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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Send me an email, bradtap@aol.com and I'll send it to you, not a big file.
  2. What did you have in mind? Played all the current versions in WaW, into mods only at this point, and only one I'm willing to play, mine, PanzerArmee Afrika.
  3. If you just crunch the numbers then you are indeed correct, but just as in life the numbers don't tell the whole story, there are intangibles. Using the timing factor of morale and efficiency bonus from a conquest can be instrumental for obtaining other objectives. Again there is the all important parameter of experience gain, using green troops to vanquish a minor as well as partisan duty can have far reaching effects for a long campaign. A long game can eventually provide you with a positive flow of MPPs, given proper management of the conquered territory.
  4. Good to hear Rambo, and that pizza is making me hungry, guess I'll go visit Snoopy's for some fresh fish. Agreed JDF, for Axis surface fleets, but what about the Uboats? See...I'm of the opinion they need to have access and the rest of the Axis Fleet also if the proper bases can be set up. Historically, the uboats and armed merchants ranged all through the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, don't forget the Type XIV Milk Cows.
  5. Me and Rambo have been trying to get Nupremal to open up the navigation arrows to both sides. As it stands now I have had some Italian DDs sitting on the Persian Gulf arrows from the Red Sea / Horn area since the beginning of the game and they have never moved into the Persian Gulf. Nupremal....open the arrows up for either side!
  6. No combat operations until Japan is 100% active, but you have many targets to plan for, in fact it is somewhat daunting so you must focus. Production, tech research and upgrades, and don't forget diplomacy, you make the plan. I think you'll find that concentrating on Europe will keep your combat needs satisfied for awhile, bringing the Italians along slowly and formatting the Germans for continental subjugation is always very interesting especially against a good human player.
  7. Hey Saudale, you've obviously had the best help around in HC, but I'll offer another additional suggestion if you're running Vista. I found all my complications ceased if I made a "game" folder in my "C" drive and not use the default path "program folder" for the game download. Keep everything SC in that same level folder and maybe you'll have success.
  8. Hey Nupremal, I'm wondering what your reasoning was behind making the Finnish port of Hanko, Allied? There is no way to turn it to Finnish possession and it makes it a pain in the xss to reside in the Axis rear. Not only do I have to garrison it, it also serves as an invasion access for the Allies, mainly the Soviets. I think you should reconsider this feature.
  9. Yes, the AI is weak........well compared with a human. Hubert & Bill constantly work on the AI, just take a look at the scripts, they can be used to customize AI response. So anything old does not have the advantage of adjustment or the newer scripts that the development team institutes. Ha!!! You must be a newbee! No problem, we were all there once ...at least...., more for sure as SC has been around for 7 years. Anytime you fire up one of the many campaigns you have not tried, you become a newbee, exposed to the passion of being a virgin once again.
  10. Normal Dude is this anywhere near as good as SC?
  11. Borsook, you need to get either PDE or PT for their excellent world campaigns by Big Al and Nupremal, not to mention the decision events and upgraded AI. The one with WaW is not that great, in fact, it is obsolete and so is WaW except for the many wonderful custom scenarios made by the users.
  12. You're right Kuni, there is an excellent bunch of forum members here, many more than you mentioned, that can take this game to even greater heights. I had that vision....a long time ago.
  13. Yepper FD65 that logistical layer sure would make things more realistic and always good ideas from Kuni.....when he sticks to the game:p........or that wonderful tour of the Stalingrad battlefield...much appreciated Kuni! Let's just think good thoughts for Hubert's healing process, I'm sure he won't disappoint us.
  14. Damnit Hubert! Rambo told me you were down in your back and having not heard from you in awhile, I was a little concerned, I'm glad it isn't too serious. Thing is, back injuries are always serious and don't you take this too lightly! Rehab is very important...so you stay on schedule and don't worry about us. I've been working so much I don't have much time to play anyway, besides...its Summer, outdoor activities are priority. Not to mention, I'm out of vacation. We'll wait! You get well.
  15. If I may make a suggestion IR, forget about WaW, blow right by PDE and get to the current version of SC which is Pacific Theater. All the features of WaW are included in PT plus many more. Since we are slowly rolling down the track to Global SC, PT will soon be obsolete. Point being, your expert observations will be more valuable for the future editions and the game will move in a direction that you may be able to control providing you present logical cases for resolution. You've been a valuable member of this forum for a long time and its obvious you stiil want to be involved, so get on the train that's leaving the PT station. Don't dwell on the one that stopped a few towns ago.
  16. Now see there IR, arado brings up an excellent point, restriction isn't always a matter of the map usage. Perhaps the narrowed geographic variations are offset by greater unit flexibility. Isn't the game about unit versatility/interaction as well as widespread theater conflicts? Its just a matter of individual preference, but I can't see a true SC master turning his back on the excellent edition that SC PT represents. I think the only consensus for a better Pacific version would be expressed by patrons of 2 by 3's "War in the Pacific", and we all know what a monster that thing is. I'd rather have a life and SC PT!
  17. Yep, its fixed, one cost for every level, but a good idea of escalating expense Big Al. Maybe it should be a feature for the Global edition. No..it should be, no maybe about it!
  18. Hey IR, good to hear from you. I can only speak for myself and yes I think there is some context in what you say. SC2 is probably the most balanced format of the series and because of the operational feature allows for more flexibility. I'm sure you remember Terif's and my discussion regarding this and that is why Terif prefered SC2 and not WaW. My position has always been that balance can be adjusted and each time new features are added we have to go down that tweaking path again. I understand where Terif was coming from, his was the gaming perspective and mine was the realism factor however abstracted. I still can't get with the ability to move air and land units all over the map in one turn given the ranges of WW2 aircraft and the moving player not possessing a string of airbases to transfer those assets to and from, not to mention land units with no railways. In the final assessment though, SC keeps moving on down the road and although some features tend to be restrictive to the game playing aspect they add appreciably more to the simulation of reviewing WW2 grand strategy and exploring the "what if" possibilities that all us buffs contemplate, ponder, and wonder what might have been. Never in the annals of warfare has there been such a widespread conflict of pitting man and machine against one another. Sans the brutality, the dynamics of such a struggle for dominance, militarily and economically, will be forever intriguing. Let's hope that SC will someday capture that essence.....well...at least for some of us.
  19. How many of you invest in "infrastructure" technology? I have before, but its not very high on my list and usually I regard it as unnecessary. So...how about a new feature for SC? Not going to require anything but thought from us players, for Hubert and the AI....well....I would like to hear if it could be considered. Maintenance! We already have force limits to restrict the amount of units that each country can build, and we have the soft limits to simulate the need for additional resources to produce above the build limits, but what do we have to maintain those units deployed in the field? What if we had a drain on our MPPs for deployed units' maintenance, per turn, higher tech and mobile units obviously have a greater need of maintenance. Would this simulate a use of oil also? Now if we serve to have a "maintenance" feature should its impact be based in ratio to the level of infrastructure tech of each major? Would this provide an incentive for players to invest(infrastructure) and ponder their force configurations. Imagine that foot infantry would obviously not produce a high maintenance drain on your MPPs. So ...what? A viable feature to consider? Is it something that is already inherent to SC? Each strength point would be tied to the amount of maintenance, say 0.1 MPP, maybe 0.2 for mobile units, an additional .1 for each tech level, ships and planes ...higher?
  20. The double strikes represent greater operational flexibility that fast moving units give you. A large combat value allows only one attack, two strikes gives you the ability to attack two different tiles. You also have flexible movement options. If a Tank group starts its turn next to an enemy unit, it can attack that unit, move and attack another unit. Remember we are talking about a week to a month of simulated game time per turn depending on the season.
  21. You know, the "island points" scenario makes perfect sense and I believe it will fit the SC model. Closest thing I've heard that could be a "fix all" for making the islands valuable. Since the logistical net enhances the supply dynamics we must only identify the islands that comprise "the net", making the effect dependent upon their occupation by one side or the other. Obviously the surrounding islands would then become desirable as a support mechanism for the invasion or defense of the "point" islands. Excellent suggestion xwood! Hubert???? Is it doable??? Bill101???
  22. I really like that solution of enacting a "Malta Effect" for bypassing certain island groups. You could say that once the communication net got over extended(to far between ports) or an enemy presence on some island bisected the net activates a reduced supply to all bases downstream.
  23. JDF2 has the proper equation, we just need to get Hubert to adopt it.
  24. Glad to hear you've tried the game again. The Italians...yeah..they can be a dilemma, but not useless. You've found one function, garrisoning. You have to be careful with the Italians initially. Bring them along slowly on the minor DoWs with the Germans help. Yugoslavia and Greece are two countries that are in proximity for exploitation and get their IW research going. Build their artillery early and get it experience. Since USSR and USA will probably be doing tank research, later in the game you can capitalize on their lead and get an advancement from the catch up rule. Allow the Italians to take Algeria and Morroco as well as any other minors so they can expand their MPP base, then you can go from there. They can be a valuable Axis partner, just go slow and don't expose them to a major Allied belligerent until they have tech and experience.
  25. These guys are developing "Bitter Glory" also, but believe me they have a long way to go. Sure "Time of Wrath" is a step in the right direction but this edition is in its infantile stages much like SC1 was back in 2002. Here's the deal guys, I've looked at numerous designs, my wargaming goes back to the early 60s, and one thing is always very apparent. That "thing" is these platforms go through an evolution of adjusting, testing, revamping, and it takes a long time, no getting around it. No one comes out with a design that is truly great the first time, they have potential at best. So...what do you do to get "your" game designed, short of doing it yourself? You do what we're doing here, being focused on SC, one platform that Hubert has given his attention to improving. I don't care what you think, I know you can't get a truly great game without the "time" investment. SC is 7 years ahead of any introductory design. If you want to try something else, like I have, by all means go for it, but remember what I've said here and remember what Hubert has done here and don't forget the support that "Battlefront" has given here. Cause in the end, when its all said and done, it will be the game that has the devotion of a number of elements, some mentioned above, that will excel and become that great wargame. IMO, SC has the elements, and the status of greatness is getting close.
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