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Zebulon Pleasure Beast

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Everything posted by Zebulon Pleasure Beast

  1. I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
  2. It would also seem units on the top floor get a slightly longer range (as they logically should) I just had a tank hunter toss a grenade bundle onto the engine deck of an OT-34 (thus promptly causing the fuel to detonate, resulting in a huge ball of flame which set fire to 3 nearby buildings, also killing the tank hunter team in the process ) far longer than the usual 30m(?) range.
  3. Well, I haven't been trying to arrange my StuGs to have sex. Well, not much. Atleast not TOO much. Well, maybe a bit...but just a little! I got them only cuddling, though. [ June 05, 2003, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: oneirogen ]
  4. Congratulations, I'm happy we didn't get any work-in-progress screenies of this one, though...
  5. Ah, 't was a great game, thanks for it. One thing I noticed, you spread your forces too thin, in my opinion. I had a 'fist' formed out of infantry, with 2 platoons acting as a bases of fire while the middle platoon advanced with the halftrack and the PSW, with the Stug providing covering fire from the hill backed up by HMGs. This infantry kampfgruppe advanced from the south, trying to keep a cohesive formation in the limited cover that was available. It seemed you had an approximately company sized infantry force spread out evenly throughout the map, which gave me a decisive edge in firepower in the southern sector where my forces we're concentrated. The 81mm barrage helped me suppress your troops at the flag and move in to grab it, but I had trouble manouvering further because of your flanking troops. Overall, I managed to hold to flag while keeping your flanking forces at bay. Concentrating forces where the enemy is weak is the key to victory. Oh, and I learned not to constantly switch between targets of opportunity with my FO, way too many of my men got killed because I couldn't decide whether to attempt breakthrough at the flag or further south, so the barrage came a bit too late to have the effect I had hoped for.
  6. No ATR's in CMBO. AFV stands for Armoured Fighting Vehicle (Armored if you're one of them yanks), which is just what it sounds like.
  7. If anyone wants them in a zip for you Mac users I've set up a temporary download at port 21 Anonymous/Anonymous if that is fine with Ncrawler?
  8. Umm, was just playing a QB, when I noticed one of my MG42 HMG's I was moving into position had 1 second setup time! The other one had normal setup time...I suppose this isn't normal behaviour, or did the crew just decide "F/#4 this s"/#, let's just carry the whole thing with tripod and all!" Or have I really, really missed something fundamental in CMBB...I can't recall noticing this in previous versions. Took a screeny and a save game, umm, nowhere to upload.
  9. Reporting one very minor bug(?), the Scwartzloze(err, not sure about the typing) HMG seems to have a wrong weapon icon, it has the cannon weapon icon. I feel so nitpicky.
  10. Woohoo! Installing now! I'm giggling like a little girl, I haven't played CMBB ever since I lost two tank platoons because of that bug, almost ate my keyboard. :mad:
  11. IIRC, tungsten is good vs. non-sloped armor at relatively short distances. Since T34 armour is heavily sloped, well, the crew might have decided that AP would be better suited for the job. It's been a while since I read about it, so better get some grog consulting here.
  12. I've always had the impression that the coax is linked to the main gun, so the gunner aims and fires it. 'tleast all the tank games I've played has it like that. (Whoa, what a truly reliable source, that)
  13. Somewhere around the 1500 points Combined Arms mark is where I start to lose control. This size of force allows me to conduct somewhat succesful attacks VS. the AI, but when the going gets bigger than that I find it hard to concentrate and I start making silly mistakes, such as forgetting that certain FO somewhere in a bush near my assembly point etc. Currently I'm trying to get my act together and enter the major league, large battles just have that epic feel and it is more likely that your strategy and tactics will bring victory instead of pure luck, which is a decisive factor in smaller battles with maybe a single tank per side which may be lost to a single lucky shot. I tremendously enjoy reading huge battle AAR's and I hope to see more of them, since I find myself learning lots of new thingums from them. Oh yes, one thing I forgot the mention. The major factor contributing to my reluctancy towards huge battles is the lack of computing power. Cheers [ March 10, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: oneirogen ]
  14. I've come to like the Pak40, very good cost/effectiveness ratio on that baby. The 128mm ATG has some certain appeal though...
  15. It's on this forum. There is no built-in service for finding opponents in CMBB. Just scroll down a bit in the main forum menu and you'll find the opponent finder forums.
  16. Oh my, the courage, the gallantry! I who are about to salute you who are about to probably die of natural causes while bravely trying to complete this op salute you! At any rate, your 'puter will die. Mine always crashes when I try to load that op. [ February 22, 2003, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: oneirogen ]
  17. I use them mainly for scouting, I consider them to be a bunch of men selected by the platoon leader to go and check out the terrain or enemy positions ahead. If there's room to manouver and I'm going against a static opponent, I'll split some squads up and disperse them so I can get bullets raining on those foxholes from every possible direction in an effort to route them. If the enemy is also manouvering, I try to avoid splitting my forces and get them chopped to piecemeal as they get outmanouvered. I try to avoid gamey suicidal missions though, since I get more "kicks" out from the game if it's more immersive, not just sending out some C&C minigunners fresh out from the Hand Of Nod to keep that GDI Medium Tank nuking my powerplants occupied. Indeed, if the situation is dire, say a huge enemy horde is overrunning my positions and I have no hope of holding and the only consideration now is to get my men back alive to their families, I might leave a split squad or few to hold back the enemy as the rest of the force falls back. They die a brave death for their comrades, country and beliefs. And then I have to smack a medal of honor or two on their coffins and write letters to their families
  18. Just host a TCP/IP game with the settings you like and post about it in the opponent finder and then you wait. Or if you rather want PBEM, then ask for a PBEM opponent. If there's something more specific, ask. I dunno if there's an irc-channel or sumfink for CMBB matches, might be good to have one.
  19. Same as the in-game screen, rarity. It just feels natural if they're in the same order as in the game.
  20. Sigh, just wait 'till you crap your pants when some hidden ATG nails your tank with the first shot, causing a catastrophic explosion right under your nose. 1) Haven't noticed this myself. Need to experiment. 2) It's not quaranteed, atleast at long ranges. There are so many factors that influence tank gunnery. I'd list a few, but some grognard is sure to come 'waltzing by and correct my mistakes.
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