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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. I second the call for hiding US war readiness with FOW on. The problem that I have is that news reports would have given the axis a general idea of the war readiness of their opponents. Perhaps you could hide the war readiness somewhat but give the axis a general idea via news popups that would give indicate a sift in war readiness but not the exact amount of the shift. "NY Times - The US and Soviet governments express alarm at the invasion of Sweden." "NY Times - British invasion of Ireleand triggers a large march for neutrality in the European war in New York City" "NY Times - US Congress approves leand lease agreement with the UK and Russia" "Pravada - The Soviet army announces the conscription of another 100,000 men"
  2. You may be able to run your subs down the French coast if you have at least 5 air fleets concentrated along the French Coast. This allows you to sink any UK ship that moves in to attack your sub and usually scares off any defending Allied Air fleets. You can take Gibraltor so the Italian fleet can enter the Atlantic. If you want to do this and avoid attacking Spain then take Vichy Algeria and bomb the port with air fleets and ships. When it reachs zero your Italian fleet can sail through the straits, and you didn't have to attack Spain. [ October 01, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. Another Idea: Give the UK Iraq and extra Corp units (from Australia) in Egypt and Bagdad and a low rated HQ unit in Egypt at the beginning of the game. This boosts their MPP slightly - by 15 per turn and increases their ability to defend the middle east. Now they can delay the Germans at Cairo and retreat towards Bagdad/Beruit. If they can hold it until the USSR enters the war then the Iraqi MPP production increases and they have a path through which to operate air untis to Russia. With this strategy the UK can easily field 5 land units to defend Egypt - Free French Corps from Beruit, 3 UK corps in Egypt and Bagdad and UK corps from the West - without exposing the home islands to a German sea lion. If they move their bomber to Beruit they can detect any advancing transports. [ October 01, 2003, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Kuniworth Sorry for scaring you, I am working on a software project (ERP not Games) and when I need a break (in this case at 3AM) I jot down a few ideas. Who knows it might or might not be something that could improve the next game from Fury Software. As a designer I frequently meet with vendors to get their input and incorporate the best ones that I find if it will improve the functionality of the package while maintaining ease of use. Hubert Great News, Can't wait to see your next project. I like your policy of avoiding Vaporware / Lateware. [ September 26, 2003, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. TCP True, the US does not really need the carriers if the Germans have not launched a succesful Sea Lion. Then the US would need carriers and cruisers to retake the UK, hopefully before Russia fell to the German Onslaught.
  6. I just did a quick campaign assuming a successfull Axis Sea Lion US Controls Canada Germany Controls UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Vichy - production 700+ Russia overrun but still fighting If any one would like a copy drop me an email and play it the first time FOW. The main problem is that I can't figure out how to get the Axis AI to use its navy in an intelligent manner.
  7. After thinking it over, I think that the US AI should have strategies for what to do if the UK falls to a sea lion. It should select the strategy to use based on the current condition of the opposing forces and a random variable. Naturally the best players should be called on to help devise the strategies. For a defensive strategy with over 2600 MPPs in the bank they could have researched subs and purchased at least six submarines, adding a new sub every three turns. Operating under the cover of Air Fleets with Long Range 5 and Jets 3+ this would have been a killer to any invasion force and made the game more interesting. Moreover, if they had access to Canada's MPPs they would really have a fight on their hands. Of course Canada's MPP's should go back to the UK if the UK is liberated. Also, if the UK falls then the US should gain MPPs due to the end of the Leand Lease Effort. Therefore US Production should equal Base 160+ 40 Canada + 20 Lend Lease = approximately 220 per turn. Proposed AI Strategies for US if UK Falls US Strategy 01 - Liberate the UK US Strategy 02 - Defend America In this strategy the US AI concentrates on preparing the defense of the US and Canada. US Strategy 03 - Invade France then withdraw. A strategy designed to draw Axis troops away from the Eastern Front. US Strategy 04 - Liberate Nordic Countries This strategy cuts German MPP production in an area that the Axis would take the Axis at least 2 turns to send in reinforcements. US Strategy 05 - Control the Seas While the Axis powers are busy figting in Russia the US Naval and Air Forces can attempt to destroy the Axis navy forces in the Atlantic with a series of hit and run raids. The Axis will be unable to replace their losses and if successful the US can clear a path to liberate the UK or Invade France or Norway before Russia falls. Random Events Random Event if UK Falls - 50% Recall Carrier from Pacific after victory at Midway. This option would give the US a free Carrier and Cruiser Unit which would appear in Oct of 1941 after having traversed the Panama Canal. Random Event if UK Falls - 50% US gains a 10% reduction in production cost of Naval units due to focus of war economy on building a strong Navy to control the Atlantic. [ September 24, 2003, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. 1. Selectable Capital Cities -- User could select Madrid as Capital for UK Units. This would allow a user to recreate different wars using the same engine. 2. Variable Research Controls by Major Player -- User could prohibit new research in specific areas by Major player and set maximum researc levels. Example: Italians can not research Rockets. Example: R&D by all players is not allowed. Example: Maximum Anti-Tank is 2. 3. Variable Unit Limits by Major Player -- Example: Romans can not build Air Fleets or Battleships or Subs. They can build galleys (renamed Cruisers) 4. Variable Unit Type Names -- Example: Rename Armor to Cavalry, Rename Army to Legion 5. Editor can create new HQ units. 6. Editor can create units, HQ and Standard, for Neutral Countries. 7. Editor can set a reclaim tech chit level for the AI. Example: At Anti-Tank level 4 Russia will reclaim Anti-Tank tech chits and not invest any more MPPs in Anti-Tank 8. Editor can set partisans by Country. Example: Roman Spain - Partisans On. 9. Editor can set per/turn Sea Damage for Transports. Example: Value (1) - Transports starting a turn in an ocean hex (not a coastal hex) take 1 point of damage. Recreates incentive for Ancient fleets to sail along the coasts. 10. On/Off option for Operate function. (this disables the operate command) 11. Variable Value of Merchant Shipping Routes. Example: Change Value of Atlantic route to 80MPPs per turn or zero. 12. Editor can increase production of Capital City to 20 from 10, this reflects the importance of the capital during war. 13. Selectable Icon Set - in the editor you would select a set of icons and map symbols (for units, cities and resources) to use - and the game would ship with 2 sets - WWII(classic), WWII(new battlefront) and room for 8 more (example: Ancient). Thus the icons would be linked to the campaign. The key is that each set would have its own naming convention that the user would have to follow in adding more sets of icons. If you pull up campaign 1939 it uses Unit Icons 001. If you pull up campaign 200AD it uses Unit Icons 004 14. Variable Plunder for Countries [ September 26, 2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Feldtrompeter - You are right I defeated Russia at at that time the US had over 2600MPPs in the bank and the Minor Allies 1600. The US never built any ships and never used their transports They did reach level 5 Long Range and started pounding my transports when they came within range. But they had only 3 Air units as land units and 3 HQ units occupied all other squares. PS: The HQ units were all on the coast. [ September 23, 2003, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Question: Should the US get the Candian MPPs after the UK falls to the Axis? Currently if the UK surrenders Canada as an allied minor power continues to earn MPPs but is unable to build any units. [ September 23, 2003, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. Good Post on Sealion Last night I launched Sea Lion after taking France, Denmark and Norway and was able to take London on the First Turn while losing one ship and one transport to the British Fleet which was too far north to stop the invasion. Taking Manchester took a bit longer as the Brits brught in their Carriers and Battleships to harress my troops. Then UK Fell, Spain Joined the Axis and I was able to have about 10 armies and 3 HQ on the Front when war broke out. Since then I have been pushing the Russians steadily back, slowly, very slowly. As German production exceeds Russian production by only 10 to 20 MPP per turn. ----------------------------------------- Now the AI has the UK and Minor Countries with over 600MPP but no where to spend it. The Italian Fleet is guarding the Atlantic. ----------------------------------------- Also if the AI had evacuated even one or two French units to the UK it would have made an early conquest of the UK more difficult. The same pertains to building a corps or two to defend england instead of an Expensive HQ unit. -------------------------------------------- I don't know what the US AI is doing but I will soon find out. ---------------------------------------------- [ September 23, 2003, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Jersey John Here's an event idea for techs that are a long time in coming; Event: Tech Resources Allocation When: A research has had no discoveries for 36 turns Mr Minister Our scientist need more resources to achieve a breakthrough in [Jets]. Should we A. Tell them to make do with what they have B. Assign our best scientists to this project C. Give them all the money they want, we need that technology. If B then 25% lose 2 random tech chits and gain a level in [Jets], 50% lose 1 random tech chit and gain a level in [Jets] or 25% lose 1 random tech chit and gain nothing. If C then lose 200MPPs and 75% gain 1 level in [Jets]. [ September 23, 2003, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Interesting, I never thought to set the Russians to Neutral as Allies. Perhaps then the Germans will have time to build up their forces?
  14. My observations, 1. I too like the idea of events that affect gameplay; however, such a major change to the engine would probably have to wait for SC2. The news item feature I sugguested is simple enough to find its way into a patch and does not need a lot of playtesting (QC) to verify that it works as intended. 2. Adding triggers to the news events makes it more complex to implement as you would have to define the triggering events. When the event occurs the AI looks for a related event. There should not be a memory problem with doing this. Hubert, correct me if I am wrong. The key issue with triggers is that it raises the concept to another level of complexity. 3. Back to Events, might be able to add a few events that effect gameplay using this concept if the events were kept simple; however, this also raises the programming to another level of complexity. Example: Trigger: Germany DOW Switzerland Effect: 50% for Norway and Sweden Join Allies, Customizable News Item announces this if the event occurs. Trigger: Allies DOW Low Countries Effect: News Item that says - The Government of Norway is extremely displeased about Allied actions involving the Low Countries. Newspaper editorials call for Norway to sign a defense treaty with Germany. Then Trigger: Allies DOW Ireland and Low Countries Effect: 50% Independent Norway Joins Axis. Customizable News item announces this if the event occurs. [ September 23, 2003, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. Looking at the date field on the screen and the large rectangular empty box that appears to the left of it (before a player has clicked on a unit or a hex) it seems to me that it would be neat to allow users to create their own news events that are tied to the date that shows on the screen. Example: When the date Dec 15,1941 arrives in the rectangular box a user created news item could appear: December 8, 1941 President Roosevelt’s Speech to the US Congress "Yesterday, December 7,1941 - a date which will live in infamy -- The United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." Each news item text file would be stored in a single folder in SC Directory. Each item text file would be named with a valid SC Date: 19420405.txt Users could easily create and share their own language specific news items and delete ones they did not want to use without affecting the rest of the program. Naturally the news item would vanish if the user clicked anywhere on the map, although it could be recalled by pressing the F1 key. If there is no news item for that date in the News Folder then the box would remain empty. If the news item text file was not in the proper format the box would remain empty. If there was a news item for that date then it would appear in a white text box within the large grey rectangular box at the bottom of the screen. The news text box would vanish if the user clicked anywhere on the screen. I can think of 10+ news events that would be independent of the war in Europe - Nov 1939 Russia declares war on Finland - March 1941 the U.S. Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act - April 1941, the Japanese signed a neutrality treaty with the USSR - July 23 Japan occupied southern Indochina - Dec 1941 Pearl Harbor - June 1942 Battle of Midway - Nov 1943 Tehrān Conference (Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt) - Feb 1945 - Yalta Conference - Death of Roosevelt - A Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima [ September 22, 2003, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. I agree, I also doubt there will be another patch. Hopefully my ideas will have some influence on improving future versions of the game (SC2?) As for the AI, why not try the D-Day Scenario as the Axis and see if you can hold off the AI. PS: If another patch is issued and it can only include one relatively simple change (as compared to improving the AI) an option to have the FOW OFF for AI and ON for Human Players would be at the top of my list if such a change would make for a stronger game vs the AI. It would also be nice to see the German subs in the North Atlantic doing something other than heading towards the Scapa Flow in every game and the Italian submarine never attempting to sink any merchant ships. And, of course the UK Navy in the Med should occassionaly race towards the Atlantic. and the French corps in Beruit should head towards Cairo after Italy enters the war. Of course, these are not game altering changes but they may be simple to implement. And of course if you really have time on your hands add another the allied invasion routine to the mix As suggested by Night; Strategy 2: 1. UK builds Air fleet in north of England 2. US Builds HQ unit 3. UK has HQ unit 4. Troops move into invade. Battleships attack Brest. UK air fleets move to south shore of UK to support invasion. 5. Invasion followed by landing of HQs after Brest is taken 6. Diversionary landing of 1 corps in Denmark to cut link from Nordic Coutries to Berlin. [ September 22, 2003, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. It would be reasonable to assume that the Axis AI should have a % chance to know if there are no UK troops in Cairo or a conquered Iraq and less than 2 land units in the UK as their agents in such countries would inform them of such a situation. This would help the AI to take advantage of the human tendency to move these forces elsewhere. If you want to keep things even for the AI and non-AI player you could even have a intelligence report button that says: "Our agents in Cairo report that all allied troops have withdrawn from the city". "Our agents in London have not encountered any troops in pubs outside of London." "Our contacts in Iraq report that all allied troops have withdrawn from the country." [ September 21, 2003, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Yet another concept: Example: Spend 100MPP and equip 4 of your units with cold weather equipment. Spend 100 MPP more and equip another 4 units with cold weather equipment. Spend 500MPP and 20 units are equipped to fight in the Russian Winter. Of course a field would have to be added to each unit indicating whether it has cold weather equipment and the on screen description of a unit so equipped should indicate this property.
  19. PS: I normally give Norway (garrisoned with 2 corps)to the Axis in the Editor. If you have Turkey and Iraq join the Axis in the editor then their armies will attempt to take Egypt after France falls It makes for a much more interesting game as Allies. [ September 20, 2003, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. If I am playing a 1939 Game against the AI as allies and the Russians have turned the tide I normally declare war against all other neutral countries - Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Vichy, Greece and Turkey. This gives the Axis a serious MPP boost, prevents the entry of the US into the war and the AI operates units from Spain, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey to Germany to form a wall going North to South to block the Russian advance. A Turkish corps even advanced on an ungarrisoned Iraq. The only problem is that at the same time the AI operates all German HQ units to Rome, Athens and Istanbul and starts operating HQ units between these three cities needlessly burning up MPPs and not supporting German units defending Berlin, even though there are no other German units in Italy, Greece or Turkey. Also, in a recent game against the AI at Expert +1 the Italian AI reached Level 5 Jets but did not reclaim its investment in technology.
  21. Bill Macon, Excellent point. I was trying to fit the idea into the current SC system. But as you said Winter Preparation is not really a tech, its an investment in equipment and its outcome is certain. Perhaps, its better to have an Expenditure Screen where one would be 100% certain to get the benefit of the investment after spending a specific amount of MPPs. Call this expenditure Winter Preparedness. Germany spends 250MPPs (about 10 per Russian invading German unit) and it reaches Winter Preparedness Level 1, Spend another 250MPPs and you reach Winter Prepardedness Level 2. The more you spend the better you are prepared to fight in the winter and the less effect that winter will have on your forces, up to a certain point. Such a system allows you to adjust the starting ability of a nation such as Russia in the editor. It also allows you to give the player more investment options. Instead of a simple yes/no they can control the amount of resources they want to spend in preparing for the Russian winter. A Rule / Variant option would allow you to turn player access to this screen on or off. Different Expenditures could have different maximum levels. For example the Maximum level for Winter Preparedness might be 3. The maximum level for submarine production might be 1 (ie you get an immediate 10% reduction in the cost of building subs if you invest 250MPPs in this area). Unlike technology advances this area of expenditures would be reserved for operational improvements using current technology where the payoff is certain. It also removes the frustration of spending money and not seeing the investment pay off. In this system the player is 100% certain to get the benefit of his investment , for non Tech Investments. In the case of Germany, would you spend your MPPs on researching technology that may help you or would your spend your MPPs on investments that offer you an immediate payback but more limited results. Example: Bomber Production, 250MPPs for immediate 10%reduction in cost of producing bombers vs 250MPPs for investing in industrial technology that hold's the promise of reducing production costs for all units by up to 25% if you make the advancements. [ September 20, 2003, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Jersey John 1. Your comments reinforce my belief that SC needs something like a Winter Equipment Tech/Investment option. Then Russia could start off with a higher Tech level in this area and the Germans would have the opportunity to invest in this area to overcome their deficiencies. 2, Based on Jersey John's, Shaka's and Piumarcobaleno's comments here is my revised idea, feel free to suggest alternatives / improvements. a. In winter hexes HQ units can supply 1 unit per Winter Tech Level. With Germany starting at Tech level 0 this should recreate the effect of a sharply less effective army during their first Russian winter. If Germany invests 2 chits in this area by the second winter Germany should be at Winter Tech Level 2 or 3. b. In winter hexes Air Units have a 75% minus 15% per winter tech level to be grounded. A Grounded Air unit can not move or spot or intercept. Russian air units would have an initial 30% to be grounded due to starting at Winter Equipment Tech Level 3. c. In winter hexes Armor units have a 60% minus 20% per Winter Tech level to be immobilized by the extreme cold. They can not move but can attack adjacent units. With Russia starting at Tech level 3 Russian armor would have a 0% to be immobilized while the German armor at Winter Tech Level 0 would have a 60% to be frozen in place. d. The cost to operate units into or out of a winter hex increases by 100% less 20% per Winter Tech level. e. New IdeaAn unsupplied unit in a winter hex not adjacent to a friendly controlled port or city hex has a base 5% less 1% per Winter Tech level to receive 1 point of damage due to cold weather. At tech level 3 Russian units would have only a 2% (1 in 50 units) of taking cold weather damage while German units at tech level 0 would have a 5% of taking cold weather damage (1 in 20 units). A winter Hex is any land hex during the months of January, February and March located in the Countries of Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway (and Romania?). Ideally these hexes would take on a white tint during these months. As each winter month is one turn long these rules will affect 3 turns each year Germany will have to decide if it is worth while to invest in this technology. This will also affect the strategy of sending UK airfleets to Russia as they will most likely not have the benefit of Winter Equipment Tech. Winter Equipment - This technology represents the investment of resources in preparing troops to fight and move during severe winter conditions. Each tech level in this area: 1. Allows HQ units in a winter hex to supply one combat unit. 2. Reduces the chance for air units in a winter hex to be grounded by 15%. (from a max of 75%) 3. Reduces the chance for Armor units in a winter hex to be immobilized by 20%.(from a max of 60%) 4. Reduces the penalty for operating units into or out of a winter hex by 20%.(from a max of 100%) [ September 20, 2003, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. Shaka of Carthage I was trying to reduce the effectiveness of German offense operations during the winter by; 1. Substantially increasing the cost of operating reinforcements to the front by 100%. 2. Allowing for the chance of Air Units to be grounded during winter months. 3. Providing Russian forces a 20% readiness bonus when fighting during winter months. Another way to express this is to reduce the readiness of all forces by 50% during winter months and give them a 10% bonus for evey level of Winter Equipment Tech. I just thought it easier to give some units a bonus when fighting during the winter as compared to other units. In each case the Russian forces gain a bonus due to their starting with Winter Equipment Tech Level 2. Perhaps the Russians should receive Winter Tech level 3 or the chance for air fleets to be grounded should be increased to start or perhaps I need to rethink my entire concept? Or perhaps add a variant of Pirumarcobaleno's idea? See below. Now that's an idea. But instead of saying non Russian HQ's lets have the Winter Equipment Tech affect this. This means that players can vary the effect by achieving different levels of investment in this area. Just give the Russians a higher tech level in this area to reflect their home turf advantage and short supply lines. Example 1: The supply level of HQs in a winter Hex is reduced to 5 + Winter Equipment Tech Level. This means that Russia with Tech level 3 would have its HQs reduced to 8, while Germans with Tech level 0 would be reduced to 5. or Example 2: HQs in white winter Hexes can supply 1 unit per Winter Equipment Tech Level. Thus Russian HQs could supply 3 units during Winter Turns (Tech level 3) and German HQs Zero (if at Tech level 0). This would put a crimp in German offensive operations, even if the Russians can not field any HQ units. or Example 3: There is a 50%(or 75% or 100%) that a HQ unit in a white winter hex can not supply any units. The chance of this occuring is reduced by 10%(or 15% or 20%) per Winter Equipment Tech Level. Thus reflecting the uncertainity in getting supplies to the troops during the winter. Any comments? [ September 19, 2003, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. 2.1 Russian Winter Simplified 2.1.1 Visual Effects • December: Land hexes numbered (xx, 02) or less gain a white tint indicating the coming of winter (including the hexes around Scapa Flow). • January thru March: All hexes in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Romania, and Russia gain a white tint. • April: Land hexes with number (xx, 02) or less retain a white tint indicating the end of winter. All other hexes return to Normal. • April. All hexes return to normal. 2.1.2 Game Effects • The cost to operate units into or out of a white tinted winter hex increases by 100%. • There is a chance that air units operating out of a white tinted winter hex will have their operations impaired. o 25% Grounded, air unit can not move or spot. This increases to 100% if the air unit is within 2 hexes of another grounded air unit. This simulates the effect of a winter storm that covers a wide area. Related Technology: Winter Equipment o Winter Equipment reflects the care taken to equip one’s troops to fight and move during winter conditions. Each level of Winter Equipment reduces the chance of an adverse winter effect by 20% and increases the readiness of troops fighting in a white winter hex by 10%. o An air fleet in a winter hex with Winter Equipment Level 2 has a 15% of being grounded instead of the normal 25% and a 60% of being grounded if within 2 hexes of another grounded air fleet instead of the normal 100% of being grounded. o The penalty to the cost of operating a unit in or out of a winter hex is reduced by 20% per tech level. Thus a unit with tech level 2 incurs only a 60% increase in the cost to operate into or out of a winter hex. o Each level of Winter Equipment gives a unit a 10% readiness bonus when defending in a white winter hex or attacking a unit in a white winter hex. Starting Technology o Russia starts with Winter Equipment Tech level 2. This gives their units a 20% readiness bonus when fighting during the winter months. Russian planes are less likely to be grounded during winter months. o All other powers start with Winter Equipment Tech Level 0. Expected Effect on Play o This will make it harder to operate new units within, into or out of Russia during winter months. This makes it expensive for the Germans to send reinforcements in or withdraw threatened units during the three winter games turns. It also makes it more expensive for Russia to shift units between the Northern and Southern fronts during the winter. o Units with Winter Equipment tech advances will have an advantage when fighting in winter hexes due to the readiness bonus they receive. o The chance of having your air units grounded will limit a player’s use of air power during winter months. It will also encourage players to disperse air units during winter months rather than risk a storm grounding all planes within an area. o Germany has an incentive to press attacks against Russian forces during the non-winter months and consolidate their position during the winter months. Russia gains a bonus to attacks made during the winter months. [ September 19, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  25. Jersey John Thanks. I was trying to think of a new take on intelligence and thought that it would be interesting if the player was forced to prioritize the allocation of their intelligence resources.
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