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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Update to April 1945, Japan vs Allied AI. Pretty much finished the withdrawal of Burma and am now holding the line from Hanoi to Kunming with General Hata coordinating the Kunming road defense and Yamachita organizing the Hanoi area. The Marianas, Mindanao, and Sarawak have all been lost along with the abandonment of Singapore and Borneo. I opped moved General Terauchi to the Korean peninsula to organize the naval air forces around Pusan to defend the inner sea areas. The Gulf of Chihli is now the home of the IJN with my CVs working out to the perimeter ports all along the East China Sea but only targeting USN CV groups and amphibs within range. After their raids I usually bring them back to the inner port area to be reinforced but I just lost my first carrier task force headed up by the Soryu with the Shinano Task group severely crippled. Needless to say USN forces are everywhere but the inner seas. All Red Army threats have been diminished with no units shown marching down the Lanchow road and everything that attacks my fortress lines in Manchuoku being immediately dispatched. I'm making about 382 MPPs per turn but still have not been able to build any type of reserve capital as Allied attacks are occurring all along the outside of the Japanese Empire. Iwo still holds but with the USN CVs incessant attacks there and on the home islands, its just a matter of time, so I'm holding my breath until 1946 with a Summer of Terror to endure.
  2. Just cheapen those AA and fighter units in the build Q. Reinforcing those TAC bombers will keep their experience levels down as well as cost a pretty MPP. There are many ways in the editor to even things out and I know we can depend on you, Nupremal, master modder, to get it right.
  3. Yepper, HQs are definitely "where its at". Get a couple extra and identify your choke points, ie strategic locations and deploy them there. Now you have an ever ready base of operations to snuff out enemy incursions. Helps to develop your infrastructure a level or two so that those op moves into those zones don't cost too much as it usually is the aircraft units you want in there first. After the threat has been disposed of, you'll get the same savings when moving them back to your continuing planned operations.
  4. I have to admit, in the larger map formats, garrisons are a good idea, like the way Nupremal uses them. I also agree with Hubert as with a smaller scope the unit density is important. One thing I found out when playing larger campaigns is that when you have a bunch of units on the map, pushing them around detracts from the enjoyment and become laborious after awhile. Better to leave the large unit deployments to the shorter turn scenarios.
  5. Ditto that DD. They have the SC2 scenario and mod forum. Maybe that would be a good place to have the editor's fundamental operations stickied. Hopefully HC and the Betas could categorize things and everyone would have a chance to post their innovations, shortcuts, and ideas of how to optimize usage. Call it the "SC Editor Catalogue".
  6. OK...I hear you. Just play the AI on the lowest setting. Ohhh....and about those immigrants....their a resilient bunch, they'll just find another sanctuary, so keep those carrier task groups strong cause its going to be a long war.
  7. How I envy you Bo. I laid plans many years ago to retire at 55, as I have many interests to pursue and having a job that requires 24/7 attentativeness at times, precluded me from starting many of those more complicated projects. Once I got to economic security I thought "that would be it". Was I ever mistaken, not only do I like my job.....which has now lost that definition, but running my portfolios and helping other people with my seemingly "God given skills":rolleyes: allows me very little time for self indulgence. How I would love to be a beta tester for SC or play the other wargames I like, but unfortunately the time is not there, and I've come to a rather sordid conclusion that the human lifespan is not going to be enough to accomplish the things I would like to. But like Jagger says, "you can't always get what you want.....but you just might find, you get what you need".
  8. Bo.... you are really getting to be one of my favorite characters.....I mean how can you not have amicable thoughts for anyone that refers to myself as "young". Hey JJ, you better get in here and get some of this......we found someone older than us. As far as Japan, using the PT platform, read my comments in the PT thread about the 1.03 AI. That strategy does pretty well against a human opponent also. Whether you will see that success in GC remains to be determined, but overall, a fast expansion followed by a coordinated pullback at the right times does the job.
  9. Being "King" is good........slaps a nice lassie on the arse as she passes by!:cool:
  10. I always like LR for any side I'm playing......kind of melts away the fog. We'll have to take a look at the new CTV tables to really nail down Japan's focus, but I agree that NW will be a high priority.
  11. Ohhh and DD, yes indeed do I ever recall the G-days..:cool:...where the P word was omni-present.:eek: But that heightened awareness had not quite materialized yet or I wouldn't have been so susceptible to the P feeling.
  12. Just goes to show "you can lead a 'papa' to water, but you can't make him drink".
  13. Bo....want to turn back the clock a bit? You have to challenge your mental faculties just like your physical ones. You must read, contemplate, imagine, deduce and hypothesize....among others, to keep that brain of yours sharp.......well at least capable of cutting butter like mine. Constant mental exercise with games like SC will help. Let's face it, games like PG were good, but time doesn't standstill, now move along, nothing to see in PG, the future is SC.
  14. Perhaps when you move into an unoccupied enemy facility you suffer some combat strength loss similar to when amphibious units are landing on enemy held territory? How about that as a representation of a garrison, papa? Do you see a bit of contradiction in your thinking?
  15. And arado, don't be so sure that the British Isles will be a pushover. If the UK player invests heavily into the Island 's defense from the beginning and plays France as a delaying mechanism, the Allies could essentially create "The Rock of Britain". By inserting a number of these peripheral fortresses on the eastern hemisphere and with the firepower mobility of the West's naval forces, the East will constantly have to be aware of impending aggression from many points on the compass.:cool: I mean if the West properly cloaks their intentions, whos to say if the threat is real or imagined, the main effort or a diversion?:confused:
  16. Ha! Good one JJ. Hubert...you didn't? Come on...you did? :confused:Did you really get the communication net layer in? I can't believe it! I'm dumbfounded.......speechless... Just today I was wondering....what....what did Hubert hold back as a surprise for Global, but I didn't think about this long lost suggestion. I'm listening to what JJ reminds us of. Hubert's MO of never say anything, he has gotten so talkative lately.......maybe its not Hubert.....its really Bill...or perhaps....where is Blashy? Hubert is really Blashy.:eek: There's a fishy smell here!
  17. I sure hope you're right about that AAA upgrade for corps units(IW, AT, Mobility presently).......but somehow I'm not optimistic. Probably this is only for similar type units, army vs army, corps vs corps, tanks vs tanks, fighters vs fighters, etc.
  18. The way I invision playing Japan is multiply your starting MPPs per turn by the number of turns you expect to only be at war with China. Modify this total by the other resources you plan on occupying before being at war with another major, the major, USA. Now you have an approximate pool of MPPs you can use for investing, procurements, diplomacy, reinforcements, etc.:cool: Make your plan and allocate your present and future MPPs appropriately for resolution of your timetables and Hope....yeah that's a big HOPE.. that the enemy doesn't upset your "best laid plans" until you're able to cope with his counters. Easy....?? Right!
  19. There you go DD speaking hypothetically and taking me out of context, perhaps a bit too paranoia-ism from your perspective.....but I digress...as ...usual, you do have a point and I can see the logic. Its the balance that SC presents, some abstract, some detail, some simulation. As a great philosopher once told me..."all things in moderation my dear grasshopper". Again papa, there is no such thing as an unopposed landing in SC. Perhaps the opposition is not so great to be represented by an SC combat unit, that is your choice, but the game allows for a certain inherent force in the representation of a garrison. If you own the territory, it is assumed you have projected some defense into the area even if there is not a physical unit being displayed. Sure...it could be improved upon, in different ways by many opinions, I'm sure. Present yours, supported by logic and perhaps Hubert will incorporate your suggestions. He seems like a receptive guy.
  20. No need for "very hard"....you're really "not that bad", at least in the eyes of this geiser.......I mean think about it, we've put up with the likes of Rambo and Kuni all these years.:eek:
  21. Excellent JJ, I hadn't used that line of reasoning, exactly, the Mongolian/Manchurian scenario should unfold as you have suggested, as you've stated with the American support. I'm going to try it! And those victory conditions??? Yeah...I'm hip...a tough resolution...but I'm sure they've been set by now...Bill....Hubert????:confused: Anyway, after we try a few games I'll bet these forum heads will come up with a number of tweaks.
  22. Let's see Bo.......hmmm...as I remember it, you need to go to the Battlefront Repository and find the SC PT mods. I believe Nupremal's mod is on the second page. Now you'll probably have to log in to get the DL, no big deal....endeavor to persevere....and "Ye shall be rewarded". Its really not that difficult for us older folks, just hang in there and don't give up. If at first you don't succeed....try ...try...again! Isn't that what the old guys used to tell us when we were younger chaps?
  23. papa, you're a little too analytically specific for the grand strategic scale. Open your mind and ponder abstractly, units this size are almost never completely destroyed but are rendered "combat ineffective", hence no value for continuing operation until they have been reconstituted. Learn the Game and you will be rewarded, of course unless you persist with "tunnel vision".
  24. Amen to SC Civ! arado, you are exactly right, two ginormous armed camps with neither able to make inroads upon the others core holdings, so all the fighting will be on the perimeters. Think of the geographical locations that allow either one side or the other the ability to isolate the battlefield and gain that bridgehead into the opponents domain. Who doesn't recall the game of "RISK". Remember how easy it was to start out with your first continent for those bonus armies? Where were those locations? Maybe Australia? Perhaps.....S.America? Easy defense, minimal avenues of approach, with inside logistical security, those are the keys for SC Global as well. Think about where the greatest bonus was with the most defensive liabilities......hint....it wasn't the West.
  25. Bo, you need to work on your presentation....a bit. I've followed your postings from TOW to MWIF and it seems, being a senior myself...or close anyway(I'm not giving in) that you suffer, as I do, from a world of misunderstood incompetence....whatever that means??? Know... though, you are not alone, just remember you are a product of incessant BS, don't give up, somewhere in you dwells some tact, dig down and pull it out:eek:, think before you post, no one here means to create you any anguish, we all want a better game. That said, I'm with you, we need at least another perspective of observation for SC. Call it "zoom" if you will, but we require a slight bit of a pull back for orientation into the strategic and operational realm, especially when a mod explores the limits of the SC editor's movement and strike parameters. I don't want to scroll where my origin and target of a move/strike are not within the limits of single screen and excludes either one or the other, not to mention the alternative possibilities. So one senior....with another semi-senior(me).....Hubert....give us a feature that dispells any perceived "senior moments".
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