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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Oh yeah, I haven't ever got the chance to whine on this forum so here goes. When you guys released the patch, it messed up all my mods, now I have to redo them Boohoo (lol)don't know how good that was but I gave it my best shot lol
  2. I was using them earlier, and they look fine on my machine, no pinkys.
  3. I just want to thank you guys for the great job (really ain't worth 2 cents comming from me, but had to say something)on the patch, the new Pz models look good (specially the csaba)thanks for not rushin on it.I guess I will mod a winter csaba again, thnaks again.
  4. it might be a while for the download, I keep getting a unable to link explorer message looks like a lot of downloading going on.
  5. Foxbat, great site, thanks for the link
  6. jKMKIII, good suggestion on the snow, I will try that idea,thanks,and you know how the germans were, there synbol was the best!! lol just kidding. Well if you read the other posts on this thread, you see that the Toldi and Csaba Pz are going to re-done when the patch comes out,so then I will re-mod them, and hopefully folks will like them.
  7. Great game, and I would'nt worry so much about how fast the patch is being done,at least it will fix a lot of the minor bugs. Heck G.I. crapbat needed a patch waaay before it came out LOL (what a stinky game). And battlefront is putting out a patch rather quickly compared to some of the other game manufacturers,who have major bugs and they take a year to come out with a patch. I'm not kissing butt (hell I don't need to) I'm just stating the facts. heck there are some bugs in the game, but they really don't effect game play that much (at least not to me).I'm getting good practice modding vehicles that will be redone in the patch, so take your time and make it a good patch instead of rushing and missing things guys, then all the whinning will start again LOL.
  8. And you are very correct Ellros, but until the patch comes out, I figured I would make a winter mod. Also the Toldi will be re-done, when the patch comes out. And when it does come out I'll redo it, good practice anyway on modding anyway, you know until the patch comes out
  9. AndrewTF is the one that does some kick ass uniform mods and I think he is modding some for the Pz crews.
  10. Hungarians were allied with the germans, they shared vehicles and weapons.A lot of axis countries did this as well as allied. For instance, the brits used our shermans, thompson machineguns, and the germs used the Italian Berretta machine gun, these are just a few examples, there are tons more. And to Major jerkov,yes some folks like the clean look on winter mods, and some the dirty, if you noticed, I will do some mods and label them as "dirty", some I label as "amoed", and "dirty camoed", a lot of times I mod the vehicles for my own use, you know I'll be in a battle and see a vehicle that looks out of place, so I go and mod one. I then figure, Hey, someone else might need this, so I post it.I've only been modding for about a month, and I noticed that there are people out there who have differnt tastes about how they like there mods, I always ask for feed back from folks so I can get differnt views, and it helps a lot. I was thinking about going back and dirty up some of the winter mods for folks who like the "dirty look". The dirty tanks kind of look out of place in the clean snow, but I noticed that there is a muddy snoe mod out there that I'm going to install and see how it looks with the dirty tanks.
  11. Looks good, I'm glad you modded them, I was playing a winter battle and needed a wespe winterized(let's me play more and mod less LOL)
  12. I was playing Danhue Blues scenario and noticed that the csaba looked out of place so I modded one for winter, tell me what you think,(what can be improved etc..) http://cm.cozog.com/
  13. ok here's a link to the mod database. http://cm.cozog.com/
  14. I think that the "rough texture" tiles will interchange between CMBO and CMBB, as a matter of fact I'm sure they will. Go to here there are some rough terrain mods that people did for CMBO that I think you will like that you can use for CMBB http://www.combatmission.com/
  15. Well, I started this thread because there is'nt really any where else that people new to modding can go and get tips, or answers to some modding questions. So far I think it has helped out a great deal. I know there is the mod and modders page, but I have learned quite a bit just asking around on the forum, and people have really helped out,that's why this game is as great as it is (in my opinion) because of the game being the best and the people who come here to this forum, and contribute to the game. I mean even the battlefront people show up and help you out!!, can't beat that!!
  16. There is a mod at the data base, I think it's called "ED's_CMBB trees", This mod makes the the trees bases a little higher, so you can see troops better, I'm using it and it looks real good.
  17. Voidhawk, thanks for the bitmap link,that does help a great deal. I just hope others that want to start modding read this thread, it's given me some good tips
  18. Oh yeah, and don't get all up in arms,just to clarify, I'm not selling them either, they can buy there own from battlefront, I did.
  19. I have already made a back up, and no,battlefront, I'm not giving them away. The way I see it is I paid for it they can too.
  20. Well, The infantry in CMBB are fine to me, beats using a cardboard tile with a pic on it, and beats the heck outa stick men
  21. Yeah, I posted something like this before, well forget it, it won't happen is what I was told
  22. Can we still get advice from you?? If not I understand. I'm new at modding, and just the few I have done, well I can understand some one getting to the point that they want to retire from modding,especially after 3 years of it. Thanks for the help and advice you have given, and good luck.
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