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Zebulon Pleasure Beast

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Everything posted by Zebulon Pleasure Beast

  1. What about the nukes? Come on, anyone? I MEAN WHY NOT!? :mad:
  2. Why isn't there a nukemachinegun? 120 Peacekeeper ICBMs per minute should be enough to pin everyone your firing at at close ranges out to 9656064 meters. What is wrong with that idea? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Why isn't there a nukemachinegun? 120 Peacekeeper ICBMs per minute should be enough to pin everyone your firing at at close ranges out to 9656064 meters. What is wrong with that idea? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Sci-fi? Fantasy? I want SS Waffen wearing mecha suits equipped with heat rays and jump jets fighting THE SPACE LOBSTERS OF DOOM RIDING ON KRAYT DRAGONS!!! ON THE SURFACE OF THE MOON!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Sounds exactly like a firewall issue to me...my own firewall locks a program up the moment it tries to send or receive anything, which is right around after you enter the password. If it hasn't been configured proper, that is.
  6. The only time I ever used a KV-2 it had it's gun disabled by a mortar round before it even saw the enemy. :mad:
  7. Excessive clothing prevents close inspection of important features. Could use some more photos to confirm certain suspicions.
  8. You could, you know, post some new pictures too, yes! Just for, variety's sake, yes...yes.
  9. Jaisus! That's like the sixth time I see Richie posting that same picture. Do you and Anna have some...issues? Not that I'm complaining.
  10. Using armoured cars for recon is a big no-no for me, they cost precious points and die with extreme ease, especially in CMBB where antitank rifles eat up light armour and only give out a sound contact. Trying to reconnoiter the frontlines with an armoured car or a jeep or some other liaison vehicle is suicidal at best, in CM and in real life. As an anecdote, one time I used a BA64 for 'recon' proved extremely useful. I drove up one flank looking for targets and the AC bumped into a few tired platoons crossing completely open ground, I decide offense is the best defensive manouver here and fast move him right through the infantry, mowing several of them down with the MG and sending the rest scattering for cover. At this point a PzIV platoon spots the AC and starts aiming for him, completely exposing their 30mm sides for a few sneaky SU122s & T70s. Rest of the game consisted of sitting on the flags while repulsing a few half-hearted attempts from the survivors. This was more like recon gone wrong, but a fast AC rummaging through a flank with limited AT assets can be a tricky thorn in your opponent's side. Learn to use those covered arcs & don't leave infantry moping around without proper AT. Like Sergei said, proper formation & advance will do the job most of the time. Lead with split squads, keep the distance right and reserves handy. Don't expose armour without a good reason to do so. Sending units out to recon tends to be a waste of your limited assets. He can just blast them off the face of the battlefield and relocate. If your formation is sound, the point assets will do all the necessary recon for you with full support coming behind them should things get hairy. Long, exposed flanks are ofcourse a different matter, so don't become overly dogmatic. [ June 27, 2004, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: oneirogen ]
  11. The BMP-1 and BMP-2 have two rear exit doors, the top hatches are meant for mounted infantry to fire RPGs and Strelas and such from, IIRC.
  12. Are you absolutely sure there aren't additional IL-2s arriving as reinforcements?
  13. Where is that verbal abuse Seanacutie so verily promised to deliver to me in Fiefdom? I am still waiting. Here I am, forced to visit this miserable, depressing thread of yours in order to satisfy my needs. This truly saddens me.
  14. What game are you playing? I played a huge number of battles this weekend alone and encountered only one gun damage, this being a rather unfortunate Priest who received some hot, HMG42 loving from a second floor 30 meters behind him. Not that the gun was the only thing that got damaged there, poor bastards. I want to encounter this mad gun damage phenomenom too, damn it. I feel like I'm being cheated here. I want my money back!
  15. I advise you to recheck the profile. When you finally manage to overcome your fear, you shall toss me a setup. And into this setup you pour your cruelty, your malice and your will to dominate all life. I want to have issues. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. I found just what your guardians need for Christmas Now that even you losers have received your copies of CMAK, is there anyone brave enough to challenge me? :mad:
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