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Everything posted by Nippy

  1. My green 45mm AT placed near the rubble took out all three PzIII's in the well known early war scenario (won't mention it by name as not to spoil it for those who haven't played it yet) in less than 60 seconds. Ahhhhh, but try editing the senario and making it take place one year earlier. Here is what you get: 63mm Armor Penatration at 100m with AP - This is the unedited senario. 37mm Armor Penatration at 100m with AP - This is if you set the senario back one year. In 41' I usually pair a 76.2mm and 45mm AT gun together. 76 takes on the tanks and the 45 engages any weaker armored cars or very light tanks, hence freeing up the 76 to take out the PZ IV and Stugs.
  2. I think this this responce that someone else posted reflects my views rather well. A game is like a girl. Visual beauty is only skin-deep. The REAL girl/game is what lies beneath. ...which in the case of Halo and RTCW resemble, Britney Spears. Beutiful b***h but no substance, destined to fade off into the trash heap of nothingness... Not to Hijack the thread or anything, but the above is the exact reason my short foray into consol games was just that...short. I plop down $50 for your average action game and it lasts maybe a week. I ploped down $50 for CM:BO and it stayed in my disc drive for over 6 months. Now I have CM:BB which covers over 5 years of the war (If you pretend it's 1939/1940 when you play the Finns) with equipment from 1/2 a dozen nations, an easy to use QB generator and Mission Maker, and supported by an active MOD, Mission, and map making comminuty. I think I'll get my monies worth CM has the longevity and replayibility that many games could only hope for. On that note I would like to make the following honerable mentions: ICO - Simplistic yet enjoyable gameplay? The hell you say! No wonder the brain dead teenagers of America only bought 40,000 copies (P.S. Yorda's mom is a babe, I don't care if she is and evil bizotch) Dues Ex - 8 times through and I saw something new each time. Lets see any other FPS do that. System Shock 2 - Not much replay, but you wussies can shove your copies of Resident Evil and Silent Hill where the sun don't shine. Soldiers of Anarchy - Fallout meets OFP Resistance. This is the only RTS game I've found that rewards real world tactics. No wonder it's so unknown. IL2 Sturmovik - Wonderful graphics, wonderful gameplay, wonderful QB generator with lots of options. Nippy likes! OPF Series - CWC was a good start. Red Hammer sucked. Resistance finally got it right. Holy intense infanty combat batman! Now if the mission builder wasn't such a pain...
  3. I have managed to score kills on German tanks up to the PzIV with ATRs by trapping the tank in crossfire between 3-4 ATRs. ATR Rifles should be deployed in teams of 3 with a DP LMG team to cover them. One additional suggestion: If you're looking for a more powerful AT gun than the 45mm, try the 76.2mm L/52 GP gun. 76.2mm M1936 F22 will kick the ever loving crap out of just about all (early War) german armor at ranges of over 500m. Cheap and somewhat accurate its worth the extra points over the POS 45mm AT gun. On a final note, when it comes to Soviet AT weapons, be it AT guns, Tank hunters, or ART rifles, always use the buddy system. Lone AT guns are dead AT guns
  4. Soldier on Left: "I don't need to ask for directions because I'm not insecure like some people I know." Soldier on Right: "You!...You!....Ohhhh that's it! I'm not talking to you any more!" Soldier in Back: "Mom, are you and Dad fighting again?" [ November 25, 2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  5. Man, you need to get out more often. (its better with a women).</font>
  6. 'Commissars' were a feature of the Russian army and leaving them out is a mistake. They are in the game in a way. I beleive that all Company and Battalion Commanders for Soviet partisans have NKVD "Blue Cap" Uniforms. Which is historical as NKVD offices did sneak behind German lines for form Resistance groups from escaped Soviet Soldiers and Civilans.
  7. The battle results of the Soviet-German front indicate the obvious edge that Soviet tanks have on German tanks. Ours have better cannons, better ground-crossing capability, and better maneuverability." "Lies! Lies! Nothing can stop my Super-L33t Uber Panzer! Nothing, you hear me!" *Slurp* "...except for this Axel deep mud." I just finised reading about Operation Spring Awakening. It must really be nice to have tanks that bog down the instant they go off road. Oh well, it gave the Soviet Sturmovik Pilots plenty to do.
  8. As opposed to the Soviet Mark-3A "Uber-Ego-Bloater" mind control ray emmiter which makes STUG and PZIV crews think they can stand up to 500m Slug fests with JS-3s and T-44s? "I'm l33t! I'm l33t! My Tin foil tank can't be beat! I'm the best and the Russians are pests! I'm l33t! I'm l33t! I'm..." KABOOM! "Uber that Comrade!"
  9. As opposed to the Soviet Mark-3A "Uber-Ego-Bloater" mind control ray emmiter which makes STUG and PZIV crews think they can stand up to 500m Slug fests with JS-3s and T-44s? "I'm l33t! I'm l33t! My Tin foil tank can't be beat! I'm the best and the Russians are pests! I'm l33t! I'm l33t! I'm..." KABOOM! "Uber that Comrade!"
  10. Well... the Gamespy guy did say that the AI sucks on offense... I guess he never tried defending against an Elite Waffen SS armored assault with Conscript Soviet Infanty and AT guns in early 41'
  11. A previous post of mine on the subject of QB's
  12. It looks like the KV-2's Mini-Me
  13. ...and also drive drunken panzers around the streets of Stalingrad. You better not be mocking the Drunken Hobo Tank drivers! The Union reps will hear of this! :mad: On a more serious note, I became bored with the original CC when I figured out that the game could just about play itself. Line your troops up along the hedges, hit the start button, and go grab a soda. I find that the CC serie's latest re-encarnation (you know that game) suffers from the same problem as well. To its credit though, CC did introduce things like moral, combinded arms tactics, and some realisim into the RTS genre.
  14. The PZII was obsolete in 1940, let alone 1942. Use some mission builder magic and have early era PZII go up against captured French R-35's Not pretty... AS for your question. They make good scouts, Transports (Light Mortars and HMGs), and infantry support tanks. That is about it. (Ah, this brings back memories from my WWII Online days. The French get the S-35, the Brits get the Matilida II, and the Germans get the PZII. Fun times indeed. )
  15. What they don't realize is that graphics are not AS important as gameplay itself. Deus Ex vs. Metal Gear Solid 2 System Shock 2 vs. Code Veronica Better gameplay always wins out against better graphics in my book.
  16. And umm, a T-28? Never going to see it. You'll need one of the BTS crew to explain the details, but the Current CM engine can't support Multi-Turreted tanks. That's why the Soviet's don't get Lend-Lease M3 Grant's and Lee's either.
  17. He wasn't escaping from any threat and I certainly didn't give him that order. What gives? The "Fantastic Rout Wagon" fears nothing! That's what happened! You just can't keep a good AAA system down. On a more serious note, is there anything in the Tac-AI that would made perhaps chase after the infantry it was shooting as?
  18. Aaahhhhhhh! Downloaded and patched. I love the new unit icons and updated "Minor" nation tanks skins. One thing puzzles me though. Why does the H-39 share the same skin as the R-35? Didn't BTS have the H-39 skin left over from CM:BO? Ah well, whatever. I'm off to try the new infantry fixs. Edit: What does the Slogian on the side of the Soviet T-70 M43 say? I can't even read half of the Russian Crylic...it looks sloppier thank my Russian Teacher's cursive. [ November 21, 2002, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  19. As if another thank-you from a rabid Zombat Missionary means anything, but thanks to all for the continuing support, the interaction with your customers, and the fun atmosphere that the site provides. Holy ****! You mean that BTS released CM:BB in a finished state and stable state, listened to customer and Fan input, and patched any problems in a timly manor? Blasphmay! Everyone knows it's great fun to wait 6 monthes for a single tank and AA gun to be added to the equipment lineup or pay full price for a game missing 1/2 the features listed on the box! "I joined the great Zion-Zombat-ist conspiricy and all I got was this lousy Tee-Shirt." Patch at 61% downloaded. Can't wait to see the new tank skins. [ November 21, 2002, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  20. Try attcking an AT rifle heavy Soviet Infanty Company with German HT's and Open top Assault guns like the Nashhorn and Marder. That should answer your question.
  21. The Soviet AT rifles will also put the hurt on the Pz-III and below, provided you can get a side shot.
  22. Just so you people don't get bent out of shape: SPOILERS!!!! AVERT YOUR VIRGIN EYES! Katukov Strikes back - If ever there was a senario that showed that both the T-34 and the AI didn't "suck" this is it. (Note "Gate Keepers is a close second) Jagermeister - Lots of Russian Heavies that can cut the German Kitties down to size. Nuff said. Pavlovs house - Another reason to fear Soviet AT Rifles. Night Raid - Flamethrowers, stachel charges, pitch black snow storm. If that ain't fun then I don't know what is! [ November 20, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]
  23. answer#2: smoke the likely LOS source positions. and make a dash across the fields. I smoke the entire $# front. I like one big wall of smoke when I advance. Russian 76mm does this very nicly. ...or attack at night in a snow storm and be sure to bring lots of flame throwers.
  24. Fire from the 2nd floor improves the chance of killing open top vehicles, and probably improves the chances of "top-hits" although I think that only artillery or mortars can do that, and not AT weapons (ATG/tankgun/faust/schreck/etc). Tanks and the like can score top hits even if not in a building. I ran a German VS armor test once and during the test a German tank reversed up a rather steep slope while heading for cover. A Russian tank fired on him and hit it, displaying a "Top Penatration" message.
  25. "Sucks" is not a scholarly description, nor even a working one. It is the hallmark of a sloppy vocabulary probably arising from an uninformed mind. Looks like somebody hasn't used the T-26 yet.
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