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Everything posted by Panzer39

  1. I like your setup. In my scenario I start the game in August 1941 which means Soviet readiness goes up really quickly once the new year roles around. However this was not my first choice since I really wanted to edit the Soviet forces as well, giving them one or two of the huge BB's they started constructing in 1939. But the limitations of the editor (hint hint) do not allow messing with their orb. Since you put Turkey in the allied camp it would make even more sense to activate them because if you don't Germany will be able to put a lot of troops on the Turkey Soviet border before the soviets are even in the war. However, if you activate them Germany could easily set up a defensive wall in France and push into the Heart of Russia (I tried this with moderate success in a game with JerseyJohn but than Russia was at full strength). In any case it will probably be hard to balance it if you activate the USSR. When you get it going I would be happy to play test it with you in PBEM.
  2. Berlin: The decision had been made, all that was left was to implement it. Intelligence reported a large spike in Russian activity along the border. Doentiz only hoped that his operation could be carried out before the red horde acted first. Rome: The Regina Marina had been recalled from their bombarding operations around Malta in order to replenish their supplies. Besides an assault carried out by the defenders of Tobruk, an eerie calm engulfed Europe.
  3. I have also been toying with a scenario that puts a lot of emphasis on the Battle of the Atlantic. In it, Germany, Italy and Japan start the war with surprise attacks in 1941. Two of Germany's three carriers surprise the RN at Scapa flow and sink some of the BB's and damage the rest. Another attack is launched from the German Carrier Europa on the UK force stationed at Liverpool. The Italians launch an attack at Gibraltar which sinks the BB squadron there. The scenario actually starts with the allied move where in the UK player must decide whether to pursue the German fleet with his damaged one or to repair and wait for his carriers (which happened not to be in port The Axis Player on turn two has to decide to either continue the attack or to retreat. The Med is very inviting to the Force that has just attacked Liverpool. To even the game up since the Axis will have the early Naval advantage, the USA has also joined the war since it has been attacked by Japan. However, this time around the Japanese have brought along an invasion force which means the US has no troops or ships (except the ones being constructed i.e. two understrength BB's). I have not decided yet if I want to add the USA as neutral and give all their mines/cities to the UK or have them in the war but starting with no units. This scenario is still on the drawing board but I figured I would bounce it around in the discussion. And yes while it does seem that I stole this idea from the book Third Reich Victorious (a fairly good collection of stories btw) I actually wrote an eassy on the idea for a history class several years before the book was published so it is somewhat original
  4. In my process of designing a Plan-Z scenario, I took the approach of when it would have been most effective to start the war rather than when everything would have been completed. If Germany had waited till 1946, all her BB's would have been useless and her 4 or 5 carriers would not have lasted long in the Atlantic. The war in fact may have been a mute point if both the USA and Germany had developed atomic bombs. Instead I started my scenario in August 1941. Bending history by starting Germanys naval build up a little early, this date allows both Bismarck class ships, 2 carriers, and the 3 o-class BC's to be operational. I placed 2 H-class BB's in port at low strength to represent construction and also added a CA group to represent the lighter ships. Both Scharnhorst and Gnesinau were turned into understrength BB's as well. I liked this setup up but it really did nothing to change the game. SC does not allow German Ships to commerce raid. This coupled with no way to break them out into the North Atlantic really defeats the whole point of having a large Navy. My second and what I think is my more successful try (which is an ARR right now) took the approach of what if Doenitz got his way over Raeder. It was Raeder who wanted a balanced Battle Fleet. The original idea called for three carrier groups to be formed with the new BB's and CA's acting as commerce raider around a carrier that would provide air support and spotting (notice the low aircraft count). Novel idea but the Japanese had a better solution with the Carriers being the striking arm. Doentiz on the other hand wanted all construction to be diverted into the U-boat arm. The Pocket BB's could draw off the faster smaller ships that would be required to catch them while the U-boats ran amuck in the English shipping lanes. Scharhorst and Gensinau could still have been built if only to tie down a force in Scapa flow in case of a break out. This idea works in SC because subs can change the flow of the game. while the Atlantic is not big enough to allow real Naval operations, the RN still has trouble hunting down wolf packs.
  5. Berlin: A meeting of the leaders of the Reich's armed forces was called to discuss the future of the conflict against the UK. Unlike his predecessor, Doenitz was not a policy maker but instead a policy implementer. He would hear from his chiefs of staff and make his decision based on their arguments. All were in clear agreement that the English troops still in France had to be driven off but every thing else was up for debate. His former superior, Grand Admiral Raeder urged that Germany should concentrate her forces to the south and secure the Med so that the USSR could be threatened on two fronts when the inevitable hostilities began. Since this would not require the full force of the army, an invasion of Norway could also be carried out in order to provide air and naval bases for future operations against the UK. Army Chief of Staff Eric Von Manstein was appalled by this idea because it would in his opinion spread the army out to thin and allow the USSR a chance to strike. Instead he suggested that all forces in France be immediately transferred to the Russian border in preparation for an attack. Goering who arrived late, and to some appeared drunk, voiced his opinion that the British could be bombed into submission. After her cities were in flame, the Luftwaffe could take control of the Channel which would in turn allow the army to land troops in England. While the amphibious invasion was certainly out of the question, there was much debate about a purely air war with the UK. Himmler, who had come uninvited, threw his support behind Raeder. Having being appointed chief of the paranormal office of German intelligence (Doenitz created the department in order to be rid of him) Himmler felt that German power could be increased if the eye of Odin or The Arc of the Covenant could be found. To him Egypt and Norway were good places to start. Everyone found this was amusing except for Raeder since it considerably undermined his argument. The meeting was called to a close and after all of his guests had left with nothing resolved, Doenitz realized the future of Germany now was entirely up to his next decision. The Med: The French corps in Malta was giving Italy more resistance than the entire French army that faced the Germans. The full force of the Regina Marina had been brought to bare on the tiny island as well as constant bombing runs from land based aircraft in Sicily. [ July 24, 2003, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  6. Berlin: It was a time for a celebration yet the Fuehrer was not in the mood to celebrate. Paris had fallen and the entire French army had surrendered. While this was welcome news the value of the French territory given over had diminished greatly because of the severe losses the Kriegsmarine had sustained. What good was a base of operations if there was nothing left to operate out of it? A meeting would have to be called in order to decide how to proceed with the war. The English had not agreed to peace as Doenitz had hoped and the USSR, Germany's greatest threat, was clearly organizing for war. Doenitz needed more time to deal with the English but time was one thing Germany did not have on its side. Rome: Mussolini was furious. Not only had the Germans denied him any riches from France, no, now they had declared the area concurred by the Italian Army a new country. This would not stand. For now he would play their game for now but not for long. If Vichy was a independent nation it could be attacked like any other. If it angered that arrogant Admiral than so be it, Germany needed Italy more than Italy needed Germany. [ July 23, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  7. Global of course would solve all the "what should be included in the map" problems
  8. I like the idea. How about allowing them to attack the MPP value of cities even if their is a unit occupying it. I find it hard to believe that a Bomber could reduce an army by 2 strength points and not do any damage to the city the army is in. Maybe have the bomber reduce the city level by half of what they reduce the force in it.
  9. I like all of them but the last one, audio clips could be to campy.
  10. Army Group Rommel Forward Command post: Rommel was becoming impatient, his drive into Paris had been halted at the city limits due to lack of air support. Goering, who thought the Luftwaffe could carry on conducting bombing operations in the Low Countries without him, had gone on an art hunting expedition. Since he was some where detained, the orders for the Luftwaffe to re-base closer to the front were delayed. With the way into Paris blocked until the Luftwaffe was in position, Rommel again stretched his operational orders by sending probing units North along the channel coast. When no enemy resistance was spotted, a northern Pincer was set into motion which would hopefully block any attempt to retreat by the French Armies in and around Paris. In the mean time word came in from Von Rundstedt's Army group that they had successfully destroyed what was left of the French Army along the LC/French Border. Italian/French Border: The Glorious armies of Italy had frightened the French into retreating. Under Balbo's command, three Italian corps fanned out into the southern French country side. One entered triumphantly into Marseilles while another unknowingly completed the encirclement of Paris started by Rommel's Army Group. Benito was a very happy man. Berlin: All reports from the front were very encouraging, except those coming in from his Admirals. This week another U-boat Flotilla had been engaged and sunk off the coast of Norway. [ July 13, 2003, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  11. Brussels: From his forward command post in Brussels, Field Marshal Rundstedt was shocked by the reports coming in from the front. The old guard general was rarely surprised, but the success of his much younger counterpart was astonishing. Rommel, having just arrived from Poland with half of his army group, immediately launched an offensive against the French. The plan approved by O.K.W had called for an attack all across the front. Instead, the young Field Marshal had exploited a gap in the French lines that was forced open by the Luftwaffe. His Panzer Divisions poured through the Ardennes into undefended French territory. The industrial heart of France was captured and nearly the entirety of the French Army was encircled in their entrenched positions by well planned troop movements. By the end of the operation, German troops were moving into the suburbs of Paris. The Fuehrer would undoubtedly be most impressed. Berlin: The news of the rapid advances in France could not have come at a better time. Doentiz was glad that he had not listened to his advisors and trusted his instincts in promoting Rommel. He wish he could say the same about keeping Raeder around. The Grand Admiral was a surface fleet man and obviously did not know how to conduct U-boat Operations. Just a few weeks into the war, the Kriegsmarine had lost about half of its U-boat strength. While he would like to replace his former superior, the need no longer really existed for most of the striking power of the Kreigsmarine now laid with the surface fleet. Perhaps the U-boat arm could be replaced once France fell. Rome: It was a call for a celebration. Greece had fallen to axis troops and most importantly it was an Italian army that occupied the capital. The rebels in Yugoslavia picked a most inopportune time to start an uprising. The full might of the New Roman Empire could be brought against them!
  12. While I doubt that it will happen, I second the motion.
  13. Berlin: Goering stormed (rather wobbled) into Doenitz's office furious over the losses the Luftwaffe were incurring supporting the army. RAF strength had been grossly underestimated and the Italian air allotted was barely on par with the French. In any case the Luftwaffe had been preparing for a war with the Soviets, who supposedly were still flying around in bi-planes. Appealing to the Air Marshals ego, Doenitz explained that the capture of the low countries would not have been possible without Luftwaffe support and a large portion of the Plunder earned would be spent on plane production. Other than Goering, everyone else was pleased with the progress of the ground war. Von Rundstedt's army Group had taken Brussels and moved into France. There they encountered and destroyed a French armor group creating a gap in the French line. However, Rommel's Panzers had not arrived from Poland in time to exploit the situation and a drive into the interior of France was unfortunately postponed. Discouraging news was reported to Doenitz from his Grand Admiral, Raeder. Three more U-boat flotilla's had been lost and commerce disruption of allied shipping was down. The Grand Admiral did not miss his chance to remind Doenitz that his naval armament plan would have allowed Germany the ability to take on Allied capital ships instead of hiding from them. Rome: The lack of Allied air power in the Med was very promising. The French air fleet in Greece was no longer present and judging by reports from Berlin, England had moved their Air Fleet away form Malta. Under clear skies and with help from their own air force, Italian troops destroyed another Greek Army and encircled their capital. Soon the Regina Marina would be poised to take control of the Med.
  14. These options would be very cool if SC went global. Influencing the South American countires would be fun.
  15. These options would be very cool if SC went global. Influencing the South American countires would be fun.
  16. Berlin Doenitz was a furious Fuehrer. His army had just wrapped up its campaign in Poland when that idiot Hess stole a plane and flew to Moscow. The first communication to come from Stalin in over a year was to thank him for honoring the pact that was made with Hitler. Already Soviet troops were moving into "their" part of Poland. At a conference with his Field Marshals it was decided to make France the first priority while leaving a large force along their new border with the USSR. Hopefully France would fall quickly as to allow an attack on Russia in the Spring. Perhaps that fool Hess had bought Germany some more time to prepare, in any case he was out of Doenitz's hair and hopefully would enjoy his new accommodations in Siberia. Later in the week the German force under Model managed to destroy a French army south of Brussels. Support troops immediately flooded into the gap created, encircling the city. The way to Paris was not undefended as hoped, but with reinforcements arriving by train from Poland, the Blitz would continue. In the Atlantic, the Kriegsmarine was sinking 25 MPP's of shipping per week. They had lost a flotilla but losses were to be expected. If the ships at sea could make it to safe French Ports they could be reinforce and let their full fury loose on the Atlantic. Rome Mussolini was a happy man. His forces in Greece had destroyed another army and were pushing through the mountainous invasion route like they were going through open terrain. Soon the riches of Greece would be shipped back to Italy. Sadly the same could not be said for his divisions in the Alps, they had not moved a mile since the war began but nothing could be won for Italy in France. Egypt on the other hand was a promising target.
  17. August 13th 1942 Berlin Doenitz was nervous. As quoted in the Berlin times "At sea I am wolf, full of courage, but on land I am a coward". Luckily for him, all matters concerning the Army were in the hands of his trusted Field Marshal Von Manstein. The once Grand Admiral now Fuehrer had ousted many of the Nazi leeches after Hitler stroked out when Poland ceded to his demands thus robbing him of his war. In any case the time had finally arrived for action. Fuehrer Doenitz sent the order to the German Army to advance into the Polish frontier. He did not want this war; however, he knew the Soviets were preparing to invade and all of his generals agreed that a preemptive strike was the only hope Germany had of survival. It was such a shame that the only way into Russia was through Poland. Nevertheless, action had to be taken. What he did not count on was a declaration of war from both England and France. They had made every attempt to appease his processors lust for land and did nothing to prevent Yugoslavia from going Fascist. Although caught by surprise, he was prepared. His beloved Wolf Packs were already deployed in the Atlantic along with milk cow tenders who hopefully would keep them in supply until France could be dealt with. In the first week alone they managed to damage the UK's shipping lanes. Perhaps England could be reasoned with once France and her Allies in the Low Countries fell. If not they could be dealt with in turn. August 14 Poland German tanks and armies crushed the Polish resistance like insects. Air support from the combined might of Army and Naval aviation flown off of the carrier Graf Zeppelin softened up the targets for the army to destroy. Warsaw fell but Poland did not surrender. Rome IL Duce was worried. That Admiral would be Fuehrer was going to lead his country to destruction. What did a Navy man know about land warfare? How he missed that misguided Austrian. At least he would have never done something as stupid as to attempt an invasion of Russia. However the USSR was not his concern at the moment. Instead, he planed to grab whatever land he could and make peace with the allies before Germany could be swallowed up by her enemies. The time spent since Hitler's death has been productive. Italy was far more ready for war than it would have been three years ago. Now if only he could get control of Greece before the Germans claimed it with the blood of Italian soldiers. The job would be easier if half of his air force had not been assigned to "protect" German air space from the French. Instead his forces pushed into Greece from Albania with moderate success.
  18. This AAR is based on what should be one of the final test runs of my version of the scenario currently being played in the PBEM tournament. John and myself are using house rules that he came up with. They include: 1) Amphibious Landings = Only during May, June, July, August & Sept; except for Mediterranean and Baltic, where they can be carried out year round. 2) Barbarossa can only be launched from May thru August. 3) Axis units within Russian Borders cannot attack or launch airstrikes during the first winter in Russia; the winter being defined as all of December - January - February. My scenario is similar to his, except I have allowed Admiral Doenitz to get his way over Admiral Raeder. Germany starts off with large U-boat fleet with a modest Surface fleet in August 1941. In addition to their regular minors, Yugoslavia, Denmark and Sweden start off as Axis while Ireland, Iraq, Greece and the Low Countries start off as Allied. Since the game starts in 1941 SC time the Axis has little time to conquer Spain and Vichy before USSR war readiness forces Barbarossa. [ July 06, 2003, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  19. The moded AI files really only help in what units the AI builds and in what number. Its choices of how to counter player moves is still very lame.
  20. I would rather have a "Not supported and if you cause problems tough" map editor than none at all.
  21. Well I think HOI sold pretty well, but it was also sold as a "real time strategy". Speaking of which, I recently bought Rise of Nations which is a very good game as far as real time strategies games go. In it their are two phases, one where you move armies around in a risk style fashion, and another where those armies duke it out in real time game play. Why do I mention this? I think it would be a good way to simulate world wide combat. The "Grand strategic" phase could be carried out on a world map, while the turned based fighting could be carried out SC style on a smaller scale than the world Map. On the World Map, players could make their strategic decisions that would include: increasing industrial capacity, improving defenses, diplomacy, and unit construction. Players could build, move or deploy units into different "sectors" and than move into an SC style map to carry the campaign out. What this would mean is separate maps for different sectors. A sector could be as big as the one represented in SC or smaller. The biggest draw back to a system like this would be that a player would have to visit the different sector maps every turn, thus leading to a longer game. Which of course is not a bad thing. For those not wanting to play a world wide game, the sector maps could be offered as stand alone scenarios that would play out exactly like SC. If this does not make a lot of sense, I apologize, it has been a long and happy 4th of July. [ July 05, 2003, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  22. I am going to have to agree (again) with John on this one. There really is no way to prove cheating.
  23. Sign me up, I already have games going aginst the first two posters here.
  24. The only person a cheater cheats in cheating is the cheater I don't see the harm in starting one if all those involved take an oath not to cheat. If someone knows that they have the urge to cheat in PBEM than they can choose not to apply. I agree with John that PBEM is more social but it can also be competitive if everyone involved plays fair. I hardly play any TCP games of SC because I find it tedious waiting for the other player to move. It is ok during the opening moves but as soon as the action heats up the pace slows down. I would like to see some more competitive SC PBEM games either in tournament or ladder form.
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