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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Shaka of Carthage Thanks for the information, I had not thought of that effect.
  2. Why not just give the US Industrial Tech Level 5 so that the cost of US units is reduced by 25%, this is equivalent to 25% increase in US production. PS: Just played an exciting game. The Germans and Italians both fielded a large navy and the battles in the Atlantic were most exciting with high casualties on both sides. The Axis were targeting transports and the Allies where hitting the attacking Axis ships. The US and Germans both used bombers to hit ships that ventured within range. [ November 02, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. HI-Com Intelligence From the HC Manual Proposed Revised Ultra and Intelligence 1. Nations can invest in intelligence by Country/Region using a menu similar to the Tech Investment Menu </font> Norway & Sweden</font>Spain & Portugal</font>Denmark & Low Countries & Switzerland</font>Russia & Finland</font>Turkey</font>Greece & Albania & Bulgaria & Romania</font>Vichy & France</font>Egypt & Iraq & Libya</font>United States & Canada</font>United Kingdom</font>Yugoslavia</font>Germany & Hungary</font>Italy</font> 2. Nations can purchase 1 level of intelligence in a country/region for 40MPP. Each level of intelligence gives you a 2% per hex to see what is in that hex. 200MPP invested in a county/region means that you have a 10% per hex to spot what is in a hex each turn. 2a. Each level of Intelligence invested in a county also has a 1% to sabotage any city hex, resource hex, port hex, ship in port or air unit per turn. The sabotged unit or hex takes one point of damage. If a ship is sabotaged there is a 5% that it takes an additional 4 points of damage. 3. Ultra event adds 10% to current intelligence level against German land and air units in each country West of Berlin (France, Norway, Spain, Denmark, Low Countries, Portugal, Sweden, Vichy France, Ireland, UK and Switzerland, Italy) Example: You have 200MPP invested in intelligence in France. This gives you a 10% per turn to see each unit in France. With the Ultra event this would increase to 20%. (1 in 5 units are identified). Example: You have 0 invested in intelligence in Norway. This gives you a 0% per turn per unit to spot each unit in Norway. With Ultra this would increase to 10%. 4. Germany can change its codes to disable the Ultra effect by selecting the change codes button on the reports menu. The action of changing codes means that the other side has a 20% to spot each unit of the country that changed its codes. (ie 1 in 5 units is spotted). 5. Partisan Support Players can invest in partisan support by country for Russia, Finland, Spain & Portugal, Norway & Sweden, Yugoslavia, Greece, Ireland, , UK, Turkey and Russia. Germany can also support partisans in Iraq and Ireland. This investment affects the chance for post surrender partisans. Each level of partisan support purchased after a country's surrender costs 100MPP and increases the chance of partisans per turn by 5% (double the chance in winter months). Each level of support purchased before a country's surrender but while it is still at war costs 50MPP. It is easier to establish weapon stashes and train partisan units before a country surrenders. Example: The US invests 500MPP in partisan support for Russia after it surrenders. There is a base 25% per turn that a Russian partisan unit appears (1 in 4 turns). (The US could have reduced this cost to 250MPP by investing in Russian partisan support before it surrendered). Example: The UK invests 100MPP in partisan support for Greece after it is attacked by Italy but before it surrenders to purchase 2 levels of partisan support. There is a 10% per turn that a Greek partisan unit appears (1 in 10 turns) after the Greek government surrenders. Suggested Change: For post surrender partisans (ie partisan units after a country has surrendered) Each city that a partisan unit controls increases the chance for a new partisan unit by 15%. Each national partisan unit over 3 in a country increases the chance for a new partisan unit by 10%. Example: If the base chance for a partisan unit in Russia is 15% and partisan units control 2 cities then the chance for a new partisan unit is 15% + 2 * 15% or 45%. Example: There are 5 partisan units in Russia. the chance for a new partisan unit is base chance (15%) + (2 * 10%) or 35% Example: In Russia there are 5 partisan units that control two cities. The chance for a new partisan unit is 15% Base + 30% for two cities + 20% for units above 3. This equals 65% per turn. If the chance for partisan units is 100% or greater then 3 partisan units are created each turn amd their is a 5% per turn that the partisans mobilize a full HQ unit to support their efforts. Successful partisan units find it easier to recruit new members. [ November 03, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. There are four issues regarding intelligence; 1. Breakthru war changing event such as the UK discovering the Ultra Machine and keeping it a secret. Covered above 2. Intelligence - how much does a country spend on gathering intelligence 3. CounterIntelligence - how much does a country devote to counter intelligence. 4. Partisan Support - how much effort does a country devote to fostering and supporting partisan groups behind enemy lines. Perhaps SC2 could have a detailed model that gives the players more control over this area. Example Intelligence - Increases the chance to determine the location of Enemy units and the chance for the Ultra Event. Costs 250MPP per Level in Intelligence. Unlike a Research investment you receive this level immediately upon spending the MPPs for it. You can reclaim investments in this area at a 50% cost. Example: Intelligence Level 1 - See location of 3% of all units (if spotted 15% for faulty intelligence per Counter Intelligence level - 50% Not seen or 50% Incorrect Unit Type) Counter Intelligence - Reduces reliability of enemy intelligence and affects the chance for partisans and intelligence and related events - ie Ultra Effect. Costs 250MPP per Level in Counter Intelligence. Increases chance for Faulty Intelligence by 15% per level (Maximum Level 5 - 75%). Decreases chance for partisans in occupied countries by 3% per level. Partisan Support - Increases the chance for partisan units in enemy occupied countries (not territories). Costs 250MPP per Level. Example: UK Partisan Support increases the chance for partisans in Axis Conquered Spain, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Iraq by Level 1: +5%, Level 2 +10%, Level 3 +15%, Level 4 +20%, Level 5 +25% per turn. Increases chance for partisans in Yugoslavia by 2% per level.
  5. JerseyJohn Thanks for your comments. They are much appreciated. As you said getting it into game turns will be an interesting exercise. How would you define the Eastern Front? Every hex east of Warsaw? or east of Berlin? Agreed - It should only affect German units. How much would you charge? or would it be better to say that if the Germans reveal their code they reveal the location of 25%/50%/75% of all units West of Warsaw? Perhaps - No Ultra Effect for units within 5 hexes of specific commanders. Or as stated above by Panzer39 [ November 02, 2003, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. I lean against this option as I felt that Ultra msut be a war changing event for the allies on the Western Front. Limiting Ultra to HQ units would largely affect the Eastern Front and deprive Ultra event of its main benefit - knowledge of the location of enemy troops o nthe Western Front. I also felt that Ultra should allow the allies to counter a huge production bonus of the Axis. By revealing the location of Enemy troops west of Warsaw or Berlin(?) it does this. But perhaps the Allies should only be able to see the location of German troops every 4 or five turns. If so then reduce the per turn chance for an Ultra effect from 50% to 25% or 20% in the Editor. It should also be noted that Ultra event would be very rare. There is only a 1% per turn of it occuring. If Germany invests in Counter Intell it can reduce this chance to zero. Of course investing in counter Intel means that they do not have 250MPP or 500MPP to invest in something else. Thus possibly reducing the Germany Tech Advantage. After reading JerseyJohn's post I felt that there had to be a serious cost to Germany chainging its codes. Otherwise the Axis player would change their codes every quarter just to avoid the affects of a possible Ultra. By making the changing of codes contingent upon the revelation of the location of all units makes code changing a serious option, something that is not to be considered lightly. It also reflects the fact that Germany during WWII until the very end continued to rely upon Ultra machine. I like this idea. Ultra for all its advantages was not perfect. That is why I assigned it only a 50% per turn of providing intelligence. But by providing faulty intellience it would also make it more realistic and more interesting. May I suggest 1> 50% Ultra provides partial intelligence on each unit (50% it does not see the unit and 50% it can not identify the unit type, so all that a palyer sees is a grey square in a hex - it may be a Corps or Army or Armor or Air Fleet or Bomber.)
  7. Hubert, Thanks for the Links, most interesting. Now I just have to learn German. [ November 01, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. Proposed: The Ultra Event Allied Effect: 1% Per Turn after "France Surrenders" that the UK captures a German Ultra Code Machine (about 26% per year). This event can only occur once in each game. With the Ultra Machine the Allied player has a 50% per turn to see the location of all German (not Italian) units; ie the Allied player has spotted all German units. This check is made every turn until the Axis player decides to change his codes. Axis Effect: The Axis player can decide to change his codes at any time by pressing a change codes button located on the reports menu. The act of changing your codes reveals the location of every German unit for one turn. If the Allied player has the Ultra Machine when the codes are changed then the Ultra effect is permanently disabled. In addition, after the Allies capture an Ultra machine there is a 1% per turn that a German spy discovers that the Brits have the Ultra device and reports this to his superiors. This event shows up in a pop-up window for the Axis player. Now the German player has to decide how often to change his codes knowing that to do so will reveal the location of all German units. If he does not change his codes and the Brits have captured an Ultra Machine then the Allies will know every move he makes. If he changes his codes and the Allies have not captured an Ultra machine then he will have needlessly revealed the location of all German units. Allied AI: The Allied AI chance per turn for capturing the Ultra Machine should vary by difficulty level: Novice 0%, Beginner 1%, Intermediate 2%, Expert 4%. Discovery Pop-up - Picture of Ultra Machine - Headline: UK obtains German code machine. Related Effects of Intelligence Tech - Each level of UK Intelligence Tech increases the chance for the UK to obtain an Ultra device by 1% per level. - Each level of Axis Counter Intelligence Tech reduces the chance for this event by 1% per level. - Each level of Axis Intelligence Tech increases the chance that their agents will find out that the Allies have captured an Ultra Machine by 1% per level. - Each level of UK Counter Intelligence Tech reduces the chance for Axis agents to discover that the Brits have an Ultra device by 1% per level. Note: UK should begin the war with with Counter Intelligence Tech Level 1 due to their historical success in turning German agents. Handicapping Effect You can give an Allied Novice player Intelligence Tech Level 5 so he has a +5% per turn to capture an Ultra device. Ultra Event is a Player Preference As a default the Ultra Event is disabled in game setup, much like FOW, War in Siberia and Partisans. Question: Should the spotting effect of Ultra limited to German units west of Warsaw?and exclude the Eastern Front as the Brits did not share this discovery with the Russians. Question: Should the Ultra Effect have a chance to misidentify units? - As suggested by Panzer39 Example: 20% to misidentify a Unit - (50% Unit is not seen, 50% Identified as a Different Unit Type - Air Fleet as Bomber, Armor as Corps or Army, Army as Corps or Armor) Example: 2% (1 in 50 hexes) to falsely see a unit of a random type in a hex where there is no unit. So in 200 hexes you could expect to see 4 units that are not actually present. Question: Is making all German units visible to the Allies too much? If too much, how many units should the Allies see? 50% Per Turn to see: Only HQ Units? Only see 50% of Allied units? Only see 50% of Land Units? Or should the % per turn be reduced to 25% (1 in 4 turns) [ November 01, 2003, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. As others have suggested a chance for unexpected events might offer a partial solution. - UK Falls > US Gets Pacific Fleet, UK Fleet close to Europe or North America become Free Brits, UK Capital Moves to Cairo, UK can still build units. - UK Supports post surrender partisans in Russia [ October 31, 2003, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Any chance that SC2 will contain a few (4 to 8) news pop-ups tied to historical dates; - Sep 1940: Japan signs mutual defense treaty with Italy and Germany - Jul 1941: Japan siezes Vietnam, US embargos Japan - Dec 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor - May 1942: US victory at Midway - Jul 1944: US Marines in the Pacific capture island of Guam - Feb 1945: Yalta Conference (If UK & USSR & USA still survive) - Apr 1945: Roosevelt Dies - Sep 1945: Japan Surrenders Thus on the turn coving Dec 7, 1941 the players would see a pop-up announcing the attack on Pearl Harbor (with a public domain picture of the attack from the US Military Archives). With a click it goes away. (Naturally you can turn this off or have only a percentage chance that each will appear! ie 50%) [ October 31, 2003, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. Question: Will there be "events" in SC2? I like the idea as it would add spice to the game. Of course it should be a game option that can be turned on or off. PS: Any chance for a few rare "historical news bulletins" tied to historical dates - ie Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor, US Victory at Battle of Midway, Death of Roosevelt, Surrender of Japan. Of course, if the war in Europe ends early many of these will never be seen by the players. [ October 31, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. OR disband a corps in the city hex to get the same result. In fact you could disband a corps in a Coastal Sea Hex to create a mine field that automatically attacks any enemy naval unit (transport or ship) moving into it (aka Sub Attack). Of course with each attack there is a 33% that all mines have been used up.
  13. City Enhancements- Really Great Idea - and Simple Too. Buy a Air Defense Level for a Single City at a fixed price (125MPP) And/OR Research it and get the benefit for all cities. Fortify A City - Raise its maximum entrenchment level by 2. Cost 125MPP. Supply Dump - Unit starting turn in that city has 100% Readiness. Cost 250MPP. Destroyed if Occupied by Enemy forces. Increase Production - Increase value of city by 1 for a cost of XX MPP.
  14. A simple 1936/38 Start Date Option From a list of 3 to 5 Decision Tree Events for Each Major Power (UK/France/Germany) each major power can select two prior to starting the game over a period of 2 pre-game turns. If a player selects an event domestic public opinion may prevent the event from taking place. Example: France decides to withdraw troops from Algeria. This action has a 50% to spark a political firestorm in Parliment which prevents the event from taking place. Example: UK decides to Give Gibraltor to Spain to gain their support in the war against Germany. 50% Outrage in Parliment causes this effort to fail. Example: News of secret alliance involving France and UK Russia leaks out to the Press. 50% this causes all axis minors to Join Germany along with Baltic States, Finland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Poland. Thus, even if you select an option domestic politics might prevent it from occuring. A. Optional Events for France A1. French Treaty with Belgium Mr. Prime Minister The Government of Belgium wants to withdraw from the defense treaty as they fear being dragged into a war with Germany. 1) We do not need Belgium to defend France, The Maginot line is invincible. Express our regrets to the Prime Minister of Belgium. 2) Tell the Prime Minister of Belgium that we will pay to extend the Maginot line into Belgium. (50% Belgium Remains in SD Treaty) Effect: France and Low Countries Begin Game at War with Germany. US does not receive readiness Bonus for Germany Attacking Low Countries. Due to Cost of extending the maginot line one of the French armies is replaced by a Corps. The Maginot Line is extended 1 hex to the North West. A2. French Research Prime Minister, should we spend our resources on expanding our army or researching new technology? 1) Lets Research New Weapons If This option is selected 1 French Army is replaced with 1 Corps and France receives 1 Tech chit in any one area and has a 25% of starting the game with a Level 1 Tech in that selected area. A3. Recall our Foreign Troops Prime Minister, If we recall our overseas troops we can booster the defense of France. Should We recall our troops from Syria ---50% Turkey perceives France as weak and Turkish Troops Annex Syra. ---France gains 1 Corps Should we recall our troops from Algeria ---50% Arab Revolt in Algeria, Arab Partisan Unit Occupys Algiers. ---France gains 1 Corps in France Should we recall our troops from Syria and Algeria ---France gains 2 Corps in France ---75% Arab Revolt in Algeria and 75% Turkey Annexes Syria. B. UK Decision Tree B1. Should we recall our fleet from the Middle East. IF this event is selected then the UK Med fleet starts in the Atlantic and Turkey has a 50% to Annex Iraq. B2. Should we send troops to support the Polish Government? --- If Yes then France and UK have option to station some or all Air Fleets in Poland and Poland starts with a HQ unit and one corps is upgraded to an Army. France has its Air Fleet reduced to a strength of 5 or one army reduced to a corps. B3. Should we give Gibraltor to Spain? B4. Sign A Military Alliance with Russia. UK and France enter into an alliance with Russia that recognizes Russian influence over the Baltic States, Findland, Axis Minors and Poland. If this event occurs the German indutry mobilizes for war with gusto and Germany gains Level 2 Industrial Tech and their is a 50% that The Baltic States, Findland, Axis Minors and Poland Ally with Germany. (ie they get the income but not the plunder). C. German Decision Tree C1. Naval Policy Do we focus on building submarines or battleships or carriers? ---If Subs then Germany loses 1 Battleship and gains 1 Sub and 1 research chit in submarines ---If Carriers then Germany loses 1 Battleship and 1 sub and gains 1 Carrier unit C2. Mobilize the Economy for War Do we mobilize the German economy for War? ---- If Yes then Germany gains 1 Chit in Industrial Tech and the allies (UK/France/Poland)move first. C3. Secret Treaty Do we give Turkey Weapons --- Germany loses 1 Unit (Army or Armor or 2 Corps) and Turkey is 75% likely to Attack Vichy Syria and then move on to attack Egypt and Iraq if England has Withdrawn its fleet to the UK as per option B1. Turkey operates with its own independent AI to take and defend Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Egypt against all major powers.If Italy withdraws from Libya Turkish units advance into it from Cairo. IF Bulgaria is still Neutral there is a 2% per turn that Turkey will attack Bulgaria after taking Iraq and Syria. If Turkey controls Bulgaria there is a 1% per turn that Turkey will attack a neutral Greece in revenge the Greek attack upon Turkey after WWI. IF Turkey controls Bulgaria and Greece (very rare) then 1% per turn to threaten DOW Italy unless Italy turns over Albainia to Turkey. -- To be Continued -- [ November 03, 2003, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. JerseyJohn Looking forward to your comments. And I will visit the other thread. Many thanks
  16. Oh, I can see it now; Does the French accidentaly insult the rulers of Belgium? Does Germany bribe/threaten the Netherlands to cause them to leave the Defense treaty with France. Does the Netherlands fear being dragged into a war between France and Germany and leave the defense treaty with France? How does France respond? How does Germany respond? What factors affected the decision of the Belgium government? Some comments on the politics of the time and why the treaty fell apart would be most interesting - JerseyJohn And should the Major powers be able to allocate ministers to the departments of defense, foreign affairs without knowing their strengths or weaknesses (Diplomacy -10%/+10%, Navy Production Costs -10%, Air Fleet Readiness +10%, Air Defense Bonus +1 AD to all cities, etc) Give the players a list of ministers and their bio with some randomness thrown into to their abilities so that a careful read a player may draw a reasonable evaluation of their capabilities. Example: Admiral Nimitz Abilities: Diplomacy +5% (if appointed Foreign Minister), Carrier Costs -10% (If appointed as minister of defense), Navy Costs -5% (if appointed as Minister of Industry. Each Major Power Has Four Ministers - Defense, Foreign Affairs, Research, and Industry. Each can select their ministers from a pool of 9 or 12 personages. Each minister has one area they are good in, one area they are bad in, and two areas that they will not affect for better or worse. A minister might be an expert at managing the economy but an incompetant manager of defense or untrustworthy at Foreign Affairs. Each Minor Power has one Prime Minister with different areas of concern - Ie Is Franco influenced by Military Aid or Economic Aid or Territory or Neutrality? Example: Minister Oblan "Experience Military man favors use of new tactics" Industry (+0%) Military (Corps +5% Readiness) Research (+1% bonus to Armor Research) Foreign Affairs (-10% Reaction) Minister Krakowic "The consumate politician with a knack for resolving industrial strikes" Industry (+5% Production Bonus, Naval Units cost 5% More) Military (-5% Readiness Penalty to Naval Units as he favors land units) Research (1% Bonus to Anti-Tank, -1% to Naval Techs) Foreign Affairs (+10% Reaction) Minister Ransom "Well known industrialist knows how to get things done" Industrial Production +5%, Research +1% Bonus across all areas, Foreign Affairs -10% due to abrasive nature. Influencing Franco is a factor of Diplomacy Rating + Offer (territory, military aid, financial aid) + Counter Offer + Domestic Politics + Tendency towards neutrality. Example: Spain Domestic Politics +0% Pro Axis --IF UK Offers Franco Gibraltor then +30% pro Allies --IF Germany Offers France North Africa then +30% Pro Axis but Italy Goes -50% Pro Axis towards remaining Neutral. Roll of 100 Plus means Franco Joins Axis Spain: Domestic Politics (+0)+ Neutrality (-20%) + North Africa (+30%) + Influence of Germans Foreign Minister (-5%) means that their is a 5% that Spain will Ally with Germany. If the UK gave Spain 100MPP (the UK Counter Offer) then Germany would need a Diplomacy roll of 115 to bring Spain in on their side, and the chance of this event occuring would be zero. Italy: ProAxis +110% + North Africa to Spain -50% + Diplomatic Effect of Foreign Minister -5% = Chance for Italy to Join Axis reduced from 105% to 55% as Italian Government is incensed over alloaction of Africa to Spain by Germany. In fact, a UK offer of 275MPP to Italy would reduce the chance to 0 and give Italy a 1% to ally with the UK. Explanation: On the continum 1 is UK Ally and 100 is German Ally. A gift of 5MPP = a 1 point shift towards your side. 275 MPP = a 55 point shift. A d100 die is rolled and an adjusted result of 100+ means that the Axis wins the ally, a roll of 1- means that the Allies win the ally. Effectively, this means that histroy can be altered but it will not be easy to do so and if so their will be consequences. For example, Beglium might request 500MPP to remain in the defense treaty with France and extend the Maginot line, this would drain resources from France's military buildup. [ October 31, 2003, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. Ah, reminds me of the time that my valiant UK Army and Free French Forces supported by a HQ unit floating offshore Captured Finland before Russia entered the war. Then I operated my entire Air Fleet to Findland and quitely waited until Germany DOW Russia and his units advanced closed to Lenningrad. I held my fire and kept my forces hidden. Then when his HQ unit ventured into range I struck. Destroying the HQ unit in one turn and then releasing my air power on the the German troops who could not flee fast enough. A bug no, gamey no. Just a "very" risky strategy that worked (after I lost many ships in the battle to destroy the German fleet and clear a path for my transports). If my opponent had supported his armies with just one airfleet he would seen my air fleets waiting in Finland. He assumed my fleets were hiding in Northern England. Poor Intelligence = Lost War [ October 30, 2003, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. I agree. And unit locations (except for subs),strengths and technolgy investments made during this period should not be covered by FOW as the Axis and Allied strengths were well publicized in the news media of the time. And if the UK decides to withdraw all troops from Egypt or Malta or Gibraltor or the Italians from Libya or the French from Algeria then these overseas territories should have a chance to revolt and go neutral or join the other side. Example: Gibraltor joins Spain, Malta joins Italy, French Algeria declares its Independence, Egyptian Military Coup. [ October 30, 2003, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Correct; however, it will take the Russians on average about 10+ turns to reach L1 Anti-Tank.
  20. Ocassionaly I will play as Germans and build an Army of Armor, no air, research Armor and Anti-Air, and hit the Russians with 12+ Tanks, usually of level 1 or 2 and just steam roller them. Its just a matter of constantly feeding in fresh units to keep up the pressure and rebuilding damaged units. I have also tried the same strategy with Armies and Corps. The AI should try various strateiges like this 70% Standard Strategy 5% Armor Focus 5% Army Focus 5% Overwhelming Air Strategy etc. etc. [ October 30, 2003, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. I like the current situation. Its a gamble, do I risk sending forces west to face France and a possible low countries gambit or do I keep sufficient forces in the East to quickly crush the Poles and keep the Russians from getting over confident by watching the Polish resistance.
  22. JerseyJohn I agree, for some reason Italy seems to do a good job at researching, better in fact than the UK or Germany or Russia. In my idea I also tried to base it somewhat on history. For example - Once Germany started bombing London the Brits increased their Air Defense research. I also find that Italy & Germany & Russia also gains advancements in areas that they do not use. Example: Russia will often research rockets but nevers builds rocket units. Germany gets advancements in Subs and rockets but never builds any. Italy keeps researching jets when all it can afford to build is corps and armies. The AI really needs a rountine to tell it what to research and when to reclaim chits. In fact it might be interesting to write a white paper on this one topic with sections for each major power borrowing ideas from the SC Strategy Guide but directed more towards the AI Decision tree and tying AI research decisions into the AI war strategy. Of course, HC probably has this area covered already but he might be interested in seeing a new viewpoint. New Example: Example: Axis has 6+ subs in the Atlantic. --UK AI AI gains 1 bonus research chit in Anti-Sub at Expert Level if it has at least 4+ surface ships otherwise it gains 1 chit in Long-Range. --US AI gains 1 bonus research chit in Long Range or Anti-Sub at Expert Level. --US AI Gains 2 levels in Bomber Production (ie New Production Focus tech that reduces cost of Bomber units by 5% for each level). The Production Focus tech I refer to above allows countries to gain a lower production cost for specific unit types by spemding a fixed amount of MPPs. Each level of Focus reduces the production cost for a specific unit - such as Battleships, Cruisers, Subs, Rockets, and Bombers by 5% and costs XXX MPP (say 125MPP). So a 10% reduction in the cost of producing Subs would cost 250 MPP. Air Fleets, Armor, and Infantry Units are not affected by this tech as these units were affected more by limits on the availabilty of manpower (especially pilots) than production techniques. Now players can reduce the cost of production by 50% - Level 5 Industrial Tech + Level 5 Production Focus (Subs) = 50% Reduction in the cost of submarine protection. Historically, Germany was able to produce Subs faster than other powers while the US production rate in Bombers and Cruisers was umatched. Am, I correct? This new type of tech would allow the Axis to wage a battle for the Atlantic as an investment of 625MPP in Production Focus (subs) would reduce the cost of subs from 325 to 243. It would also reduce the cost of bombers to a more affordable level if players decided to invest in Production Focus (bombers) for a guaranteed 25% reduction in the unit cost. Naturally each Production Focus tech only affects one type of unit. Industrial Tech - Reduces cost of production for all unit types by % per level. Production Tech [unit Type] - Reduces cost of one unit type (Bombers, Cruisers, Battleships, Rockets, Subs) 5% per level. Immediate Effect. Any thoughts/comments on this concept? [ October 29, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. Quick thoughts before I return to work: 1>---------------------------------------- At Higher AI levels it might make sense to give the German and UK AI a bonus Research Chit on or after a specific date or event as the current SC AI for these powers does not invest in research as much as human players. Example: France Surrenders German AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert Level Example: After all Axis Minors Join Germany German AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert Level Example: After Germany conquers Norway and Sweden German AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert Level Example: After Germany conquers Spain, Portugal and Gibraltor German AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert Level Example: Russia Prepares for War UK AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert level in Jets Example: London or London Port reduced to 4 or less. UK AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert level in Air Defense. Example: UK has 3 Carriers in June 1941 UK AI - 1 Bonus Research Chit at Expert level in Long Range. If the carrier fleet survives the English engineers work to extend their range. Example: Axis has 6+ subs in the Atlantic. UK AI and US AI gain 1 bonus reseach chit in Anti-Sub at Expert Level as their scientists focus on countering the submarine threat. Example: UK surrenders. US AI gains 1 bonus research chit in Industrial Research at Expert level as the economy is fully mobilized for war. Perhaps, the investment areas for the German "bonus" research chits should be restricted to one of the major combat oriented techs: Armor (25%), Anti-Tank (25%) or Jets (50%) for Germany. I do not think that there needs to be a similar bonus for the Italy AI as it seems handle tech research quite well. In fact, in a recent game against the AI Italy had Tech Level 4 Anti-Tank and Tech Level 5 Jets. 2>------------------------------------ If SC2 has an intelligence tech perhaps it should give a player a chance to see the enemy's tech level in each area Example: 1% per turn per Intelligence Tech Level to get a report on the enemies tech level in a particular area. The report would list the enemy tech level and the date of the last intelligence report in this area. (Counter Intelligence Tech would reduce this by 1% per Tech Level) Intelligence Report Germany: Jets (Unknown), AntiTank (4, March 1942), Longrange (1, April 1943), Subs (0, December 1942) Italy: Jets (Unknown), AntiTank (Unknown), Jets (2, June 1943) [ October 29, 2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Note: Since SC came out the Designer has released 7 patches to address various issues raised by the players. Of course he had to make choices as to which issues to address. But seven updates by a one person development staff is quite impressive.
  25. Hopefully, in SC2 the difficulty level will have more of an impact on the AI in terms of tactics and strategy. Perhaps; Axis AI Attacks Norway and Sweden Beginner 0%, Intermediate 25%, Expert 80%. Axis AI Attacks Denmark on Turn One Beginner 0%, Intermediate 25%, Expert 80%. Allied AI Attacks Ireland (Before/After US Entry) Beginner 0%, Intermediate 25%, Expert 80%. Allies move Carrier near Egypt to Atlantic Beginner 0%, Intermediate 25%, Expert 80% [ October 30, 2003, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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