. June 9, 1940: Germany took the french mine. French forces make a last counterattack: one german tank killed. The enemy has been thrown back and is now 3 hexes away from Paris. Next turn this will change...
  11. March 17, 1940: Germanies commander was right: his units have been a bit exposed to a counterattack... Two german armies killed, including the one in the Elbow .
  12. Turn 4 Allies: Germany moved 2 airfleets back to Poland. Otherwise it would have been a long fight... Warsaw conquered by Germany, polish forces seem to be demotivated. They surrendered despite their large number. Minor battles at the french border. German sub destroyed.
  13. Turn 3 Allies: German corps destroyed as it moved too close to the water . Subs attacked by french ships. Warsaw and 5 polish units still alive.
  14. German army in the south of Poland reduced to str 3. Polish line holds. Carrier training in Ireland.
  15. Yes, after I lost my first game to Rambo we played immediately again. He lost after 1-2 hours to the LC gambit. He then decided to first give up a game against Zapp (without playing) and then reported his loss against me... therefore he stayed no 1... now the ranking system has been changed and such things cant happen again . Allies turn 1: DOW Ireland. Axis transfered both tanks and one army west. Poland builds a defence line..
  16. Dan Fenton: It depends on the strategy which unit I use in Paris. In this game it was a UK corps after I needed my french corps from Paris to kill a german army. Usually I use a french corps or the canadian army to dig in until entrenchment 6. This guarantees that it will survive the first enemy contact and the french survivors can evacuate. Armies and tanks are needed for counterattacks.
  17. August 30, 1942: German armies in Poland under heavy attack. In Sweden 2 russian armies got lost in the attempt to make a breakthrough. Finally an important german army has been killed too and a corps moves into the gap. Both Swedish mines now liberated. Carrier-airfleet battles. Italian transport sunk again outside London. Some US airfleets arrived together with a blockade runner Hq - still 2 german subs and 3 italian capital ships in the Atlantic between England and USA. Now allied airfleets are superior in number.
  18. August 16, 1942: Axis brought some armies + Hq to Norway. Heavy ground battles. German carriers attack. 3 russian airfleets sink one of the carrier. Heavy air and ground fights at the polish border. 3 russian air vs 3 german ones. Russia reached Lv2 jets. Huge airbattles as well in UK: 3 UK air vs 4 german. Still naval bombardment of Tripoli and surrounding in the Med.
  19. July 19, 1942: After a 2 turn fight, Sweden has been liberated. A dozen russian units supported by 2 Hqs move east towards Norway. 2 russian corps transports blocking Denmark strait attacked by 3 german carriers, one destroyed. Lots of Axis transports move to Norway as reinforcements... Russia starts an attack towards Poland and Romania. Minor air battles. Still heavy airbattles around London. Now Germany, UK and Russia reached Lv 1 jets.
  20. June 21, 1942: Next italian transport sunk outside London... Italians operate to Tripoli. Russian transports all along the Swedish coast, Swedish capital under air attack and naval bombardment.
  21. May 31, 1942: Finland surrenders, no fights in Russia. Italian transport sunk outside London. The battle continues... Malta occupied by Allies. Vichy corps leaves Marseilles. Tripoli naval bombarded. 2 US army transports stand east and west of the city.
  22. May 3, 1942: Axis retreats back to the German border. Finland capital under heavy attack, will fall next turn. Atlantic battle: 2 Allied ships lost, one german sub sunk. Both fleets heavily damaged and both sides retreat to ports for repair... Since all Axis ships are in the Atlantic, Allies rule the Med: transports are looking for empty cities...
  23. April 5, 1942: Heavy battles near Koenigsberg. 2 finish units destroyed, without reinforcement Finland will surrender within 2 turns. Italian units in Algier have to retreat, followed and bombarded by allied ships. Palermo (Sicilly) taken by a UK corps. Marseilles still allied. Naval battle near Canada, italian battleship destroyed, german sub reduced to 5. The battle of Britain continues...Heavy airfights each tun...
  24. March 8, 1942: Only 7 german armies and 3 airfleets attack Russia and build a defence line at the Russian border. 3 italian corps enter Russia, one of them destroyed immediately. Finland under attack. Still heavy airfights in England. One german corps transport sunk, an italian one heavily damaged.
  25. October 1941: Heavy air duells over London. Each turn 3 UK air intercepting...
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