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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. As I said GENIUS! Keep a look out for the next release Rob, should be out before Ire & Rubble.
  2. This actually made me LOL during a particularly sad scene in Law & Order - much to my wife’s consternation!
  3. This is also true of terrain elements. There are masses of excellent quality 3D stock art objects to be had for relatively very little money.
  4. Just to cement this in your noggin - think Copacabana ... Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there She would merengue and do the cha-cha And while she tried to be a star Tony always tended bar Across the crowded floor, they worked from 8 'til 4 They were young and they had each other Who could ask for more? [Chorus] At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana) The hottest spot north of Havana (here) At the copa (CO!) Copacabana Music and passion were always the fashion ...
  5. Oh it's gonna happen now I know about it ... And yes, icons, little squares, more forum weirdness.
  6. I really don't know, but I shall try a couple more. It might be boccage 1.bmp or boccage1.bmp. boccage 2.bmp and boccage2.bmp seem to both work, but boccage3.bmp doesn't, and so on ... also let's not mention boccage as opposed to bocage
  7. Quite! And that's assuming the edit button even shows up - all I see at the moment is a small square outline ...
  8. It's happening in the desktop view as well - I'm using Brave browser and see only small squares in many of the click buttons, not to mention that the colours for page headers and quote box headers is still not optimal ...
  9. @Falaise I tried this in the past and it didn't work for me, so I just had another go and YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! GENIUS!!! What I discovered, in a quick and colourful experiment, is that the numbering is somewhat odd, but we can indeed have a (probably unlimited) number of extra bocage textures which I don't think will impact on framerate, maybe it'll have an impact on load times. The numbering goes like this: boccage.bmp; boccage2.bmp; boccage 2.bmp; boccage 3.bmp; boccage 4.bmp; boccage 5.bmp; boccage 6.bmp; ... I stopped at seven textures but as you can see it's possible that we can have loads of different textures - which means I can do a few more to add quite a bit of variety - possibly some thinner, some deadwood, heavy branches ... dammit more work, nevermind, it'll make this hedgerow nerd happier. In the meantime here's a screenshot of some quick multiple bocage textures numbered as above ... And someone was so impressed he's using them as is: @Vacilllator not sure where Mr Wittmann could hide his Tiger here ...
  10. Thanks. I long used Rambler's excellent mods and then EZ's, which I think were versions of Rambler's, or at least inspired by them. Bocage/hedgerows are so variable it's probably impossible to model all the different types. Some like it thick, some like it thin ... What I'd really like is a model that introduces some kind of variation in density. We have two different heights plus the garden hedge, but what would also be good is some different densities along the length of the bocage, auto-generated by the game engine or applied by the map maker. Maybe if we get a CMx3 BN this could be introduced - with associated spotting issues of course. I may do a quick thinner version of my bocage and trees for those that don't like squinting at their screens to find their own pixeltrüppen let alone the enemy. Did you see the YT video posted by @scarletto here: Quite interesting in a hedge nerd kinda way. P.S. you are suffering an addiction to mod p0rn
  11. NP Whilst it’s all still fresh in my mind I might have a small interlude to look at the bocage 3D models once I finish the basic Normandy textures.
  12. Thanks for the explanation. Won’t worry about making new minimaps for BN, phew ...
  13. Hmm. All I've managed so far is to tweak the bocage textures to include some alternative plants - hawthorn, weeds, brambles etc - but the way the graphics are used is a quite perplexing. Unlike most of the foliage textures used in-game, bocage is hard edged, so renders with a very blocky look. I don’t know if this can be affected in any way by altering the underlying models. Also it uses what appear to be straight poles for branches, again not sure if this can be changed. The earthen banks are created from the underlying ground textures, if plain grass is used under the bocage it looks pretty poor, some other ground textures look a bit better but this is down to the map maker to improve. Unfortunately some decisions were made early on in the game development to have the bocage look like evergreen hedges, probably down to what was easy for the existing graphics capabilities of PCs to handle. This applies similarly to brush, bushes and trees. And, whilst these latter textures can be improved on, the bocage remains stubbornly resistant to change. My hope is that I can eventually make some changes to the underlying models to improve the look, but honestly, don’t hold your cumulative breaths.
  14. As a mod maker I tend to watch the action at ground level, so the look of the game is important to me, but I always start with a god’s-eye overview from on high which uses pretty much standard graphics. So @37mm are you saying that the minimaps textures can be improved in older titles like CMBN? That’s to say can they be enlarged, detail added, resolution bumped up? I also have to agree with @37mm that reducing high res mods back down to standard resolution has much less of an impact on how the mod looks in general game play, some detail is lost but not so much as would be noticed most of the time. For my Normandy terrain I’ve produced the mod in high, medium and standard res where possible, and I have to say the standard res works pretty well.
  15. I must remember to switch off my web cam ...
  16. LOL for sure! And what we pass on to others. Merci, mon ami! Who would have thought we’d be discussing arable farming in a war games forum ...?! I never knew rapeseed oil was used as fuel back then. I’m definitely not going to be modding any for now. Just putting the finishing touches to Le Lin.
  17. Thanks Joe, I remember. I did love those Panthers, but I got into modding CMx1 a bit late, not long before CMX2 emerged, then RL got in the way for a bit. I never went too far away, but modding takes time, which I was a bit short of when CMBN came out, so I had to put it aside. I’d really like to do some more vehicle textures, but I think the existing ones are pretty well covered (for now), whereas there are other things that drew my attention - still not happy with the bocage but I can’t resolve that (yet ...).
  18. It’s never far from my thoughts ... just a bit of a lull in activity before the final push ... I still don’t like doing crops ...
  19. This is useful info, thanks @Lethaface. Makes sense, guessing the German army turned most of the livestock into something they could eat, or at least deprived the advancing Allies and local populations of the possibility of a steak or sausage. Root crops and brassicas should be easier to do, Brussel sprouts anyone? I think maize is probably a bit more modern, it tends to be used as animal feed and for oil production, and is a late summer/early autumn crop. I’ll need to investigate it a bit more. Rapeseed is usually grown as an early summer crop, at least in the UK, so might well be out of the timeframe for BN/CW/MG or FB in the Low Countries or Germany.
  20. Hahaha. I think both are appropriate. Have had an enforced break for a couple of weeks, but am getting back on the case now. Boy do I hate crops, they are by far the hardest textures to make look somewhat convincing, but I am nearly there, so will be able to post an update in a few weeks ... hopefully!
  21. So unless they’re added later in a patch, there’ll be no vines in FB = no champagne nor riesling ... sorry folks
  22. I have a copy of a version of it, not sure how complete it is or what version it is. Long time since I touched West Front, one of my discarded play things on the way to CM. I actually have a whole bunch of scenarios, campaigns, mods and data for WF and EF which I can bundle up if you want to browse through some ancient history, not sure what most of it actually is as it's so long since I looked at it, let alone played either. Anyway you're welcome to any of it that you might find useful.
  23. NP Pen & Sword = UK original, probably published in US as well. Stackpole = US, publishing worldwide, usually reprint other publishers' titles in a cheaper format, most likely because the original publisher doesn't see any potential profit in making a new edition years after the first hardback and/or paperback. Stackpole fulfil a useful niche keeping otherwise out of print books going, but their books can be a bit on the rough side, okay for text but maps, pics etc are usually not that well reproduced.
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