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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. I think of armor this way: Allied Amor Unit = Lots of Low Quality Tanks German Armor Unit = Fewer Better Quality Tanks Lots of Low Quality = Fewer Better Quality Doctrine in something that countries can adopt but it takes time to train your leadership to effectively train your leadership in the new tactics and reorganize your combat and supply units to support the change in doctrine. In HC they addressed this issue by allowing countries to research/invest/adopt different doctrines of war fighting in the Air, Land and Sea combat. In Sc2 it might be possible to adopt a much simplified version of this to reflect national differences and make it less of a Reds vs Greys game while recoginizing that for a nation to change its war fighting doctrine is an expensive and time consuming process (ie you might decide to change your Land Doctrine in June 1940 but the change will not take effect until December 1940). For the French to change their doctrine while awaiting a German invasion would not make sense, as the benefit would most likely come into effect after France had surrendered. The British might adopt a Blitzkrieg / Mobile War doctrine but it would do them little good if they have mostly Army and Corps units and it would impare their ability of the UK to resist a German Sea Lion. Simarly the British Navy might adopt an Anti-Sub Warfare doctrine but this emphasis might degrade their ability to deal with surface ships. [ January 18, 2004, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. In SC2 I would like to see a Genuis Level AI - one step above the current Expert level where the AI would become an even more dangerous oppononent. How would I do that (without changing the AI code); 1. Give the German AI / US AI a free tech chit every six months for the first 3 years after entering the war reflecting more emphasis on R&D. 2. German AI at Genius should receive 1 or 2 randomly selected advantages such as: Turkey joining Axis, Pro-Axis Coup in Norway & Sweden, Increased Secret PreWar Sub Production by Germany adds 3 Sub units to their Atlantic fleet, 3 Rocket Units, Germany receives 1 bonus level in Air Defense, etc. Giving the Genius level AI a randomly selected advantage would ensure that no two games are the same and make it harder to devise the perfect strategy. 3. Allied AI at Genius level should receive 1 or 2 randomly selected advantages such as: Iraq joins the Allies, Turkey joins the allies, 3 Bomber units for the US, Siberian Transfer occurs early, Norway joins allies on when Canada enters the War, Australian troops arrive at the Suez along with a warship from the UK Far East Fleet, 2 US carriers transferred from the Pacific, London receives AD bonus +1, US Air and Naval units activated and join allies January 1941 while US MPPs are used to purchase/repair new US Air and US Naval units until the US enters the War, 10% bonus to US War Readiness, etc. As noted above the key is to give the Genius level AI 1 or 2 randomly selected advantages so the human opponent can not rely on past experiences to perfect the perfect plan. The problem with playing the AI currently is that you know exactly what the AI is going to do with 99% certainty before it happens. Giving the AI 1 or 2 advantages in allies, units, or tech chits would be easy way to rectify this without requiring a modification of the code that governs the AI's actions. Perhaps this idea should be tested with a new patch to SC1. --Genius Level AI -----for Axis 1 of the following randomly selected: ---------1. Norway and Sweden Join Axis after Denmark surrenders ---------2. 3 Bonus Rocket Units for Germany ---------3. Turkey Joins Axis in 1942 ---------4. 3 Bonus Sub units in the Atlantic ---------5. Italian Navy and 3 transports sail thru Turkish Straits to Attack Russian Units/Fleets after Germany DOW Russia ---------6. Bonus Italian HQ and Armor in Libya ---------7. German Bonus: Industrial Tech Level 2 ---------8. French Naval units join Axis when France Surrenders. ---------9. Baltic States Join Axis --------10. 5 Tech Chits (value 1250MPP) --------11. Iraq joins Axis (now Corps can entrench while awaiting UK invasion) Genius Level AI - Allies -----1 of the following advantages ----------1. US War Readiness 10% Bonus ----------2. Iraq joins Allies ----------3. Turkey Joins Allies ----------4. US Naval and Air Units Activated ----------5. Norway Joins Allies when Denmark Falls ----------6. Early Siberian Transfer ----------7. 2 Australian Corps Reinforce Egypt ----------8. UK gives Gibraltor to US ----------9. UK gives Egypt to US ---------10. US Receives 5 Bonus Bomber Units ---------11. US Tech Bonus: Long Range +1/Bomber +1 ---------12. Nordic/Spanish Partisans ---------13. US Built Units cost 25% Less [ January 17, 2004, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. In my opinion, HQ units represent supply depots that allocate resources to nearby armies. If so, then they should be easy to hit from the air if spotted. That said, I would have an adjacent air fleet (not a bomber fleet) shield a HQ unit from being spotted by opposing air units - what the enemy can't see it can't attack. Example: HQ is next to 1 friendly Air unit = 40% of enemy air units spotting it. HQ is next to 2 friendly Air units = 20% of enemy air units spotting it. HQ is next to 3 friendly Air units = 10% of enemy air units spotting it. HQ is next to 4 friendly Air units = 5% of being spotted by enemy air units. PS: IMHO the best Anti Air defense during WWII was another Air Fleet, Anti Air Guns make you feel better but in reality they were largely ineffective unless deployed in large numbers. [ January 14, 2004, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. For SC2 - Supply Management Tech (or Logistics) Each odd level of Supply Management increases the number of units that a HQ can supply by +1. Tech Level 0 - 5 units Tech Level 1 - 6 units Tech Level 2 - 6 units Tech Level 3 - 7 units Tech Level 4 - 7 units Tech Level 5 - 8 units The US should probably start with Supply Tech 1. [ January 14, 2004, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Kurt88, I agree that Major powers should be able to purchase HQs for their minor power allies. They should also be able to purchase additional army and corps units for the minor power allies, perhaps at a higher cost, based on the number of cities in the allied country; Example: Sweden/Norway (1 or 2 cities) - can purchase Corps Example: Spain/Turkey (3 cities) - can purchase Armies and Corps As for minor country HQ's I would also have the cost be constant but the leadership ability be random as you rarely knew how good/bad a minor country general would be in battle conditions - say 90% level 4, 5% level 3, 4% level 5, 1% level 7 - and minor powers that had recently been at war (Finland, Spain, Turkey) should have a greater chance for more capable HQs. [ January 13, 2004, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. I agree, a most excellent and user friendly grand strategy game. PS: My guess is that SC2 will most likely ship by Sept 2004 if it is building on the foundation laid in SC1.
  7. KDG - I would modify your idea to allow Jets to totally destroy naval units/fleets.
  8. Reminds me of an old post on the A-Bomb Tech that stirred up a lot of debate; A Bomb Tech - The A Bomb is available only when you reach A Bomb Tech Level 5 and control a heavy water hex(a single resource hex in Norway, the US, and Russia). At Tech level 5 user can build Special Bomber Unit (for about 700MPP) that carries the A-Bomb to the Target (if you control a heavy water resource hex). This unit is destroyed after use. A successful dropping of an A-bomb permanently destroys any city, resource hex or port and any units or fortifications in that hex. If successfully dropped on a major country city the target nation will surrender 25% of the time. An intercepting jet or anti-air defenses has a chance to destroy the A-Bomb unit equal to a % of the damage the unit receives. Thus if the bomber unit has a strength of 10 and it suffers 2 points of damage from interception then their is a 20% that the unit will be destroyed before it can drop its bomb(simulates destruction of the aircraft carrying the A-Bomb). Thus one can build the A-Bomb, however, such a path is risky and expensive. Note: The A-bomb only affects one hex. As each hex is 50 miles accross and the actual A-Bomb used during WWII had a blast radius of somewhat less than 1 mile. PS: I would like to see such a tech added to SC2 even though it would be rarely used and the research towards it rarely successful ( as it requires Tech Level 5) Note: It was also suggested that the Allies could only use the A-bomb againt a German City. Note: Germany should also be able to ship Heavy Water to Japan. This would require German A-Bomb Tech Level 3 and a German Sub going from Oslo to the exit hex in the South Atlantic or an Axis controlled Suez canal. The benefit would be ? [ January 08, 2004, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. During WWII air units were able to intercept enemy units due to intelligence that gave them advance notice of incoming air attacks. UK and French Partisan agents in Europe often radioed London when German Fighter Wings took to the air. I would like to see an Intelligence tech that increased the readiness of intercepting airfleets by 10% per tech level as interceptors units would be more prepared if they knew enemy fleets were incoming. In the same vein this tech probably should give a bonus to the Air Defense of a city or resource hex being attacked. Perhaps a 10% per Tech level that the Air Defense Level of City increases by 100% as the defenders are on alert and prepared. Thus with Intelligence Tech 2 a city with Air Defense of 1 has a 20% to have an AD of 2 if attacked. So Intelligence Tech provides 3 benefits: 1. 10% Per Tech Level to increase the Air Defense rating of a City or Resource Hex by 100% if attacked. 2. +10% Readiness bonus to intercepting airfleets 3. 2% per tech level per enemy unit to spot that unit (ie Tech Level 2 = each enemy unit has a 4% to be spotted for 1 turn - ie 1 of 20 units is spotted each turn due to intelligence - limited to units within x hexes of the country's capital city - so Russian intelligence Tech would not be effective against units in the Atlantic) I agree that players should be able to build at least 1 level of Air Defense in each city or resource hex. This should stack with the defense bonus that one gets from Anti Air Tech. Thus the Maximum Anti-Air rating for a city or resource hex would be 5 (tec) + 1(purchased) = 6. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to disband a corps in the hex. Thus the building of any Anti Air defense would take at least 2 turns and cost 125MPP - 1 turn to move corps onto hex and following turn for corps to be disbanded. I would also allow the corps to increase the maximum entrenchment level of a hex by 1. Thus players could disband a corps for 1) MPP, 2) Increased Air Defense or 3) Increased Entrenchment. [ January 07, 2004, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Excellent points Liam. In line with making Aerial warfare more fun I would like to see players have the option to give airfleets orders such as; 1> Do not intercept. 2> Deny enemy air recon - Airfleet reduces chance of enemy air units spotting land units within 1 hex of the airfleet to 10% per unit. This reduces the combat effectiveness of the air fleet during interceptions by 20%. 3> Do not intercept 1st attack. This allows the interceptors to let the 1st attack thru and then attack the followup attacks by enemy air fleets (which may be weaker units). [ January 06, 2004, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. As Shaka said: I totally agree, A sub should have the option to move thru an enemy occupied hex if not spotted by the enemy unit. Say that the chance to avoid being spotted is equal to the subs dive percentage. So: Sub Moves, along the path of movement it encounters an enemy ship, if the sub avoids detection a popup screen gives two options: Attack or Continue Movement. If continue movement the sub continues to its destination hex unseen by the enemy occupied hex it passed through. If attack the sub gets to attack first as it has suprised the defending naval unit. [ January 06, 2004, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. I second Iron Ranger's Idea for a variable spotting percentage of Submarines; The only change I would make is to have the Spotting chance modified based on the Sub's Tech Level. So that the chance of Spotting Sub Tech Level 1 would be -10% and the chance of Spotting Sub Tech Level 2 would be -20%.. Sub Tech Level 5 reduces spotting chance by -50%. Thus the chance for a bomber to spot a Level 2 Sub at 4 hexes out would be 80% minus 20% = 60%. The chance to spot a Level 5 sub at 4 hexes would be 80% minus 50% or 30%. I think that this would more accurately reflect the ability of higher level subs to run snorkled for longer periods of time.
  13. It will be most interesting to see if any of the suggestions above are included in SC2. In the meantime, any comments on the 12>Bargain with the Devil Option/Variant - I thought that it might be an interesting way to give the underdog a chance to stage a comeback - but at the cost of losing a lot of production capacity if they are successful. Note how the movement of Turkish units is limited to specific geographic areas and that Turkey returns to being a Neutral nation if certain conditions occur. [ January 06, 2004, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. To reflect the effects of politics you could have an option where each of the options listed above have only a 50% or 75% of appearing in each game. Thus players would be precluded from always selecting the same diplomatic options each game as the list of available choices would constantly change. [ January 04, 2004, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. WWII was a period when the allies had to make a lot of choices regarding the allocation of resources and troops in the period prior to the US entry into the war. A simulation of these choices would make for a more varied and interesting game for the allied player while they await the entry of Russia and the US into the war. Example: 1> Australian Troops (Option appears in one random turn during 1940) Should a corps from Australia be sent to Cairo or the South Atlantic or retained in Australia for the defense of Australia. Game Effect: Provides an extra corps that could be used to defend Egypt or defend the British home Islands. The choice is up to the Allied player. 2> Military Aid to Norway(option is available until Norway Surrenders or Russia enters the war) Should the UK send military aid to Norway - allowing it to mobilize a 5 strength corps on the coast next to Oslo (Cost 75MPP) or should it try to convince the Norwegians to operate its Bergan corps to Oslo (10% Accepted if Denmark is independent, 50% acceptance if Denmark has surrendered to Axis) by sending it 40MPP or should the UK do nothing with respect to Norway? Game Effect: The Allied play must decide whether it is worth it to expend MPPs to increase the size of the Norwegian army or take a chance on convincing the Norwegians to operate forces from Bergan to Oslo. This could sharply reduce the chance for the typical 1 turn Axis conquest of Norway. 3> Vichy Syria (Option is available after French surrender until surrender of Vichy France or Russia enters the war.) Should the UK convince Vichy France to withdraw its corps in Vichy Syria to guard Algiers. If Vichy France does this then there is a 33% that Turkey annexes Vichy Syria. Game Effect: The UK has the option to reinforce Vichy Algiers with a corps (and leave Beruit open to invasion by the Axis or annexation by Turkey) or by doing nothing retain the Vichy Corps in Syria so it can become Free French by moving to UK territory if the Axis attacks Vichy France. 4>Support Algerian Guerillas (option appears each turn that the Axis controls Vichy France) The UK ships assistance to Arab Freedom fighters in Algiers. Each shipment of 20MPP of Supplies has a 25% to create 1 Arab Partisan unit in the mountains of Algiers. Game Effect: Forces Axis to garrison Algiers. 5> UK gives Gibraltor to Americans (option appears if Axis DOW Spain and Norway or Sweden has fallen to the Axis) The UK may decide to transfer Gibraltor to the Americans. Game Effect: Gibraltor becomes US territory garrisonned with 1 US Corps and will block Italian navy from Entering the Atlantic. If Axis wants to attack Gibraltor then it must DOW USA. 6> US and Spain Sign Defense Treaty (appears after France, Denmark, Norway and Vichy France or Sweden or Switzerland have surrendered to Axis. Option disappears after US or Russia enter the war.) The US and Spain sign a defense treaty with all US lend lease supplies being diverted to Spain until the US enters the War or Axis launch Sea Lion invasion of the British Isles. Game Effect: UK loses 40MPP from Merchant Marine until the US enters the War. Defense treaty with Spain means that any DOW by Axis on Spain triggers an automatic DOW against the US. Reduces incentive for Axis DOW on Spain. 7> US Lead Lease Evaluated after UK falls to German Sea Lion.(Option appears if UK surrenders to Axis Sea Lion) After the UK surrenders then the US can choose to 1) Retain the Lead Lease MPPs to increase US production or 2) Send the Lend Lease MPPs to Russia or 3) do nothing so that the UK receives the MPP if it is liberated. 8> Ireland agrees to let UK station Air Unit in the Irish Republic. (appears if Ireland is neutral, Denmark and Paris have surrendered and Germany has not invaded the UK) In exchange for 25MPP the neutral Irish republic allows the UK to station one air fleet in Ireland. Game Effect: UK can station an air unit in neutral Ireland. 9> UK allows Turkey to Annex Iraq and Syria. (appears only if Spain or Vichy France have surrendered to Axis. Option is no longer available once Russia or the US enters the war) The UK may decide to recognize Turkish soverignty over its former territories of Iraq and Syria. The allies gain the right to operate units over Turkey between Russia and Egypt. Game Effect: Turkish borders expand to include neutral Iraq and possibly Syria (Syria only if Axis troops do not occupy Beruit). This effectively prevent the Axis from attacking Iraq and protects Russia's southern border. However, the allies are also prevented from taking Iraq and its oil fields. 10> UK recalls fleet from the Pacific(Option appears while US is Neutral) The UK recalls its fleet from the Pacific. One battleship and two cruisers may be sent to the South Atlantic or to Egypt (if the UK controls the Suez Canal. UK Player choice. Use of this option reduces the units available for a Russian Siberian transfer as it increases the strength of the Japanese in the Pacific. Game Effect: UK gains 3 naval units at the cost of a reduced Siberian transfer. 11> US Abandons the Pacific (option appears if US is at war and Germany Conquers the UK prior to Jan 1941). The US may decide to abandon the Pacific to the Japanese and focus on liberating Europe. The US receives 2 Carriers, 2 cruisers, 1 sub, 1HQ (McArthur), 1Bomber, and 3 Army Transports five months after the UK falls. Russia can not receive a Siberian Transfer until Jan 1945, as the victorious Japanese threaten to overrun Siberia. 12> Bargin with the Devil you Know (a game balancing choice for players) Allies - If Axis take Moscow or Rostov - The Allies recognize Turkish Soverignty over Syria, Iraq, Egypt. Turkey joins the Allies. Turkish units may only enter Syria, Iraq, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Romania. Turkey can produce new units. If the Allies liberate/conquer any of these territories they become Turkish controlled. If Russia takes Warsaw then Turkey becomes neutral again and Turkish borders expand to include all Russian city/resource hexes in the Caucaus mountain area south south east of Rostov and Stalingrad. Turkish units return to Turkish Territory and/or nations controlled by Turkey when Turkey becomes Neutral. Game Effect: The Axis face a new front and the Russians get reinforcements. The Allies lose any production they had from the Middle East and Russia loses control of the Causcaus mountain region if they bounce back and manage to take Warsaw. Axis - If Russia attacks Warsaw - The Axis recognize Turkish soverignty over Bulgaria, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya. Turkish borders expand to include these territories and Axis units therein are relocated to the closest Axis cities. Turkey joins the Axis. Turkish units may only enter Turkey, Russia, Romania, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania. Turkey can produce new units. If Germany conquers Russia all Russian cities south of Stalingrad become Turkish and Turkey returns to becoming a Neutral nation and Germany does not receive plunder from conquering Russia. Game Effect: The Allies are threatened on a new front while the Axis lose any production they had in the Middle East and any chance of getting Russian plunder. [ January 06, 2004, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Spotting - currently air units have a 100% to spot all units within range. I would like to see air units have a % to spot units based on range to more accurately recreate the fog of war. Say 33% at the longest range, 66% at one hex closer and 100% at the next closest hex.(area of a circle = Pi R Squared) Example: If spotting range is 6 then 100% to spot at range of 1 to 4 hexes 66% to spot at range of 5 hexes 33% to spot at range of 6 hexes Question: At this scale should Terrain affect the Spotting Chance? Example: the chance to spot units in Mountain or Forest Hexes is reduced by X% (example:10%). Question: Should Air Units have a lower chance of spotting subs - assuming that submarines were harder to spot than surface ships. Perhaps having Sub Tech futher reduce the chance for spotting submarines as they would be more likely run submerged. Question: Should the spotting chance be reduced further for each enemy air fleet within interception range. [ January 02, 2004, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. Excellent Point. In general I think that the game system is great as is and that some requests for "tweaking" are either not realistic or will have unintended consequences. For example - Air Defense for individual units. In my opinion individual combat units did not have effective air defense. They might have an AA gun or two but the only true air defense available was friendly air units. Some might not like it but air power was and is king.
  18. What is the best way to reflect this oil production in a future SC2 game? 1> Assume that the German Capital Produces X amount of Oil or 2> Add Oil Hexes to Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, etc.
  19. German Oil Production in WWII German Oil Production 1940 German Oil Production Statistics 1940 Country: Barrels per day (approx.) Germany 750,000 Austria 850,000 Poland and Czechoslovakia 550,000 Romania 2,500,000 Hungary 900,000 Synthetic oil 4,250,000 Others 1,000,000 Total number of barrels per day 10,800,000 [ January 01, 2004, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. I agree, making oil a required resource for combat operations is must better than hard force pool limits. As for increasing the production of oil wells - just add a tech called Oil Production. Not only will it increase Oil production but it will also draw resources from other research areas. The one issue I have with this idea is how does it affect the UK (or even France with its large army) which has a large navy and a sizable air force but no oil resources? Perhaps limiting the use of oil to armor and air units(excluding bombers?) would resolve this issue and say that each major country generates a base amount of oil resources So: Each Armor/HQ/Air Fleet requires 1 Oil Resource Point to move and fight at full strength. Any of the specified units lacking oil resource has its movement, combat effectiveness, combat range (for air units), spotting range and interception range reduced by 50% and the cost to operate that unit is doubled. HQ not supplied with Oil can not command any units. Oil resource points are allocated by left clicking on all units to be supplied at the start of the turn. The Unconquered Capitals of US, Russia, Germany, Italy, UK, and France produces 5 Oil Resource Points Per Turn. Each Oil hex supplies 3 Oil Resource Points per turn. Thus the UK can support 5 oil intensive units. Germany can also support 5 oil intensive units. When Germany takes Romania it can support 11 Units - say 6 air, 3 HQ and 2 armor. If it takes Iraq with its two oil wells this increases to 17 Oil Intensive Units. Each level of Oil Tech increases the support capability of Oil Resource Hexes by 1. With Oil Tech 1 Germany could support 13 Units by controlling Romania with its two oil wells (5 + 2x4). With Oil Tech 2 Germany could support 15 oil intensive units. Thus Axis investment in this area becomes critical, especially if it does not seize Iraq. Note: I choose not to have Infantry units, Rockets, bombers, or naval units consume Oil Resource Points. First, I assume that HQ units supply gasoline to the Infantry units they command. Bombers use less fuel than Fighter Fleets and a battleship/submarine fleet uses much less fuel than an Armored Division or Air Fleet. It also makes Bomber and Rocket units a more likely production choice as they do not consume oil resource points. Note: Perhaps Countries should be allowed to stockpile unused Oil units and Germany should start the 1939 Scenario with a stockpile of 20 Oil Resource Points with which to supply its combat units. Perhaps Germany should even be allowed to purchase Oil Resources from a Neutal or Friendly Turkey for say 25MPP per Oil Resource Point to a Maximum of 3. [ January 01, 2004, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. From previous posts we know that SC2 will 1. Feature an improved editor 2. Include greater security to prevent cheating 3. Have units that are more balanced and most assume that it will once more focus on the European Theature of Operations, and I believe reading somewhere that the FOW will be improved (but I am not sure about this last part) Question 1. Will it have more research choices? 2. Will it have historically possible random events linked to player actions? 3. Will it have a larger map? 4. Will it allow for player created chrome? 5. Will it allow for limited player moddable AI? 6. Will higher levels of AI (ie beginner vs Expert) offer a more savy opponent. 7. Will the AI launch a Sea Lion? 8. Will it have more unit types? [ December 30, 2003, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. I wrote a small VB.Net program that demonstrates Random Events linked to game events. If anyone is interested I can send you the executable. Please be advised that you may need to download the Net Framework ( Dotnetfx.exe ) from MS to run it if you do not have it installed on your computer - which is most likely if you are running anything older than XP. Includes linked events such as: When Germany DOW Spain 10% Chance - "In panic with the Axis attack on Spain the government of Portgal signs mutual defense treaty with the US." "Any attack on Portugal is a DOW on the US. Portugal is a Minor US Ally. Disbanding a US Corps in Lisbon creates a level (5) port. Lisbon Corps begins to entrench." This event makes an Allied invasion of the Iberian peninsula possible by allowing the Allies (not the Axis) to create a port at Lisbon, deters an Axis invasion of Portugal, and forces the Axis to garrison Spain (as they must conquer Lisbon after the US enters the war else risk the US building a port at Lisbon and the allies pouring troops into an invasion of Spain). Of course, the event only occurs in 1 out of every 10 games after the Axis has DOW Spain. [ December 12, 2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. John DiFool I like your idea. Totaler Krieg Axis Option Cards Allied Option Cards Soviet Option Cards See Also World in Flames Site for more ideas for event cards Sample Event Card: 1. Relocate Russian Capital (to any other Russian City - play this to relocate the capital even if Moscow is surrounded) 2. Scandinavian League (UK Diplomats encourage Scandinavian countries to sign a mutual defense treaty and remain neutral) 1. No Effect 2. Norway & Sweden 3. Sweden & Finland 4. Sweden & Baltic States 5. No Effect 6. Sweden & Baltic States & Finland 3. Transit Rights Over Turkey - UK Diplomats have secured permission for UK Air and Bomber Fleets from bases in Egypt to overfly Turkish Air Space to/from Russia in exchange for recognition of Turkish soverignty over Iraq. 4. US Launches Unrestricted Naval Warfare - Neutral US warships can move and attack Axis ships and transports. US Airfleets can attack Axis ships that move within range. 5. Nordic Spy Network - The UK has established an extensive spy network in Norway and Sweden that relays information on the location of Axis units in those two countries. [ December 11, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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