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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Thanks Nup. My thinking is you should leave one level of tech possible for artillery. With the advent of doctrinal changes, like walking / rolling patterns, Forward observer communication upgrades and coordination, counter-battery developments and of course the proximity fuse, one level of attainment is appropriate. Secondly it gives the player something to think about as a further dilution of MPP use. Please reconsider the historical application vs the game play mechanics, one tech level max advancement for artillery. Make it expensive, make the upgrade or the cost of the artillery unit adjustment, but give the unit a further bump in naval attack CTV on the upgrade so we can use them as shore defense batteries.
  2. That's most interesting and informative PJ. So that's the origination of the phrase, no doubt appropriate for this thread. Now Nupremal, one of my playing partners says he has your 1.01 version. I didn't know you had released it, where can I get it?
  3. Imbalanced? In what sense? I've noticed not very many units are available to the Axis, perhaps three total for the Germans and without tech, they are not very useful. My initial thoughts were to build them and tech them later for shore batteries since the Allied naval units are so potent at shore bombardments. Kind of wish you'd leave them in.
  4. Probably got the wrong forum. Anyway Nupremal, when are you going to release the updated version you've referred to?
  5. Reinstall the game in a different folder other than "Program Files". I named mine "Games", so the path is C \ Games. Also deactivate the UAI in the control panel. Hope this helps!
  6. All in due time arado....Rome wasn't built in a day!
  7. Well Scott, not exactly. The situation is not as bad as it was before because of the "Special Ops", but still very much in doubt. Nupremal, I have no intention of attacking USSR, on the contrary, I have invested 800mpps/4 chits in keeping USSR out of this conflict. I only want to engage the Western Democracies.
  8. The night of April 11, 1941 saw a full moon as two columns knifed their way through the Pyrenees in an effort to subdue the Spanish people under Axis rule. Spearheading the northern group were Rundstedt's 3rd and 5th Panzer Korps, crossing the Ebro as they brush aside futile Spanish resistance while the 7th Army secures the right flank by taking Bilbao. Further to the south the Italian effort is led by Cavallero's 1st Italian Army supported by the tanks of Ariete Armored Division as they swing across the narrow mountain paths and capture Barcelona. The Spanish campaign goes well as armored spearheads fan out crushing all resistance and making raids into rear areas of the the enemy armed forces capturing their ground force commander General Saliquet. Meanwhile on the British Isles a special force led by the Brandenburgers silently slip into Plymouth and capture the harbor in conjunction with an Airborne Assault by the 1st Fallschirmjagers on the city. Subsequent embarking troops from waiting transports penetrate all the way to Bristol as von Bock's forces tie down valuable British assets in the eastern ramparts of London. Finally, although mounting a valiant defense, the Devil's Brigade finally succumbs to the 2nd Panzer's assault and London falls. Seeing the "writing on the wall", Bulgaria joins the Axis endeavors as Japan and USSR sign a joint neutrality pact. Even the Irish, noting the opportunity to liberate themselves from British subjugation, join the Axis in hopes of recovering Northern Ireland. I've been engaged in meetings with Albert, that's Mr. Speers to you all, in hopes of gaining his support in the creation of a brand new army group, the commander of which has not been appointed. Our Japanese friends in Asia have been pursuing peaceful talks and trade with China in hopes that all arenas of misunderstandings can be overcome. After all these peaceful intentions in the Pacific the USA rewards us with an unusual hike in belligerency, those arrogant Americans need to examine their motives with a bit of moral clarity.
  9. Amadeus, you are not alone! To see a glimpse of the new platform, take a look at the Airborne Assault series by Panther games. This is obviously not the final product we long for as it has not been ported to the strategic scale, but use your imagination. Also imagine that instead of Real-Time pausible it is a simultaneous turn based creation. The mechanism behind this genre puts the player in a truly simulated command position, with the least amount of micro-management.
  10. I wanted to mention that just after my meeting with OKW, outside where we were discussing strategy and smoking cigars from Cuba, Wilhelm came up to me and asked if I'd like to go grouse hunting the next day. Obviously he wanted to discuss the day's events in a more relaxing atmosphere, so of course I jumped at the chance. Next day after a very productive hunt and sharing some schnapps, Wilhelm confided that he admired my audacity of command and the almost reckless nature of my strategies. And then the bombshell, he gave me Rundstedt's Army Group A to attack Spain and told me to be in contact with Italy's General Cavallero to coordinate the assault. Needless to say I was dumbfounded and seeing an opening for additional compromises I told him of a secret operation I had prepared, to attack the southwest coast of England and capture the port of Plymouth. I discussed the ruse and the diversion's possibility of splitting the British forces, capturing them in a pocket and at the same time occupy London. As the monocle dropped from his eye, his eyebrows raised, he exclaimed "I know nothing......nothing". And with a wink he departed.
  11. "ACHTUNG"! "yes...yes...heil Hitler, ..at ease gentlemen." Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel presides at the OKW meeting. "Well von Schneider, the Fuhrer wishes an update on the fiasco occurring on the English Island"? You told us that after the demise of the British Expeditionary Force in France that the UK would be relatively undefended?" "Sorry about that heer Commandant, but it seems the British Home Guard along with the Canadian contingent has presented us with several set backs." "I'd say with serious set backs, von Schneider, especially with the loss of the 14th Army. And now Il Duce is wanting us to join him in attacking Spain as Franco has snubbed our efforts at joining the alliance. That is not the end of it as Yugoslavia has made their choice to join the Allied cause. Have you prepared for these unfolding escapades, von Schneider?" "Not exactly sir, but I'm sure I will come up with some stop gap measures, my staff is preparing for action on all fronts and we will soon have a detailed report. Can the Fuhrer provide any "bail out" armed forces?" "The only "bail out" you can count on von Schneider is an empty pail you'll be provided when we set you adrift on the English Channel in a leaky rowboat without a paddle. You'd better come up with something quick! Dismissed"
  12. Disagree Mithel, the very nature of SC sequential combat mechanics dictate a combined arms approach. But I will agree with your R,P,S conclusion, simple, but effective gameplay, like chess, but a lot more under the hood. Just remember our AI crowd, any complication results in a more inefficient AI logic pattern. The AI thrives on KISS! It ain't all about you.
  13. Damn it Scott, you'd just as soon as me give everything away! Ouch! OK .. ok... stop twisting my arm,,, I'll fess up. USSR is at 18%. Funny thing about their readiness, back in October 40, the 25th to be specific they were at 25%, then all of a sudden next turn they went to 18, not sure why...Nupremal? The Amis are at 34% and the Japs....well...I already told you they have decided on a strategy, and its not the normal stuff.
  14. An epic struggle has unfolded in the British countryside as the Canadians come to the aid of their motherland in the waning days of 1940. A tough bunch of Canadians has so far succeeded to restrict the growth of the German bridgehead in southeastern England while a huge naval and air battle is waged in and over the English Channel. Early December saw the first RN interceptions of the ongoing transfer of resources from the continent to the Bristish Isles as the Dido cruiser squadron leads a suicidal sorti against the port of Antwerp. First reports indicate transports loading flak units for Bock's Army Group "B" were severely damaged in the escapade which cost the RN unit most of its combat vessels. Bock's group, which has been under constant air and naval bombardment on the UK mainland, is sorely in need of air cover and anti-air forces as the right flank, held by the German 14th Army, has been badly attrited because of the Luftwaffe's inability to cover their operations. In another RN gambit the HMS Hood, supported by Destroyer Flotilla 1 and a cruiser group headed by the HMS Norfolk ran a clearing operation in the Channel and stumbled into 2 Wolpacks of German Uboats. Sketchy eyewitnesses observed the HMS Hood was down by the stern and listing badly as the Air groups of Italy and Hungary sought to help their Axis brethren which were under tremendous pressure by British destroyers. Elsewhere rumors of an Italian Army group and yet another Nazi Army led by none other than that vaunted conqueror of France, Field Marshall von Rundstedt, are conducting joint wargames near the Pyrenee Mountains on Spain's northern border with Nazi occupied France. The German Foreign Ministry says there is nothing to be alarmed about as Spain's sovereignty is so far guaranteed by the Axis Tripartite.
  15. You see what I mean, no outer islands, this is the MO for SC PTO, it would be stupid for any Allied player to commit piecemeal early in the campaign. So what do you get? The same game everytime against a human opponent. Ohh sure there is some variation in China, perhaps Burma and India, but the big game is the Americans come at the Japanese with everything they got, all teched and built. Now we all know, the Japanese didn't have a chance, I get it, but there is just no strategic and operational variation, it becomes a race against the timeline. Now that's really alright because we know what the real crux of this edition is about the naval model. This SC edition is about getting these naval mechanics down as an accurate simulation of what historically occurred and its fun testing and tweaking, but let's get it right. For tomorrow.....its the World!
  16. I think its more of a loss of cohesion, organization, and command structure what with the length of the redeployment I'm sure a lot of the equipment is misplaced, lost or diverted to other destinations. So you take a readiness hit. Now, imagine it was you that just lost out on some of the few things in wartime that provide a bit of security and comfort. Perhaps you may be a bit frustrated with the system, devoid of the necessities and facing the unknown. Maybe some apprehension? The human chaos factor = morale degredation.:confused:
  17. Thanks Scott, I'm going to need it, Bock's Army Group B just landed on the southeastern coast of England near Great Yarmouth in late October.:eek: Sealion is on!
  18. Back from Holiday, ohhh, while I'm at it, I've got to tell you guys about the Pacific WW2 Museum in Fredricksburg Texas. This place is awesome, weapons, uniforms and of course commentary, it sits astride the Nimitz Museum also. As far as i know this is the only one in the World. They have a B-25 Mitchell mockup from the Shangri-La strike, one of the only surviving PT boats, LCIs, an M3 Stuart...all these are working models. While I was there, they just happen to stage a simulated amphibious landing all with the original weapons firng blanks. Haa! They even passed out earplugs to everyone. You should have seen the bunker assault with 50 cal machine guns, flame thrower, and satchel charge, I'm talking fully automatic weapons here and Wow! A fricken flame thrower! If you ever get a chance you've got to see this. Seven bucks for the Museum and $5 for the live fire simulation, what a deal. Now back to the game. The French finally surrendered on the fall of Paris(late August 40), but happycat took out a corps that was on point and then I was presented with the decision to allow Vichy. Screw Vichy! No Vichy here! I kind of knew there would be Free French creations all over the Med and in their colonies. Then later I was asked, at the consequence of USA activation percentage escalation, if the Japanese wanted to occupy French IndoChina, well, you know, I need those resources. Now in September 40, it is decision time, Sealion, or not? I always prepare for Sealion from the beginning with the intention of invading and then I get squeamish, it's such as defining moment and so early, I'm hesitant although my forces are ready. Then I get notification of British homeland defense forces forming....to go ...or not to go? To the south lies Spain..I have plans for Spain. The Italians are headed that way with a little bump in IW, Germans too! All the Panzer Groups are in the build Q and i'm maxing investments in HT. The Axis have decided on a very powerful land force.
  19. On the contrary nomoreBS, I think it behooves a commander, the SC player, to be intelligent enough to notice which of his units are exposed to an overpowering assault. Now if you can recognize the potential, then of course the game mechanics allow you to design a remedy. Of course if you fail to observe the obvious then "voila", your unit(s) pay the consequences. Now that they have been relegated to combat ineffectiveness by their commander's oversight is it so unusual that the core cadre has a chance to reform, re-equip and retrain its ranks, back in its homeland? Seems....perhaps...maybe...your point..is just a matter of perspective.
  20. Arado, i think the Americans were incensed with retribution after the deceitful way it was prosecuted. Remember the USA was a child(ideology of fairness) in contrast to other nations as far as the global scene, wasn't PH seen as justification for a couple of Atom Bombs? Revenge and Karma aren't always equitable. There are plenty of ways for the Axis to have a chance for a limited victory after 1941. Say a delayed attack on USSR and more provisions for North Africa with Rommel continuing on into the Mideast. More pressure on Franco, a threatened invasion and Gibraltar succumbs which effectively closes the Med. to the Allies. How about no DoW on USA after PH by Germany? Now perhaps Japan doesn't do PH and moves more forcibly into the Indian Ocean threatening India, Burma. Imagine, by 43, Rommel in Iran/Iraq on USSR southern border, Japanese in India back dooring China, Fins in the north pressure Leningrad and Uncle Joe about to feel the full wrath of the Wehrmacht. USA still pursuing isolationism. Is it such an outlandish turn of events?
  21. I don't know Nupremal, I kind of like as it was. I believe the Battle of France is a challenge for the Germans and Italians even though I may leave a lot to be desired as the commander for this initiation. With hindsight and a willingness to take casualties I'm sure another Axis player may find it just about right. How about it Happycat, leave it alone or?
  22. Seems to be scott, although I can't really make out the unit designations I would say there is definitely a British fighter group and the Expeditionary Army located just behind Lille. More than likely they are HQ supported from the AEF supply base I just can't see it. Presently, July 5, 1940, I have called all my commanders in, Leeb, Bock, and Rundstedt and tentatively have activated Eric von Manstein for commitment to the fight. There has been little progress with 30th Corps on the point just sticking its nose out from the Ardennes Forest and crossing the Meuse. A very exposed position, that nose might get cut off. The 2nd Fallschirmjagers in coordination with 2nd and 3rd Panzer Groups have forced their way through the Maginot Line in a brilliant tactical maneuver and the 1st Panzers captured Metz. Almost as soon as Metz fell 1st Panzer got its nose bloodied by the French 9th Army dug into the mining operations just south of the city. This French 9th Army is a very tough organization so Rundstedt directed further frontal attacks suspended and a flanking movement was ordered, during which the 21st and 15th French Corps were brushed aside. In the countryside between Brussels and Lille the French 19th Corps and the DCR Armored group began a furious counterattack on the German 10th Army almost routing it with high losses. Although 2nd and 3rd Panzer were being shuffled south for the Maginot assault, emergency elements had to be dettached to deal with the French attack causing an additional delay in operations. The poor Italians are completely held up in the Alps by the French 14th Corps occupying Lyons, although Ariete armor has subdued Marseilles and was able to sink a few warships in the harbor, one identified as the heavy cruiser Foch. The Pacific finds the IJN still showing the colors throughout the island archipelagos in a symbol of peace and prosperity to all.
  23. Perhaps arado, but do not forget, the attack on PH was not supposed to be a sneaky one, the declaration of war should have already been given to Secretary Hull before it commenced. If Japan had approached the Pacific beginning in a more acceptable/traditional diplomatic initiation, then maybe, somewhere along the line they could have gotten the Allies to accept a conditional armistice. I know, its a "what if", but they would have had prisoners and territory to exchange and coupled with a recent history of civility, maybe...just maybe.
  24. For those of you that haven't tried Nupremal's campaign, I have to say I believe the Fall Gelb setup is very interesting for both opponents. Maybe though, just maybe, I should have practiced my Fall Gelb techniques as I am surely out of my element, what with the Pacific theater focus. Nupremal has abundant units at the Allied disposal, some are at tech levels greater than the Germans have and they have some training. I must say the Allied airforces are more than formidable and have effectively neutralized the Luftwaffe. Its been a tough go, and Happycat has thrust out with effective counterattacks, lots of fun here. The Italians are in, but again the terrain of the Alps make for difficult going. I hope this situation doesn't degrade into a WW1 condition. I like this part of Nupremal's campaign, its not a walk over like most of the French 1940 scenarios, the Allies can generate a very effective defense and the summer is waning.
  25. In a global sense this might be a good event for a victory condition, in conjunction with others and of course under time constraints, to consider. The possibilities and the strategic impact would need proper modeling in which the historical potentials are applied.
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