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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Personally, I like SC because 1) Its simple, I can play it without reading the manual 5x. 2) Its fast, I can play a game against the AI or a person in under 3 hours. 3) Its Fun, just plain fun. That said I think that SC needs four changes if its going to appeal to a larger audience, 1. Chrome, and lots of it. Why? Chrome sells games - ie pictures of ships, of tanks, of rockets, of generals, visible weather effects, etc. 2. A more unpredicatable game from an improved AI, random events, decision trees, etc. You want a game that keeps on surprising you. 3. A moddable feature that will encourage the growth of a community. Another topic mentioned Events, an excellent place to start. An improved editor is another idea. 4. Better marketing. Look at what Galciv did. Release version 2.0 then release version 2.5 six months later with major improvements so that it gets reviewed again in publications like gamespot. Oh yes, and keep the game simple! Sell it via subscriptions. Ie Subscribe to Fury and get acces to all current and past SC games for 1 year ( SC War in Europe, SC American Civil War, SC Pacific War. SC Ancient Rome)(Priced at $65 for a one year subscription). Or you can buy the games for $30 Each. If you bought it retail you can upgrade to a subscription for $30. [ August 29, 2003, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Leopard I like your idea for a multiplayer game. Even a TCPIP game with just 3 or 4 players - UK/US , Russia, Germany/Italy (& Japan) would be fun. Panzer39 A prebuild turn is good, but I would modify it to have 3 prebuild turns with reports on the enemy production between each turn. Why? Prior to WWII each side knew what the other side was building and could adjsut their production accordingly. Example: Germany builds 5 subs in Prebuild Turn 1, now the UK has a chance to respond by building cruisers in prebuild turn 2. [ August 29, 2003, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. 1. Ability to switch sides in games against the AI as was suggested by some one else on this forum at some time in the past. 2. AI will offer to surrender at some point if the game is hopeless. 3. History of Major Events - France Surrenders in Dec 1939. Germany declares war Russia Dec 1940, UK discovers Jets Level 3 in May 1946 - that can be saved to a file. 4. Game Replay Option [ August 28, 2003, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Great Idea Kurt Moreover the method that HOI uses for events seems easy to implement with the events being text files created according to a specificed naming convention. Ie Russian Events #222000 - 271999 Ie UK Events #272000 - 321999 This leaves room for lots of player designed events.
  5. Immer Etwas, Decision Trees, now thats new and interesting, especially if you were not sure of the result of your decision. Example: US Requests Carrier From Atlantic Possible Effects 1. Delayed Siberian Transfer and/or 2. Japanese shares technology with Germany - Germany gains 1 tech chit. 3. UK Loses Merchant Shipping Route from through the Med. as reduced US effort in the Atlantic allows Japan to Conquer India 4. No Effect 5. Carrier sunk on way to Panama Canal by Japanese task force/subs. Naturally earlier decisions that you made should impact the chance for each of these results. Ie if the US requested 3 carriers from the Atlantic then their should be a chance for Complete Japanese victory in the Pacific and thus no Siberian transfer would occur. Example 1 Carrier Request: 10% Complete Japanese Victory, 2 Carrier Groups Transferred 40% Complete Japanese Victory, 3 Carrier Groups Requested 80% Complete Japanese Victory in the Pacific [ August 28, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Tech Proposal Industrial tech reduces the cost of all units by 5% per tech level. It does not reflect the industrial focus that allowed governments to achieve massive production rates of certain units. US factories in WWII were able to produce planes and bombers and merchant ships at a much faster rate than UK factories. I think that a second unit specific tech would reflect this. Players could decide if they want to go for a 5% accross the board reduction in production costs or if they wanted to aim for unit specific reductions of 10%. It would provide an editor with a simple way (ie easy to program) of assigning different production costs to different nations. The US with Bomber Production 1 would have a base 10% cheaper cost of producing bombers but not a lower cost of producing air fleets or battleships. The Germans with Sub Production 1 would have a reduced cost of producing Subs but not armor or infantry. Map Size Option 1 - Larger Map Option 2 - Sea Zones Option 3 - Spotting Percentage Air units have a 50% to spot subs in range. Surface units have a 80% to spot subs in adjacent hexes. Option 4 - Pass through Chance In pass through a surface unit would have a chance to move through, but not stop in a square occupied by a submarine unit based on how many hexes the submarine moved in the following turn. If a sub moved 1 or 2 hexes a ship would have a 50% (+5 % per Sub Tech Level -5% per Sonar Level) to move through the sub hex without knowing that it was there and the sub unit would get 1 free attack on the ship without the ship knowing where the attack came from. [ August 27, 2003, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. A German Submarine war in the Atlantic could be encouraged by adding a new tech: Submarine Production. This would reduce the cost of producting submarines by 10% per tech level and would reflect increased production rates made available by a concentrated effort on submarine production ( a similar case could be made for American Bomber Production) A German player that acheived Tech Level 3 in Submarine Production would have subs that cost 30% less to produce. This would make the naval war in the Atlantic a viable option. In fact, if Hubert decided to add Submarine and Bomber Production Techs to SC I would suggest that the US start with Bomber Production Tech Level 1 or 2 to reflect the mass production capabilities of US industry during WWII as reflected in the large number of Bombers that the US produced. [ August 27, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. 1. Siberian Transfer should be based on war in the East (Pacific). This would give the Allies a chance to influence when the Siberian Transfer Occurs. 2. When US enters war it should have the option to request reinforcements from the Pacific. If this is done then their should be a chance, not a certainty, that Siberian transfer forces should be reduced or delayed due to increased Japanese Pressure in Eastern Russia. Example: US requests Carrier from Pacific. 80% Siberian transfer delayed by X Turns. 3. The US should have the option to send reinforcements to the Pacific. This should increase the chance for a Siberian Transfer occuring earlier (ie when the Germans cross a point farther West). Example: Each US or UK unit sent to the Pacific via a Pacific Transit Hex has a 80% to move the activation point for the Siberian transfer 1 hex out from Moscow. Example: 1 US Corps to the Pacific = Siberian Transfer activated at 4 hexes not 3 hexes from Moscow. 2 corps to Pacific = activation point is 5 hexes from Moscow. This would give the allied player a limited amount of influence over when the Siberian transfer occurs.
  9. Liam I like your concept of having radar give a bonus to air fleet interception. Perhaps a 10% or 5% readiness bonus to interception per radar tech level. This would reflect the fact that defending air units would know that an attack is coming and from what direction. Higher radar tech would reflect a greater range and more warning time with which to prepare. It would not unbalance the game as it would affect only intercepting air fleets and would require players to balance investments in radar vs Jets. So Interception Readiness = (Readiness)+(0.10* Radar Tech Level).
  10. Shaka Thanks Question: Would an interception only Air Fleet Unit add to the game? Would it be a correct historical representation? Interception AirFleet - Can only Intercept Enemy Air Attacks, Cost 300, Range 2 or 3 Hexes. - Radar Tech improves Readiness of these Interception Air Fleets by 10% per level. - Jets Tech Improves Strength. - Long Range does not increase the range of Interception Air Fleets. [ August 23, 2003, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. Here are the 12 changes I would most like to see (from easy to hard); Easy 1. Improved FOW </font> 1.1 FOW OFF for AI, On for Human</font>1.2 Siberian Transfer Hidden</font>1.3 Air Fleets have a 50% to spot subs.</font> 2.0 Post Surrender Partisans for Spain, Turkey (& Russia ) 3.0 North Sea Transit Hex from NW of Norway to Northern Russia and NW of Norway to North Atlantic </font>3.1 German Ships go to North Atlantic if Norway Neutral/German Controlled</font>3.2 Allied Transports go to Northern Russia if Norway Neutral/Allied Controlled</font> 4.0 Allied Forces can operate between the US and Canada 5.0 More Techs </font> 5.1 Partisan Support - Increases chance of post surrender partisans in Yugo, Spain, Turkey, Norway, Russia, Iraq</font>5.2 Submarine Production (reduce cost of subs by 10% per tech level)</font>5.3 Intel - 10% bonus per level to intercepting air fleet readiness due to advance warning of incoming attacks, 1% per tech level to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn.</font>5.4 Counter Intel - Reduces effect of enemy Intel and Partisan Support</font>5.5 Bomber Production (reduce cost of bombers by 10% per tech level)</font>5.6 Mining Technology (increases production of resource hexes by 20% per tech level)</font>5.7 Mercant Marine (increases value of merchant ship convoy routes by 20% per level)</font>5.8 Fighter Production (decrease cost of Air Fleets by 5% per level)</font> Medium 6.0 Varied Opening Game Strategies/ Unit Locations for Allied, Axis, Neutral powers </font>6.1 German North Atlantic Subs have a 20% to start 20 hexes south of their current location.</font>6.2 If UK transports off coast of Rome then Italian corps from Venice has 20% to appear next to Rome.</font> 7.0 Random Events (1% per turn - about once per game) </font> 7.1 Example: British Spy Discovers Location of (1 to 4) German Subs</font>7.2 Example: German Spy kills key British Scientist. (UK Loses 1 Random Tech chit)</font>7.3 Example: US Cruiser arrives in Atlantic from the Pacific Fleet. (US gains 1 Cruiser)</font>7.4 Example: Arabs revolt against foreign occupiers in Iraq (Militia Unit appears in Mountains/Desert of Iraq</font>7.5 Storm in the Atlantic. (Military Transport Damaged)</font>7.6 Norwegian Guerrillas attack mines. (3 Str Norwegian Militia Unit appears in Norway)</font>7.7 German Industry Reaches new levels of Productivity (Bonus 10MPP this turn)</font> Hard 8. German AI Invasion of Nordic Countries 9. German AI Sea Lion 10. Variable Defense of France AI Strategy 11. Allied AI Liberation of Nordic Countries 12. Italian AI Breakout to the Atlantic Strategy [ August 25, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Jersey John, I agree with everything you said. In many respects writing a good AI is the hardest part of writing a game. Hubert said that writing the AI took about half the total time he spent on the game. I think that in this area even a few minor (ie simple) changes would be appreciated, even if he does not have the time to add a routine for the Axis taking the Nordic Countries, the UK taking Ireland, or concentrating German Air Power on the Eastern Front (until the Allies threaten a D-Day invasion). What's a simple change? In my opinion it would be a simple movement routine that expert players use most of the time; Example: 1. French Corps in Beruit Moves to Guard Suez Canal after Italy enters the War (Beginner 50%, Intermediate 75%, Expert 90%) 2. After Italy enters war, UK Corps in Gibraltor moves to Suez Transit Hex so it can delay fall of Egypt and then move French Corps in Algiers to Gibraltor. (Beginner 50%, etc) 3. Move UK Carrier From Med to North Atlantic i nthe absence of an AI Naval strategy (Beginner 50%,etc.) 4. German subs in the North Altantic move to hex xxx (20%), hex xxxx (20%), hex xxxx (20%), etc. If you wanted to be devious you could have them occassionaly head to the south atlantic and hide there for a few turns before moving north again. 5. After German Forces are in France 1 or 2 French units not adjacent to Paris operate to Brest for evacuation to hexes surrounding UK city of Manchester. [ August 23, 2003, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. -------------------------------------------- 7) Allowing amphibious landings during summer months only -- except for the Mediteranean. -------------------------------------------- I think that this would make the game too predicatable and in WWII "in the pre-dawn hours of April 9, 1940, flotillas of German warships, their decks crammed with Army ground troops, bluffed and fought their way into the six major ports of neutral Norway."....."By 0600 on April 8, the number of German ships poised off different points of the Norwegian coast totaled 107. In manpower and tonnage the German armada represented the largest seaborne operation in history." Perhaps one could achieve the same result by 1) Limiting the prohibition to Winter Months or 2) Increased chance of damage to units landing during Winter - Fall - Spring seasons or 3) During a season there is a chance that units can land during a turn. This would account for the occasional break of good weather. Of course if the weather could turned bad on the next turn followup units could only land at a port. and It would be easier to program if this proposed prohibition applied to all hexes north of hex xx. [ August 23, 2003, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. Thanks for the feddback Hubert, it is most appreciated and I can't wait for what's to come.
  15. I agree, most excellent post. Ah, If only I read it before my current PBEM game got started.
  16. 1. German Subs in North Atlantic Don't always head towards England 2. France moves overseas corps to UK controlled territory after Italy enters the war. 3. French AI will occassionaly scrap all naval and air units to finance a strong defense of France and France will evacuate units to England. 4. Axis AI will Invade Norway and Sweden - this would really go a long way in improving the Game against the Axis AI. 5. Allied AI will conquer Ireland with 1 corps. 6. Italian subs will attempt to disrupt Merchant Ships in the Med. 7. Axis AI will attack Denmark on Turn 1. 8. AI will be programmed with best strategies of Terif, Rambo, Shaka, etc. 9. AI Research Bonus Option: If Yes Axis German AI gets 2 Free Research Chits in Dec 1939, Dec 1940 and Dec 1941. If Yes UK AI gets 1 free chit in Dec 1939, Dec 1940 and Dec 1941. 10. Axis AI will launch Sea Lion if success is likely. 11. Occassionaly the Axis AI will send a corps to an undefended Canda 12. AI will be more likely to use better strategy at higher Levels - Novice(25%), Beginner(50%), Intermediate(75%), Expert (90%), Genius (100%) [ August 23, 2003, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. One item that I have noticed is that intelligence from air power is always perfect. Considering the fact that the number of hexes to be covered increases exponentially the farther out you go it may improve the game to have the chance of spotting a unit drop by some factor (say 10% per hex) when the unit is 5 or more hexes away from the air unit. Thus an air unit would spot an enemy unit 100% of the time at 4 hexes or less, 90% at 5 hexes, 80% at 6 hexes, 70% at 7 hexes and 60% of the time at 8 hexes and 50% of the time at 9 hexes. Naturally the chance to spot a unit should be reduced by say 10% if it is in a Forest or Mountain Hex. This would remove some, but not all, of the perfect intelligence that long range air gives while facilitating the excitement of the unexpected attack. -------------------- Other options for those roaring vikings might be 1)to reduce the strength of the unit by 1 every nth turn above 5 or 6. 2)have a 1% per turn at sea cumulative chance that the enemy intelligence spots a transport at sea becuase they broke radio silence. Thus 1% on turn 1, 2% turn 2, 3% turn 3, 4% turn 5, 5% turn 6, etc. [ August 22, 2003, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Good Post, I like all of your points. I really like Point 8 about having an option for the AI to see All while the Human operates under FOW as I mainly play the AI. The only point I would add is 8c - The Siberian transfer is covered by FOW and this transfer event is hidden from the Axis player. [ August 22, 2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. A question. Why can't subs attack subs? I do not understand the logic.
  20. Your idea of events giving advances is interesting and deserves futher study. I had thought of minor techs as investments that would require a lower level of resource allocations, ie not requiring an effort as extensive as a Manhattan Project, but still requiring the overall commanders to make a decision as to whether or not to pursue these minor avenues of advancement.
  21. What are your thoughts regarding the idea of adding Minor Technology Advancements / Capital Investments to the game? Minor technology advancements are advancements that are have a greater chance of being discovered (10% per turn) or Captial Investments that take affect at the start of the next turn, have limited effects, and have their research investment used up after the discovery is made. Esentially each Minor Technology advancement costs 250MPP and is limited to 1 level. Example: Minor Technology Advancements - 10% per turn for 1 chit that costs 250MPP. Maximum Investment: 1 chit per tech. Improved Submarine Production - decreases cost of submarine production by 10%. Military AirDrops- Allows creation of Paratroop Corps Unit or (Allows Surrounded Unit to be supplied by a friendly Air Unit? Supplying Air Unit is subject to interception attack by enemy air.) Improved Ship Engines - Adds 1 AP to movement allowance of Transports Improved Communications - Increases readiness of intercepting Air Fleets by 10%. Improved Mining Technology - Increases production of resource hexes by 20%. Cold Weather Equipment - Adds 1 AP to movement of land units during Winter Turns. Militia Training Program - Allows production of militia units - 5 Strength Corps Units. Improved Combat Air Patrols - Reduces Spotting Range of Enemy Air Units by 2 Hexs when they are in the unadjusted spotting range of your Air Units Short Range Radar - Increases Air Defense rating of cities by 1. [ November 27, 2003, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. The functioning of army units often depended upon the capability and leadership qualities of their commanders. The units under the controll of Marshall, Rommel and Patton both had different approach to war. Suggestion 1) Perhaps units should reflect this with a different set of unit characteristics for rare units. For example, an Army Unit under the command of Patton might receive 1 extra AP. An armor unit commanded by Rommel might receive a +1 soft attack bonus. Each time you purchased a unit their would be a 5% that its commander would give it a special quality bonus/penalty. These unusual units would be rare. Suggestion 2) You could also say that the production of an elite unit (with 1 bar of experience) and better equipment takes 2 turns to produce. Thus you could spend 250 MPP to get a standard Army unit immediately, or spend 250MPP to get an elite Army unit in 2 turns. To limit the production of elite units you might also say that they must appear in their capital city hex. This would limit the production of elite units to 1 unit per turn.
  23. It would be interesting if SC had an intelligence report screen that players could access that would show them occassional random bits of intelligence of varying levels of accuracy and detail in a narrative format. It would add more flavor to the game and make for a more realistic FOW. Of course some of this information might be old by the time that it reaches its destination. Perhaps allow for a base 5% of an intelligence report per turn with a 70% it will be true and a 30% it will be false. Example: 4/1/1942 - (French/Danish/Belgium) partisans report that German untis are massing at the port of (XXXXX) 7/10/1943 - Radio interecepts report indicate the presence of Italian units in France. 12/10/1944 - Radio intecepts lead our military intelligence to conclude that Italy has a (large/minimal) amount of forces in France. 5/30/1947 - Our agents have learned that the Swiss Amabassador to Great Britain reported that ( UK army units have moved from the area of London/he sighted elements of an American Armor division near London). 5/30/1946 - An (American Oil Tanker/freighter) sighted German transports about 900 miles east of Washington. 5/30/1946 - Our agents report that German expenditures on R&D have (increased/not increased/ declined). Perhaps the accuracy, timeliness, and occurance of these reports could be a function of investments in Intelligence/Counter Intelligence technology. Example: Each level of intelligence increases the chance for the report to be true by 5% and each level of counter intelligence decreases the chance for the report to be true by 5%. The intelligence narrative screen would show a scrolling list of all intelligence reports to date and would be in addition to the normal SC reports screen. [ July 24, 2003, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Patch Suggestions - For Editor 1. Option to disallow unit types Ie Disallow Jets in ancients campaign 2. Option to Disallow specific research options Ie Disallow jets research in Ancients campaign 3. Option to Move Capital City of An AI controlled nation. 4. Option to create HQ units for major power force pools ie Create Lee in American Civil War Campaign 5. Option to specify unit icon set to use with each saved campaign. Ie Civil War scenario would know to use Civil War unit icon file. 6. Option to disallow all research during a campaign. ------------------------------------------------- [ July 22, 2003, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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