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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Don't worry Rob, I don't think anyone will bite your head off. I have had the same problem. I think Noobie is aware of it to. I think the main prob is no one can uplaod any mods to the data base because it's being upgrade right now, so the correction haven't been put there. If I were you though I would make a new post and ask for MrNoobie to respond to you , just in case he doesn't know or might have gotten tied up in something else. (modding is some busy stff) especially with the patch comming out redently
  2. The Turan II early and late both use the same bmps except for the mess skirts which the late model uses. I have made a mod to add on to the my winter Turan II mod. But until the mod database is upgraded, can't post it. As soon as I can I will. I have sent some out via e-mail to the folks who e-mailed me after the patch came out.
  3. It really doesn't matter much to me though, it's just eye candy and not that big a deal.
  4. Yes it is a fictional called B&T Clash of the Titans II, I had a great time with it, a lot of fun, you can get it here if you like armor this is a good one http://www.militarygameronline.com/boots_tracks/
  5. Well, I understand, I'm going deer hunting myself this weekend,(well sorry folks my world isn't built on CMBB)LOL
  6. Lol MikeyD, that's the second good laugh I have had reading this forum today. Heck it's still a great game(still beats the **** outta GI crapbat)
  7. Yeah I reinstalled the game and patch so drop a quarter in my tin cup bruno, I got the prob to now, and it's going to be fun hackin the coded issue. {what a challenge)
  8. Well, I reinstalled the whole game and then the patch, and guess what, crap mine is white to so I guess I'm not left out after all< I feel better now
  9. Get to work we got mods to upload, LOL. And one more thing, delete that old Csaba Pz I modded before the patch came out please.(oops sorry your site is free)lol
  10. Poor fellow, here ya go laddy... {clink} (drops a quarter in the tin cup, Gee Bruno I don't have that problem LOL(remeber saying that Sean Butler?? that was a good one
  11. "Poor fellow, here ya go laddy... {clink} (drops a quarter in the tin cup)" bruno that was a good one, LOL, haven't laughed like this in a while thanks
  12. One question, I feel left out, how come I'm not getting the same prob as others,strange, did I just get lucky??, I've have my res set at 800by600.
  13. Well I try to rate all the scenarios I get from the depot, And I rated one called ASL Hube's Pocket" and yes, it said "best played 2 player" and it also said play second as "axis vs. AI" I did the second, and I rated it according to what I thought, if it hurt some ones feelings, well then don't put it at the depot because it will get rated because there is a rating system, and be it that the rating system sucks to some or doesn't to others, I do it out of respect of getting to go to the Depot to get "FREE" battles and Ops,if people don't want a rating done on thier scenario being played as human Vs, AI, I suggest that they not put it in the briefing. I try to rate honestly, and not try to kiss butt being that I don't need to (I don't need a job,not by any means}I'm set just fine. So I guess nuff said.
  14. Oh yeah, the smoke I'm talking about is'nt from the barrel, it's smoke that comes from fire and smoke screen, I use to not like to not being able to see anything through the smoke screen so I got flesh's mod to make it easier(and thinner)so I could see better
  15. I know krazudog is a expert and all, but there is a mod by a fella name "flesh" that has a option between 2 differnt kind of smoke, ah yes here it is, it was made orig. for CMBO, but will interchange, and all you do is pick which kind of smoke you want, and change bmp number, by taking away a Bor C from front of bmp number, the name is,Flesh_faint_Smoke_3.zip. got it from Tom's . Check it out it looks good on my machine I use the faint smoke (like you want)http://www.militarygameronline.com/TCMHQ/International.html
  16. Hey wait a minute, I'm using the 38 series drivers, and don't have the problem and running 3 difernt machines 3 differnt graphics cards, but all nividia, is everyone else using the 40 series on there nividia cards??
  17. If you want a crap load of russian tanks ramming down you throat play this battle. I played the axis,and by turn 15, there were so many rusky tanks comming at me my germs just all ran in panic. I got 5 PzIIIGs as reinforcements, and the comrads took em out with some huge explosions. My 2 ATs did some damage, but like my germ boys said, to many!!, man what a ass kickin
  18. did it before the upgrade, noobie, the only prob I have now is the old csaba is still there and I can't delete it yet.
  19. well I don't have this problem and I ran the graphics in winter and summer. I also run it on a machine running 98se, TNT2 graphics, I machine running XP home, geforce 2 mx 400 and run it on a machine with xp home and a geforce 4, no probs on any of them, that is wierd.
  20. Whenever the Data base is back up, there is a Csaba V.2 (patch release fixed the vehicle bmp)I redone it for the winter, looks pretty good, let me know what you think
  21. I was wondering if you could delete the Csaba mod I did, due to the patch comming out. I'm doing a new csaba winter mod. Thanks
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