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Everything posted by Panzer39

  1. Vichy falls along with the French corps in Bergen. Allied spies are fed more false information about the size of Germany's military.
  2. Febuary 1941: Vichy is attacked but holds on to both cities for now. German forces move in on the Allied hold outs in Norway.
  3. Sweden falls. High Command drafts plans for new operations.
  4. Two German Air fleets bomb the capital of Sweden. The Scharnhorst moves in and bombards them as well. A corps lands to the South and an Army to the North. The Army attacks destroying the defender and the corps moves in to capture the capital. From Norway, German troops move in to finish of the Swedish air force. Germany moves on to less Sneaky operations since her list of targets has grown smaller. [ August 21, 2003, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  5. August 1940. Luftwaffe is in Denmark bombing Norway. Norway falls after one army lands to destroy the Oslo corps and another takes the city.
  6. Germany refits and creates new units. While still nearly on schedule, losses have been high. Five German land units were destroyed in the battle for France. The UK still controls the skies. In the Med. Malta which had been garrisoned by French troops, is captured by Italy.
  7. German forces with Luftwaffe support attack and destroy the defenders of Paris and a corps on the outskirts of the city. France falls. -edit- It is early June [ August 19, 2003, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  8. A French corps is destroyed on the outskirts of Paris. Italian Troops seize Marseilles
  9. French wall of China along with a fleeing French army and corps destroyed.
  10. What would cause Canada not to join on the first turn in the standard fall scenerio? I think it might have something to do with Germany's U-boat movements. Or is it a fluke? [ August 17, 2003, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  11. I do to, but since my desktop resolution is so much higher than SC it often crashes.
  12. The idea came into my mind today while waiting for another player to complete his turn in TCP. I think it would be a great option if SC could run in a window and not take up the entire screen. This would allow people to run other programs while playing SC. I am pretty sure most newer PC's could handle it. Would anyone else be interested in this option for SC2? Or can one set it up somehow to run that way now?
  13. Low countries liberated but German forces are open to a counter attack. Italian troops move to the front.
  14. Germany takes revenge and wipes out a Canadian corps and a French Army. The LC should be liberated shortly.
  15. Under the cover of four air fleets, German troops break through the French lines in the Ardennes. One French army is destroyed another north of the Forest is damaged.
  16. Axis invades and conquers Denmark. No Progress is made against France.
  17. German troops move into the LC and attack a French army. A luftwaffe attack is intercepted by French air.
  18. Turn 2: Poland falls. German forces move to protect the Low countries from allied aggression but are to late.
  19. I have bid 50 for the Axis and won. No other rules than the official. Turn 1: Germany invades Poland. Warsaw is captured but most of the Polish Army survives. Poland does not surrender. German U-boats raid the shipping lanes. [ August 16, 2003, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
  20. Yes it is the Alabama. If you are ever in the area it is worth seeing. They have a number of planes there as well as the Sub. They also have a civil war fort about 10 min away. I live in New Orleans so its only about a two hour drive. When going to Florida I make whom ever I'm with stop and take the tour. My girl friend got a little miffed after the third time. [ August 12, 2003, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]
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