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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Any comments? [ February 16, 2004, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Paras I like the idea, but limit each nation to only 1 or 2 units of this type at a time. If you already have 2 para-units you can't build any more until one of your existing units is destroyed. As for subs, in certain games they make for a most interesting naval war, especially if the Italians have managed to breakout into the Atlantic. But alone, without support they will be swatted unless they Axis can build up a substantial number of them. The research structure is good but the game should also offer investments/resource allocations with a guaranteed return that can only be purchased once. Example 1> Spend 200MPP and get a +1 Air Defense bonus in one city (max +1 bonus per city). The allies could use this to help defend London. Of course unlike Air Defense research this expenditure will only benefit one city, not all your cities but it takes effect immediately. It also stacks with any bonuses due to technology advances (ie Air Defense Tech). Example 2> Spend 200MPP on Armor Production (or Sub Production) and reduce the cost of producing Armor units by 5% (subs by 20%). Unlike industrial research this investment benefits the production of only one type of unit but it takes effect immediately. Military Production Investments: 200 MPP - Armor Production - 5% cost reduction 200 MPP - Sub Production - 20% 200 MPP - Bomber Production - 20% 200 MPP - Air Fleet Production - 5% 200 MPP - Rocket Produciton - 10% 200 MPP - Cruiser Production - 10% 200 MPP - Carrier Production - 5% 200 MPP - Battleship Production - 5% Example 3> Supply Depot - Spend 125MPP to Build a supply depot in one city hex. Any unit defending in that city does so at 100% readiness. Naturally the supply depot is destroyed if the city is occupied by the enemy. Example 4> Supply Neutrals with Arms - Spend 125MPP to give a neutral nation an extra Corps. Now the UK could spend 125MPP and give Norway or Spain or Greece an extra corps. This unit appears next to the capital city if the neutral country is attacked. Of course, if the neutral nation is never attacked this extra unit will never appear. At the same time this option ensures that the 1 turn conquest of Norway or Greece is no longer a sure thing as the Allies might have sent these governments enough arms to equip an extra one or two or three or four corps. [ February 16, 2004, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. The sad thing is that the Axis rarely pursues a naval war until Russia is defeated.
  4. If it were five turns it would give the Germany time to take Norway and Sweden. 1 turn move units to a port 1 turn move units to invasion landing sites 1 turn to invade and conquer if you are lucky 1 turn to return units to Germany
  5. JerseyJohn, Thanks for your comments about my Expert AI Bonuses. I think its a "simple" way to make the game less predicatable and more interesting at the Expert Level AI setting (by including chances for AI favorable actions and events that do not occur at lower level AI settings). In fact, you could add a genius level where the chance for each event increases by 50% over Expert Level (Ie 10% changes to 15%). One advantage of this bonus system for the Expert Level AI is that programming the events themselves is easier than working on an improved artificial intelligence. This system also facilitates the addition of new Expert Level AI bonuses in subsequent software updates. ----------------------------------------------- Great game idea and relatively simple , as compared to SC. I just may take you up on that offer. Let me think about it some more and send you a really detailed response later this week. [ February 10, 2004, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Allied Human Vs Axis AI - Expert Level AI Bonuses Wish list of bonuses for the Axis AI at Expert Level 1. Vichy France Joins Axis - 1% with each country conquered/joining the Axis. Example: Denmark Surrenders = 1% Vichy France Joins Axis, Hungary joinss Axis = another 1% check for Vichy to Join the Axis. 2. 1% per turn if the Allies leave Cairo Ungarrisonned then the Egyptians revolt and an Egyptian Partisan unit appears in Cairo. 3. 10% if the Allies DOW Iraq then Turkey Annexes Iraq before the Allies can Invade. Allies must now decide whether to DOW Turkey. 4. 2% whenever no Allied units(1% when 1 allied unit, 0% when 2 allied units) are in the Caucaus mountain region Rusisa south of Rostov then Turkey joins the Axis in hopes of Seizing Southern Russia. 5. 10% Germany gains (1-3) Rocket Units in 1942. The result of a secret production program. 6. 10% Iraq joins Axis if Vichy France Joins Axis (see 1 above) . 7. 5% Full German War Mobilization reduces MPP cost of German, and only German, units by 25%. This check is made at the start of 1941 and stacks with any reductions from advancements in Industrial Tech. 8. 50% Units commanded by HQ Rommel attack at 100% Readiness and have their spotting range increased by 2 hexes. 9. 50% Units commanded by HQ Kesselring defend at 100% Readiness and have their spotting range increased by 2 hexes. 10. 10% If Warsaw or Paris falls to the Allies then Germany gains (1 to 6) Corps around Berlin as it drafts all able bodied men into the army. 11. 50% per year that Germany gains a bonus tech chit in Air Defense, Anti-Tank, Armor, or Jets. [ February 10, 2004, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. I agree, the least complicated route is often the best and offers the highest ROI. That said I think that the following simple(?) idea in human vs AI games might be worth considering; 1. Turkey Annexes Iraq and French Syria(Intermediate 5%, Expert AI 20%) - this limits the ability of the human Axis player to conquer Iraq and threaten Russia from the South and the human Allied player to seize the Iraqi Oil fields and gain a MPP bonus. The issue here is how to time this effect. I would say a check when France surrenders and another check if England falls to a Sea Lion. If the check is passed there would be a 5% per turn that this effect takes place. This makes the timing of the the effect unpredictable. 2. If no Allied or Axis forces are in Egypt there is a 1% per turn that Egypt revolts and declares its independence. It becomes a neutral country with 1 corps in Cairo and offers no plunder bonus to its conquerer. 3. If no Allied or Axis forces are in Algeria, their is a 1% that the Algerian countryside erupts in open revolt. The territory of Algeria becomes a neutral countrty with 1 corps in its only city and offers no plunder to its conquerer. 4. In an Axis Human vs Allied AI game, perhaps their should be a chance (5% Expert Level AI) that Norway and Sweden (and the Baltic States? and Finland?) enter into a mutual defense pact after Poland surrenders to the Axis. Thus declaring war on one is treated as a declaration of war against all. Naturally, if the Baltic states joins the defense pact then the AI controlled USSR would not attack the Baltic states. 5. In an Allied Human vs Axis AI Game at Expert level give the Axis a 5% to receive 2 extra sub fleets at Tech level 11 in the Atlantic, reflecting a decision to preposition forces in the Atlantic before attacking Poland. 6. In Human Allied vs Axis AI games at Expert AI when France surrenders 5% that each French naval fleet joins the Axis navy. 7. In Human Allied vs Axis AI games at Expert Level give Vichy France a 5% to join the Axis. This gives the Axis AI a small production bonus and two naval fleets. So at Expert Axis AI After France surrenders perform a check for Vichy France joining the Axis. If yes (a 5% chance), then there is a 5% per turn that this event occurs, unless the Allies have liberated Paris or Italy has surrendered. 8. In Axis Human vs Allied AI At Expert Level if the UK surrenders the US Annexes Canada, Malta, Gibraltar and Egypt, if the UK is liberated then these territories rejoin the UK. 9. In Axis Human vs Allied AI at Expert level if the UK Surrenders then each UK Naval Unit and overseas UK Combat Unit has a 50% to join the US as Free Brits. 10. In Axis Human vs Allied AI at Expert level there is a 5% that the UK gives Egypt to the US believing that only this action will deter an Axis conquest of the Middle East. Human Axis vs Allied AI - Expert Level Allied AI Bonuses In any one game the AI may receive none or several of these bonuses, thus making for a most interesting game with lots of surprises for the Human Axis player. a. 5% UK gives Egypt to the US b. If UK surrenders then each UK naval unit and oversea combat unit has a 50% to become Free Brit Unit c. If UK surrenders then Egypt, Gibraltar and Canada join the US. d. 20% Turkey Annexes Syria and Iraq. e. 5% Norway and Sweden sign Mutual defense pact (5% Baltic States join pact, 5% Finland joins pact). Russian AI does not attack neutral Baltic States. f. 5% UK suppresses military coup in Iraq, Iraq joins Allies and UK gains plunder. g. 5% US receives 2 cruisers, 1 sub, and 1 carrier transferred from the Pacific Fleet. h. 5% US receives 1,2 or 3 Bomber Units in the US to protect sea routes. i. 5% Turkey joins Allies if Axis attacks Spain. j. 5% Turkey joins Allies if France is Liberated. k. 5% UK receives bonus Australian Corps in Egypt. L. 5% UK receives bonus South African Army Division in Egypt. M. 5% Turkey joins Allies If No Axis units in Bulgaria and Romania after Germany DOW Russia. N. 25% If Russia surrenders then US gains 3 Carriers, 3 Cruisers, 3 Subs, and 3 Battleships from the Pacific Fleet. US also gains 1 Tech chit in Longrange, Bombers, Subs, and Jets. (1 in 4 games) O. 20% US AI gains 1 bonus Tech Chit in AntiTank, Longrange, Anti-Air and Industrial Production. P. 20% UK AI gains 1 bonus Tech Chit in Anti-Air and Industrial Production. Q. 50% USSR receives bonus Air Fleet from the US via northern port of Murmansk if Allies control Norway. P. 1% per turn after Russian surrender for a Massive Partisan Uprising - 10-15 Militia Units appear in Russia supported by 1-2 HQ Units, 1-3 Army Units and 1-5 Corps. [ February 08, 2004, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. [ February 08, 2004, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Along the same lines, I would also like to see the Axis, if they have conquered Vichy France, have the option to offer French Algeria to the Spainish in exchange for allowing supplies to flow through a Spanish Neutral Spain to Gibraltar to Italian Libya. Naturally, the chance for a neutral Franco Spain to accept or reject this offer depends upon what the Axis offer in exchange. For example: Offer 125 MPP for equipping 1 Spanish Corps - 10% accept Offer 325 MPP for equipping 1 SpanishArmor - 50% accept Offer 400 MPP for purchasing 1 Spanish Air Fleet - 75% Acceptance IF Franco accepts the Italian cities can trace a supply line thru Spanish territory and Spanish territory expands to include French Algeria. Naturally, if the Axis begin to lose the war, Spanish forces may decide take advantage of the situation to annex Italian Libya while remaining officially Neutral - ie Spanish forces many only move in Iberia (Spain and Portugal), Morroco, Algeria, and Libya. Spanish corps will automatically move from Algeria to occupy cities abandoned by Italy in Libya. (Naturally this only occurs if Spain controls Gibraltar and French Algeria.) Also, If the Allies Liberate Paris then a pro Axis Spanish government may decide to withdraw from the Axis and return to Neutrality if Allied forces in Spain agree to withdraw. All Spanish units return to Spain. A most logical reaction to Allied Success in France. Thus Franco offers to withdraw from Axis Allied play has option to accept or reject this offer. If they accept then Spain returns to Neutrality, Spanish forces outside of Spain automatically operate back to Spain, Allied forces in Spain move to nearest allied territory. [ February 08, 2004, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. A great idea Jersey. I never thought about the increased trade flowing through Spain and Portugal from South America. I especially like the concept of this trade bonus stopping if the Axis attack either of these two countries.
  11. With a successful Sea Lion Spain will often join the Axis. In light of Spain's experience during WWII it would be most interesting if "sometimes" instead of joining the Axis the Spanish government merely annexed Gibraltar if the English surrender to the Axis, in my opinion a realistic alternative course of action to joining the Axis for the nationalist government of General Franco.
  12. Edwin P.


    Any news as to whether it will be 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, or 3rd Qtr?
  13. Question: IF the Axis launch a successful Sea Lion how should the allies respond, or should they just surrender at that point?
  14. I don't know if this has been proposed before, but I would like the editor to include a way to alter the chance of a nation joining the Allies or Axis or another naiton. If Allies Attack Spain - Turkey joins Axis 20%. If Axis Attack Spain - Turkey joins Allies 20%. If Axis Attack Spain - Iraq joins Turkey 20%. If Axis Attack Switzerland - Norway Joins Sweden 20%, Sweden joins Allies 50%.
  15. Perhaps he has also included fucntionality for adding descriptions and pictures of key Generals and Units.. any tidbits HC? And for those that missed it: French Surrender Radio Broadcast [ February 03, 2004, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Is this a new tech included in SC2?
  17. A similar problem arises because the AI does not concentrate its airpower to support a ground attack and sometimes when a unit in a city hex is destroyed air units continues to attack the city hex, when it should be supporting another ground attack.
  18. I have often run into the same problem and wish that the AI was moddable via text files. Perhaps create a recon air unit for the AI with an AI designed to optimize its use in this role. Or Perhaps Role Specific Units in the Editor could solve some of these problems. What I mean is having units available in the editor that have specific AI routines attached to them. For example: Bomber - Normal AI Routine Bomber(Recon) - AI would use it to Recon the enemy positions Sub - Normal AI Routine Sub (Merchant Shipping) - AI for this unit would have a priotity to attack enemey shipping Thus players could alter the AI by alerting the mix of units.
  19. Reminds me of the first gulf war and the comments by the Ambassador to Iraq which inadvertantly led Saddam Hussein to think that the US would not respond to an attack on Kuwait. Of course she was only stating official state department policy which had not been updated to the new realities of the time.
  20. Which is why my 1939 Scenario gives the Axis 3 Bombers. The problems I have with this is that if I can't restrict a bomber's unit to a specific territory/front or tell the AI to use it only for recon (so it will not be spotted and intercepted). The one thing though is that the AI bombers do build up a lot of experience and become quite powerful over time and once damaged the AI during interceptions the AI retreats the bombers a very far distance so THAT its spotting ability becomes useless.
  21. Against humans I play with FOW on. Against thev Axis AI I play with FOW on but give the AI 3 Bombers - with the Axis AI getting one bomber near Poland to prevent the situation where Warsaw falls but Poland does not surrender because the Polish units are hiding out of site.
  22. Thanks for the interesting background information and the great photo. As for the USSR using A-Bombs, would it be fair to assume that the USSR could use 1 a year and that the Allies would lose victory points for the hundreds of thousands of citizens killed and find that those cities are no longer sources of supply? or that the Allies would have the option to reach peace in Europe or lose victory points becasue North Korea conquered South Korea when the US was unable to respond due to the conflict in Europe. What I am trying to do is, in game terms, come up with a system that would force both sides to a negotiated peace agreement within a resonable amount of time, say by 1950 at the latest. Is this realistic? Either side, Allies or USSR can offer the other a peace agreement once a year which the opposing side can accept or reject. Acceptance ends the game. Rejection allows the game to continue. In addition the system will automatically force the USSR to offer peace when specific events occur. June 25, 1948 Vietnam Delcares Independence -- If allies are still at war in Europe then the Communists take control of Vietnam from the French. Soviets gain 20 Victory Points. -- Event Pop-up: Communist revolutionaries siezed control of Vietnam as the French government was unable to reinfornce its colonial garrision due to the continuing war in Europe against the USSR. -- Soviets offer Allies opportuntity for Peace Agreement due to effect of prolonged war. August 29, 1949 Russian A-Bomb -- The Soviet AI offers Peace to the Allies. -- If Allies reject then the game continues. June 25,1950 Korean War -- If Allies are still at war in Europe then North Korea conquers South Korea. The Soviets gain 20 Victory Points. -- Soviets offer Allies opportunity to make Peace after Korea Surrenders January 25,1951 China Invades Taiwan -- If Allies are still at war in Europe then China conquers Taiwan. Soviets gain 20 Victory Points. -- Soviets offer Allies opportunity for Peace Agreement. Game Ends June 1951 as both sides are exhausted by years of war. [ February 01, 2004, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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