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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. 1. The Allies should have the option to Activate Spanish Partisans after Spain Surrenders, for a cost of 125MPP. This represents the cost of a concerted effort by the British to supply and organize Spanish Partisan units. Now the Axis will be forced to garrison all Spanish Resource Hexes and the allies can gain valuable intelligence on Axis activities in Iberia. 2. Spanish units should start to entrench after the Axis attacks Vichy France, Sweden, or Switzerland. This assumes that the Spanish High Command decides to prepare for a defense of Spain. 3. If the Axis attacks Vichy France and Sweden then a Neutral Spain should have a 20% per turn to moblize an extra corps, up to a maximum of 4 additional units. This represents a mobilization to deter any Axis Invasion and these forces will impede any Axis invasion of Spain. 4. If the UK Falls then Spain should have a chance to Annex the Rock. This reflects their historical claims upon the Rock. 5. Each turn Allies should have the option to give Neutral Spain 65MPP to finance the mobilizatin of another Corps Unit. Thus improving Spain's ability to defend itself. Of course these corps will not do the Allies any good if the Axis does not invade Spain. 6. If the Axis attacks Spain and Vichy France and Sweden then the UK should have the option to give Gibralter to the US; subject to the approval of the British Parliment - say a 25% chance of this transfer being approved if the UK decides upon this option. Thus any attack upon the Rock will bring the US into the War and the Italian navy is blocked from entering the Atlantic. 7. If the Allies have attacked a neutral Spain and Ireland then Turkey should have a small chance to join the Axis, being naturally fearful that they are next on the list. At the same time if the Axis attacks Spain and Sweden and Switzerland then Turkey should have a chance, say 20%, to join the Allies. (or perhaps just Spain and Sweden) [ March 16, 2004, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. If you can knock out Istanbul in 3 turns taking Turkey can be most useful as a few Italian transports in the Southern Caucaus will cause Russia to weaken its defensive lines in the West.
  3. Agreed, now only if those neutrals reacted to an impending threat - For example: IF Axis attacks Spain and Conquers Egypt then Turkey Annexes Syria and Iraq (secures Russia's Southern Border while depriving Axis of Iraqi Oil & plunder), Sweden begins to entrench its troops if Norway is attacked (so Swedish troops begin fully entrenched), Allies can send aid to Neutral Countries so they can equip troops prior to Axis invasion (UK can purchase new units for Neutrals at 50% cost - ie Buy 2 corps for Greece for 125MPP), If Switzerland is attacked then chance for Spain and/or Turkey to join Allies, If Axis Attack Vichy or Sweden or Switzerland then Spanish troops begin to entrench and 20% per turn that they mobilize an additional Corps until they are attacked or Spain has mobilized 5 additional Corps, if Axis invade Spain then Greece moves Armies on Albanian frontier to defend capital Thus with the Neutrals reacting, in a simplified way to Axis actions the Axis will find a few speed bumps in their road to world conquest and conquests which take 1 or 2 turns may now take 3 to six turns. [ March 15, 2004, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Liam Great post. Excellent observation on Spanish partisans, the Suez, and the effect of attacking Switzerland. I would add that if the Axis attacked Switzerland there should be a chance (say 10%) that such an action will cause Spain or Turkey to join the allies. It adds a bit more exciting that those two always staying neutral. [ March 13, 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. From previous posts by Veterans on this forum It appears that Lend Lease to Russia is built into the MPP production of the USSR. It will be interesting to see how this is handled in SC2.
  6. Thanks Curry, Most Excellent Idea, I will have to find the time to do that. Now for Genius AI Bonus #10 Allied Genius AI Bonus 5% All Remaining Neutral Nations, except for Switzerland, Join Axis on the Fourth Turn after the Axis DOW Russia. Axis Genius AI Bonus 5% Spain and Turkey join the Axis after all Axis Minor Powers have joined the Axis. [ March 10, 2004, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. A large part of what holds your interest in SC is that you don't know for sure when the major powers are going to enter the war or when/if the minor powers will join the Axis. I proposed that at Genius Level that the AI player receives a randomly determined bonus. Example: Axis AI Bonus's 15% Spain Joins Axis after France Falls. 15% Turkey Joins Axis 2 after France Falls 20% German economy on a war footing. Germany starts at Industrial Tech Level 4. 10% Germany starts with 5 Free Tech Chits. 20% Germany receives 5 bonus rocket units and 2 chits invested in Rockets. 10% Japanese Offensive in Siberia cancels Siberian Transfer for Russians until Moscow falls. 10% Italy shares Technology Advances with Germany. Example: Allied AI Bonus's 15% Iraq & Vichy Syria Joins Allies after France Falls 20% Merchant Shipping to UK is doubled and US enters war at Industrial Tech Level 4. 20% A 5% per turn that Turkey joins the Allies after Russia is attacked. 10% Early Defeat of Japanese in the Pacific during Gives US 3 Carriers and 3 Air Fleets and 3 Bomber Fleets and Triggers Siberian Transfer in October 1943. 20% US and UK share Technology Advances 10% Pro Allied Partisans (AKA Yugoslavia Partisan Rules) Appear in Axis Occupied Spain, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey. 5% US Receives 5 Bonus Bomber Fleets at Tech Level 3 Bombers. [ March 06, 2004, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. However, the Italians are naturals. Somehow, it seems that the Italians get advances faster than anyone else. I know, that its chance. But they sure are lucky. Maybe its because Rome is in Italy. Oh yes, in a recent game the Soviets reached Anti-Tank Tech 1 on the first turn, after that its been nothing for about 20 turns with 2 chits in Anti-Tank
  9. Now that's interesting and very simple.
  10. Correct, now what could the bad consequences be? If the USSR pulls out too early, Japan advances in Russia, and this frees Japanese resources for duty elsewhere - perhaps it Allows the Japanese to push south towards Australia and India, thus elimininating any UK Merchant Shipping from this Region, or Perhaps it causes US Production to be reduced as more American forces are deployed to the Pacific.
  11. In Sc the Siberian transfer is triggered by the approach of Axis units to specific cities and the relative balance for forces. It would be interesting if this trigger was also affected by the War in the Pacific. For example, if the US sent Naval and/or land units west to the Pacific via a transit hex shouldn't the Siberia be triggered earlier, as the Japanese forces facing Russia would be diverted to fight the Americans. Or Perhaps when the US enters the war the US could receive an option to adopt a Japan first strategy, in which case the US would start with fewer units but the Russian Siberian transfer would be triggered sooner. [ March 04, 2004, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Here's a quote from a Post by the Game's Designer quote: ------------------------------------------------- 2) In SC2, make an option to connect to someones game just for watching it. 3) In SC2, please include some kind of replay option so that the whole war can be replayed and viewed by other players too. ------------------------------------------------- Number 2 is a maybe but number 3 is a serious consideration if all goes right Hubert
  13. I have renamed the Map - Intelligence Summary. (ie includes information from all sources including radio traffic, spies, newspapers, etc.) So replace all mentions of Radio Traffic with Enemy Activity.
  14. One of the things I want to see in SC2 is more variety within a balanced game. Turkey or Spain joining the Axis instead of Italy is relatively balanced. Spain and Italy joining the Axis is not balanced, except if that causes Norway and Sweden to join the Allies or Norway, Sweden and Finland sign a mutual defense treaty in response or the UK gives Gibraltar to the US and the US Navy is reinforced by ships sent from the Pacific fleet. (then the Axis can't take Gibraltar without declaring war on the US) I am all for diplomacy, but their should be a range of unintended consequences to each action. For example if the Axis convince Turkey to join their alliance would this cause Greece to ally with the UK? (say a 20%) or would it cause Yugoslavia and Greece to ally with the UK (say 20%) or would this increase Russian War Readiness? (say 20%) or would news of this casue Spain to double the size of its army and begin entrenching its forces, making any conquest by the Axis harder (say 20%). Unlike the Current SC where you know the consequences of your actions having a wider range of results would make the game, at least for me, more enjoyable. [ March 03, 2004, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. Interesting ideas. I always thought that foreign policy should have more of a role in the game. I even suggested that the Axis player have the option to select either Italy or Turkey as a future Axis member during their first turn. Of course this would totally change the game. The preware determination of research points also sounds interesting but you would have to balance it, perhaps by restricting this freedom to certain little used units. For example +1 Level in Bombers or Rockets or Anti Air or Subs, Not Jets or LongRange or Anti-Tank or Armor.
  16. Bill101, Excellent refinements; Here's an idea: Perhaps, the cost could be a function of number of countries you control. Say 5MPP per country. So if Germany controls 8 countries its cost is 40MPP/turn to distort intelligence Up or Down. If the UK controls 1 country then it costs the UK 5MPP to achieve the same effect. [ February 29, 2004, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. A MITE Complicated? Push the Radio Traffic Map Button (Intelligence Summary Button) Ah, France is White - Intel reports no radio traffic detected, have the Axis abandoned France? Ah, Spain is Red - heavy radio traffic, obviously a strong concentration of Axis troops. Ah, Norway and Sweden are Blue - little radio traffic, my troops can easily liberate these two countries. [ February 29, 2004, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Radio Traffic (AKA Intelligence Summary) Map - A Country Map of Europe (aka the DOW Screen) that shows you the relative amount of enemy radio traffic (Enemy Activity) coming from each country. High - 6 or more units (RED) :mad: Medium - 2 to 5 units (YELLOW) Low - 1 unit (BLUE) Very Low - No Units in Country (WHITE) :cool: Disinformation - A major power can increase the amount of radio traffic in a controlled country by for a cost of 25MPP/level/country increase. So the radio traffic from a country with no units in country can be increased from Very Low to High for a cost of 75MPP per turn (a 3 level increase = 25 x 3 = 75). Of course, disinformation only helps if the enemy is using his Radio Traffic Map to plan his next strategic move. The UK player could use this to hide the fact that Great Britain is largely undefended. The Axis player could use it to make it appear as if a large defensive force was waiting in Frace. [ March 04, 2004, 08:18 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Disbanding naval units gives the Allies a limited; very limited, amount of freedom to adjust their initial force structure. Of course this might not occur if the Germans were given more latitude with the placement and number of subs starting in the Atlantic. [ February 28, 2004, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. SeaMonkey, it will be interesting to see how SC2 handles this issue. Any comments HC? PS: Another option from that long ago post was to disband a corps in a city kex to create a supply depot - ie any unit defending in that hex receives a +XX% readiness bonus until the city is taken by an enemy unit. Disband Corps Options 1. MPPs 2. Build Fortification in Hex 3. Increase Maximum Entrenchment Level of City or Fortification Hex by 2 (max level is 8) 4. Create Supply Depot in City Hex [ February 28, 2004, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. RE: Engineer Unit Another Option is is allow a player to disband a corps in a hex to build a fortification or increase the maximum entrenchment value of that hex. This represents a commitment of materials to the fortification project and restricts it to a reasonable number of hexes by ensuring that each fortified hex costs about 125MMP (or less with the proper tech) to build. [ February 28, 2004, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. FF - I agree that Games with Turkey are fun, especially against other humans. JJ - I will try a few ideas to aid the Allied AI in this sceanrio (the AI in SC2 should be much improved) and let you know what I find out. PS: I always give the US an HQ to start with as the AI will often invade France without a US HQ being built.
  23. JerseryJohn, You can leave the Minor Allies as Random, they will still join the Axis. USSR war readiness jumps to 54% but stays there for quite a while. I have played 2 games vs humans with this and it totally changes the game. The Allies have more freedom to move and the Russians are have to guard a wider front. German activity in the Med is limited until Yugoslavia Coups and they will find it much harder to take Vichy France and Spain. So it seems to remain balanced (perhaps tipping slightly towards the Allies) The problem playing the AI is that the Allied AI does not know what to do in this scenario with the UK forces and the Axis AI will not take the Nordic countries which they need to offset the MPP loss from not having Italy. [ February 26, 2004, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. Has any tried playing the '39 Scenario with Turkey Joined the Axis and Italy Neutral. I found that it really changes the game. The UK has Naval Supremacy while the USSR is threatened on two fronts.
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