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Everything posted by Panzer39

  1. They are afraid of my uber luftwaffe as well. I doubt there is any room in North America with all the RAF units hiding there! [ August 29, 2003, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  2. Wash, rinse and repeat. Same as the last few turns.
  3. Well seeing that it never hit store shelves, small sales figures should not be surprizing. SC2 needs to be on the budget game rack at wallmart! Maybe it could win over some of the millions of people who buy the deer hunter games. [ August 28, 2003, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  4. 10. A scenerio with Pre turn one build phase where the player gets a set amount of MPPS to use in any manor they wish.
  5. I wish someone would remake great Naval Battles.............................Hubert?
  6. 5. Small chances of the Germans making peace with the UK and USA after a failed D-day but fighting it out with the Soviets or the Soviets declaring war on the Allies after Berlin falls. This would work well with option 6 and 7. 6. More diplomatic options. A Hearts of Iron like use of diplomacy points. 7. Ability to play as one country of an Alliance. 8. The player should be able to turn air intercepts on and off and choose what units are linked to what HQs. A casual player whouldn't have to bother with it if he choose not to. 9. A slightly more advanced resource model. If an alliance does not have any coal or oil fields their MPP production should suffer. [ August 28, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  7. Germans continue to destroy Russian corps but little progress is made. Italian army in Egypt tries to retreat.
  8. Riga is taken in the same fashion as Odessa was. A few more Russian units are destroyed.
  9. I thought so too. I also figured that since we "know" some of the people and consider them "friends" it would be ok to see a few off topic posts as long as they didn't cause trouble. God forbid someone new stumble onto the SC forum and see some social interaction between players! When playing new games I always make sure my opponents are quiet people devoid of personality. Yes there is the other forum, but I don't know the regulars there. While I don't post any silly or off topic threads I do enjoy reading them especially the ones that come from people I played against. Now that my collage classes have started again I wont be "hanging" around here much anymore anyway. If everyone did the same what whould be the point of this forum in the first place? [ August 26, 2003, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  10. More Russian units are destroyed, German units reinforced. Italy gives up on Egypt for now.
  11. The Luftwaffe bombs Odessa to dust, destroying its defenders. The city is captured. Most of the encircled armies are destroyed. The Italians decide to stick it out in North Africa.
  12. Germany declares war on USSR. One army is destroyed, six are encircled and brought down in strength. The luftwaffe takes out a Soviet armored division. The Regina Marina bombards a strategic bomber air fleet while they are in hanger. Italian transports move in to take Egypt. The Yugoslavian partisan unit is found and destroyed. Reports show Southern UK still free of units.
  13. Massive Troop movements, Mussolini upset because he was promised Portugal. Barbarossa will be launched in the dead of winter.
  14. October 1941 Dark day in Europe. Yugoslavia falls with the help of Luftwaffe support. Germans land in Greece and capture Athens. Italian and German forces engage Greek troops in the North. Greece falls. USA joins, Russia will do the same shortly. However with all the plunder Germany will be ready!
  15. My girl friend has played SC in the past. She is pretty good as the allies. In risk she always beats me with lucky dice rolls. I need to take her gambling....
  16. September 1941. Luftwaffe has nothing left to bomb. Goering decides to wait until more targets show up. Yugoslava is attacked but holds out.
  17. Luftwaffe goes after the elite Royal Navy carriers since the RAF are a bunch of ninnies. They sink two and damage all intercepts. No losses and reinforcements are brought up for next turn. Gibraltar falls and Yugoslavia goes allied. No sign of any Royal navy presence left in the Med.
  18. Gibraltar corps brought down to 5. Alexandria harbor brought down to one after Regina Marina bombards it.
  19. July 1941 Gibraltar is attacked and the corps there is brought down to level to strength 7
  20. Thanks for the support Rambo, plan on doing so. Spain falls. Axis troops move in on Gibralta.
  21. Mid June 1941 Spain loses it's capital but stays in the fight. Something needs to be done about that allied air. [ August 24, 2003, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  22. June 1941 Germany declares war on Spain. One corps in the North is knocked out while another is brought down to 6 strength. Italian troops land and take Valencia. [ August 23, 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  23. Battle of Britain postponed, German forces move to easier targets.
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